View Full Version : AMP 4.x server thread and stuff

20th November 2016, 10:03
If you encounter any bugs of glitches, please report them here (https://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?1314-Bugs-glitches-crashes-Report-them-here!&p=17613#post17613).
The new AMP 4.x branch is almost ready for server play. We have been discussing plans for this for a while now in the private forum section. However since we do have an FTB server section on the forum I decided it's time to move things out here and keep the other thread just for stuff related to the mod pack.

AMP 4.x is for Minecraft 1.10.2 right now and contains the following mods:

This list will change. I will not keep it up to date. It's just here to give people an idea of what we're starting with.
Adamantium Mod
Advanced Machines
Advanced Solar Panels
GraveStone Mod
Gravitation Suite
Mo' Villages
Pam's HarvestCraft
Slugs EU Energy Converters

As I've said we've discussed plans for the new server for quite some time now. Here are the things that I think stand out the most:

Community community community.
One base for all. We don't want people scattered across the map any more because you might as well do single player then. People are to stay in the base we're building at spawn.
The big base stuff is all community work. We will divide most big things into tasks that one or more people can work on. By tasks we're thinking about: base building, resource gathering, building energy production, building ore refinement, writing computer programs, etc.
All resources are shared. However people are free to reserve resources for projects they are working on. Just put that stuff in a chest with a sign clearly labeled: PlayerName project chest.
We don't want one or two people to build everything. In the past we had a few people who rapidly progressed through the tech trees and build everything. After that their bases were left chunk loaded and empty draining server resources. Yes, I was one of those people :)
Be open to change and requests. If someone needs 1 million EU to do something and you are building a reactor, then do your best to facilitate the request.
No project is exclusive. If you are doing X and someone else would also like to do X, then that person can help do X. Cooperation isn't mandatory, but is strongly encouraged. Just don't finish all the work the other person is working on. If it comes down to it we'd rather have to of X than one unhappy player.
Talk about what you are doing with others. Preferably also on this forum. Keep people in the loop of what you're up to so they can take that into account when starting new projects, building, using resources, etc. For example if you need a million sticks, you can't put those in a project chest so they'll remain in the shared storage. You don't want someone else to put those stick through the recycler. So let people know what you are up to.

Please take note of the Reserving frequencies and enderchest color codes thread (https://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?1043-Reserving-frequencies-and-enderchest-color-codes). Even though we are all in the same base, it makes sense that people use their own color codes and frequencies. For one things don't get mixed up. And people know who build what and know who to talk to if we want to change something.

Here are a bunch of disciplines and projects I think we will be doing. Please feel free to discuss more, I'll add them as they are voiced.

Global disciplines
Players involved. Talk to these people if you need anything.

Base building
J, Jiro

Resource gathering
J, Jiro

Energy production
J, Jiro

Food production

Bee stuff

Ore refinement

Auto crafting system, incl programming recipes

Farming: plants

Farming: animals

Writing computer programs

Rail based transportation

Specific projects
Players cooperating on the project.
Try to keep this limited to 3 per player at a time.

Gather materials for early game startup (done)
J, Jiro, RX

Building initial base (keep future expansions in mind)
J, Jiro

Building low tier energy production (burning coal from cacti/trees) (done)

Build building for portals to the Nether and Mining dimension.[S] (done)

[S]Building simple auto crafting stuffs (done)

Building early ore refinement: Tinker's Construct (done)



Build food network with enderchests (done)

Building early game armor and tools for everyone

Building Jurassic Park

Breeding dinosaurs for the park

Building 5x ore refinement setup (Mekanism) done

IC2: factory and nuclear reactor (factory done)

Building Gravisuite chest armor for all (done)

Building refined storage setup (done)

Fully automate ore refinement and auto crafting for all machines

Opencomputers robot shop


Locker room

Clean up the campus (remove farm stuffs) and create plazas

Teleporters and central embark building




As you can see multiple people can be assigned to multiple disciplines. So if two ore more are assigned to the same one, they need to discuss what they're going to do and who does what. Multiple players can work on the same project, but we shouldn't have as many people working on the same project as we have in each discipline. One person can only do so much after all :)

Try not to start a ton of projects at the same time. Pick 2 or 3 and finish those before moving on to the next.

