View Full Version : Report ARK server down here

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7th October 2017, 05:01
Best of luck of getting server dont push your self to hard

7th October 2017, 05:19
Ragnarok back online. Whatever wildcard did they made things worse. There was no way to save the world, even removing all the mods didn't do jack. I was forced to do a rollback to the point I had gotten the server working after the fatal error the first time. Due to the rollback all the fridge transfers we did today are gone again. I won't be restarting the fridge transfer recovery for a day or so to see what happens with the server as I don't trust wildcard to push out a stable update and I have no idea what's going on with unofficial servers now that I can't even isolate mod files or isolate a problem in general.

For now:

It's possible the server will get rolled back again due to a new fatal error introduced by a new update or by whatever caused the latest one. I can't predict what will happen. If you play the server just know you may lose your progress again. If the problem gets fixed progress might not be lost. We'll see what happens.

The Island still hasn't had any issues throughout this whole debacle. If you're concerned about getting another rollback transfer to The Island and play there for a bit until this problem gets resolved by wildcard.

7th October 2017, 13:05
I wanted to go to Ragnarok and transfer somewhere else to play, but I got timeouts several times in a row and now it's gone from server browser. So something probably went wrong again.

Bad, bad Wildcard ;)

7th October 2017, 15:04
Looks like there's been an update.

7th October 2017, 15:10
Yea hope its gonna be up and running soon at least to move to island or scorched earth for some time till they fix Ragnarok

7th October 2017, 16:00
So how long will there be a chance for rollbacks on ragnarok?

7th October 2017, 18:36
Ragnarok is back up again. Expect it to randomly go down though. I've joined a discord of other server admins because we're not getting the information we need to run/fix servers from wildcard and the mod developers don't know what's going on. Most of the other server owners are experiencing the same thing with their servers going down within an hour of booting up. Ours has gone down twice since the rollback I had to make last night.

7th October 2017, 18:42
Ragnarok is back up again. Expect it to randomly go down though. I've joined a discord of other server admins because we're not getting the information we need to run/fix servers from wildcard and the mod developers don't know what's going on. Most of the other server owners are experiencing the same thing with their servers going down within an hour of booting up. Ours has gone down twice since the rollback I had to make last night.

Okay, do you expect there to be more rollbacks or?

7th October 2017, 18:53
Ragnarok is back down again due to fatal error.

7th October 2017, 18:58
And now it's back up. I've made some changes to the S+ config. Disabled resource pulling and blocked the converter/BP maker structures. Some server owners have reported success with that. We'll see how it goes.

Okay, do you expect there to be more rollbacks or?

I don't know what to expect Britt. In a situation like this we're at the developer's mercy.

7th October 2017, 20:49
Sever down again.
Another fix, or another bug ? (joking :p)

Edit : or maybe just me

8th October 2017, 00:04
The Rag server keeps crashing. The server is saving consistently though so progress isn't being lost, minus maybe a few minutes. Restarting the server every 1-2 hours isn't sustainable. I strongly recommend transferring to The Island or Scorched Earth for now until this problem is resolved. Those servers are staying online without any problems.

8th October 2017, 06:17
Okay everyone. I can't deal with fixing the server 24/7 anymore. No other server owners can figure out how to 100% solve the fatal errors. Every time we solve one (which takes many hours of testing and collaboration) a new one crops up just as quickly. Ragnarok is just plain unstable and wildcard screwed us over bad in multiple ways. I'm reverting the Rag server to 4 days ago before the .17 update that caused this mess. Every single server owner that has done this has had zero issues after their servers. I've done everything possible to prevent such a large rollback but every time I fix something a new fatal error pops up. This rollback should fix all problems with Ragnarok. On the plus side, all fridges are back.

9th October 2017, 00:36
Some people have trouble login into our server. Says mod version is wrong, possibly a mod update needed?

9th October 2017, 00:47
That would be me, i tried everything, no luck.

Basically i came after work boot up ark and i cant see any of happy diggers servers so i tried to join my tribe mate through steam friend list because he is on and playing and message pop up 'Mod Version Mismatch' so i go to steam workshop find structures s+ because **** structures s+, i unsubscribe it / launch ark and i can see servers now, try to join ragnarok it starts downloading s+ times out as usual, i try to join again get message 'Mod Version Mismatch' says make sure server is running latest mods you are using. so i done same thing few more times delete s+ try join / it downloads s+ again / get miss match message again, so i tried verify files integrity on steam after try everything again same thing :(

I hate S+ structures mod!

9th October 2017, 00:51
just checked s+ page log omg if i joined only few minutes earlyer ...

updated : '8 Oct @ 10:44pm'


9th October 2017, 02:40
Just updated the servers. Ragnarok had a fatal error again. It seems the rollback wasn't far enough. I've just uploaded an earlier version of Ragnarok than the one I previously used. I populated the server and ran it through 4 forced update cycles. The server was able to boot up and save the current state in all 4 instances. Time will tell.

9th October 2017, 03:08
hi Jiro so we lost all the progress we done today? and where is no way to get it back ?

9th October 2017, 03:14
Unfortunately, yes that is what I'm saying. The update caused a fatal error and all saves from today were also affected.

9th October 2017, 06:01
After about 3 hours of up time I performed another forced update cycle for Ragnarok and it booted back up. So far things are looking good. The best indicator will be if the server can survive an official version or mod update. I've read reports that the Ark devs are pushing a game version update soon, so testing shouldn't be too far down the road.

