View Full Version : Build thread: Freebie TFC, Donor TFC / TFC HC / TnFC

4th February 2016, 09:02
All the build work is done for now. This thread is obsolete.

This thread is here to help us coordinate the various building tasks we need to complete for our new servers (http://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?1856-New-server-plans). There are 3 servers that need quite a bit of work, and one that's fairly simple in terms of building projects. I have asked Rainnmannx to take charge of the building on the Freebie TFC server. Once that server is done we'll move on to Premium Regular and Premium TnFC.

Freebie TFC





Import player data from current TFC regular server
linux stuff

Build dock around the Ark


Import Ark from current TFC regular server

Setup food enertrons (food dispensers)
Jiro / RX


Build roads
server wide

Setup NPCs
RX / Jiro

Build new spawn maze with easier to follow explanation of rules

Clean up spawn area + terraforming (also MCEdit broken chunks west of spawn)
RX / J

Transfer spawn building from current TFC regular

Configure server plugins
linux stuff

Setup database
linux stuff

Setup dynmap and apache proxy
linux stuff

Setup server instance
linux stuff

Road plan:

Donor TFC





Import player data form current TFC regular server
linux stuff

Build dock around the Ark


Import Ark from current TFC regular server

Setup food enertrons (food dispensers)
Jiro / RX


Build roads
server wide


Setup NPCs


Build new spawn maze with easier to follow explanation of rules (copy from Freebie TFC)


Clean up spawn area + terraforming


Transfer spawn building from current TFC regular

Configure server plugins
linux stuff

Setup database
linux stuff

Setup dynmap and apache proxy
linux stuff

Setup server instance
linux stuff

Road plan:

Donor TFC HardCore





Import player data from current TFC HardCore server
linux stuff

Build dock around the Ark

Import Ark from current TFC HardCore sever

Setup NPCs


Build new spawn maze with easier to follow explanation of rules (copy from Freebie TFC)


Clean up spawn area + terraforming


Transfer spawn building from current TFC regular

Configure server plugins
linux stuff

Setup database
linux stuff

Setup dynmap and apache proxy
linux stuff

Setup server instance
linux stuff

Donor TnFC





Create mod pack code(?) for easy installation with correct mods from ATLauncher

Update mod pack to current version
linux stuff

Build roads ? Maybe not?
server wide


Setup NPCs


Build new spawn maze with easier to follow explanation of fules (copy from Freebie TFC)


Clean up spawn area


Clean up spawn area + terraforming


Transfer spawn building from current TFC regular

Add extra mod stuff to Towny and Lockette list for protection
linux stuff


Configure server plugins
linux stuff

Setup database
linux stuff

Setup dynmap and apache proxy
linux stuff

Setup server instance
linux stuff

Jail server





Setup "games"
server wide

Build prison
server wide

Setup NPCs

Configure server plugins
linux stuff

Setup database
linux stuff

Setup server instance
linux stuff

Lobby Server





Setup new portals to new servers
server wide
InsaneJ / Jiro

Setup NPCs so they talk about new servers
server wide

Configure server plugins
linux stuff

Setup database
linux stuff

Setup server instance
linux stuff

Bungeecord Server





Open all but TnFC server to the general public (whitelists are still in affect) TnFC must be joined via it's own port outside of Bungeecord. It's only here so people can view online players in TAB.
linux stuff

Change TAB list from current to new servers
server wide

Configure server plugins
linux stuff

Setup server instance
linux stuff

ARK: survival evolved Server





Configure scheduled off-site backups (like MC instances)
linux stuff
Sverf / Jiro

Play test
server wide

Configure server plugins
linux stuff

Setup server instance
linux stuff

Things can be added and changed in this table. Staff members please feel free to make changes as you see fit and add people to various tasks. When you make a change please also add a post telling what you changed. That way everyone can more easily keep track of our progress :)


Freebie TFC (http://freebietfc.happydiggers.net/)
Donor TFC Regular (http://donortfc.happydiggers.net/)
Donor TFC Hardcore (http://donortfchc.happydiggers.net/)
Donor TechnodeFirmaCraft (http://donortnfc.happydiggers.net/)

These Dynmap may be down or incomplete during the building process.

TFC Freebie Server Road Status (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TKM7rln8t5uIUK6u8HiM_NRwiGI0LFTQ1W0IZXE3jgI/edit?usp=sharing)

4th February 2016, 09:32
Added the other servers. Added and changed a few tasks. Let's call this the first version of the task list now ;)

I haven't added any of the other volunteers to the task list yet. So if you don't see your name up there, it's not because I forgot. It's because RX needs to get a hold of you and tell you where we need you, give instructions, etc. :)

4th February 2016, 11:31
Do we want to have a sub-thread devoted to Ark in the Current Server List (http://happydiggers.net/forumdisplay.php?8-Current-Server-List) section? If so, there's a task to add to the to do list for Ark.

When we do end up releasing the Ark server, I'll be putting together a list of the server configs and mod information to post so people know what's on the server which is pretty standard for Ark servers. The playarkservers (https://www.reddit.com/r/playarkservers) sub-reddit is where a lot of Ark server information is shown and advertised about various servers. I'll be making a post there and following up with that, though ideally people that join the server will be ending up here on HappyDiggers for more information or curiosity.

4th February 2016, 11:41
Good point, I've added a sub forum for it and changed forum order so TFC is now at the top. Might save some people some scrolling :)

Feel free to start a global information thread there whenever you are ready.

4th February 2016, 12:59
I'\ve terraformed the area surrounding Freebie TFC's spawn. The area to the north is as yet untouched. This is because that's where the Ark will be placed once we're ready to move. There's no need to do any terraforming or building there yet.

I've also removed the south road as it was going west. The roads that exit from spawn should each head in another direction. Once futher away from spawn they can swirl a bit. But close to spawn: west, south, east.

RX made this drawing for where we'd like the first roads to be:

I've added the migration tasks to the task lists as well.