A project can be anything. I've just listed a bunch of things I think we'll be doing. If you want to specifically add ornaments to our base but not do the "heavy" construction parts, that can be a project. If you want to go fishing to collect all types of fish and put them in item frames, that can be a project. If you want to collect all the Jurassiccraft dino statues, go ahead. If you want to change the boring glass windows in our base with something fancy: that's another project.
Whatever you do, just let us know about it. Doing this will help create a sense of community and will spark creativity and involvement.

20th November 2016, 10:08
When we start the new map I intend to do early game mining by hand. This will yield stone and ore. I'll also help with chopping down trees and exploring nearby villages/structures for goodies.

Once we have a bunch of resources I'll help with the initial base building.

I think the new base should keep future expansion in mind. This means that each floor should have a sub-level where we can place all kinds of wires. This will help keep things look neat and tidy.

As for base design, I think I'd like something that spreads our horizontally rather than having multiple levels above each other. This should also help with server performance.

V.I.P. members and staff who wish to play on the new FTB server, please participate in this thread. It's as much a part of the new server as the Minecraft part :)

20th November 2016, 10:48
Sounds good! When do we start? :D

We might need to refine the food category a bit. For example: a food distribution system would be handy. You already assigned me to bee stuff and farming plants, so I wouldn't want to assume the food production oversight as well, unless there are no takers of course :)

For now you may sign me up for the food project (I'll make sure there's stuff to eat early game).

20th November 2016, 11:10
We'll start somewhere this week.

I've added your for the food and building food network with ender chests.

20th November 2016, 13:29
Sign me up for Jurassic Park. I will gladly do the control systems and NPC logic. I picture that I will be able to help design rides and make NPC staff and patrons. Someone else can discover how to breed real dinos and add them to the exhibit. I am also not too good at building large scale projects, but I can help.

20th November 2016, 16:20
I'm new to everything AMP, I know NOTHING (like how to install even)... but I'm needing a new time sink. I've recently been building a Castle on Vanilla close to spawn and walls are about 70% done. With so many lack luster games this year I have found nothing to replace my decades worth of MMO fun. Modded Minecraft with other people is always something I have been looking for. Let me know where to start and I'll figure it out.

20th November 2016, 23:18
I also plan on contributing early game. For example, I would be digging out sub levels in the new base as I prefer to live underground. I'll be helping with early resource collection as well.

My goals are to have plenty of late game power through efficient extreme reactor setups, an automated crafting setup with multi user input, automated ore processing and sorting, and late game tools with armors.

21st November 2016, 14:52
Ill help with early material gsthering, and tinkers is a good early ore processor I believe, get 2 from 1 and is easy to make, and is powered by lava, ill also take a stab at the 5 tier mechanism set up

21st November 2016, 20:09
Happy to see your responses. I've updated the tables.

There are quite a few mods in the pack. The projects listed barely scratch the surface of what's possible so be sure to look around and pick something from the list. Since I more or less included the redundant IC2 so we could get the Gravisuite chest armor, I'll take responsibility for that mod and build a factory with all the bells and whistles. That means Ultimate Hybrid Solar panels, Nuclear Reactor (that hopefully doesn't blow up), IC2 processing. Jiro can then come in and setup auto crafting for the various machines.

It looks like we have two contenders for the prestigious tier 5 Mekanism setup. I suggest you guys work together to find the most efficient setup for that system. It'll require a bit of a factory on it's own just for that so plan ahead :)

Right now we have 3 quarry like options:

Simple quarry (and powered version)
Digital miner from Mekanism
Quarry from Immersive Engineering.

Those are three increasingly expensive and elaborate machines to make. I'm pretty sure that DOM will want to get into IM at some point. However I would like another option for automatically gathering resources 24/7 after we get our initial burst of stuff we don't need. It doesn't have to be crazy fast, just enough to keep all our factories working. I'm thinking chunk loaded mining turtles or something along those lines. Perhaps a coding project for DOM?

21st November 2016, 23:30
Right now we have 3 quarry like options:

Simple quarry (and powered version)
Digital miner from Mekanism
Quarry from Immersive Engineering.