9th October 2017, 13:07
it seems i picked up bad time to start playing ark... crashed, rollbacks, maybe its time to find a server without s+ and problem solved.

9th October 2017, 20:56
it seems i picked up bad time to start playing ark... crashed, rollbacks, maybe its time to find a server without s+ and problem solved.

I don't think you've been following along very well. S+ is not the problem. WildCard is. WildCard pushed the 271.17 update that broke every major mod because they changed the base code of the game without notifying anyone in the patch notes. When they discovered their blunder they rolled back the official servers to 271.16 but they did not inform anyone of the problems and left all server owners and mod developers in the dark for 3 days. When they finally spoke publicly about the problem they talked about it in a way that wasn't their responsibility, yet they said they'd "take a look anyway".

They released a 271.2 version that was supposed to fix the 271.17 problem, BUT IT DID NOT. Instead it introduced new fatal errors that are caused by un-stasising dinos trying to eat food. These problems have forced server owners to rollback to before the 271.17 update. Any server owner that hasn't done this yet or can't do this has been experiencing continued fatal errors multiple times a day every day. Remember that discord I talked about that other server owners put together to collaborate and problem solve the fatal errors we were all having? It's still around.

There are 60+ server owners in there and many of them are still having fatal error problems with no solutions. 60+ server owners equals 60-180 servers because many owners have clusters. These are just the admins that are going out of their way to solve the issues. There are reports ALL OVER the steam forum mod pages of servers getting fatal errors from server owners not in the discord. Most people that run servers don't have access to their servers like we do, they rent out a server or three from a hosting company and are limited in their options. You want to see first hand what everyone else is experiencing? Browse the most popular bug report threads. Browse the discord (https://discordapp.com/channels/365766506337927168) server owners put together. Many mods even removed their bug report threads because so many people are complaining about their crashes which have nothing to do with the mods because it's on WildCard's end. Structures Plus had ~70 pages of bug report threads with 70%+ of it talking about the crashes.

If you want a safe unofficial server find one that's not running ANY mods. WildCard changed the base code which broke aspects of mods pulling and using the code. We have the longest running unofficial Ark servers I have seen coming up on 2 years for The Island with no wipes. The Island has been online for 16227 in game days since January 2016, have fun finding any other servers that claim they don't wipe with those numbers. Even official servers have all been wiped to legacy with no support from WildCard. I have never wiped a server and I've only had to rollback twice. If I can prevent it, I do everything I can to not rollback because I don't want people to lose their progress.

I've worked tirelessly on trying to fix the fatal errors and I did in fact find a fix to 3 of the fatal errors presented. The final error that broke the camel's back was the same un-stasising fatal error. I figured out how to fix it by deleting entire species of dinos one at a time off the server, but it would come back again in the form of someone else's tamed dino. This process requires 1-4 hours of testing as each time I remove just 1 species of dino for testing I have to restart the server with a fresh save. Within the same day the fatal error would return because all dinos try to eat and all dinos go into stasis at some point.

What are other server owners that won't rollback to 271.16 doing? They're removing entire player and tribe files thinking they're corrupted (dino unstasis fatal error I discovered). They're wiping out entire bases and all dinos (also the unstasis error). They're wiping their whole maps and starting over (same as going pre-271.17). They're removing large sections of mod files from the server and wiping those structures (the original fatal error presented after 271.17). They're getting fatal errors every day, multiple times a day. Many can't even boot up their servers.

I'm going to revise what I said about a safe server to play on. None of them are safe. Not official, not unofficial. As long as WildCard continues to change the game without keeping the players and the mod developers in the loop it will always be a problem and the potential for another catastrophe. They used to put out "ninja" changes all of the time without notifying players in the patch notes. This has gotten better over the last 6 months or so, but it seems it's still a lurking problem as evidence by this massive screw up followed by WildCard keeping it's mouth shut and letting all of the unofficial servers suffer without any explanation or acknowledgement.

9th October 2017, 21:32
Sounds like studio Wildcard is a real piece of work. I mean, it's OK that they are idiots. Really. Just tell people when you screw up. That way people know why stuff is breaking and they can work to get it fixed. Then the problem would be inconvenient, but people would understand. Software development is tricky after all.

By not telling they screwed up they prove they are not just a bunch of idiots, but also a bunch of scumbags. Seeing all the trouble they've caused the ARK community over the past years, I really wouldn't shed any tears if they would be bought by EA, went bankrupt or got sued again. They truly are a terrible studio.

10th October 2017, 02:40
And i thought that 271.17 caused issues mainly with s+, dang i miss good old days when unofficial servers could run any version they wanted and updated to newer only when they want, but now days rust, ark, 7 days to die.. whenever they change something everyone just has to deal with it..

I do appreciate what you guys are doing, i would help if i could but i know nothing about stuff like that :)

10th October 2017, 03:30
That has pretty much always been the case with Ark, unfortunately. When a mod updates everyone is forced to update (client and server). When a major build version comes out for the game everyone is forced once again. Even some minor versions have required forced updating a few times which is even more prevalent with Ragnarok. If I had it my way we wouldn't update until the version has been established as stable by the community since there have been numerous cases of the developers releasing updates without doing very much testing (and in some cases no testing at all).