4th February 2016, 13:09
No RX's drawing with roads is visible in the post :(

4th February 2016, 13:19
How about now?

4th February 2016, 13:24
Visible now. 5-leaves sakura-like, awesome.

4th February 2016, 14:52
Finished the first part of the south road for Freebie TFC. The road can now move on in a south-east direction.

4th February 2016, 16:08
1. Do we follow same road building rules (http://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?1629-TFC-server-b79-builders-discussion-%28server-is-now-open!%29) as for the "previous" server?
2. Could you please put links to dynmaps to the originating post? Here they are:

Freebie TFC (http://freebietfc.happydiggers.net/)
Premium TFC Regular (http://premiumtfc.happydiggers.net/)
Premium TFC Hardcore (http://premiumtfchc.happydiggers.net/)
Premium TechnodeFirmaCraft (http://tnfc.happydiggers.net/)

3. I visited the freebie one and I see that the south road is made from vanilla materials. Looks cool. Is it ok to use them so lot?
4. What about creative permissions for building and WE? I see that B+ room still exists, can you add a button there and a lockette sign to let enter and switch to creative or however it was on the "previous" server?
5. Profit!

4th February 2016, 17:27
We're going with vanilla block roads for the Freebie server. There are two reasons for this:
1. it'll go a lot faster than using TFC blocks and chisel.
2. it will make it super easy to see if anyone has griefed the roads. All we have to do is check to see if someone broke a vanilla block and it's of to Jail with them. Or ban. Not sure which yet :B

I've started with a strip of road heading south from spawn. It looks a little like this:

Stone brick sides with 3 cobblestone slabs in the middle.

Apart from the materials, the road guidelines from before apply. So making turns, following the landscape, don't have too many long stretches (except for right out of spawn), etc.

4th February 2016, 20:58
Sign me up if you need help with road building or stuff like it! :D

5th February 2016, 01:42
I also offer to pave thy roads

5th February 2016, 02:03
I can build roads as well if you like.

5th February 2016, 06:30
Changed map to newest one.

5th February 2016, 15:00
The Dynmap flat map for TFC Regular is almost done. To speed things up I have increased the number of parallel renderers to 8. After the flat map is done Dynmap will continue with the surface (isometric 3D) map.

Right now Dynmap performance seems to be excellent. A lot better than it was before the hard drives were replaced. Let's hope it stays that way after all the Dynmaps are done pregenerating and are up and running again :)

5th February 2016, 16:06
The gamemode command on the freebie server seems to not work for staff - i.e. Marius was unable to switch me to creative. I guess same for Commie. Not only it is very slow to make roads in survival, it also is dangerous because of mobs.

It also would be awesome to have access to WE (idk if creative grants access by default), because brushes with masks allow to make roads a lot faster. Also to lay glowstonr right under existing roads without glowstone.

5th February 2016, 16:18
Glowstone under slabs does not light up the roads. This does work for the TFC blocks with chisel because those are then turned into tile entities which light can shine through.

So in short: we're not laying down roads with surface lighting. Instead we'll add lamp posts. We're working on designs.

As for creative mode. Moderators should already have the permissios required to set other player's gamemode with the essentials.gamemode.all: true permission. I've added the essentials.gamemode.others: true now as well. Hopefully, after an admin (or RX) reloads the permissions (/permissions reload), the moderators will be able to set other player's gamemode as well.

As for WorldEdit use. Only a select few will get access to this. Heptagon should be among them. To do this someone (RX :p) should add those players to the builderplus group. (/permissions player setgroup PlayerName builderplus)

5th February 2016, 18:00
Got it J:)

5th February 2016, 20:24
I've just reloaded permissions. To add players to the builderplus group they have to be online at the same time as an admin or RX.

Heptagon is in the builderplus group now.

6th February 2016, 12:47
The night mode of Journey Map (both full-screen and minimap) is awesome for laying road initial traces with "//lrbuild glowstone air".

6th February 2016, 13:16
Guys, could you please give at least creative rights to Commiellama2? He is working in survival 2nd day :( Done thanks!

Also - how to give things to people from creative inv? I tried to give him slabs - they are like ghost items :(

6th February 2016, 16:26
Btw, I have just found out: there is no much need to remove dirt between road borders on plain parts of road, a person with WE access can replace dirt with slabs very easy and quick using brush. Only slopes/stairs are for manual. So you can leave it and write here.

6th February 2016, 21:56
Updated the table with new status on roads.

You can also see the road status update here: CLICK (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TKM7rln8t5uIUK6u8HiM_NRwiGI0LFTQ1W0IZXE3jgI/edit?usp=sharing)

7th February 2016, 03:28
I could spend some time building roads. What I'm most interested in is the tnfc server, which I would like to contribute to it becoming readily playable asap.

7th February 2016, 09:59
I could spend some time building roads. What I'm most interested in is the tnfc server, which I would like to contribute to it becoming readily playable asap.

Looking at the progress on Freebie TFC I'd say things are moving along quite nicely. We got a quarter of the roads done in two days. That's awesome guys :) If we keep this up we'll be able to finish with building on the FreebieTFC the Premium TFC and Premium TnFC in about 2 to 3 weeks. I'd say that's really quick. The last time we took about 3 months just to finish 1 server.

Right now we have about a handful of active builders. I think it's best if we concentrate on one server at a time otherwise progress will feel really slow and people will get discouraged.

7th February 2016, 19:59
May I help build roads and such? I'm very good at following instructions. I spoke to LP and he recommended I post here because there is apparently some whitelisting that would have to happen first.

7th February 2016, 20:28
Right now we finished the road the goes EAST and the WEST road is almost done. We just need a bridge or 2 on the west road and that's it.

