View Full Version : HappyDiggers Ark: Survival Evolved Servers

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26th September 2017, 12:59
So I found out yesterday after the update the effect of some of the changes. That was why was asking for you Jiro in game. I guess with the update to S+ it affected some of the pre-update items. I figured out the change, like the farmer now runs on Calien soup not Iced Water any more and you had to make the change to change to fuel. What I also figured out, we had to replace the S+ Item Collector and the Farmer and everything worked fine from there. I think it was just some kind of glitch with them due to the update. I really didn't notice it until I was surrounded by poo.....lots and lots of poo (shudder) The gardner didn't seem to have have any issues I saw (cross my fingers).

Just in case anyone else has come across this problem. If you can replace the time and things are back to normal.

"No longer stuck in mounds of poo."

26th September 2017, 15:35
I really didn't notice it until I was surrounded by poo.....lots and lots of poo (shudder) The gardner didn't seem to have have any issues I saw (cross my fingers).

Just in case anyone else has come across this problem. If you can replace the time and things are back to normal.

"No longer stuck in mounds of poo."


Yeah I can reimburse you for that.

Structures Plus updated for all Ark servers.

26th September 2017, 16:41
When I got back in to finally do the next imprint. I have mounds of poo again and now eggs. I deactivated one and now it won't activate (that is what lead me to make the new ones) Farmer still not working even though it says he's on I've got 100 'fuel' in each.

I'm not worried about the mats or anything like that. I was surprised that at the one base I have enough to make at least 10 of everything except the Nanny....she want's too much hair from my head LOL When I remade the collectors I did one just for poo and one for eggs, paste and such. Good thing these things expire, I would hate to see the cave fill up LOL

So something is goofy with S+'s update. So looks like I need to go do some reading for a fix.

Gotta head to bed for now tho. Thought I'd give an update.

26th September 2017, 20:00
Ark servers updated to version 271.0.

27th September 2017, 21:58
Structures Plus updated on all Ark servers.

28th September 2017, 04:07
Structures Plus updated. Ark version update to 271.15.

28th September 2017, 06:20
Ark servers updated to version 271.16.

29th September 2017, 02:46
Structures Plus updated on all Ark servers.

3rd October 2017, 05:19
Structures Plus updated on all Ark servers. Version update to 271.17.

8th October 2017, 00:29
Protected Passives updated on all Ark servers. Updates seem to have gone on without a hitch. We'll see how Ragnarok does.

9th October 2017, 02:41
S+ updated.

10th October 2017, 09:46
Ark servers updated to 271.3.

11th October 2017, 20:31
Ark servers updated to version 272.0.

12th October 2017, 21:00
Ark servers updated to version 272.1. The HappyDiggers Ark Weekend Event has begun.

15th October 2017, 21:02
The HappyDiggers Ark Weekend Event has concluded.

18th October 2017, 06:15
Ark servers updated to version 272.2.

22nd October 2017, 00:22
Ark servers updated to version 272.3.

27th October 2017, 02:45
Ark servers updated to version 273.0.

30th October 2017, 19:25
Ark servers updated to version 273.2.

2nd November 2017, 18:17
Ark servers updated to version 273.6.

3rd November 2017, 17:19
Structures plus updated on all Ark servers. Ark server version updated to 273.62.

3rd November 2017, 17:59
All ARK servers have been shut down until further notice. The 273.62 update allows players to spawn at any bed on a server regardless of tribe rights. Until the issue is resolved I can't allow people to play.

3rd November 2017, 20:23
Ark servers updated to version 273.63. Beds fixed, servers back up.

15th November 2017, 21:14
Ark servers updated to version 273.7.

22nd November 2017, 01:40
Ark server version updated to 273.8.

30th November 2017, 03:32
Ark servers updated to version 274.0.

5th December 2017, 10:13
s+ got update, need server update.

5th December 2017, 17:15
Structures Plus updated on all Ark servers.

11th December 2017, 05:21
hopefully it can be re-added in the future.

11th December 2017, 07:24
hopefully it can be re-added in the future.

Hopefully what can be re-added?

12th December 2017, 19:47
Update 275 aberration :D

12th December 2017, 20:09
Update 275 aberration :D

Indeed :) Time for me to get to work.

12th December 2017, 23:43
My Steam client is currently downloading a 13.1GB update for ARK. I remember when I bought a 13.7GB 7200rpm IBM Deskstar hard drive many years ago and thought it had tons of space. Out of the way kids, old person coming through!


13th December 2017, 00:25
My Steam client is currently downloading a 13.1GB update for ARK. I remember when I bought a 13.7GB 7200rpm IBM Deskstar hard drive many years ago and thought it had tons of space. Out of the way kids, old person coming through!

It doesn't help that Ark has never been truly optimized. They just throw gigs at us. 120 gigs and counting :)

13th December 2017, 01:17
lol, i remember when i got an 80 meg (yes meg) drive and thought that was the berries =P.

13th December 2017, 08:07
s+ update

13th December 2017, 08:24
Structures plus updated on all Ark servers. Play testing has begun on the Aberration server. Things are going well.

13th December 2017, 08:40
lol, i remember when i got an 80 meg (yes meg) drive and thought that was the berries =P.

My first one was 160 megs. I feel so young in this crowd :p ;)

Back on the topic: I hope WC will not release too many updates following the Aberration launch. Or else I might expire from frustration during servers' downtime. Because that thing where the phoenix ashes should be visible? A big, fat lie...

13th December 2017, 22:24
Aberration released to donors only on Ark. A month from now it will open for all HappyDiggers players. Three months from now item downloads will be enabled.

14th December 2017, 09:46
My client downloaded another 400MB patch this morning. I've initiated another update cycle for the servers, they should be up to date again in a few minutes.

14th December 2017, 11:59
Ark servers updated to version 275.31.