The good news is the server has been running without problems for 24 hours now and I've performed a few more forced update cycles without issues. I'm eagerly anticipating a mod or game update to put it through the final test, but I'm optimistic we're in the clear based on what I've seen with our server and what other owners who rolled back to a pre-.17 save are reporting.

10th October 2017, 09:48
Ark devs just pushed the 271.3 update and our servers updated without any problems. I'm confident that the Ragnarok server is in a stable state now.

11th October 2017, 16:34
272 arrived, unfortunately I updated...

11th October 2017, 20:30
Ark servers have been updated.

16th October 2017, 17:01
was not sure where to write server is fine no need for panic ;)

basically i just log on and noticed that s+ industrial grinder is broken, all recipes are gone and it is powered but you cannot turn it on not even when you put fuel in inventory from people who is on right now no one could verify if its just my grinder or all of them not functioning, because they did not had s+ grinder, it's no big issue, but just making you aware with stuff what was happening lately :)

16th October 2017, 23:33
We have s+ grinder, it's working ok.

18th October 2017, 06:04
was not sure where to write server is fine no need for panic ;)

basically i just log on and noticed that s+ industrial grinder is broken, all recipes are gone and it is powered but you cannot turn it on not even when you put fuel in inventory from people who is on right now no one could verify if its just my grinder or all of them not functioning, because they did not had s+ grinder, it's no big issue, but just making you aware with stuff what was happening lately :)

Seems to work just fine for me. Are you certain the outlet it's connected to is powered? If a device is connected to an unpowered outlet it will not power the device even if there are other outlets nearby that are powered. Devices can only connect to one single outlet no matter how many are within range. Happens all the time with turret towers and such where there are a lot of outlets in use. You'll need to troubleshoot your outlet system.

Next time make a thread in the Ark section if it's not an issue related to the server going down.

19th October 2017, 05:18
Server status banners of the Ark servers have been added to the first page of this report thread and the main HappyDiggers Ark Survival Evolved Servers (https://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?2111-HappyDiggers-Ark-Survival-Evolved-Servers&p=14736#post14736) thread.

3rd November 2017, 15:48
server update?

3rd November 2017, 17:18
An update cycle has been initiated.

3rd November 2017, 17:58
All ARK servers have been shut down until further notice. The 273.62 update allows players to spawn at any bed on a server regardless of tribe rights. Until the issue is resolved I can't allow people to play.

3rd November 2017, 20:04
A patch was just released to fix the bed issue. Servers updating now.

12th November 2017, 18:09
ark update

12th November 2017, 20:04
No major Ark updates available. The Ark servers are down, and I can't access the virtual server so that is likely down as well. We'll have to wait for InsaneJ to come on and start it up again.

12th November 2017, 22:41
Looks like Windows crashed arount 16:22 today. No idea why. I'd suggest taking a look at what's (if anything) changed recently.

Server has been started again. ARK servers should become available momentarily.

12th November 2017, 23:40
Not sure if this info helps any, but Ark was very. very laggy and kicking us out every few minutes just before everything crashed.

13th November 2017, 00:30
Not sure if this info helps any, but Ark was very. very laggy and kicking us out every few minutes just before everything crashed.

It might, thank you for reporting it.

15th December 2017, 16:32
S+ update.

15th December 2017, 18:02
Ark servers update cycle initiated.

15th December 2017, 20:21
Ragnarok is still down/not updated? I can't see it.

15th December 2017, 20:23
Ragnarok is still down/not updated? I can't see it.

Okay, I've been writing together with Jiro (in the other thread). So no Ragnarok 'till InsaneJ comes.

19th December 2017, 19:10
Aberration is down.

19th December 2017, 20:41
Aberration is back up.

21st December 2017, 14:44
New update for all Ark servers needed ;)

21st December 2017, 17:17
Ark servers updated to version 276.

23rd December 2017, 11:51
Abberation is down

23rd December 2017, 18:43
Aberration is back up.

1st January 2018, 13:18
The Island need mod updates? Cant connect

"Plese ensure the Server you are attempting to join is running the latest version of all mod content"

1st January 2018, 14:38
S+ updated, we need to wait for Jiro to wake up ;)

1st January 2018, 17:42
I've initiated an update cycle for all the ARK servers. They should be back in about 15 minutes or so.

2nd January 2018, 06:34
Ark is down, possibly needs mods update. :o

2nd January 2018, 06:43
Structures Plus updated again. Server update cycle initiated.

12th January 2018, 08:33
Ark server The Island is offline OMGWTFBBQ what am i supposed to do all weekend? :'(

12th January 2018, 08:38
It seemed to have crashed. I've forced an udpate on the server, it should be back in a few minutes.

12th January 2018, 08:58
It seemed to have crashed. I've forced an udpate on the server, it should be back in a few minutes.

Lovley! :o

12th January 2018, 09:11
It seems to have crashed again. Jiro will have to take a look at this one.

12th January 2018, 11:18
The Island server is back up again. Structures plus underwater cubes seems to be the culprit. It's likely a specific cube was causing the crashes but there's no way to know and no way to fix the issue without deleting all cubes from the server. S+ cubes are in use on other HappyDiggers servers and haven't been crashing so it's difficult to pin point a cause.

12th January 2018, 16:38

I play on your server #HappyDiggers PvPvE [5xTame 3xGather 2xXP] - (v276.42)#
User name: Swimwagen
Tribe name #Tribe of Tussiig#
Base loction: Lat 74 Lon 34
Base area Lat 70-76 Lon 31-35
Problem: The hole base,bulding and animals don't belong to our tribe anymore.
My character has lost all items but not lvl
Can you fix back all our animals and base bulding pls :)

Sincerely Swimwagen


12th January 2018, 20:15
This is probably the strangest bug I've ever seen an unofficial server produce in Ark. To sum up my troubleshooting, it's as if ownership of everything on the server was rolled back 1.5+ years. I have no idea why or how something like this could happen, and there are absolutely no commands, configs, settings, etc that can even remotely control ownership in such a manner.

Anyways, the problem has been fixed with a rollback. I managed to minimize loss down to a day or so. Your tribe logs and character levels will remain unchanged as a rollback in this manner doesn't affect characters, tribes, and tribe logs. This also seems to have fixed the underwater cube crash which means the crash was probably related to some of my mosasaurus with underwater cubes on their platforms going "wild/unclaimed" and the server didn't know how to handle that, which was a symptom of the ownership rollback.

12th January 2018, 22:23
Is working perfect now.
Many thanks for the fix, now is the weekend saved :D

13th January 2018, 10:06
Ark Server need an update ^^

17th January 2018, 12:49
Ark Server the island needs to update, can't join :)

17th January 2018, 16:30
Well actually its not only the island server, all of our servers need to be updated/checked over. :o

17th January 2018, 18:52
All the server should be updated now.

22nd January 2018, 07:38
Ark Island need a update :)

22nd January 2018, 08:58
I've initiated an update on all four servers. They should be back after a little while.

29th January 2018, 14:29
Island server need a update :)

29th January 2018, 20:26
I've initiated another update cycle.

30th January 2018, 16:15
Ragnarok server and Scorched Earth server are missing from the list. Either they are down or there some sort of changes made to them?

30th January 2018, 16:53
They are up, and I've made no changes to them.

I've initiated another update cycle. Let's hope that makes them become available again. Should be done in 15 minutes or so.

6th February 2018, 16:42
I think the island and scorge earth need a update.
Trying to join it says "Unable to query server info for invite"

6th February 2018, 17:35
I've initiated an update cycle.

14th February 2018, 00:50
all happydiggers ark servers are missing from session list in ark server list. Either down/crashed/need update. :o


Just tried to join via arkservers.net. Turns out there is a mod update which explains why the servers are not shown on session list in ark.

14th February 2018, 10:29
I've initiated an update cycle.

20th March 2018, 20:35
Ark servers need a restart. :o

20th March 2018, 23:17
After ark update, unable to connect.

21st March 2018, 00:03
An update cycle has been initiated.

21st March 2018, 01:01
An update cycle has been initiated.

The first update cycle didn't properly update with the ark update servers for whatever reason. A second update cycle has been completed. The servers are updated to the newest server version and are online.

12th April 2018, 08:34
servers need to be updated to .243 there were people on but i could not get on due to update.

12th April 2018, 08:36
servers need to be updated to .243 there were people on but i could not get on due to update.

Ya me and my friend got kicked too and can't get on

12th April 2018, 08:42
servers need to be updated to .243 there were people on but i could not get on due to update.

The official said 242 they didnt update to 243 yet it seems. I could log in in other server but not Ragnarok, now Ragnarok is gone from list. I wonder what happened , did it crash ?

12th April 2018, 17:32
I've restarted the server. Should be back in a couple of minutes. And initiated updates for the rest.

17th April 2018, 01:54
Ragnarok is missing from the server list .

17th April 2018, 02:28
Ragnarok is back up.

4th May 2018, 16:13
The island is down. I repeat the island is down(and so is that lvl 240 daeodon we were taming XD ) :D

4th May 2018, 16:31
The island is down. I repeat the island is down(and so is that lvl 240 daeodon we were taming XD ) :D

The Island is back online.

8th May 2018, 15:12
Looks like the servers are down, can't get response when I try to connect.

8th May 2018, 15:58
Looks like the servers are down, can't get response when I try to connect.

The Ark servers are back online.

12th May 2018, 04:22
ark servers offline

12th May 2018, 04:24
ark servers offline

I messaged everyone on the servers that I was taking the servers down for a machine update, and the countdown went on for 10 minutes ;)

Give me 15 minutes or so and it should be back up.

12th May 2018, 04:35
just got up from a nap lol. good thing though have babies growing.

12th May 2018, 04:45
Ark servers are back up :)

21st May 2018, 20:34
Ragnarok server is down.

Chocolate Jones
21st May 2018, 20:42
Looks like Rag went down.

21st May 2018, 22:36
Ragnarok crashed when I was underwater. I need to go to sleep and therefore probably won't be able to retrieve my body when the server goes back up. The server crashed right when I was about to place a marker for an underwater sinkhole on my map. My character is somewhere around 10, 53 at the bottom of a sinkhole that is surrounded by obsidian pillars. There should also be a manta at the bottom of it. If someone could please retrieve it when server gets back up. I don't want to lose my stuff to a crash. Thanks in advance!

22nd May 2018, 00:57
Ragnarok crashed when I was underwater. I need to go to sleep and therefore probably won't be able to retrieve my body when the server goes back up. The server crashed right when I was about to place a marker for an underwater sinkhole on my map. My character is somewhere around 10, 53 at the bottom of a sinkhole that is surrounded by obsidian pillars. There should also be a manta at the bottom of it. If someone could please retrieve it when server gets back up. I don't want to lose my stuff to a crash. Thanks in advance!

Ragnarok is back up. It's possible your body is not underwater since crashes generally don't get saved by the server. The last save was likely between 1 and 20 minutes prior to the crash.

Edit: It has also been about 20 minutes since Ragnarok started back up. No player deaths have been reported on the server log so you may be in the clear.

22nd May 2018, 18:06
I logged in dead. Not even a red cross showed up to show where I died. I had a very good scuba tank equipped and had been roaming underwater for a while. That's why I probably still survived a long time underwater but not long enough to survive a workday. I had some pretty good stuff on me, any way to retrieve that stuff for me or am I out of luck?

22nd May 2018, 18:09
I logged in dead. Not even a red cross showed up to show where I died. I had a very good scuba tank equipped and had been roaming underwater for a while. That's why I probably still survived a long time underwater but not long enough to survive a workday. I had some pretty good stuff on me, any way to retrieve that stuff for me or am I out of luck?

Private messaging you.

31st May 2018, 17:08
The Island seems to be down again (last ping 6m ago; can't connect atm)

31st May 2018, 21:57
The Island seems to be down again (last ping 6m ago; can't connect atm)

Weird as hell atm only the ISLAND is online :D The other 3 are off -.-

31st May 2018, 22:02
All Ark servers are back online.

16th June 2018, 00:09
Ragnarok server seems missing from ark server list.

Unable to log into any of the 3 out 4 available servers on the list. But this could be on my own part why i cant log in, unless im not the only one who is experiencing this.

16th June 2018, 09:18
I have initiated update cycles for the ARK servers.

26th June 2018, 13:52
Is something wrong with Abberation ? I dced from it and it seems it's only that one i cannot log in :D

26th June 2018, 14:24
Aberration server crashed. I think I unintentionally did something that causes the server to crash. Same situation happened few days ago while I was trying to do the same thing. Now that it's happened a 2nd time I'm fairly sure that said action is the cause of it.

26th June 2018, 15:06
Aberration server crashed. I think I unintentionally did something that causes the server to crash. Same situation happened few days ago while I was trying to do the same thing. Now that it's happened a 2nd time I'm fairly sure that said action is the cause of it.

Dude you owe me a high lvl raptor :D I get you're secretive about what you're doing, but i'l still curious what have you been up to :confused::rolleyes:

26th June 2018, 19:15
Aberration server crashed. I think I unintentionally did something that causes the server to crash. Same situation happened few days ago while I was trying to do the same thing. Now that it's happened a 2nd time I'm fairly sure that said action is the cause of it.
I have restarted the server. It should be back in a few minutes.

26th June 2018, 22:48
I found another person confirming the reason for the Aberration crash in a S+ Steam Workshop discussion. I can PM the details if you want.

27th June 2018, 01:56
I found another person confirming the reason for the Aberration crash in a S+ Steam Workshop discussion. I can PM the details if you want.

Yes, please let me know.

30th June 2018, 13:56
I see the website is back on, but all the servers are still down :) :o

30th June 2018, 14:57
Should be up now. I did some wire work and unplugged the switch. But instead of being down for a few seconds it came up with the wrong configuration. Apparently someone forgot to save the running config to the startup config :B

After setting the correct configuration, and saving it to startup this time, everything went back to normal.

4th July 2018, 18:09
The servers are down! :elmo: I repeat, the servers are down(and with these i feel i've fulfilled my usefulness quota for the day!

Sincerest apologies if anyone's annoyed by this :D

4th July 2018, 18:14
Should be back now. Downtime related to the resolution of this:

4th July 2018, 18:15
Servers are back up again :)

17th July 2018, 14:22
Server is down.

17th July 2018, 20:33
Looks like a crash. Server should be back momentarily.

18th July 2018, 01:46
I got a lost connection timeout and closed the game. The game updated and now I can't join or see the server, probably because of the update. I wish I was paying attention to it.

18th July 2018, 03:16
The servers have been updated.

18th July 2018, 03:56
I'm not able to connect still. Connection timeout.
I cannot claim vote reward because of this, running out of time.

18th July 2018, 15:27
Servers have been updated.

18th July 2018, 18:36
AB, Island and Ragnarok down.

18th July 2018, 20:46
Looks like they crashed again. I've restarted them, they should be back in a few minutes.

Jiro, would you take a look please?

18th July 2018, 23:02
Two servers have crashed again. I'll leave them off until Jiro can take a look at the problem.

19th July 2018, 05:42
All Ark servers are online once again. I don't see anything blatantly wrong at first glance, but I don't have much time to really dig into any underlying problems right now. I should be able to get a clearer picture this weekend. In the mean time, continuing to start up servers that may crash shouldn't do any harm other than causing players headaches. If any servers crash again I may shutdown the plugins tomorrow when I'm able to get back on. Hopefully it doesn't come to that before I can investigate the problem.

19th July 2018, 13:28
Ragnarok server crashed. I was just taming bears too, sucks.

19th July 2018, 18:29
I've started the servers again. No idea how long they'll last now :B

My guess is something updated that's now causing problems. Let's hope they update again and fix things soon.

19th July 2018, 23:11
I know its much later, but Ragnarok is down.

20th July 2018, 01:32
I may have found the issue. The UltraStacks mod was updated 2 days ago and it seems some servers are experiencing crashes due to an update corruption of the mod. I'll run a full re-installation of the mod folder which should fix the crashing.

20th July 2018, 02:20
Servers are up. If all goes well the crashes should stop.

20th July 2018, 02:45
Had to take them down again for a quick minute to reauthorize the advanced chat plugin with a code from the developer. Servers are up for real this time ;)

20th July 2018, 10:44
Ragnarok seems to have crashed again.

20th July 2018, 11:23
All servers are crashed. I have figured the issue of the crash. Anyone who gets on and uses /vote command in chat currently crashes the server.

We might have to take a look at the vote command to see why it causes server crashes.

Anyone who reads it, please refrain from voting for time being until Jiro figures out the issue.

21st July 2018, 08:11
All servers down all day :(

21st July 2018, 17:31
I've started all servers again. Tell players not to vote until that issue has been resolved.

21st July 2018, 20:46
I've removed the vote plugin and restarted the servers. Sounds like you guys found the real problem and in the process we may have fixed another potential problem with the corrupted mod update. The vote plugin developer is aware of the issue and will post a fix soon so we shouldn't have to wait too long before we can continue to run the vote rewards.

23rd July 2018, 01:32
Ark had an update. Servers need to be updated.

24th July 2018, 01:05
Ark had an update. Servers need to be updated.

Ark didn't update, Structures Plus did. The server needed a windows update anyway. Everything should be back up in about 20-30 minutes from this post time.

25th July 2018, 15:57
Our Ark serevers are not visible on server list again.


It turns out that it's structure plus mod update again. :)

25th July 2018, 20:14
I've initiated an update cycle.

6th August 2018, 05:23
Server appears to be down.

Found it. Structures Plus updated. As usual some people losing S+ structures, but there seem to be workarounds.

6th August 2018, 07:58
I've initiated an update cycle.

7th August 2018, 05:04
Server appears to be down.

Found it. Structures Plus updated. As usual some people losing S+ structures, but there seem to be workarounds.

People lose S+ structures pretty much every update because they don't know how to update their servers or singleplayer maps correctly ;)

Our mod updates are automated with the server start scripts, but there have been instances where a large S+ update can lag the order of what gets updated causing the servers to lose all S+ structures. If that happens it's an easy fix since we keep saves every 30 minutes or so for 2 days and then full server backups for a week or so beyond that. That's only happened 2-3 times in several years I believe, so a non-issue for us.

7th August 2018, 08:06
s+ updated again cant see servers

7th August 2018, 08:13
I've initiated another update cycle.

8th August 2018, 17:20
The island is down :(

9th August 2018, 01:41
The island is down :(

Back up.

10th August 2018, 21:26
2 servers Island and Se gone from list, also noticed island servers till has bone piles spawning while ragnarok one does not. Not sure the Bone piles (mounds) should be still spawning or not.

Nevermind island and SE are not down, i must have looked wrong way. cancel that for time being

11th August 2018, 01:09
2 servers Island and Se gone from list, also noticed island servers till has bone piles spawning while ragnarok one does not. Not sure the Bone piles (mounds) should be still spawning or not.

Nevermind island and SE are not down, i must have looked wrong way. cancel that for time being

I believe the event script doesn't work when servers are run through an update script. Meaning if the servers are updated by InsaneJ or me then the bonepiles won't spawn, but if the servers are restarted without an update or shut down and started up manually then it will work. This is very inconvenient and I'm not really sure it's worth the effort just for the bone piles. This sort of event script issue has happened before with other events so I believe it's a dev problem since the startup scripts are identical.

11th August 2018, 08:49
Aberration down

11th August 2018, 08:59
Looks like a crash. I've restarted the server.

14th August 2018, 21:29
Servers need a update :)

14th August 2018, 22:04
Server seem to be working fine, i can see all of them on the list and i was able to join back after checking what is wrong. There are few players who are unable to join the servers. I gave them few suggestion to try to join the server and none of them worked. Website server joining didn't work, Join the game via friend didn't work, Selecting friends in server list and try to join gave them unable to query for invite. I'm not sure if updating, restarting, and so can fix it, or its on their client version they might be using.


Ark closed on me,, and had an update, now i do not see Ragnarok as well. I guess we do need an update to our servers.

15th August 2018, 01:18
Update cycle initiated.

19th August 2018, 18:59
Ragnarok disappeared from server list after people got kicked out.

25th August 2018, 10:41
Its not possible to connect to Scorched Earth. By now im pretty sure a patch of Wildcard screwed up and leads to this problem, which i experienced 3 times already. Maybe a restart will fix it for a while again till they bring out a new patch.

25th August 2018, 10:51
Looks like it crashed. I've restarted the server.

27th August 2018, 21:42
Scorched earth seems to be down :(

28th August 2018, 08:10
It had crashed. I've restarted the server.

6th September 2018, 13:07
Hey, All Ark servers are down, any info about when they will get back up?

6th September 2018, 15:00
They should be back in a few minutes.

9th September 2018, 01:30
Servers are gone from ark server list.

9th September 2018, 01:34
Looks like the server crashed. It should be back momentarily.

10th September 2018, 17:44
Servers are offline or just missing from Ark server list>

10th September 2018, 18:56
They're back. Wasn't a crash. I performed some server maintenance.

