View Full Version : Chests.. corrupted?

29th May 2016, 13:03
EDIT - i should have mentioned it earlier - everything happened on TnFC server
EDIT 2 - i left chunks for a couple minutes, that didnt help. It also "corrupted at least one barrel. I logged off for a couple hours, still had this problem

I was in my "home", creeper exploded near chests. I survived the blast, landed a few blocks from original place. but then for me it was looking like i was alive, was unable to move, when tried to use chat i got the "Cannot send chat messages" error. And in the chat i saw my death from fall damage. After relogging, i saw this

All chests, that were close to blast area turned into empty oak chests. i tried warping to spawn, waiting for chunks to unload, and coming back, relogging. nothing helped.
I had almost all my stuff in those chests..
Normal creeper explosion can only destroy chests, content should drop as usual..

29th May 2016, 17:29
This is not the answer to your question but there is a some similarity in what happened.


Btw, while you are waiting, do you want to see TFC desert with five varieties of sand? Log on to our HC server :) and see what going on there :confused:


29th May 2016, 17:41
This is not the answer to your question but there is a some similarity in what happened.


Btw, while you are waiting, do you want to see TFC desert with five varieties of sand? Log on to our HC server :) and see what going on there :confused:


I already looked at that thread, looks like we have a bit different problems. Cant see how it can help me(
About second suggestion - i will just play other game i realy love)

30th May 2016, 13:17
Almost 24 hours without reply from stuff? Just want to know how you will deal with it.
I know that server is doing backups, and from previos experience on TnFC server, i know that it is possible to restore one exact chunk. If you cant do it - thats fine, i just want to know it, because i will have to spend mire time mining kimberlite to get good diamonds..

30th May 2016, 14:09
The staff have been discussing your post. We are all located in different timezones and this makes communication difficult. We would appreciate some patience on this holiday weekend. Rest assured, the staff members handling your post are vigilant and fair.

30th May 2016, 15:08
The staff have been discussing your post. We are all located in different timezones and this makes communication difficult. We would appreciate some patience on this holiday weekend. Rest assured, the staff members handling your post are vigilant and fair.

Thanks for answer, i was unaware that staff looked at my post, and wanted at least some response. I will patiantly wait then
And for me this is just normal weekend, not a holiday..

30th May 2016, 17:56
What did you loose that was important? Please make a list, thank you.

30th May 2016, 20:07
What did you loose that was important? Please make a list, thank you.

The olny true rare thing i lost are 4-5 (cant remember) normal diamonds, and 1 flawless (it is second from the best quality, not sure how it is called)

Also somewhat rare, but unnesesery - a few shaders from immersive engineering. They are purely cosmetic, and i dont realy need them

Rest of the stuff is just ores. Cant remember ammount, quality and type, and i already mined more ore to replace it

And.. can i now safely destroy these chests? I thought they are corrupted or something like that, so i didnt touch them

30th May 2016, 21:14
Ok, will replace the those diamonds, and remove the chests, thanks.

31st May 2016, 03:56
Completed :)

31st May 2016, 19:15
Completed :)

Thanks! btw, if you see this reply - tell me, ho to make spoilers here? to hide big screenshots. doesnt work

31st May 2016, 19:34
[ spoiler ] hidden stuff goes here without the spaces in the spoiler tags [ /spoiler ]

1st June 2016, 00:33
Huh, well, ok. And another stupid question.. what was with holiday weekend? I dont know any holiday fro may 30-31(

1st June 2016, 01:12
Huh, well, ok. And another stupid question.. what was with holiday weekend? I dont know any holiday fro may 30-31(

Memorial day here in 'Murica

1st June 2016, 16:47
Huh, never heard about it. well, you learn something new every day

2nd June 2016, 00:05
Here ya go :)
