View Full Version : Why are the servers down this time?

3rd August 2016, 08:28
Short answer: it's not our fault!

I tried updating the server. This is a tedious process for which we need to use a steamcmd client under Linux. Through this client we can then issue an update command. The client will connect to steam servers and download the app ID we've told it to.

Unfortunately it seems over the past couple of weeks/months these download servers have become increasingly slow and unreliable. Just downloading an update can take two days. On top of that it seems the downloads fail quite often so we have to restart the whole thing.

We're trying to get ARK downloaded, but it just isn't letting us. Sorry guys. When it's up again we'll post an update.

4th August 2016, 08:35
It took nearly 3 days to successfully download the 245.93 server update. Updates are all but mandatory however the server side updates are almost impossible to get in a timely manner :/

Server is up again. Enjoy guys.