I'm changing the stack mod on Aberration to a newer version that has been steadily updated for over a year now. Our current stack mod has been unsupported for many months and I was hoping it would be taken over by a new modder or resolved (there's back story to the orginal modder), but I've waited long enough and it's time to make a change even if it's going to cause some headaches for a while. Aberration will be the first to receive the stack mod with it being so new so there shouldn't be a huge affect on the rest of the cluster yet. If it pans out, I'll change the rest of the cluster to follow suit.

This means you shouldn't transfer aberration resources from Aberration to other servers on the cluster without the same stack mod. Items are fine like armors, weapons, buildings, etc. Just not any resources ranging from kibbles to metal to gas and the rest of them.

I'm also removing the custom loot config from Aberration until I understand a bit more how the loot is being affected. It's obvious from reddit posts that there are changes and I don't want the config to interfere with the default drops until I get an idea on the mechanics of the loot specific for Aberration.

15th December 2017, 12:40
s+ update

15th December 2017, 17:59
Structures Plus updated on all Ark servers. Ark servers updated to version 275.33. The issue with downloading aberration dinos should be fixed.

15th December 2017, 20:21
Ragnarok appears to be unable to go online at this moment. This is a port issue rather than a server issue. Should be resolved when InsaneJ is available. I've sent him a message :)

16th December 2017, 01:04
Ragnarok is join-able again.

16th December 2017, 08:33
When i try to join it say's "make sure the mods are updated".

Any idea what i can do?

16th December 2017, 15:08
When i try to join it say's "make sure the mods are updated".

Any idea what i can do?

I'm not seeing Rag online. not sure what might be causing this.

16th December 2017, 18:22
Ran another update on Ragnarok. I don't have time to see the results. I'll check back later.

16th December 2017, 20:15
Booted up Ark, Ragnarok is joinable. There is a player already online. Seems to be good.

16th December 2017, 20:19
It works, mods are loading.

17th December 2017, 00:05
Ark servers updated to version 275.4.

19th December 2017, 12:22
Ark servers updated to version 275.44.

20th December 2017, 11:48
Ark servers updated to version 275.5.

21st December 2017, 17:17
Ark servers updated to version 276.

23rd December 2017, 08:31
Ark servers updated to version 276.12.

24th December 2017, 10:28
Ark servers updated to version 276.13. The HappyDiggers Ark servers will not participate in the holiday event due to WildCard's lazy and terrible event setup.

Essentially, you have to run the -beta flag in your command line which will edit the server files to include the holiday effects and items for the event. This was also used for the 2017 Halloween event which required some major editing as it was. It turned out after the Halloween event that every server owner that ran the -beta event flag had to completely reinstall their server instances and change their settings back to what they were manually. Since the winter holiday event is running the same flag to initiate rather than the typical auto server update as seen in previous years, I'm not even going to attempt to run the servers with that flag.

In the last 6 months WildCard has proven untrustworthy with even basic changes which is why I only do non major version server updates if other server admins corroborate their servers are intact and okay, and that only works if there are not immediate observable issues which still causes a risk. This -beta flag has known issues, and is not worth the risk.

24th December 2017, 10:34
What if we get our own event ideas (like 2x faster hatching and 2x less food or something) for xmas :o

24th December 2017, 10:38
What if we get our own event ideas (like 2x faster hatching and 2x less food or something) for xmas :o

I like that idea. Give me a day to think it over (It's rather late here at the moment) and I'll come up with something. Considering it would be last minute, it might not be implemented until after Christmas to give folks a heads up about the upcoming event.

24th December 2017, 10:58
I like that idea. Give me a day to think it over (It's rather late here at the moment) and I'll come up with something. Considering it would be last minute, it might not be implemented until after Christmas to give folks a heads up about the upcoming event.

Cool to hear that :D:hohoho::elmo:

24th December 2017, 15:42
What if we get our own event ideas (like 2x faster hatching and 2x less food or something) for xmas :o


24th December 2017, 15:51
Who says we need to have a Christmas event? We can have a New Year's event. Or even an "in between holidays" event ;)

Personally I would love to have an event with bonus for dinos' XP.

And is it only me, or are dinos on Abberation getting their XP slower than on the other maps?

24th December 2017, 20:32
Personally I would love to have an event with bonus for dinos' XP.

And is it only me, or are dinos on Abberation getting their XP slower than on the other maps?

The rates are the same on Aberration as the other Ark servers so if there is an issue it's aberration related on WildCard's end, but I know I for a fact haven't had that issue with dino xp. I've already got a few dinos over 100k xp, and most of the well used dinos are sitting at 10-30k xp a pop.

24th December 2017, 21:04
Ark server custom levels updated. After the original aberration update it seemed that WildCard made some sort of stealth change to custom levels which threw ours out of whack. This was only a real problem for players already at max levels with or without ascension. I've edited the custom levels a bit and the problem seems to be resolved.

25th December 2017, 00:05
The rates are the same on Aberration as the other Ark servers so if there is an issue it's aberration related on WildCard's end, but I know I for a fact haven't had that issue with dino xp. I've already got a few dinos over 100k xp, and most of the well used dinos are sitting at 10-30k xp a pop.

Well, I just had this weird feeling that the time between taming and first level up (which happens only on passive xp most of the time) was longer than usual, but if you say it’s the same, I believe you :) This map is skewing my overall perception of everything...

25th December 2017, 06:06
Well, I just had this weird feeling that the time between taming and first level up (which happens only on passive xp most of the time) was longer than usual, but if you say it’s the same, I believe you :) This map is skewing my overall perception of everything...

Well that's the thing, according to the configs it's the same. And I haven't noticed a difference, but every dino on aberration is technically a new dino. Anky isn't the same as aberrant anky for example. They have their own files and buff effects. So it's possible what you experienced is different, but it would take extensive testing and Aberration is new still so people are still finding the changes.

1st January 2018, 19:40
Structures plus updated on all Ark servers.

2nd January 2018, 06:43
Structures plus updated on all Ark servers.

2nd January 2018, 22:50
Our Holiday Ark event has ended.