Those are three increasingly expensive and elaborate machines to make. I'm pretty sure that DOM will want to get into IM at some point. However I would like another option for automatically gathering resources 24/7 after we get our initial burst of stuff we don't need. It doesn't have to be crazy fast, just enough to keep all our factories working. I'm thinking chunk loaded mining turtles or something along those lines. Perhaps a coding project for DOM?

Extra utilities has the ender quarry which we had in an old AMP version. You can set the mining zone thousands of blocks by thousands of blocks and continually mine for weeks. Not sure if there was a specific reason it wasn't included in the latest AMP or not, but it's another quarry option along with lots of other nice features.

22nd November 2016, 00:50
Got it setup and installed. playing on single player atm, not whitelisted. I'll all up for early game digging, i dig 100 x whatever tunnels all the time.

22nd November 2016, 08:13
Extra utilities has the ender quarry which we had in an old AMP version. You can set the mining zone thousands of blocks by thousands of blocks and continually mine for weeks. Not sure if there was a specific reason it wasn't included in the latest AMP or not, but it's another quarry option along with lots of other nice features.
Extra Utilities for 1.10.2 is an empty husk compared to the version for 1.7.10. The Ender Quarry amont many, many other things aren't included in the 1.10.2 version. The author is slowly working to include more stuff, but I'm not willing to go with half a mod of random stuff.

We do have Actually Additions which also has a bunch of random stuff. (mod spotlight (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjX_7509_x4))

I'm not really looking for an extra quarry. I'm looking for a set and forget option. Fire up a turtle(?) with a bunch of ender chests for fuel and resource dumping and let it go on forever and ever. It doesn't have to be fast. All it needs to do is keep our factories from becoming idle.

When we reach the end game I'm pretty sure we'll have a bunch of different ore processing plants:
Immersive Engineering
And perhaps a few others. It would be a waste to just leave those idle all the time :)

25th November 2016, 04:27
Got my finger wrapped around Actually Additions pretty good now, except for auto-storage/sharing. Probably use a different mod for that anyway.

the different food every 12 meals is interesting.

25th November 2016, 21:23
Chunkgen is taking a long time to update. So I started looking into other ways to pre-generate a world. Currently I have a Forge server on my PC with Sponge API running a Sponge mod that is generating a world. It's using the same seed as the current FTB server. I've set it to generate a diameter of 20.000 around 2000 -4000. It's not showing me any progress but I am seeing new region files that aren't 0KB in size so it appears to be working.

To get this to work I had to remove Farseek which is a library used by the Streams mod. If this pre-gen works I'll take a world without streams over a non-pre generated server or having to wait some more.

At this point the region files combined are 76MB. We'll see how it goes from here.

26th November 2016, 00:18
586MB and still going. So far so good :)

26th November 2016, 02:13
the different food every 12 meals is interesting.

I use The Spice of Life in my mod pack except it is much more intense. 4 uses of food per 256 meals. So we have it much easier in this pack. I feel it makes the players consider themselves AND the huge factory that they are building.

586MB and still going. So far so good :)

Exciting! I had some NPCs in the world already, but its not that hard to replace now that I understand the API.

26th November 2016, 03:04
BTW did get a robot to boot up, followed what info i could find and its very unforgiving, at least in my experience so far, easy to make a worthless paper weight, a side note they do have a disassembler that has a chance to break parts, haven't tried it out yet. =P.
robot code is different them turtle code.

Also have a fairly simple tinkers smelting set up with ender io and refined storage, working on lava supply.

26th November 2016, 08:48
1.20GB and still growing.

According to Dinnerbone's tool (https://dinnerbone.com/minecraft/tools/coordinates/) the world seems to have gone beyond the 20.000 by 20.000 I intended. The highest numbered region file right now is: r.79.-156.mca
DB's tool tells me that region file contains: blocks 40448,0,-79872 to 40959,255,-79361

This is the current contents of the region folder:

This is the border plugin's project page for those interested: https://forums.spongepowered.org/t/project-borders-v0-1-1/14412
The documentation is rubbish. The commands listed do not work and do not show a useful help. For example:
/border center
Gives an error about missing arguments. Nowhere on that page does it mention how to change the border for a world. I figured out that the commands follow a structure like: /border <command> <world> <params>

Anyway, the pre-generator seems a bit wonky. I'm considering restarting the server and restarting pre-gen. It should simply skip over already existing chunks and continue the process.

