View Full Version : I need some help..

5th August 2016, 19:42
Hi, my name is jack and I have played this server before. I would love to join the server again, but I am having a lot of problems getting on. I cannot find the right version of the mod anywhere, I've tried TechnicLauncher and hand downloading it and it never seems to work. I really need help solving this issue so I can play this server again. If anyone knows where and how I can download the terrafirmacraft mod for the right version please respond. Thanks!!

5th August 2016, 21:44
You'll need a valid copy of MC to start


technode I use ATL

5th August 2016, 23:01
I'll assume you mean our TerraFirmaCraft server? If so, check out the TFC download page: http://terrafirmacraft.com/f/download.html/
There's also a link with installation instructions there.