View Full Version : Can't Log into the TFC Server

10th March 2016, 22:31
When I try to log in to the TFC server it says that I am not white listed. Please help

10th March 2016, 22:44
Old servers are closed and new ones are being worked on, final polishing. Wait for opening. :)
The announcements are posted on HD forum and TFC forum in our server thread.

10th March 2016, 23:14
While waiting, listen for this nice song recommended by Marius and feel the hype of new servers opening :)


11th March 2016, 01:54
I'm so hyped!

11th March 2016, 02:23
Ok, that's an awesome song, but.............
("Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?")

11th March 2016, 07:06
Is there an ETA? So excited!

11th March 2016, 08:39
Guys, be patient please :) Everybody is working hard. Some usual last-minite issues because of tons of work is being done :)

11th March 2016, 17:50
you can log in now.

the tp timer is sooooo annoying

11th March 2016, 18:06
Why play on freebie when you can play on donor aza?

11th March 2016, 18:21
When trying to log in it still says I'm not whitelisted. Any thoughts?

11th March 2016, 18:34
I have the same problem. People are playing already. How can I get whitelisted? Or should i just wait a little bit more?:confused:

11th March 2016, 18:47
The servers are not open yet. Only those that got whitelisted (donors) got on the server right now, but they can do nothing there since there are still things to sort out. After everything is working as it should you can join the server. :)

11th March 2016, 18:56
Oh hay!! wilson!! long time no see.

it seems it's still testing done on the server and I happened to be on the whitelist....

When trying to log in it still says I'm not whitelisted. Any thoughts?

11th March 2016, 18:57
I want to build big town with huge population lol. may play on donor sometimes in the future for small builds

Why play on freebie when you can play on donor aza?

12th March 2016, 09:47
how can add-in myself into whitelisted ?
all my friends said they can log in in this morning,
but i cant with the message you arent in the whitelist.
btw , so excited for the new server !

12th March 2016, 10:03
It looks like the Freebie TFC server reverted back to it's whitelisted state. For some reason it's very difficult for a server to remember if it's on or off...

I've removed the whitelist again and hopefully it'll now stay non-whitelisted :)

12th March 2016, 11:04
Help me please.
"Kicked whilst connecting to donortfchc: You are not whitelisted on this server!" :(
I was in the whitelist, in 2014.

12th March 2016, 12:41
The following entry was automatically made when you donated this morning. Please check to see if this is your Minecraft account.

"uuid": "be9d08ff-d012-31de-9097-3281c10f0286",
"name": "xrays7"

It was done 2 minutes after payment was received:

[08:58:31] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 67/INFO]: [MinecraftMarket] Executing "/whitelist add Xrays7" on behalf of Xrays7
[08:58:32] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 58/INFO]: [MinecraftMarket] Executing "/permissions player setgroup donor" on behalf of Xrays7

12th March 2016, 12:55
Full UUID: b5510330-90ce-41d3-9df5-11f48f09ccca

PayPal operation code: 4ML77759JK455904P

12th March 2016, 13:11
Strange. When I removed and added you again manually, the whitelist added the UUID I posted above.

I've now manually edited the whitelist with the UUID you provided. Can you try again?

12th March 2016, 13:21
I went to the server, thank you.
I had a similar problem on other servers. I do not know why this is happening.

12th March 2016, 13:31
Might be something worth contacting Mojang over.

I'm glad it's resolved for our servers though. Enjoy playing :)

12th March 2016, 18:22
Might be something worth contacting Mojang over.

I'm glad it's resolved for our servers though. Enjoy playing :)

Hay J, there seems to be an issue where alot of people can't log on at the moment (not due to too many people)
It's currently 8/20 and when we try to log in it says the server is down? but dynmap shows there are still people on server

please help

12th March 2016, 18:25
same to me

12th March 2016, 19:30
It seems Mojang servers had nothing to do with the login issue. I've restarted the proxy server and am now able to log in. Please try again :)