And in case anyone is interested in reviving our regular Minecraft server. Sponge offers quite a few plugins that should make that possible: https://forums.spongepowered.org/c/plugins/plugin-releases
At first glance most of the basics are covered there already. Since Sponge comes in two flavors: with and without Forge support, we could do some interesting things with it.

26th November 2016, 17:04
That sounds kind of screwy. Maybe that mod its entirely compatible with our setup. Looking at the region files, it looks like it jumped out of the region we wanted to generate. I think that we may have to wait for someone to build the chunkgen mod into a release. Either way, we have a nice map chosen and a pretty stable set of mods.

26th November 2016, 21:19
It looks like we've reached the limits of what the borders plugin could do as far as pre-generating the world is concerned. Region files are now 1.23GB total and every time I try to resume generating the server seems to crash at the same point. I've already tried removing a bunch of mods that don't add world gen but that didn't seem to make any difference.

There are some interesting differences between running a Forge only server and a Forge server with Sponge enabled. The Sponge enabled server seems to be a lot smoother even with high tick times. Where the Forge only server starts to rubber band with high tick times, the Sponge enabled server doesn't. That being said the tick times of the Forge only server are significantly lower and it doesn't crash as often. Even without using the border plugin, the Sponge enabled server would sometimes crash when generating new chunks. So far this has not happened on the Forge only server.

Right now it seems that we really need the chunkgen mod to update. Perhaps it would help if some more people commented on the Github issues. The author hasn't shown any activity for a week now. This may sound a bit impatient, but we're waiting for the chunkgen mod to actually start working for several months now. A good way to pre-generate the world and other dimensions is all that we need to get started with this new server.

27th November 2016, 08:26
Dom was kind enough to compile a new version of Chunkgen which seems to be working. I started generating new chunks on a fresh map with:

/chunkgen radius ~ ~ 1000 0
At coordinates 2000, -4000. This should generate a circle with a diameter of 32.000 blocks which should be enough for us to play on since we're only doing a single base at spawn this time around.

It just started but so far things are looking good. Region files are being generated that are more than 8192 bytes in size. The process is going to take a while. After the overworld is done I also intend to pre-gen the nether and mining dimensions. Not sure yet about the dimensions druidry adds but I'm guessing we'll be wanting to go there at some point so might as well.

The other dimensions should generate a lot faster than the overworld since that uses custom terrain generation which is one of the reasons you can't play and generate new chunks at the same time.

Currently the server on my PC is: 0.001144% completed and the region files combined are: 72MB. Here's hoping we don't run into any more crashes while generating so we can get this thing up and running soon :)

27th November 2016, 18:07
Update. After about 9.5 hours pre-gen is at 0.117147%. This is going to take a really long time to complete.

My PC is currently running an Intel Core i7 4770K @4.2GHz with 16GB RAM allocated to the Minecraft server instance and it's stored on a Samsung 840 EVO SSD.

Right now the region files are 1.83GB combined with the following files present:

I guess that just goes to show how much of a bad idea generating chunks while playing would have been :B

Also I'm not too sure about the size of the region files adding up. If it's roughly 1.5GB for 0.1% then it'll turn out to be a 150GB map for a circle with a 32.000 block diameter. The TFC maps which are a 80.000 x 80.000 blocks square are about 100GB. Did the region format change so much between 1.7.10 and 1.10.2? Or is it because ther are more mods present that the region files are now bigger? Or... is there something going wrong again?

28th November 2016, 09:12
After a day's worth of pre-generating the process is at 0.27%. I loaded the world in MCEdit and it turns out that it started generating around 0 0 instead of where I was standing at the time. I guess that's a little regression bug in chunkgen because ~ ~ means: player coordinates.

Right now the world is roughly 10.000 x 10.000 blocks and the island we are interested in lies in the top right corner near the edge of the map. I'll try to generate some kind of map later today.

28th November 2016, 19:49
This is what the world currently being generated looks like only displaying vanilla Minecraft blocks:

Generating that map was fun. Mcmap used 16GB RAM and produced a 250954 x 119850 image. Photoshop needed extra scratch disks just to open the file. The above image is resized down to roughly 2k x 1k.

