View Full Version : Flower Spawning

20th April 2016, 04:00
I wanted to learn more about flower spawning. They are not listed at all on the wiki and I can't find anything else about them. Do any of you have any information about this? Are they rainfall/temperature/biome dependent? Do some flowers only spawn in certain places?

20th April 2016, 08:06
I know those yellow flowers spawn on clay.

20th April 2016, 21:53
I know those yellow flowers spawn on clay.

I knew that much. I'm trying to get a complete list of them though with details regarding where they naturally spawn. I can't even find a complete list of what flowers there even are.

20th April 2016, 22:17
Got a response from Kitty over on the TFC forums. The answer is less fun than I wanted.

21st April 2016, 19:01
That's interesting because I've noticed that a given geographic area tends to repeat the same flower types. It's not uncommon for me to find 3-5 groups of the same flower within a relatively limited area - maybe a 20x20 chunk or so area? That said, I've noticed no latitude restrictions. It seems like all flowers spawn at any latitude, near as I can tell. So if there was a limiting factor, I was assuming it was rainfall related. I have a hard time believing there's not a spatial factor of some sort, given the amount of repetition I tend to see.

21st April 2016, 21:03
That's interesting because I've noticed that a given geographic area tends to repeat the same flower types. It's not uncommon for me to find 3-5 groups of the same flower within a relatively limited area - maybe a 20x20 chunk or so area? That said, I've noticed no latitude restrictions. It seems like all flowers spawn at any latitude, near as I can tell. So if there was a limiting factor, I was assuming it was rainfall related. I have a hard time believing there's not a spatial factor of some sort, given the amount of repetition I tend to see.

I think she may have made it sound more random than it is. The vanilla minecraft wiki describes some limiting factors about which flowers spawn where:
