View Full Version : Where is the kapok??? Please help me :(((

6th September 2016, 15:59
I can't find the kapok in the freebie server?
Anyone have seen it?
I've searching the kapok for a long long long time :(
Please tell me, thank you!

7th September 2016, 00:33
Is it a player?

7th September 2016, 14:03
OH...wrong spelling
I'm finding the Kapok.(a kind of tree)

7th September 2016, 14:33
"Sentences that contain a Kappa should not be taken seriously (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Kappa)."

7th September 2016, 14:40
stupid me:(
actually i'm finding the kapok, not the kappa.
sry for spelling mistake!

7th September 2016, 14:58
Since you are still including "kappa" in your posts, they should not be taken seriously either. But the initial post now doesn't have "kappa". So it is serious. But other posts confirming the first one do contain kappa, so the initial post is not serious.

This is a mighty paradox.

Btw, my sentences also contain "kappa". Omg, I'm going slightly mad!

(to clarify: I am joking around. Don't take my posts seriously. Just don't).

7th September 2016, 15:55
It's seems that i can't change the main title so it's still including "kappa" :'(
so...should i add a new post? :confused:
Any admin can help me to del this post? Thank you so much.

7th September 2016, 17:09
I have corrected the thread title. I would prefer to not delete the thread because it is a good thread. If I knew where kapok is I would definitely tell you. But I am slightly ill and dizzy, that's why I am kidding around. Sorry for that.

8th September 2016, 03:04
Best current bet is to go to the equator and go west or east.

8th September 2016, 18:30
I think I've found the thing you were all looking for: