View Full Version : Animal penning rule?

17th May 2016, 09:31
I saw this post: http://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?1384-Warned-players-and-banlist&p=16066&viewfull=1#post16066

And I was like :confused:

A rule that says that each animal has to be penned in separate 16x16 pen? Where is it written?

So I looked here:
and here:
and here:
http://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?1675-HappyDiggers-TFC-b79-server (this actually seems outdated).

And nope. No info.

So please clarify:
1) Is it a rule for freebie only (I've never been there, had no chance to read the wooden signs) or for donor servers too?
2) Is the fence/wall included in the 16x16 (i.e. can one fit the pasture and whole fence into one chunk or should the fence go outside chunk)?
3) What about baby animals? Do they need separate pens too?

Thanks in advance :)

17th May 2016, 10:17
Did you try /rules ? On Freebie at least. :)

The rule was introduced to stop people from keeping 8 animals in one small pen, so they constantly bump into each other and walls, forcing server to calculate collisions and increasing server's load.

1. We will clarify that a bit later. The Donor servers are surely not the biggest source of such problems.

2. Fence is included into the 16x16 area. The more space animal have - the better, but ofc forcing fence to be outside of the 16x16 is a bit too uncomfortable.
In the RainnMannx's example town Highrock on Freebie he uses double "gateway" gates to decrease chance of animal escaping when you enter the pen, decreasing animal's space for few blocks, and it is fine. I have single-gate entrances.

3. Adults only. And it would be a server-friendly thing to make a bigger pen for breeding animals like pigs. :)

17th May 2016, 10:42
Did you try /rules ? On Freebie at least. :)

As I wrote before, I've never been on the (new) freebie server ;) I just noticed this on the forum now and tried to look up the rule on forum too. When I next log in (whenever that turns out to be, so many things are eating up my time lately :( ) I will check the /rules of course.

I try not to squeeze too many animals into one pen and I build them rather big, so I'll wait for clarification on 1. before I start redesigning ;)

18th May 2016, 10:22
We should probably have communicated this better, sorry :B

The idea is simple. If you keep one adult animal in a 16x16 pen then that animal won't bump into things as much. It's not intended to limit players or separate freebie vs donor. It simply has to do with server performance. Also it makes for better looking farms and gives players another (small) building project. Although opinions may vary of course ;)

18th May 2016, 11:07
We should probably have communicated this better, sorry :B

The idea is simple. If you keep one adult animal in a 16x16 pen then that animal won't bump into things as much. It's not intended to limit players or separate freebie vs donor. It simply has to do with server performance. Also it makes for better looking farms and gives players another (small) building project. Although opinions may vary of course ;)

But they feel lonely by themselves ;) Maybe keeping them in pairs would work too? With big enough pens that should limit the bumping problem.

But one thing is for sure - I expect to see new, vertical designs for animal pens soon!

18th May 2016, 12:39
Hmmm ... vertical designs ... vertical designs! Interesting! But the grass won't grow without direct sky access, right? So sheeps wont grow wool, horses will not heal?

Lol, if only we could mathematically calculate ... probability/frequency of bumping of an animal into fence and another animal ... for different situations.
E.g. with one animal in 16x16 pen - 1/100, for 2 animals in 16x32 pen - 1/25, but for 2a in 48x48 pen - 1/100.
I.e. if you want to have N>1 animals together in one pen, you need pen be (N*N -1)*16x(N*N-1)*16 for same server load :)

18th May 2016, 23:56
Information has been updated, thanks.

19th May 2016, 07:19
Hmmm ... vertical designs ... vertical designs! Interesting! But the grass won't grow without direct sky access, right? So sheeps wont grow wool, horses will not heal?

Horses don't get hurt unless you ride them carelessly. And you can have one pasture to turn them out to for healing.
Sheep - yes, they need grass to regrow wool. I don't keep more than 2, ever.
Cows, pigs - those look like they can live without grass.

Since my asking resulted in the rule actually being posted, I need to redesign some things next time I log in... I will definitely think about vertical :p

20th May 2016, 22:47
Almost finished - vertical animal pen for 4 animals ;)


22nd May 2016, 18:38
http://s32.postimg.org/8xhi0rynl/2016_05_22_18_32_02.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/8xhi0rynl/)
http://s32.postimg.org/r5xmndt81/2016_05_22_18_32_18.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/r5xmndt81/)
http://s32.postimg.org/jznylc7jl/2016_05_22_18_32_36.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/jznylc7jl/)
http://s32.postimg.org/s9rutkqi9/2016_05_22_18_32_47.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/s9rutkqi9/)

Completly finished, 4 cows on the left, 2 sheep on the right :) Vertical can be done ;)