7th February 2016, 21:18
I've terraformed the Premium TFC server's spawn and changed it's color theme. Here are a few screenshots to wet your appetite.
2631 (http://happydiggers.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=2633&d=1454876295)

2632 (http://happydiggers.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=2632&d=1454876286)

2633 (http://happydiggers.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=2631&d=1454876275)

7th February 2016, 22:47
We've built a good part of the south road too. There is another 4-way bridge waiting for Heptagon at an X shaped ravine on the south route btw. ;)

8th February 2016, 06:47
Unfortunately I can't play much on workdays, so probably don't wait for me.

8th February 2016, 07:05
May I be added to the group with WE Privs? After working with Marius for a couple hours today I could probably expand roads much much faster than I have been during the insomniac hours when I'm on alone. After this morning with Marius laying roads block-by block seems rather inefficient >.>. I'm fairly familiar with it and used be rather adept.

Edit : Post restored after deleting, after being chastised for taking it down lol.

8th February 2016, 07:46
I understand that there are various solid reasons why WE access is not given to people right away, but I also ask staff to please consider adding TheForestHermit to b+, considering she is a VIP, not a regular player, and her solid investment to the roads already. And her experience with WE.

I would also support Commiellama's request, but idk his plans ;). Anyway can't do it until he requests ;)

Edit: hehe

8th February 2016, 09:12
Your call RX :)

8th February 2016, 12:33
Congrats to Hermit and Marius with finishing the south road! (yes, I am spying on Freebie because my irl work task is boring atm). :elmo: And cant chat with them because forgot to webregister :(

8th February 2016, 12:43
Updated road status. I've added the link on the initial post.

8th February 2016, 13:12
I don't have much time to continue on the N road today but I've set at least some waypoints to serve as a lead to where the road should go

Waypoint 1
Waypoint 2
Waypoint 3
Waypoint 4




I recommend using Journey Map minimap-mod for this as it's very useful and the UI pretty neat too. :)

PS: Waypoint 4 is the end of the road where will be built an outpost/village/town...

8th February 2016, 17:20
Those planned outposts/villages on the ends of the roads - what will be their functions?
Just decorations? Or mob protection areas?
Or providing food and water - i.e. bushes, fruit trees, maybe let trees grow branches outside of the protected area so people can cut them for saplings (saaw this on previous server)?
Or even NPCs who will trade? Or just tell advices? Maybe some library then?

This will help to design them.

Also - any tiny outposts allowed along the roads? If yes - how many blocks apart? Contents? (water, bushes, trees?)

8th February 2016, 21:28
Waypoint 1 is done. 3 more to go.

9th February 2016, 05:50
Updated map, red is whats been laid, north has glowstone laid and is being done as this post.

They all need walked and tidied up. Retaining walls, bridges, lights for tunnels, fences, grading, etc

9th February 2016, 09:30
DOM, would you mind looking at the Lockette and Towny configs for TnFC? Specifically the use and switch ids in Towny which uses ore dictionary names and the lockable blocklist from Lockette which uses itemIDs. Newer versions of Lockette which also use the ore dictionary didn't work for us in the past.

9th February 2016, 11:56
North Road has been laid and mostly cleaned up. Needs some lights and beautification but the grunt work is done. Gonna go fall on my face now.
WE is making things go about a 1000% faster. thank you again RX.

9th February 2016, 12:47
As soon as I get home I'll start on config options/updating/making a pack code.

9th February 2016, 18:56
For those who want to help and that are not whitelisted.
I will do a temp white list while I'm on so you can help with the roads. When I log off the white list will end. If you are ok with this feel free to contact me :)
Latyper, I'll check on this, I believe when you log in you should go to the regular TFC or lobby server, if using the common server address.

9th February 2016, 22:12
Latyper, I'll check on this, I believe when you log in you should go to the regular TFC or lobby server, if using the common server address.

Thanks so much for looking into this. I didn't change the server address. I'm just using the same address I always use to log on to Happy Diggers.


I double checked the server IP. It is still set to happydiggers.net:4000

10th February 2016, 05:59
Try tfc.happydiggers.net:4000

10th February 2016, 08:28
North road is lit, cleaned. bridges built and verges done.
West road is lit, bridges built and cleanup done.
I need someone with creative oversight to design/approve a couple more lamp posts under 6 blocks radius, please and thank you!

10th February 2016, 11:39
lobby.happydiggers.net:4000 is usually the safest way to join our server.

North road is lit, cleaned. bridges built and verges done.
West road is lit, bridges built and cleanup done.
I need someone with creative oversight to design/approve a couple more lamp posts under 6 blocks radius, please and thank you!

Good job :)

What do you need exactly? Do you already have some designs somewhere we can look at? Or are you asking for someone to make a design which you can then use?

10th February 2016, 19:01
Those planned outposts/villages on the ends of the roads - what will be their functions?
Just decorations? Or mob protection areas?
Or providing food and water - i.e. bushes, fruit trees, maybe let trees grow branches outside of the protected area so people can cut them for saplings (saaw this on previous server)?
Or even NPCs who will trade? Or just tell advices? Maybe some library then?

This will help to design them.

Also - any tiny outposts allowed along the roads? If yes - how many blocks apart? Contents? (water, bushes, trees?)

The outposts/villages made at the end of each road will be for both decorative and functional purposes. They will have an entrance at the end of the road and an exit, most certainly in the same direction, both having a gate at each end.
They will make a nice transition from road to wilderness and will act as a trading post too if we could make NPC's trade stuff ( stones for tree saplings maybe, sticks/thatch for food etc.).

And of course there will be mob protection in that area. We don't want our villagers to be in danger right? ;)

Other than that we can place tiny outposts in places that lack water/food. There are certain areas on the road where food is hard to find and areas where there are plenty of bushes or even fruit trees.

In an area with low water resources you can even consider a small well as an outpost.

10th February 2016, 20:05
Good job :)

What do you need exactly? Do you already have some designs somewhere we can look at? Or are you asking for someone to make a design which you can then use?

ON the east side of the spawn there is kind of a working area where RX, Marius and I have been working with posts and clipboards.
There are a few designs there that can be looked at that I threw together.
RX approved the lamp I put out the west road as both the T-style lamp posts and the Arch are too large to be made into brushes.
If someone would like to take a gander or throw something together themselves and leave a sign that would be awesome. Please I'm begging you, something symmetrical. ( Pleeeeease)

11th February 2016, 06:43
Spawn maze redo is pretty much done, can add signs and npcs.
Working on NPCs.

11th February 2016, 06:46
For those who want to help and that are not whitelisted.
I will do a temp white list while I'm on so you can help with the roads. When I log off the white list will end. If you are ok with this feel free to contact me :)
Latyper, I'll check on this, I believe when you log in you should go to the regular TFC or lobby server, if using the common server address.

Thanks man. That fixed it.

11th February 2016, 19:55
Added lightposts along the whole east road, used the ones in vines. Btw, in the end found out they have white cedar beams in them, hope it is ok. And yes, vines grow down ok, filling that gap on one side.

12th February 2016, 00:40
South road walked and ready.

12th February 2016, 09:17
I have added a bunch more of the plugins we use on our current servers to the freebie server. RX, you should be able to create the portal from the spawn maze to the actual spawn using Multiverse Portals.

Wiki: https://github.com/Multiverse/Multiverse-Portals/wiki
dev Bukkit: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/multiverse-portals/

I've also set the spawn for players that first join the server. It's set to spawn maze right in front of the first rules board, here:

I've also updated a couple of plugins to the latest and greatest and tweaked some minor stuff.

Permissions from the current TFC server have been copied over.

Regarding NPCs. If you want to make them say something when a player is "close" you need to set the close option:
Select the NPC you want to edit.
then type: /npc text
then type: close (to toggle it on/off)
Don't forget to use /citizens save after you are done editing :)

We used to have a rules to dig by book as a kit on the TFC server. Using the Essentials plugin this book was lost a couple of times because Essentials isn't very reliable when it comes to storing it's books... If I remember correctly we switched to a kits plugin. There's still a kits directory with something that looks like a rules to dig by book. Could it be this one? http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/kits/
I'd really like to give all the players access to a rule book that explains about everything that's also on the signs and spoken by the NPCs.

Would you mind taking a look at this?

12th February 2016, 10:56
Since the Citizens documentation's state has been less than reliable as of late I've decided to create a mirror of the mirror someone else put up. You can find it here: http://citizens.happydiggers.net/

12th February 2016, 19:29
I should have a good amount of free time during the weekend - is there any more blunt work to be done?
I can't do anything cool like outposts you made.
Maybe I could start roads on another server, e.g. premium tfc?

12th February 2016, 19:41
The Premium TFC server has an uncleaned version of the current TFC server's spawn. I've terraformed the area around it and it should be ready for road work. The server is still rendering Dynmap tiles with 12 threads (which is crazy!). It'll take a few more days to finish the surface (isometric 3D) map.

So if RX creates one of those nifty maps with where the roads should go and edits the whitelist then I think maybe people could get started there.

Here's a max zoom of the Premium TFC server's flat map:
2654 (http://happydiggers.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=2654&d=1455302501)

RX, you should probably use a slightly lower zoom level ;)

I've added one more task to the Freebie TFC and Premium TFC servers: setting up the entertrons. They use some fancy redstone contraption and command blocks.
Jiro would you mind setting those up and/or explain to RX how to do this?

*edit 2*
I've performed the same plugin updates on the Premium TFC server as that I did on the Freebie TFC server today. Also I've copied over the permissions file so builders on the Freebie server should be ready to go on the Premium server as soon as they are whitelisted by RX.
I've also unhidden (is that a word?) the Premium TFC section in the opening post of this thread.

13th February 2016, 14:17
Thanks! I got all rights granted and the RX's map is already attached to the table, awesome.

If there are no objections, I would like to "take" the east road and do it solely by myself (unless I do it so slow that everything else will be ready till I finish it). I really get confused by all different styles.

I will start it for now with 5-wide (7-wide with borders) 3-wide (5-wide including borders), same vanilla materials as on Freebie. As soon as it is decided to use anything different, I will update it, should be easy with brushes.

The road goes through islands, would be fun to try and do something like Storseisundet Bridge (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storseisundet_Bridge). The wiki has a very small description, but this bridge (or set of bridges) is called "drunken" bridge, because there are some weird curves in all directions.

[+]: after a discussion with Marius decided to make it 5-wide (7-wide with borders) just for experiment. It will be harder to fit it into terrain and probably it will dominate terrain too much, and probably more work, but it is new and interesting and the lampposts can fit it better.
Btw, I wonder if tall lampposts can be made by 2 brushes : one makes the lower half (basement) the onter one - upper part.

13th February 2016, 16:12
All yours until the other 3 get finished.

14th February 2016, 05:42
Have the npcs figured out for the most part =P
Spawn, the maze, and one outpost complete.

14th February 2016, 10:14
An awesome trick for building, "stolen" from TheForestHermit - watch or listen a familiar movie or series on background while building. I use "Friends" and it is awesome! Somehow just listening is even funnier. Thanks, Hermit!

14th February 2016, 15:29
Whats the plan for those huge pillars?

14th February 2016, 18:04
Did about 1/8 of East road on PremiumTFC with 3 nice enough bridges. Used gray glass over a glowstone for lightning 2 of them, seems the best way.

15th February 2016, 05:18
Those pillars were/are Marius's creation-vision. Nooo Idea what's the intention there beyond that.
May I be added to PremiumTfc's whitelist and build group for road building please? It's currently saying ' nope-kick' when I try to join.

15th February 2016, 05:37
You should be able to join, I added you awhile back, ill recheck it.

15th February 2016, 19:04
Can I helps with roads on the Premium TFC server? I are not whitelisted

15th February 2016, 19:18
I R Baboon!


15th February 2016, 19:27
Unfortunately no time to do anything this evening, so just buried the-whole-day-afk RX.
Sincerely yours, :elmo:.

15th February 2016, 19:36
Yeah I noticed that RX has been idling on the server all day. I guess he's proven that the server is running stable under huge load from Dynmap so far then? ;)

15th February 2016, 22:31
The legend says RX is still idling on the premium TFC server, hunting the roads that Heptagon built and showing no mercy to those that pass towards an outpost...

May this day be remembered. ;)

15th February 2016, 22:53
Still getting a no-whitelist message. I built a garden maze at the marble outpost on freebietfc.. For ..reasons.

16th February 2016, 02:17
Dang, sorry forest, you are good now! Helps to spell the name correctly =P
And Com your good now also :)

16th February 2016, 02:24
You bested me hep =P thanks ;)

16th February 2016, 08:45
The Premium TFC's Dynmap is done rendering all the tiles. Here it is as zoomed out as I can get it on my computer. Spawn is really tiny from up here :B
2664 (http://happydiggers.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=2664&d=1455608656)

With some tweaked settings and a specialized file system that "packs" files it takes up about 1TB of disk space. With default settings and a normal file system it would have been almost double that :)

Also worth mentioning that when I said: "almost done" it still had 11 days to go before it was complete. However that was starting out with 8 parallel render threads. I later switched to 12.

Next up is Dynmap for the new HardCore server. Hopefully it'll be done in about a week or so.

16th February 2016, 08:51
it takes up about 1TB of disk space.
And this minecraft world itself takes how much space?

16th February 2016, 09:00
The Freebie world takes up 7GB, the Regular and Hardcore maps take up about 108GB each and the TechnodeFirmaCraft map takes up 120GB.

So in total that's about 345GB just for the world files. Then there's also storage needed for Prism logs and plugins. That'll take up about another 100GB or so.

16th February 2016, 09:01
It is fun that the map is much much larger than the world itself :)

16th February 2016, 11:26
TFC HardCore spawn building is in place:


16th February 2016, 12:17
Have claimed the North road project on PremiumTFC and started it.
I need a few hours sleep and then it will go in.
Chose a pattern of cobble/stonebrick with stoneslab siding in a modest 4 center-6 wide pattern. The terrain is windy and varied in elevationso a 7 wide road seems impractical for the route.
Variety is the spice of life yes? Yes.

Also J that spawn looks awesome! HC FTW!!!

16th February 2016, 15:29
Will also need creative mode to create things, but like last time that might require a deity to be online at the same time. I have plans for the west road after it forks from Hermit's, using exciting new gutter technology

16th February 2016, 19:09
Should be good to go now ;)
Guess I got the south road lol :)

16th February 2016, 21:45
Whats the plan for those huge pillars?
I haven't heard an explanation for this yet. What's the reason for this building?

16th February 2016, 22:13
Is it still posible to help with the roads?

16th February 2016, 23:59
Progress has been slow to start on the west road but I'm getting familiar with brushes and proportions of things so it'll speed up next time I'm on

17th February 2016, 03:30
It is possible to help while I am on, so if you see me and want to help just holler :)
That is if you are ok just doing it temp while I'm on.

17th February 2016, 10:21
I haven't heard an explanation for this yet. What's the reason for this building?

It's made as a monument for the world map, built at the West outpost. RX set an NPC there already explaining their role in this world. ;)

17th February 2016, 11:02
Guess I got the south road lol :)
Afaik the south road was claimed by Marius yesterday, we kinda dared him to make it 5/7 wide :))))))
Aside of fun, it will be very interesting to see how 5/7 will look like.
But about claims - it is only me who is greedy and territorial and claimy and cant coop with others well :elmo: so ...

P.S. Also, guys, please stop you jokes about fixing the east road, I had read one in chat log from RX and, before I found out that he was joking, did check the road to see what was fixed. And just now had one from Marius. They are making me extremely nervous :( :elmo:
[+] Sorry RX, have just now realized that my phrase about jokes looked like it was towards you personally, and looked more aggressive this way. It was not, it was a general one. Fixed.

17th February 2016, 13:24
Apologies Hept, I was trying to play around with TheForestHermit and failed miserably.. It was not meant to make you sad.

17th February 2016, 15:54
Awesome RX! Will keep an eye open:)

17th February 2016, 19:28
Awwww Hep. *hugs* your road is great. Yes RX is just trying to get my goat. The weener.
Not my fault he doesn't have a compass >.>.

18th February 2016, 21:16
I've set the permissions to reflect the limitations for the new servers. I've also created a t-12h (T minus 12 hours) group for new players on the Freebie server. After 12 hours of play time they will be allowed to create their own town if they want to.

We should probably add something to explain this to new players. And make sure the initial towns are ready to go before we open.

The basic infrastructure for the Freebie server is done. I think people should get started on the initial towns that are available for new players to join. Who volunteered for this task again? :B

18th February 2016, 22:03
To help remind players of the perks of playing on the Premium servers I've added custom messages to the error messages for teleport cool down and /sethome limits on the Freebie server.


19th February 2016, 18:01
Could the brush maiximum allowed size (radius) be increased to 7 from 6 please for B+? Or even 9?
Reason: the roads are now 7-wide (with borders) and even 9-wide. So when I try to make a copy brush of a 7-wide cross-section of the road to try a faster techniq, i get an errror "Maximum brush radius (in configuration): 6".

19th February 2016, 20:36
Could the brush maiximum allowed size (radius) be increased to 7 from 6 please for B+? Or even 9?
Reason: the roads are now 7-wide (with borders) and even 9-wide. So when I try to make a copy brush of a 7-wide cross-section of the road to try a faster techniq, i get an errror "Maximum brush radius (in configuration): 6".

Brush size on the premium regular has been increased to 15 and will take effect on the next restart.