3rd January 2018, 23:30
It has been several weeks since WildCard released Aberration and they still haven't fixed the new kibbles. The new kibbles like drake kibble, featherlight kibble, etc can't be crafted due to sloppy work by WC and they still haven't fixed them. These kibbles can be an imprint requirement while breeding which pretty much screws people's imprints over. Since this still hasn't even been addressed by WildCard I'm going to just start trading in the kibble ingredients for the kibble if people need it. Let me know via private message or in game and we can admin trade for the kibble if you have the required ingredients.

4th January 2018, 00:32
Thanks to J, we now have a global ban system in place for HappyDiggers Ark servers. Rule breakers beware!

9th January 2018, 16:17
Ark servers updated to version 276.4.

11th January 2018, 16:16
Current Version: 276.42
- Aberration: Fixed issue with Powernodes not recharging when stasised. Requires server update.

I think we need that one ;)

12th January 2018, 11:02
Ark servers updated to version 276.42.

12th January 2018, 23:32
Well, the Charge Stations are still broken. Oh, how we love WC...:mad:

13th January 2018, 05:20
Well, the Charge Stations are still broken. Oh, how we love WC...:mad:

Yeah, I didn't have high hopes.

13th January 2018, 19:16
Structures Plus updated on all Ark servers. HappyDiggers Ark Aberration has been released to the public.

17th January 2018, 20:20
Structures Plus updated on all Ark servers.

18th January 2018, 03:07
Turret limits deactivated. WildCard's original documentation was incorrect. The change is live on all servers.

5th February 2018, 04:04
Ark servers updated to version 276.493.

6th February 2018, 20:39
Ark servers updated to version 277.0.

10th February 2018, 23:42
Servers needs update to v278.0 :cool:

11th February 2018, 10:18
I've initiated another update cycle.

14th February 2018, 19:52
Ark servers updated to version 278.3.

18th February 2018, 19:50
New server startup command added to remove fog on all Ark servers. Protected Passives reset to fix a bug that may or may not be recurrent.

1st March 2018, 03:46
Ark servers updated to version 278.54.

19th March 2018, 20:59
Ark servers updated to version 278.75.

All servers using the Ultra Stacks mod now.

21st March 2018, 00:59
Ark servers updated to version 279.22.

28th March 2018, 13:11
I think the servers need an update. I can't place any S+ Structures on the Ragnarok server at the moment.

28th March 2018, 16:39
A server update seems to have resolved the issue (https://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?2691-Unable-to-place-structures&p=20130&viewfull=1#post20130).

31st March 2018, 18:28
The easter event has been initiated on the Ark servers.

6th April 2018, 20:49
I want to report a base wipe.

I Started with a group of friends on The Island 2 days ago. Today we wanted to continue, and we see that our entire base and all our stuff is gone. Destroyed by "Trump's tributes". Everything is gone, even simple signs and stuff.

7th April 2018, 06:28
Thank you for reporting this. I will be looking into this. If the records match up I will try to get you compensated within the next 24 hours. The screen shot shows your in-game user names which helps, but sending me a list of your steam names, tribe name, and coordinates of where the base was would help a lot. Feel free to private message me that information.

7th April 2018, 11:56
We've spoken with someone from their tribe. It seems it was a bit of a misunderstanding.

He saw several logs where some of our people were killed by their plant turrets. So he thought we had been trying to get into their base. We didn't though, we simply died a lot and spawned right in the middle of their base a few times. Couldn't exactly help that XD. Not really a reason to wipe our base still.. We didn't have anything really valuable yet, but it was just really crappy to find everything destroyed. But he has apologized, so we're good now.

8th April 2018, 06:13
We've spoken with someone from their tribe. It seems it was a bit of a misunderstanding.

He saw several logs where some of our people were killed by their plant turrets. So he thought we had been trying to get into their base. We didn't though, we simply died a lot and spawned right in the middle of their base a few times. Couldn't exactly help that XD. Not really a reason to wipe our base still.. We didn't have anything really valuable yet, but it was just really crappy to find everything destroyed. But he has apologized, so we're good now.

Base wiping is 100% against the rules without prior staff approval. How big was your structure? Did you lose any dinos?

8th April 2018, 06:28
Ark servers updated to version 279.242.

8th April 2018, 10:16
Base wiping is 100% against the rules without prior staff approval. How big was your structure? Did you lose any dinos?

No dinos killed, the structure lost was 3 storey high, wood only, but fairly large and partly unfinished. It was a misunderstanding on our end as i though they really were trying hard to get into our base. I will reimburse them in full by giving them metal if that would solve things. Thier new spot is not too far from their old spot so i can bring it whenever its convenient to them.

EDIT: Or i can give them the mats to craft it themselves so they lvl up a bit

9th April 2018, 05:14
No dinos killed, the structure lost was 3 storey high, wood only, but fairly large and partly unfinished. It was a misunderstanding on our end as i though they really were trying hard to get into our base. I will reimburse them in full by giving them metal if that would solve things. Thier new spot is not too far from their old spot so i can bring it whenever its convenient to them.

EDIT: Or i can give them the mats to craft it themselves so they lvl up a bit

Make sure this is the last time I receive a report like this. I'm glad it was worked out amicably, but the no base wipe rule is a cardinal rule on the HappyDiggers servers. It's one of the defining characteristics of our long running servers.

Only HappyDiggers staff can determine if a tribe or player's structures can be wiped, and HappyDiggers Ark servers will never be wiped or reset intentionally.

9th April 2018, 08:08
Make sure this is the last time I receive a report like this. I'm glad it was worked out amicably, but the no base wipe rule is a cardinal rule on the HappyDiggers servers. It's one of the defining characteristics of our long running servers.

Only HappyDiggers staff can determine if a tribe or player's structures can be wiped, and HappyDiggers Ark servers will never be wiped or reset intentionally.
Will do and thanks! I havent met any of them online yet, as soon as i do i'll make sure 5000 Metal ingots and the needed paste get to them to rebuild in metal.

10th April 2018, 20:45
The Ark Easter Event has concluded.

