View Full Version : Ore Coordinate Exchange

31st March 2016, 01:44
So I'm looking for a good place to mine Bismuthinite. I've found lots of other good places to mine Copper, Gold, and Iron but no Bismuthinite. When I find a mine I drop a way point and move on. Most of these places I never return to. This got me thinking, why don't we start exchanging mine locations? Obviously, if you post a location you are inviting anyone else to come mine there. Would anyone else be interested in posting ore locations with me? This seems like it would be a win-win for all involved since locations of where we can mine ores we want are more valuable than hording locations for ores we don't want.

31st March 2016, 04:21
Look in the right rock type. :)


31st March 2016, 05:05
Look in the right rock type. :)


Thanks for the tip but what I'm asking is if you would be interested in posting coordinates for different ore rocks you've come across.