20th February 2016, 03:48
Vanilla "block guard" script has been set on the freebie server. OP, admins, mods, and builderplus can all break the blacklisted blocks. Other players will be unable to break the block, so most of the blocks on the road are safe. I have found an issue with some of the block choices for the roads tho. Some vanilla blocks are craftable in TFC and could not be added to the blacklist, i.e. glass, stained glass, trapdoors. If these blocks were added, players would be able to place them but not destroy them. This means that those unadded blocks may be griefed on the roads and will need to be replaced if so. If there is any issue with the script let me know.

20th February 2016, 07:58
Sorry guys, please change the lamp posts to a design that's not protected by DOM's script. It'll save us a lot of repairs down the road (pun!)

DOM, I've added another column to the denizens table. It now looks like this:

UUID, char(36)
StartTime, datetime
JailTime, int(11)
JailTimeRemaining, int(11)
Reason, text
I'm assuming the script will need to flush the remaining time a player has to spend on the Jail server to the database periodically and when a player leaves the server. By having two separate columns for this we can always check to see if we didn't accidentally made a typo and send someone to jail for a day instead of an hour or vice versa.

I was also thinking about jail for the TnFC server. Would it be possible to lock a player in a jail on the TnFC server while a sentence is in effect? The player would then have a choice to either serve time in the TnFC's boring jail, or go to the super awesome Jail server instead.

20th February 2016, 09:29
Sorry guys, please change the lamp posts to a design that's not protected by DOM's script. It'll save us a lot of repairs down the road (pun!)

To a design that is NOT protected by block guard? I.e. use only TFC blocks?
Or you made a typo and the posts must be exclusively from vanilla blocks which are not craftable in TFC, therefore 100% protected by block guard?

20th February 2016, 17:22
Typo. Use vanilla blocks that can't be obtained in regular TFC.

20th February 2016, 20:02
Can anyone make a list? Or know a good source that's up to date?

21st February 2016, 02:22
Is vanilla cobble still able to be made? I checked my gen and its making rhyolite now.
if there is a way to make vanilla cobble you can still make cobblestone walls in tfc.

21st February 2016, 04:45
South road should be all vanilla now.

21st February 2016, 14:10
I've copied DOM's Vanilla block protect script to the Premium Regular server. I don't think we'll be using it on the Hardcore and TnFC servers since I don't think we'll be building roads on those, correct?

We talked about the TnFC server a while ago. And I think DOM mentioned that it might be a nice idea to have players build a Railcraft network there. Thoughts?

21st February 2016, 16:01
Whoever updated lampposts along East road on Freebie - thanks (i considered that to be my duty ;) ) - and don't forget to remove the brush pattern just south of the east outpost (-938 -9939) when u dont need it ;)

Premium and Freebie doesnt allow b+ to destroy vanilla blocks. Thanks to Marius, I can use WE for it, seems comfy enough.

21st February 2016, 16:55
I would say no prebuilt roads in techno since there will be other transportation options.

22nd February 2016, 04:57
Road progress on premium

22nd February 2016, 19:25
Edit: Nevermind. I made a 'air' block brush and it neatly removes any misplaced protected block.

Also I belive TFnC even has portals in the endgame. So yea roads probably not needed. ( ports either but that's another can of fish. )

22nd February 2016, 20:16
Nether fence is not protected atm.

23rd February 2016, 02:57
My west road is taking longer than I expected, it's partly the difficulty with connecting hills with curves, and my stair-edged design is slightly more complicated but I'm just finding it hard to concentrate and push on effectively. I will continue, but if anyone wishes to help I've left my brushes at the end of the road.

small 3x3 brush for tweaking corners/stairs

5x5 brush for majority

5x1 brushes for slopes and short sections or tweaking stairs

//mask !44:3 to enable slab overwrites for easy path widening

23rd February 2016, 08:43
I have moved the vanilla block protection script out of the way for now.

I've also renamed the "premium" servers to "donor" servers. In order to connect to them now you should use:
/server (gives a list of available servers)
/server donortfc
/server donortfchc

Connecting to the TnFC server remains the same via it's external IP and port.

25th February 2016, 12:52
North road is in on donortfc. Cleaned up. I am adding lighting still but it is ready for outposts and villages.

26th February 2016, 11:08
After importing the ark to the new hardcore server this happens:

---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// Ooh. Shiny.

Time: 2/26/16 11:04 AM
Description: Exception ticking world

java.lang.ClassCastException: com.bioxx.tfc.TileEntities.TEHopper cannot be cast to com.bioxx.tfc.TileEntities.TEOilLamp
at com.bioxx.tfc.Blocks.Devices.BlockOilLamp.func_149 674_a(BlockOilLamp.java:231)
at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_147456_g(Worl dServer.java:564)
at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72835_b(World Server.java:283)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q( MinecraftServer.java:931)
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.fun c_71190_q(DedicatedServer.java:431)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p( MinecraftServer.java:809)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(Minecraft Server.java:669)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:

-- Head --
at com.bioxx.tfc.Blocks.Devices.BlockOilLamp.func_149 674_a(BlockOilLamp.java:231)
at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_147456_g(Worl dServer.java:564)
at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72835_b(World Server.java:283)

-- Affected level --
Level name: world
All players: 1 total; [EntityPlayerMP['InsaneJ'/93, l='world', x=-1528.06, y=161.53, z=-2161.17](InsaneJ at -1528.062037832761,161.52834078305568,-2161.174189797935)]
Chunk stats: ServerChunkCache: 521 Drop: 0
Level seed: -138282368062087962
Level generator: ID 00 - TFCDefault, ver 0. Features enabled: true
Level generator options:
Level spawn location: World: (-1407,146,-2132), Chunk: (at 1,9,12 in -88,-134; contains blocks -1408,0,-2144 to -1393,255,-2129), Region: (-3,-5; contains chunks -96,-160 to -65,-129, blocks -1536,0,-2560 to -1025,255,-2049)
Level time: 1790816 game time, 1790816 day time
Level dimension: 0
Level storage version: 0x04ABD - Anvil
Level weather: Rain time: 9023 (now: false), thunder time: 95256 (now: false)
Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q( MinecraftServer.java:931)
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.fun c_71190_q(DedicatedServer.java:431)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p( MinecraftServer.java:809)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(Minecraft Server.java:669)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.7.10
KCauldron Version: pw.prok:KCauldron:1.7.10-1614.176
Operating System: Linux (amd64) version 4.1.15-gentoo-r1
Java Version: 1.8.0_72, Oracle Corporation
Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
Memory: 989078784 bytes (943 MB) / 2077753344 bytes (1981 MB) up to 8520204288 bytes (8125 MB)
JVM Flags: 9 total; -Xmx8192M -Xms2048M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods
AABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used
IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0
FML: MCP v9.05 FML v7.10.99.99 Minecraft Forge 7 mods loaded, 7 mods active
States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored
UCHIJAAAA mcp{9.05} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar)
UCHIJAAAA FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (minecraft_tfc03hardcore.jar)
UCHIJAAAA Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (minecraft_tfc03hardcore.jar)
UCHIJAAAA kimagine{0.2} [KImagine] (minecraft.jar)
UCHIJAAAA tfc_coremod{0.79.28} [TFC[coremod]] (minecraft.jar)
UCHIJAAAA Dynmap{2.3-alpha-1-152} [Dynmap] (Dynmap-2.3-alpha-1-forge-1.7.10.jar)
UCHIJAAAA terrafirmacraft{0.79.28} [TerraFirmaCraft] (TerraFirmaCraft-
Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
Vec3 Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used
Player Count: 1 / 20; [EntityPlayerMP['InsaneJ'/93, l='world', x=-1528.06, y=161.53, z=-2161.17](InsaneJ at -1528.062037832761,161.52834078305568,-2161.174189797935)]
Is Modded: Definitely; Server brand changed to 'kcauldron,cauldron,craftbukkit,mcpc,fml,forge'
Type: Dedicated Server (map_server.txt)

TFC.... ugh.
Try, catch! Try, catch! Not: do, crash!

My guess would be it's either a hopper or a lamp problem. We should remove both from the arks just to be sure. And then try again.

26th February 2016, 11:17
Regular Ark has a blue steel lamp placed on it's nose, on the long log, near the armor stand. I placed it, feel free to remove it.

26th February 2016, 11:37
There was 1 hopper onboard the HC ark. I've replaced it with a dropper, after that things seemed to work. The chests and other storage devices seem to be in tact. As are the Lockette signs. Even the animals made it over.

Could somebody check to see if the contents is as it should be?

Before anyone goes near the ark to build a dock, make sure you are in creative mode. There are creepers, things will go boom.



The Jack o' Lanterns seemed to have reverted to regular pumpkins. I've replaced them with Jack o' Lanterns.

*edit 2*
I found a couple more hoppers with a different orientation. That's probably why I missed them earlier. Opening their inventories crashes my client. I've removed the ones I found. This means that hoppers on the arks are no-go. Please make sure all hoppers on the arks are replaced by droppers as soon as possible.

*edit 3*
I replaced one hopper with a dropper. I then put a hopper inside that dropper. After the move that hopper was changed into an oil lamp...
TFC is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get :)

26th February 2016, 14:16
Animals don't look quite right on that pic - looks like the horses are duplicated and the donkeys are missing.

26th February 2016, 14:45
Current HC Ark:

After importing it to the new server:

I'm not sure of the duplicated horses is because I placed the ark over a previous one after I removed that hopper, or if it's another TFC glitch. So yeah, like I said before: don't count on your animals to survive the move.

26th February 2016, 15:40
Looks like the mules and donkeys aren't going to make it. Shame, they took months to breed to be that fast.

27th February 2016, 09:54
The Hardcore's Dynmap is done pre-generating. The TechnodeFirmaCraft's Dynmap has started on it's full render.

We're now using 2 TB of disk space for the Dynmap tiles. So we've got plenty of room :)

28th February 2016, 10:30
Looks like we finally got Towny GUI to work :)

For those that don't yet know. TownyGUI is a GUI for Towny. It makes using Towny a lot easier as it serves as an in-game help with instructions and for some things you can simply click to get it done.

/tgui town

/tgui plot

/tgui resident

/tgui nation

28th February 2016, 19:58
Finished 1/3 of the east road on Premium, wasted lot of time on that wierd bridge, sorry :).
This starts to look bad timewise - there is only one weekend left till the 10th.
It is 4 days in Russia ( a national holiday ), so I probably will be able to make around 3/5 of the road, but that's it, the biome is acacia jungle and islands, making harder to plan stuff.
Also the west road is only 1/5, and the south one is about 1/5 with a great additional progress with cutting through forest.
So maybe I should focus on some other simple stuff or forget about my "fancy" style and do road quicker ... Any guidance?

28th February 2016, 21:44
As I said to J, Im here to help with anything (on vanilla) that needs to be built/created, or anything else.
Only vanilla though sorry ;( A macbook can only stretch so far :B

Hit me up if you need me to do something

28th February 2016, 22:05
Oh, I thought you meant just building. Regular block stuff, not doing any config work.

You're sure your macbook can't run TFC?

28th February 2016, 22:19
Oh, I thought you meant just building. Regular block stuff, not doing any config work.

You're sure your macbook can't run TFC?

Oh, I should of been a bit more specific, Im happy to do config if needed.

Ill check TFC now.

edit: It works, I get an average of around 25fps, which is playable.