16th April 2018, 00:20
Ark server titles changed, 13 Ark Plugins added, information will be posted on first page of this thread

17th April 2018, 17:42
The votelink in the OP for Ragnarok refers to the SE server atm.

17th April 2018, 20:13
The votelink in the OP for Ragnarok refers to the SE server atm.

Fixed. Thanks!

17th April 2018, 20:47
ArkShop plugin updated. Ark servers updated to version 279.252.

22nd April 2018, 18:45
Playerlist and Dinotracker plugins updated.

24th April 2018, 22:41
Advanced Chat Plugin added to the Ark servers. Admin, Moderator, VIP, Donor, Awesome Donor, Legendary Donor, and Epic Donor all have special colored chat names, icons, and titles in game. Donor chat/icon information has been updated in the donor section on the first page.

29th April 2018, 20:03
Ark servers updated to version 279.261.

11th May 2018, 11:47
I had to run some updates so I've updated the ARK servers and then forced a restart with 10 minute warning. Servers should be back in a couple of minutes.

11th May 2018, 17:47
I had to run some updates so I've updated the ARK servers and then forced a restart with 10 minute warning. Servers should be back in a couple of minutes.

Ark servers updated to version 279.275 :goldingot:

12th May 2018, 04:34
Server (virtual machine) updated. Permissions plugin updated.

12th May 2018, 17:43
I've updated the generic "HappyDiggers.net" banners with these:




Hope you like and perhaps it'll draw a bit more attention to them :)

12th May 2018, 18:59
I've updated the generic "HappyDiggers.net" banners with these:




Hope you like and perhaps it'll draw a bit more attention to them :)

Cool font!

31st May 2018, 22:32
As some of you may have noticed, Ark server instances have been randomly shutting down. We've been maxing out our RAM for the Ark servers for several weeks now. I believe most of the RAM issues may be related to plugins, so I've temporarily removed half of the plugins to see how well the server holds up.

22nd June 2018, 03:28
Today I'm aggressively wiping inactive tribes ranging from thatch to metal tiered structures. Tribes that have been inactive for at least 5+ months with starving dinos and broken into bases are all on the chopping block. I haven't done a serious cleanse on the Ark servers for a year and a half or more. Ragnarok is the first and other servers will follow as I have time/motivation. This isn't a server wipe, just an inactive sweep. Most of the metal tiered tribes haven't have an inactive sweep since each server's creation anyway. The Island in particular needs a thorough cleaning.

22nd June 2018, 22:25
The Island has been swept for inactives as well.

24th June 2018, 04:02
Scorched Earth swept for inactives. That's it for the sweep. Aberration is too new to be doing a sweep for right now. Remember, if you're looking to take over a certain spot that a base is already on and know that the owners of the base haven't been online for a while it doesn't hurt to ask me or other staff about the possibility of removing it. There is a process and method to determining inactivity.

25th June 2018, 01:56
Advanced chat plugin updated to version 2.3. Webchat and discord chat experimentation.

26th June 2018, 06:36
Ark servers updated to version 280.115.

3rd July 2018, 22:14
Ark servers updated to version 280.132.

18th July 2018, 03:15
Ark servers updated to version 281.107.

20th July 2018, 02:14
All Ark server mods re-installed to possibly fix crashing issues due to corrupted mod files. Advanced chat and Ark shop updated.

24th July 2018, 01:11
Structures Plus mod updated.

26th July 2018, 04:23
Structures Plus mod updated again.

I'm bringing the dino scan function back to see if it might not be as overpowered now. The S+ update allows for removal of the dino location listing, so people will be able to view the number of dinos and what levels are available on the map but not know where they are located.

1st August 2018, 04:13
Vote rewards plugin has been patched by the developer and he added multiple server support. I'll try and get that up and running on the servers again sometime this week.

5th August 2018, 02:22
Updated the Ark shop, extended rcon, and vote plugins, and re-added the mute plugin for moderator usage.

12th August 2018, 17:16
Recently a player reported that the server was auto muting people for saying things like "balls". I've ripped the auto-mute config out of the mutes plugin as my original intention was to give staff the ability to mute players as needed and not censor the community as a whole. Mutes will now work as intended, being distributed by staff members.

15th August 2018, 03:43
Ark servers updated to version 282.102.

29th August 2018, 05:02
Ark server API and vote rewards plugin updated on all servers. You can collect your daily votes on any HappyDiggers server. There is a 30 second cool down between vote claims according to the latest update.

22nd September 2018, 04:36
Extinction event was added to the startup script but wasn't activated due to the restart bug. The servers have been manually restarted and are now running the extinction event flag.

23rd September 2018, 23:30
Third person enabled on all Ark servers so that game play is standardized between Aberration and the rest of the cluster.

27th September 2018, 01:49
Plugins updated: Ark API, Advanced Chat, Ark Cross Server Chat, Ark Shop, Improved Commands, Player List, Permissions

Plugins added: Ark Advert, Ark Modified Spawn Level Distribution, Dino Colour Command, Personal Ownership, Shop Reward

All servers now have Ragnarok style dino level distribution (means higher level dinos overall
Server messages added, more will be added as I have the time
Dino colour command is planned for donors
Player kills/deaths and tamed/wild dino kill stats available with "/mystats" command used in the chat box.
Personal ownership of structures can now be removed by players, info will be posted on the first page at some point

Plugins added to select servers that may or may not be activated yet: Ark Homes, Kill Feed, safe Zone, Teleport, Weekend Rates

27th September 2018, 05:42
Updated /help and sub /help commands

29th September 2018, 04:55
Added a once a day update task to the server that will update and restart the Ark servers. This will help keep the servers up to date and online if there are no staff members available for longer than 24 hours to manually update or restart the servers.

30th September 2018, 09:23
Updated /help and sub /help commands

This is a superb idea and i cant believe this server didnt have it til now ! Well done!

30th September 2018, 15:33
This is a superb idea and i cant believe this server didnt have it til now ! Well done!

