View Full Version : Giant Pillars of Doom!

15th June 2012, 09:27
By now I'm sure everybody has seen the Giant Pillars of Doom!™ that have started growing on the Towny server. They are caused by a bug in the regeneration process of Towny.

Basically when a plot is unclaimed, it slowly starts reverting back to the way it was before it was claimed. This means if someone starts a town, and then the town goes bankrupt, the land will be returned to what it was before the town started.

I've disabled this regeneration process for the time being in an attempt to stop the pillars from growing. This worked for the pillars growing to the north and south of Aurora. I removed the affected chunks and regenerated them. For now that seems to have solved the problem there.

In what was previously known as Skytown I haven't been so lucky. Two chunks still keep regenerating. I hope they'll stop doing that soon so I can restore the damage.

I know there are other spots that have been affected. If you guys could point them out to me then I will try to see what I can do to fix them.

15th June 2012, 12:14
Thx J!

15th June 2012, 12:51
The giant pillar in Rome has been removed. Sorry to whomever that house belongs to ;)




Oh, and before I forget. You guys may want to do something about that monument. it seems a little premature now ^^