17th September 2018, 15:03
Ark servers is down. Is it because you change ip? :)

17th September 2018, 15:39
It shouldn't be since you are using the new IP right now by reading this :)

I've initiated an update cycle. If all goes well servers should be back in about 20 minutes or so.

17th September 2018, 17:11
Thank you :). Diffrent to join now for me. i use to join true arkservers.net and it says offline. But when i click here on your servers it works perfect but it says offline here to.

But Thank you :)

17th September 2018, 20:39
Arkservers.net converted "happydiggers.net" into an IP address when the servers were registered. Which is stupid.

There are many good reasons to use a domain name instead of an IP address. For one, it's easier to remember "happydiggers.net" than "". Another good reason is that when you change host, all you need to do is update your DNS record to point to the new IP address and everything will work for everyone who is still connecting to "happydiggers.net".

But no. Arkservers.net had to convert our domain name "happydiggers.net" into an IP address...
So I went to their site to change things and this is what I got:

I guess I'll try again tomorrow :B

18th September 2018, 19:23
Ark had an update. New dino was added to the server. And joining via link gave me a text " Unable to query a server for invite" . :)

19th September 2018, 03:00
Ark update cycle initiated.

19th September 2018, 04:12
Iam trying to join ragnarok but all it says is ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED.
I can join island and SE. But my surviver are on ragna. something iam missing how to join or just server?

19th September 2018, 05:00
Iam trying to join ragnarok but all it says is ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED.
I can join island and SE. But my surviver are on ragna. something iam missing how to join or just server?

The server is online, ping is good, and I joined without problems.

19th September 2018, 08:47
I tried changing the IP on arkservers.net. Unfortunately their system works with IP addresses instead of domain names. Our servers seem to only exist as IP : port. I created a support ticket, but I'm pretty sure they're going to either ignore it or tell me to create new server entries.

This sucks so much. Domain names exist for this very reason. So we don't have to muck about with IP addresses. And if you hosts gets a new IP then all you have to do is update the DNS record in one place and everythig works again.

At this point I'd rather remove our server listing there altogether than re-create them.

19th September 2018, 17:30
Jiro you was right the server was perfect. :)
I was noob and didnt know how to join correct.
Before ip change i join true arkservers.net.
After ip change i join true (https://happydiggers.net/content.php?117&tabid=107) map links.
And now i copy the map link in to steam favo and it works perfect :)
Great work Insanej, Jiro and all happydiggers crew that keep the servers online and fix problems :)

5th October 2018, 15:13
Is ragnarok down? cant transfer to it for about 2h

5th October 2018, 15:59
rag down

6th October 2018, 04:48
Ragnarok server back up.

6th October 2018, 19:06
Ragnarok is down.

6th October 2018, 21:39
Ragnarok is down.

Restarted again.

14th October 2018, 15:48
The Island is down ! I repeat The Island is down folks !

14th October 2018, 18:02
The Island is down ! I repeat The Island is down folks !

The Island is starting back up.

15th October 2018, 19:01
All ark servers down.

Edit: they are back up

16th October 2018, 21:14
All ark servers down.

Edit: they are back up

Hopefully InsaneJ will be available to initiate an update cycle. If not, I'll be at my home desktop in 4 hours or so and can initiate one then.

16th October 2018, 23:06
I've initiated an update cycle.

17th October 2018, 01:55
My work on making scripts that can auto-detect server online/offline status seems to have caused problems with our update cycle scripts. I've manually updated the servers, and they are back online.

21st October 2018, 14:34
The island is down and i'm the reason why :) Will write a PM to Jiro about it! But do turn it on :D

21st October 2018, 18:55
I've restarted the server. It should be back in a few minutes.

7th November 2018, 18:39
I think the servers need a update

7th November 2018, 19:16
I have initiated an update cycle.

7th November 2018, 19:40
I have initiated an update cycle.

Noticed that 2 of the maps didnt come back online after the update.

7th November 2018, 19:45
Maybe theres something wrong with s+
oh and corpses were glitching aswell for me

7th November 2018, 19:52
Looks like two servers broke due to the update. Jiro will have to look at those.

8th November 2018, 02:27
Looks like two servers broke due to the update. Jiro will have to look at those.

Auto update cycles are currently not working 100% due to some changes that have been made to how the Ark servers start and run. Scripting will have to be done to make them work with the new system, which I can hopefully tackle soon. This will lay the groundwork for the servers to automatically update when patches are released and start themselves back up if a particular server goes down for any reason.

The Island and Aberration are back up.

8th November 2018, 11:48
Good work that getting autoupdate:):) but it seems that Island still down. Can it be fixt?:)

9th November 2018, 02:23
Good work that getting autoupdate:):) but it seems that Island still down. Can it be fixt?:)

Back up again. Seems to have crashed due to maxing out the RAM.

9th November 2018, 08:39
Well there were 7 ARK instances running so... :)

10th November 2018, 02:29
Well there were 7 ARK instances running so... :)


16th November 2018, 19:29
Epimetheus reported ARK has updated. I've initiated an update cycle for the servers.

18th November 2018, 15:09
Extinction server seems to have timed out/crashed.

18th November 2018, 17:57
Extinction server seems to have timed out/crashed.

Extinction has been restarted and is back online.

23rd November 2018, 18:47
Extinction crashed.

23rd November 2018, 18:47
Extinction is down. :)

23rd November 2018, 19:39
I've started the server. If all goes well it should be back in a few minutes.

4th December 2018, 15:48
It seems that Extinction is down.

4th December 2018, 17:48
Looks like it crashed. I've restarted the server.

11th December 2018, 09:11
I get mod version errors.

on the forum page https://happydiggers.net/content.php?117&tabid=107
the steamlink to the ragnarok server is wrong
it starts with http://steam/ instead off steam://

11th December 2018, 09:58
I get mod version errors.

on the forum page https://happydiggers.net/content.php?117&tabid=107
the steamlink to the ragnarok server is wrong
it starts with http://steam/ instead off steam://

Thanks for reporting. I've fixed the URL and I've initiated a server update with warning. Servers should hopefully be back in a short while.

11th December 2018, 10:25
The update broke something. All servers are down until Jiro can fix the problem :B

12th December 2018, 02:02
Ark servers are back up.

14th December 2018, 17:45
Extinction down :(

14th December 2018, 19:05
Looks like a crash. I've restarted the server.

15th December 2018, 10:11
S+ mod seems to have bugged out on extinction, all structures are gone. About 12 hours ago from this post everything was still just fine.

Ragnarok en SE are offline aswell

15th December 2018, 11:47
Scorched Earth Down?

15th December 2018, 13:42
I've initiated an update cycle on all the servers.

15th December 2018, 14:03
Please restart Scorched Earth server again, its still down.

15th December 2018, 14:17

15th December 2018, 16:27
S+ mod seems to have bugged out on extinction, all structures are gone. About 12 hours ago from this post everything was still just fine.

Ragnarok en SE are offline aswell

I've shut down Extinction now until I can find an appropriate backup with S+ structures intact. I should be able to get it back up in a few hours from now.

We had a Windows Update last night on the virtual server and I'm guessing auto restarts threw some startup scripts out of order.

15th December 2018, 17:39
The same happened on se and rag, there is a high chance island and ab have the same problem...

15th December 2018, 18:28
Update: The problem is more involved than just S+ not loading. Currently working on it.

15th December 2018, 18:50
All 5 Ark servers are back up and running with S+ intact, verified in game on each server.

18th December 2018, 20:49
Can't join. Think servers need update :)

19th December 2018, 07:34
Can't join. Think servers need update :)

The holiday update was released and the servers were updated.

20th December 2018, 18:38
Something wrong with Extinction server. Was kickout then can't join. Maybe new update?

20th December 2018, 19:41
No update. I think it just crashed.

20th December 2018, 20:53
Extinction is back up.

28th December 2018, 09:55
Seems like extinction is down.

28th December 2018, 13:23
Seems like extinction is down.

I've restarted the server.

5th January 2019, 11:05
I can't see anything or get any servers to work. I was trying to log into Ragnarok to see if I had anything left, but I have been unable to get anywhere. It's been so long I have no way of knowing if its my side or server side.

5th January 2019, 11:08
Hey Kage,

I can log just fine on Extinction and the other servers also show up as online in transmitter. I think the issue is client-side.

5th January 2019, 13:36
I am trying to connect, but it shows nothing for me. I don't know where to begin at the moment. I tried as it was put on the website and ark-servers.net and both show Server not responding. Is it a different update or something. I don't know how to fix this.

5th January 2019, 18:01
I am trying to connect, but it shows nothing for me. I don't know where to begin at the moment. I tried as it was put on the website and ark-servers.net and both show Server not responding. Is it a different update or something. I don't know how to fix this.

Welcome back Kage. Our IP addresses changed while you were away. The new server IPs are ark.happydiggers.net:27015-ark.happydiggers.net:31015. We have quick links to the servers in the servers tab on the website as well if that would make connecting easier.

5th January 2019, 21:54
Please don't use IPs. Use domain names instead. If our IP changes again, domain names will still work. The domain name for our ARK servers being:


I've also updated the server URLs on our servers page (https://happydiggers.net/content.php?120-Server-List).

Jiro, I've edited your post and replaced IPs with domain names.

6th January 2019, 04:04
When you add the server to steam it automatically converts it to an ip when it saves it. I entered them with the address, it just changed it after. I am still not getting a server response.

6th January 2019, 04:09
When you add the server to steam it automatically converts it to an ip when it saves it. I entered them with the address, it just changed it after. I am still not getting a server response.

You should look at it from the in-game server menu. If they're still not available, then you may need to reinstall your mods as one may be corrupted.

Edit: Resolved

17th January 2019, 03:56
Cant join i think the servers need update :)

17th January 2019, 10:18
I've initiated and update cycle.

18th January 2019, 08:07
Awsome :) i can get in now. But looks like SE is still down. Cant see it in game/steam. And on ark-servers it is offline.

19th January 2019, 18:35
Scorched Earth is back up.

25th January 2019, 15:58
Servers need update :)

25th January 2019, 18:49
I've initiated an update cycle.

13th February 2019, 03:31
There is a version update.

13th February 2019, 12:00
I've initiated an update cycle.

Chocolate Jones
5th March 2019, 17:25
Hey guys, I've been trying to log in but I'm getting an error saying the servers need an update. Also, I think Extinction might be down, but I'm not positive.

5th March 2019, 20:14
I've initiated an update cycle.

6th March 2019, 01:20
A windows update is available. Ark servers will be down for 15-30 minutes.

17th March 2019, 02:08
rag may have crashed