View Full Version : Possibly Expanding Server Capacity on Freebie Server

12th March 2016, 18:04
The server is staying full for hours at a time now which is rather annoying to people that have been playing on this server for quite a while. I am hoping that you guys will expand the freebie server from 20 to 30 at the very least since it is one of the most popular on the TFC forums please look in to it for the sake of the server patrons. Thank you guys!!

12th March 2016, 18:26
agreed. it needs more space.

12th March 2016, 18:28
Yeah same issue, suddenly can't log on tho :/

12th March 2016, 18:30
Yeah same issue, suddenly can't log on tho :/

i'm monitoring the dynmap at the moment.
anyone who quit can't rejoin

12th March 2016, 18:43
The freebie servers cost money to maintain. J pays for the servers out of his own money. To increase capacity he needs to buy (with money) more server capacity. Getting into the donor servers is cheap, (15 euros for a year). The donor server user caps are almost never reached.

Link to donate:


Quote from J describing donor packages:

These are the current donor packages:
Donor 15,00 EUR
Support our servers and gain access to our donor servers.

TerrafirmaCraft Regular server
TerrafirmaCraft Hardcore server
TechnodeFirmaCraft server

Each server is 80.000 x 80.000 blocks and fully pre-generated.

players can start towns right away
no cool down for teleports
less strict limitations on trees and animals per town: 12 fruit trees, 20 adult animals.
towns may have 4 plots (16x16 blocks) of tilled soil a.k.a farmland and/or berry bushes.
larger minimum distance between towns (min_plot_distance_from_town_plot: '10', min_distance_from_town_homeblock: '20')
Towns get 32 plots per resident.
10 outposts per town
10 /sethome points per player

Donor Awesome 30,00 EUR
Support our servers and gain access to our donor servers. Also get a title to show off your Awesome support.

TerrafirmaCraft Regular server
TerrafirmaCraft Hardcore server
TechnodeFirmaCraft server

People will envy your awesome title.
Dynmap custom icon for towns, request one on our forum.
☺ next to your name
Set a nickname
Disguise as non-hostile mobs
Each server is 80.000 x 80.000 blocks and fully pre-generated.

players can start towns right away
no cool down for teleports
less strict limitations on trees and animals per town: 12 fruit trees, 20 adult animals.
towns may have 4 plots (16x16 blocks) of tilled soil a.k.a farmland and/or berry bushes.
larger minimum distance between towns (min_plot_distance_from_town_plot: '10', min_distance_from_town_homeblock: '20')
Towns get 32 plots per resident.
10 outposts per town
10 /sethome points per player

Donor Legendary 60,00 EUR
Support our servers and gain access to our donor servers. Also get a title to show off your Legendary support.

TerrafirmaCraft Regular server
TerrafirmaCraft Hardcore server
TechnodeFirmaCraft server

People will envy your legendary title.
Dynmap custom icon for towns, request one on our forum.
☺ next to your name
Set a colored nickname
Disguise as non-hostile and hostile mobs
Each server is 80.000 x 80.000 blocks and fully pre-generated.

players can start towns right away
no cool down for teleports
less strict limitations on trees and animals per town: 12 fruit trees, 20 adult animals.
towns may have 4 plots (16x16 blocks) of tilled soil a.k.a farmland and/or berry bushes.
larger minimum distance between towns (min_plot_distance_from_town_plot: '10', min_distance_from_town_homeblock: '20')
Towns get 32 plots per resident.
10 outposts per town
10 /sethome points per player

Donor Epic 100,00 EUR
Support our servers and gain access to our donor servers. Also get a title to show off your Epic support.

TerrafirmaCraft Regular server
TerrafirmaCraft Hardcore server
TechnodeFirmaCraft server

Peole will tell tales and sing songs of your EPIC support.
Dynmap custom icon for towns, request one on our forum.
☺ next to your name
Set colored and magic nicknames
Disguise as all mobs and items

Each server is 80.000 x 80.000 blocks and fully pre-generated.

players can start towns right away
no cool down for teleports
less strict limitations on trees and animals per town: 12 fruit trees, 20 adult animals.
towns may have 4 plots (16x16 blocks) of tilled soil a.k.a farmland and/or berry bushes.
larger minimum distance between towns (min_plot_distance_from_town_plot: '10', min_distance_from_town_homeblock: '20')
Towns get 32 plots per resident.
10 outposts per town
10 /sethome points per player

12th March 2016, 19:23
We reached server cap of 20 players on Freebie TFC? Cool :)

The reason there's a cap of 20 isn't arbitrary and has nothing to do with the server being free.

Right now the server is fresh which means there is very little farm land, few fruit trees, few animals, almost no TFC machines, etc. Once the towns get more settled there's more stuff going on which requires more server resources. After having run TFC servers for quite a long time now we know from experience that on a settled server the maximum amount of players you can have on before you start to experience server side lag is about 20.

Now that we have new hardware we could try increasing the amount of players. But don't expect miracles here. Minecraft is still very much a single threaded application. The new server has more CPU cores, but not faster CPU cores. This means it can run more servers, but each server itself won't be much faster than it was on the previous server.

I'll increase the limit for the Freebie TFC server to 25 and we'll see how it goes.

And yeah, it seems Mojang servers are down again. I can't even log in as well right now. That should get fixed soon-ish. It always does :)

12th March 2016, 22:45
Getting into the donor servers is cheap, (15 euros for a year).
I totally agree with latyper :)
But I found this information in the forum:

Current plan for pricing:

free means free.
tier 1 €15,- / for as long as we're running Minecraft servers. Access to all the tier 1 servers.

This makes donation even more cheaper :D
So guys - don't hesitate and make a as long as we're running Minecraft servers donation.

Link to donate:

Link to the thread "New server plans":