We've had it before but it was finicky.

1st October 2018, 01:34
Once again, there were problems with the auto update update task. That feature will be postponed.

Ark shop and Ark rewards plugins have been temporarily removed due to an exploit the latest update has caused. It should be fixable on our end, but it will take some time to make the necessary changes.

2nd October 2018, 03:18
Ark shop has been reconfigured and re-added to the Ark servers.

I've added several new items you can buy in the Ark shop such as initiating a superheat weather event on scorched earth, buying instant baby imprints, novelty dinos, tek dinos, wild egg wipes, dino stat resets, instant hair growth, all hair styles, etc.

Points can still be obtained by voting daily, but donors get some extra perks in that area.

Donor rank gets 3 points per 2 hours of online play. Awesome donor rank gets 6 points per 2 hours. Legendary rank gets 12 points per 2 hours. Epic rank gets 20 points per 2 hours.

16th October 2018, 19:58
I think the server needs to get updated with the latest patch. Servers are up but can't join.

17th October 2018, 03:03
Ark servers updated to version 284.104.

4th November 2018, 19:32
Updated server rules. In game on the servers IS NOT the place to argue or complain about rules. Take it to the forums or risk getting banned. We always welcome feedback, but when it happens in game 9 times out of 10 it turns negative very quickly.

S+ changes:
S+ ladders no longer warp players up and down.
S+ tek cubes can no longer be placed above water.

Passive changes:
Passives are forced into ghost mode now.

These changes have been made due to people abusing exploits and then trying to defend their actions poorly with 'loophole' arguments. If you're unsure if something is against the rules ASK. If something is discovered that is breaking the rules the staff member will IMMEDIATELY remove the offense and take action against the player as appropriate for the situation.

Due to the continued complaints I've been getting and the general dissatisfaction I've been observing by players being nit-picky with every little thing, I'm considering removing passive protection and possibly S+ entirely. Follow Wheaton's Law (http://www.wheatonslaw.com/). Stop trying to warp rules to your favor. Utilize staff if you have questions. Don't argue with the staff in game. Simple as that. If players can't do that, I'll have to make more drastic changes.

5th November 2018, 08:08
Due to the continued complaints I've been getting and the general dissatisfaction I've been observing by players being nit-picky with every little thing, I'm considering removing passive protection and possibly S+ entirely. Follow Wheaton's Law (http://www.wheatonslaw.com/). Stop trying to warp rules to your favor. Utilize staff if you have questions. Don't argue with the staff in game. Simple as that. If players can't do that, I'll have to make more drastic changes.
In my opinion, those players can shove off. Loophole arguments are typically made by players who know exactly what they are doing. If someone needs to be told not to act like a jerk and does so anyway, then that person is not welcome.

10th November 2018, 19:00
The Extinction server has been added to the HappyDiggers cluster.

Servers updated to version 286.103.

12th November 2018, 00:18
Extinction server updated to version 286.104.

Many tribes have been randomly losing bases. As far as we can tell this is a WC problem that can't be fixed on our end. It's happening on Officials and dedicated servers alike and there doesn't seem to be any way to prevent it. Be warned.

14th November 2018, 15:42
So i have Donated today and i am wondering how/when can i join the Extincion server ? :D

15th November 2018, 02:22
So i have Donated today and i am wondering how/when can i join the Extincion server ? :D

Right now. Thanks for the donation :)

17th November 2018, 13:24
It appears that S+ did not load properly on AB. All bases are gone.

17th November 2018, 16:40
all bases are gone and the stuff 2

17th November 2018, 18:45
all bases are gone and the stuff 2

The server has to be rolled back to before the update due to the S+ loss. Please note Metamorfos' post.

17th November 2018, 19:06
can i get some stuff if u reroll the server i have to start over for the 3 time.
it is really anoying if i lost my progress again.
ty for the help

17th November 2018, 19:11
Aberration is back up and fixed. Previous S+ structures intact.

17th November 2018, 20:16
can i get some stuff if u reroll the server i have to start over for the 3 time.
it is really anoying if i lost my progress again.
ty for the help

I added in a few dinos that you tamed according to your tribe log. If the server is missing S+ structures you should consider that it will be rolled back to the original update point. You should also IMMEDIATELY report that they're missing and not simply play through it. The longer it takes for me to receive a report the further back the server goes.

1st December 2018, 22:40
Rule change: Extinction Titans cannot be used in PvP.

They're too powerful, they can be transferred between servers, and there is little to no counters for them. Using a titan in PvP would essentially wipe a base on any server with very little effort. Taming for PvE purposes such as achievements, orbital supply drops, etc is fine. If an Extinction Titan (not a titanosaur) is used in PvP then there will be no warning, it will be an automatic ban.

8th December 2018, 22:47
The HappyDiggers Extinction server is now open to all. I hope the donors enjoyed their private server for a month ;)

There will be more for donors down the line as I find time to work on the servers.

19th December 2018, 07:35
Ark servers updated to version 288.114. Servers are running the holiday event.

27th January 2019, 18:39
ArkAPI, Advanced Chat, Ark Shop, and Permissions plugins updated.

New plugins added:
RCON Cross Server Chat - Old Cross Server Chat plugin was retired, this one works better with advanced chat.
Plugin Server Manager - Can restart a crashed server automatically (doesn't work in all cases).

Vote rewards temporarily removed as it is outdated and unsupported. A new vote rewards plugin is available, but it will take some 3rd party vote website installation before we're even able to utilize it.

Note: In the most recent Ark update, Ark devs removed the ability to have colored names via plugins. That may or may not change in the future, but special icons should still work in the mean time.

25th February 2019, 05:00
Ark servers updated to version 292.100. S+ mod update. V-Day event temporarily enabled upon request by a player that missed it, but only for the Ragnarok map.

26th February 2019, 03:33
I've made some modifications to my work in progress autoserverupdate script. It's currently running live.

The current rendition of the script will check for game server updates every 5 mins. If an update is available the standard 10 minute countdown will commence followed by a server save, shutdown, update, and restart.

This will not check for mod updates. If the auto server update detection works then I'll work on auto mod update detection.

If the servers are down, it's possible they're auto updating. If they stay down for more than 15 minutes please let us know via the usual channels on the forums. :)

1st March 2019, 16:02
S+ got 2 bug fix patches in the last 2 days. Can't join the server cause of mod mismatch. I assume the server needs to be updated with these 2 patches.

1st March 2019, 21:31
S+ got 2 bug fix patches in the last 2 days. Can't join the server cause of mod mismatch. I assume the server needs to be updated with these 2 patches.

Initiating an update cycle.

2nd March 2019, 09:49
A 3rd bug fix patch was released. Probably the last one. Still can't join until update.

2nd March 2019, 12:13
Remember when we all used to play modded Minecraft and all you needed was a mod pack and you'd be good to go? The server would remain stable until the server maintainer decided to update and everybody could be told in advance when to update? Yeah, those were fun times :)

I've initiated another update cycle.

13th March 2019, 20:28
For some reason, I can't seem to snap the majority of structures. They light green up but whatever I do, they don't actually snap. Is the server running version 293.103 https://ark.gamepedia.com/293.103?

16th March 2019, 02:54
For some reason, I can't seem to snap the majority of structures. They light green up but whatever I do, they don't actually snap. Is the server running version 293.103 https://ark.gamepedia.com/293.103?

I'll go ahead and give them another update cycle.

1st April 2019, 11:17
Are the ARK servers down?
Can't access them since a few days now.

1st April 2019, 15:48
Are the ARK servers down?
Can't access them since a few days now.


9th June 2019, 23:39

Servers moved to USA. IPs updated.

Added Extinction server info.
Added Crystal Isles server info.

ArkCrossServerChat Linux Package in effect. Discord heavily integrated. 3 way chat: Ark->Discord, Discord->Ark, Ark->Ark.
Server consoles will report server status to servers in game and in discord.
Server RCONs will report to discord in private staff channel to help staff maintain the servers.

Updated many other sections.

9th August 2019, 01:45
Ark servers updated to version 298.3

18th August 2019, 22:51
Thanks to Chogata's efforts, the Crystal Islands server has been updated with a custom loot config. Great work Chogata!

Side note: summer event has been disabled. This will take effect on next game server restart for Ark servers.

20th September 2019, 22:26
Hi, Valguero seems to have been down for about 2 days now. Is it getting back up soon?

21st September 2019, 01:49
Hi, Valguero seems to have been down for about 2 days now. Is it getting back up soon?


10th November 2019, 03:15
Now that the of the Ark servers are back online and Ark is communicating well with Linux, I've re-enabled the auto update scripts that run updates every time the Ark servers do their daily backup. Theoretically we should have less overall downtime, like it was before WC started messing with things and not telling people.

10th November 2019, 12:06
Not sure if the Multipliers work, atleast hatching speed is the same. Cant compare harvesting since i couldnt play for such a long time.

10th November 2019, 19:50
im playing for weeks and actually nothing has changed. Breeding,hatching harvest hasnt change for sure, cant tell for XP because im almost max level.

10th November 2019, 23:08
Are the other features of the event working like event items and such? If the multipliers for the event aren't working but everything else is, then that's WildCard's issue. The event was activated via the startup command line flag just as instructed by WC.

11th November 2019, 11:23
Yes items etc all working, dinos too.I talked to a other server owner and he say's the rates have to be adjusted manualy.

12th November 2019, 10:53
Yes items etc all working, dinos too.I talked to a other server owner and he say's the rates have to be adjusted manualy.

That would make this the first event in 2 years to require manual adjustment which is absurd, given that it's a server start flag spawned event. You also can't just flip the rates by whole number integers as the game does separate calculations for each rate based on the difficulty. It took a week and a half of troubleshooting just to get the difficulty 5 rate correct because of the 'hidden' calculations.

12th November 2019, 18:26
We better just let it how it is, we better dont change anything :)

13th December 2019, 06:28
servers got new IP's again here is the link https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/ark?q=happydiggers&sort=score

27th December 2019, 09:34
You may want to add it to topg, these guys have a lot of gaming traffic and it's big list: https://topg.org/ark-survival-evolved-servers/
Any new place that is free to join is a good place :)

7th February 2020, 15:29
In a few weeks the new Ark expansion Genesis is released.

My personal mission is to defeat one boss on Valguero and then start playing Genesis when it's released.

Usually I just start over on a new server, but I really want to move my character this time. Are there plans to start a HappyDiggers server for Genesis?

8th February 2020, 02:23
In a few weeks the new Ark expansion Genesis is released.

My personal mission is to defeat one boss on Valguero and then start playing Genesis when it's released.

Usually I just start over on a new server, but I really want to move my character this time. Are there plans to start a HappyDiggers server for Genesis?

Yes ;)

8th February 2020, 09:04
Yes ;)

NIce :D

15th February 2020, 23:25
Large Ark Update:

In game commands are formatted, edited, and appropriate for the servers now. Details on the Original Post under the commands spoiler. Check them out, there are new commands that you may not be aware you could be using such as /home.

Donor levels are re-activated. Current donors will be receiving the new perks. If you meet the criteria for one of the chibi pet perks, please contact me via private message to work out specifics. More donor perks are to come.

Ark shop items have been slightly adjusted, but will require more work to finalize.

18th February 2020, 04:07
All current donors have been given their appropriate bonus points. View your points with the /points command while in game.

25th February 2020, 17:40
The Ark Love Evolved event has concluded.

27th February 2020, 04:30
The new Ark Genesis server has been added.

4th March 2020, 00:04
Configurations have been fixed for the home plugin. Teleport cool down times have been fixed to 60 minutes instead of 3600. The plugin author said the configuration was read in seconds... Apparently not!

These changes will take effect the next time the servers restart.

4th March 2020, 18:00
Breeding configs modified back to 2x hatch speed and 3x baby growth speed. Not sure how they reset themselves, but the changes should take effect after the next server restart.