Im also pleasantly surprised that I have an NPC, I've been immortalised :B

1st March 2016, 21:37
My west road is taking longer than I expected, it's partly the difficulty with connecting hills with curves, and my stair-edged design is slightly more complicated but I'm just finding it hard to concentrate and push on effectively. I will continue, but if anyone wishes to help I've left my brushes at the end of the road.

small 3x3 brush for tweaking corners/stairs

5x5 brush for majority

5x1 brushes for slopes and short sections or tweaking stairs

//mask !44:3 to enable slab overwrites for easy path widening

I've finished North road but for a few more cute outposts. I will take up Llama's road since it connects to the one I just finished. ( No offense LLama, we are just starting to get down to the wire.)

3rd March 2016, 17:34
Finally managed to get the spawn building onto the TnFC server. It was a pain. I never thought I'd say this, but the days when we had to manually sort block IDs were better for this kind of thing than the automatic ID assignment Forge is doing right now :/

Anyway... pics!



Fun with automatic block ID assignments:
I'm glad LP wrote a nifty script to migrate user data to the new servers ;)

3rd March 2016, 17:38

3rd March 2016, 18:15
Woot green!

- DOM approved

7th March 2016, 17:56
Could please someone finish the M'keke Village on the DonorTFC East road end?
And claim it properly?
And fill it with few NPCs?

I did all I could, even a highly-detailed lavatory. Needs few builds near a lake and some details.

7th March 2016, 18:07
Unfortunately open netherrack fire is extingueshed by snow :( Need a protective glass in the sky.

7th March 2016, 18:36
Could please someone finish the M'keke Village on the DonorTFC East road end?
And claim it properly?
And fill it with few NPCs?

I did all I could, even a highly-detailed lavatory. Needs few builds near a lake and some details.

You can claim the town and plots. Then I'll transfer ownership to an NPC. Just let me know when you're done claiming plots.

7th March 2016, 22:18
You can claim the town and plots. Then I'll transfer ownership to an NPC. Just let me know when you're done claiming plots.
Done. Mkeke_Village.

8th March 2016, 12:06
On DonorTFC:

Completed lighting the east road.
Simbas look great :) The one in the hut to the left after the entrance has Steve skin and "glitches" constantly, like a hologram.
I had searched for some quotes from Serious Same 2 and posted my variants to give to simbas.

Hermit has amazing progress with the west road. And I simply love the tiny shelters, gonna make few for the east road.
Did cut trees on the glowstone trail on the west road and shaved the trail from grass/rocks/sticks.
[+] Made 3 shelters for the east road, will continue some other time.

If have any time remining, will spend it on the south road.

8th March 2016, 20:22
Is there any way to place the hotspring water source blocks?
I want to make a shelter along the road and there is no hotsprings near the optimal point.
I guess I could try to copy it by WE, just maybe there is a better way, or any safety issues?

8th March 2016, 21:20
Leave a ticket where it need to be and I'll fix it :)

8th March 2016, 21:31
Hey Hep. You can just world edit hotsprings in using their block ID. (( 431 for still hotsprings water.)
Select a region with a wand and //set 431.

9th March 2016, 11:26
West Road is more or less finit. I have some light posts to put in tomorrow but then I think any road building for me is done. A west village should probably be built but I'm kind of built out. My playing for the server open will probably consist of finding new towns. Making a claim. and taking a couple weeks off to let my aching finger-joints recover.

9th March 2016, 12:21
A west village should probably be built but I'm kind of built out.
Do you have any ideas/themes for the village ?
E.g. "my" east village was in acacia "jungle" so I somehow remembered a village from Serious Sam and it went surprisingly well.
Since you was building the most of the west road, what are your impressions and feelings from it?
And don't say - a hospital for your aching fingers! :)

9th March 2016, 12:30
Dynmap URLs for the new servers have been updated. See opening post.

9th March 2016, 14:05
We've completed the first successful ark migration from an old to a new server. This is just a test, the real migration will be done tomorrow.

Thanks to LarsonPacific's script, insight and manually hacking the level.dat file we managed to pull this one off. It's certainly not for the faint of heart. Migrating stuff and player data between servers was a crazy idea looking back :)

10th March 2016, 16:57
Migrating user data and the ark ships to the new servers took up too much time. So unfortunately that means the new servers won't open today. Stay tuned for updates.

10th March 2016, 18:11
Thanks for all your hard work J!

10th March 2016, 19:07
I agree with latyper, Thanks J. You guys Rock!! :cool:

11th March 2016, 22:27
The new servers are open! Go play :)

See this post on the front page: http://happydiggers.net/content.php?500-New-TerraFirmaCraft-servers-open-also-TnFC!!

A big thanks to all the people who made our new servers possible. Thanks guys!

13th March 2016, 00:07
I plan to make shelters on DonorTFC and FreebieTFC along all the roads, somehow I got infected by this idea from Hermit :)))
East road on Donor is nearly done, it will have bout 7-8 shelters.
Maybe some other building things too, like finishing roads and end-road villages.

13th March 2016, 00:13
Hermit, have you finished the WestOakThorne village, so the ownership can be transferred to an admin NPC?
What NPCs would you like to be placed there, could you describe?
I see some outpost of this town, north of Spawn - what is it?

13th March 2016, 02:43
Hermit, have you finished the WestOakThorne village, so the ownership can be transferred to an admin NPC?
What NPCs would you like to be placed there, could you describe?
I see some outpost of this town, north of Spawn - what is it?

I have not at all finished but my ability to build and work on it was removed with server launch. It was intended to have houses in the tree, and a properly landscaped surrounding.

The outpost is because I went to claim a town for me personally, and realized that I was still holding the NPC town. I set an outpost to mark where I would like my town to be.

I would be happy to work on it /finish it if some admin has time when things settle to set me in creative and check to make sure I am not wildly running amuk :p

13th March 2016, 14:33
... I would be happy to work on it /finish it if ...
Thanks! I'll request this among the staff, will see if it is easy enough to do.

13th March 2016, 17:29
Vanilla doors are craftable in TFC so can't be protected. I will replace them with vanilla fence gates in all shelters.
Beds also can't be protected, but I guess we'll leave them for now and ban griefers if discover.