4th March 2020, 18:51
Looks like all s+ scructures are gone on valguero my bases are gone lol

23rd March 2020, 02:40
The new server donor period has expired. Ark Genesis is now open for all.

27th March 2020, 18:26
Servers updated to patch 309.4.

Patch Notes: https://ark.gamepedia.com/309.4

Released - March 26th, 2020

Fixed an issue with collision on several meshes
Fixed several mesh holes in various biomes
Improved hover skiff movement and operation on steep terrain
Fixed a damage exploit with Ferox (https://ark.gamepedia.com/Ferox)
Ferox should now keep its imprint buff when in large form
Reduced cloning cost for the Giant Turtle (https://ark.gamepedia.com/Megachelon)
Improved HLNA (https://ark.gamepedia.com/HLN-A) performance when crafting a large number of items
Teleporting East in the Bog biome will no longer transport the player South East
Insect swarms (https://ark.gamepedia.com/Insect_Swarm) now give chitin (https://ark.gamepedia.com/Chitin) instead of hide (https://ark.gamepedia.com/Hide)
Modified the no-build zone in the main volcano cave
Adjusted the trajectory of lunar comets to prevent edge cases of players and dinos dying
Fixed a rare case where the mining drill (https://ark.gamepedia.com/Mining_Drill_(Genesis:_Part_1)) could damage the tek sensor (https://ark.gamepedia.com/Tek_Sensor_(Genesis:_Part_1))
Activation/deactivation settings will now save on the tek alarm
Activation/deactivation settings will now save on the pressure plate (https://ark.gamepedia.com/Pressure_Plate_(Genesis:_Part_1))
The lava on The Island (https://ark.gamepedia.com/The_Island) in caves and the lava in the Wyvern trench (https://ark.gamepedia.com/Wyvern_Trench) on S.E. will no longer damage Magmasaur (https://ark.gamepedia.com/Magmasaur)
Improved localization on the Rockwell boss fight and end cutscene
Cryopods (https://ark.gamepedia.com/Cryopod) can be accessed in the HLNA Shop again
Enabled several performance-related visual tweaks on wild Astrocetus (https://ark.gamepedia.com/Astrocetus)
Improved the accuracy of HLNA cardinal direction when teleporting
HLNA teleportation logic now tries to avoid turrets, non-allied players, and hostile dinos
Fixed an exploit with cruise missiles (https://ark.gamepedia.com/Cruise_Missile_(Genesis:_Part_1)) that allowed them to bypass turrets
Improved several visual components of the mission UI (difficulty text, leaderboards, item lists, mission notifications)
Made adjustments in areas near the volcano to fix rare instances where eruptions would instantly kill players/dinos
Significantly reduced the frequency and slightly increased the duration of green rain in the bog biome
Reduced the number of insect swarms in Bog biome by about 25%
Added a cooldown between green rain insect swarm spawns.
Fixed an edge case that caused the player to be destroyed when mounting an Equus (https://ark.gamepedia.com/Equus) and equipping its saddle
Increased the placement radius check for ocean platforms to prevent them from being placed next to enemy foundations/platforms
Prevented Meks (https://ark.gamepedia.com/Mek) from being deployed in the VR Mission
Fixed an issue that prevented players from receiving the mission buff in specific biomes (Bog/Ocean/Arctic)
Fixed the increased damage multiplier in various biomes
Reduced the bat (https://ark.gamepedia.com/Onyc) spawns in the main volcano within the volcano biome

8th April 2020, 12:10
hello i did check the servers and event is not active. in the cooking pot there is the event stuff to craft but:

- no colored dinos ( checked 15min for them and the colors should be very common
- no bunny dodos
- no 2x rates active

8th April 2020, 18:14
hello i did check the servers and event is not active. in the cooking pot there is the event stuff to craft but:

- no colored dinos ( checked 15min for them and the colors should be very common
- no bunny dodos
- no 2x rates active

Checked, thought the Colours were just not as good this time. Activated the event on every server again, wiped all wild dinos, waited till colored dinos spawn and checked if Bunny Dodos spawn.

This time the event is activated for sure!

8th April 2020, 18:22
For some reason the rate multipliers haven't been working with events. Initially I thought it was because the Ark servers were on Linux, but now that we're on Windows again it seems like the rates still aren't working. If Epimetheus confirms that the rates haven't altered, then we can try manually adjusting the rates for the duration of the event.

8th April 2020, 22:26
I just did check and its all good exept the rates i did test with meat run, hatching and breeding.

11th May 2020, 19:44
servers down

12th May 2020, 03:25
servers down

Servers are back up. In the future, please post in the Ark servers down thread (https://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?2339-Report-ARK-server-down-here). Thanks!

27th January 2021, 22:35

Are people still playing Ark on HD servers from time to time?

How is the ping from EU nowadays?

Getting the Ark itch :p

28th January 2021, 09:44
It takes about 75ms to get from Europe to the US, then another 60 or so ms to get to the ARK server.


IP address




















28th January 2021, 16:26
When i check the servers with battlemetrics every other day there doesnt seem to be any activity.

28th January 2021, 17:26

Are people still playing Ark on HD servers from time to time?

How is the ping from EU nowadays?

Getting the Ark itch :p

For the first several years that the Ark servers were housed in the Netherlands, I really didn't experience any gameplay issues in regards to ping. This was back when we did a lot of PvP (accurately hitting moving targets with a sniper) as well. I would expect it shouldn't be too bad, if any different, in the reverse.

As it so happens, InsaneJ and I have been talking about the current state of Ark servers behind the scenes. There's nothing to tell really at this point, but I would expect by the end of the year there could be some changes. This is in part because I've been considering how effectively I can move forward with Ark 2 when that comes out. At this point, if you're feeling the itch I say go for it. There's no plan to shut down the PvE servers, and there's still the possibility that Epimetheus may continue his work on getting PvP servers up and running as a secondary cluster.

28th January 2021, 20:06
Thanks for the info!

29th January 2021, 18:52
There's no plan to shut down the PvE servers, and there's still the possibility that Epimetheus may continue his work on getting PvP servers up and running as a secondary cluster.

I am still interested in doing this, but the 3 times i asked i basically got no reply at all. I can take the time and balance everything and i would most defintly play on it. But if there is no interest in pvp servers i dont see the worth in using the time for it. If atleast 3 players would play it, not every day but some hours per week i would do it.

Maybe i will make another pool soon, to see if there is genuine interest in pvp servers.

29th January 2021, 23:24
I am still interested in doing this, but the 3 times i asked i basically got no reply at all. I can take the time and balance everything and i would most defintly play on it. But if there is no interest in pvp servers i dont see the worth in using the time for it. If atleast 3 players would play it, not every day but some hours per week i would do it.

Maybe i will make another pool soon, to see if there is genuine interest in pvp servers.

I think you might find that your general pool of players will come from outside of HD for PvP servers. Many of our Ark players that stuck around didn't actually come to HD first, but rather after starting on the PvP servers.

13th March 2021, 15:59
Is there a chance we could get PvP servers when genesis 2 comes out? I liked how it was no wipe server ( exept nerf the loot from drops by 2x).

We could advertise it on arkservers.net & ark-servers.net

15th March 2021, 18:12
Is there a chance we could get PvP servers when genesis 2 comes out? I liked how it was no wipe server ( exept nerf the loot from drops by 2x).

We could advertise it on arkservers.net & ark-servers.net

I wouldn't be opposed to the idea. PvP requires a much more active staff role in the servers though, which at this point could be a problem. Right now I've been content to let the PvE servers run themselves with little intervention on my part. The hardware/software issues that plagued the server last year seems to be resolved. But one thing that will remain to be a nuisance is the IP switching.

Ark doesn't utilize DNS for IPs, it resolved the IP name and then saves it as a static entry rather than the name. This is a problem if you don't have static public IPs through your ISP which I don't as it would cost me at least $250 per month to acquire that service (which is absurd, yay capitalism!). My DNS does auto update in conjunction with InsaneJ's hostname server, so the link to the servers through HappyDiggers would always be up to date within 15-20 mins of an IP update, but it does cause some disconnect from steam/ark in game connection gameplay. This problem will cause frustration with new players joining the server, and make it very difficult to keep an advertisement for the servers live as arkservers.net and others resolve and hold the static IP which would be changing every so often.

5th June 2021, 06:22
Will there be a Genesis 2 server for Ark? The expansion came out this week and I would love to play it on a Happy Diggers server.

6th June 2021, 03:23

6th June 2021, 20:22
Will there be a Genesis 2 server for Ark? The expansion came out this week and I would love to play it on a Happy Diggers server.


12th June 2021, 17:37
easy steps to get around mod mismatch for Gen 2? tried removing/readding the server, unsubscribing from the mods and relaunching.

********** Posting this here as I want it discussed.

I am voting to remove S+ from at least Gen 2. Reasons the last 2 days there have been joining the server due to this mod. Yesterday i crashed steam on purpose so it would verify files then it updated S+. Today I actually had remove the mod completely and reinstalled it. In total it took me an hour and 20 min from scratch (research and stuff), but going forward ~20ish min maybe. I do not believe there was an update for S+ between yesterday and today. The other reason for this is S+ isnt terribly important anymore. Ya some of the features are nice but I do not want to have to troubleshoot everyday I try to log in. Ok thanks for listening. time to fix the wife's mod mismatch now.

12th June 2021, 19:36
I have a mod mismatch error today too. But yesterday everything was still fine. Won't this just sort itself out with the daily restart?
I'm not for removing s+ though. I use it a lot. That would probably mean the destruction of all my buildings.

13th June 2021, 03:47
I would be hesitant to remove a mod that is integrated with our cluster. S+ has a lot of quality of life features built into the game that most folks likely take for granted as they've been in the servers since (almost) day 1. Transferring between servers would cause headaches as well. Having items from one mod in your inventory and transferring into a server without said mod will at best delete the items and at worst could corrupt characters.

Is this a relatively new issue that has cropped up? It seems several players are on the Gen 2 server as I type this reply.

13th June 2021, 10:57
Since ARK and it's mods are a bit of a mess, wouldn't it be a good idea to check for ARK and mod updates periodically in addition to the daily restart?

With Valheim I did an update check every 900 seconds as I didn't want to spam Steam servers.
For mods it's a bit more involved but perhaps you could check for updates there every hour or so?

If you need/like help with this I'm down to hack a few scripts :)

15th June 2021, 21:00
The Ark Server Manager through the windows VM performs auto mod updates and checks. It's rare that an update slips through unnoticed. The issue that was brought up by Dourne seems to be player side from what I can tell as the servers were up to date when I looked and there were players on the server (players can't join without up to date mods).

If we pursued moving Ark back to Linux I'd love some auto update scripts ;)

17th June 2021, 04:43
had an update last night at 11:58pm for 157.6mb. does not say what. home now at 8pm the following day and cannot see the servers. removed HD gen 2 from my servers. tried to add ark.happydiggers.net:31015 (steam://connect/ark.happydiggers.net:31015) and get

tried direct link from the home page

tried mods again....nothing. appears not online.

17th June 2021, 04:58
The server hardware is offline which is why none of them are up. If the servers were online and weren't up to date they'd show they were online but you couldn't join them. I've initiated a remote power cycle so they should be up soon.

21st June 2021, 20:31
I can't believe i'm saying this, but I may be back to using heroin/playing ARK again...

For some reason I cant find the servers :D Any tips on how to fix that XD


22nd June 2021, 03:35
The latest update that dropped caused a corruption in the server files. The manager can't process a corrupted update so I'm manually resetting the game server files. Servers should be up one at a time over the next 30 minutes or so.

12th June 2022, 20:56
For those that don't yet have ARK: Survival Evolved. The game is currently free on Steam until June 19th.