Anyway, the part of the map we're interested in is the top. In a top-down view it would be the top-right of the map. Right now pre-gen is at 0.377950%. I'm considering writing a program to run the Minecraft server instance and then piping teleport commands into that to teleport a player over the map to generate new chunks because this is going to take a really long time otherwise.

28th November 2016, 23:38
Anyway, the part of the map we're interested in is the top. In a top-down view it would be the top-right of the map. Right now pre-gen is at 0.377950%. I'm considering writing a program to run the Minecraft server instance and then piping teleport commands into that to teleport a player over the map to generate new chunks because this is going to take a really long time otherwise.

Sounds like it could be much more effective, at least compared to the .27% a day.

29th November 2016, 22:39
Generating that map was fun. Mcmap used 16GB RAM and produced a 250954 x 119850 image.

Next time try Tectonicus (http://triangularpixels.com/cms/tools/tectonicus/) for map rendering. That's what I tend to use.

1st December 2016, 18:29
With a small tweak to the PHP monitoring script of the FTB server I am now able to teleport a player in a grid pattern. It's teleporting my account over the map in 100 block intervals every 4 seconds. This seems to allow the server enough time to generate chunks before the area is unloaded after each consecutive teleport.

In a few hours the map should have a new area spanning -4600, -9600 by 4600, -4500. After that I'll update Dynmap and we'll see if that's enough to get started.

3rd December 2016, 10:26
The overworld now has a fairly decent piece of world around the island we are interested in. I've also started pre-generating the nether but ran into a memory leak in my client. Even with 16GB allocated to Minecraft it would run out of memory every 1000x10.000 blocks or so which meant I'd have to reset the pre-gen process a bunch times to get the job done. It seems that the last couple of columns of 1000 blocks went without problems though so it might be a localized issue. The nether is getting an area covering -4750, -5500 by 5250, 4500 which is basically the area around the current spawn point on the map.

I don't think we've ever had to go through this much trouble to pre-generate a world. But in the end it will be worth it :)

Today I'll start pre-generating the mining dimension also.

In the meantime I've been thinking about projects I'd like to do. Since I'm going to focus on IC2 and related mods mostly, I'm planning on building several fully automated nuclear reactors. They won't produce nearly as much energy as a single Big Reactor. But it'll be really cool having a bunch of those up and running and it will require quite a bit of automation to get going.

As far as base planning goes I'm thinking of setting up a bit of a campus around a central building where everybody can reside. The outer buildings can be for the player's individual projects. The IC2 stuff will require a bit of an IC2 factory and a nuclear power plant. Jurrassic Park will require open spaces and forest/jungle, vegetable farms will either require open space or a hydroponics facility.

The idea I have is that each building should have a specific theme rather than turning into (mini) bases for individual players. Each outer building should add to the whole of the campus for all the players. This will also require a lot of wireless technology. Pipes and wires are generally laggy. Fortunately we have a bunch of mods that can distribute power and items wirelessly. We should use those as much as possible.

Thoughts? Comments? Ideas?

3rd December 2016, 15:51
As far as base planning goes I'm thinking of setting up a bit of a campus around a central building where everybody can reside. The outer buildings can be for the player's individual projects. The IC2 stuff will require a bit of an IC2 factory and a nuclear power plant. Jurrassic Park will require open spaces and forest/jungle, vegetable farms will either require open space or a hydroponics facility.

The idea I have is that each building should have a specific theme rather than turning into (mini) bases for individual players. Each outer building should add to the whole of the campus for all the players. This will also require a lot of wireless technology. Pipes and wires are generally laggy. Fortunately we have a bunch of mods that can distribute power and items wirelessly. We should use those as much as possible.

Thoughts? Comments? Ideas?

I agree with the vision that you have for the server. I think it will be quite fun working with fellow HappyDiggers to build one mega community base like we did in previous FTB servers. I see the "campus" as a good playground for architectural creativity and plan on capitalizing on that. Starting the campus will take lots of work, but I think that with basic supplies we can managew to have a great living space for all the players.

I can start the process off but making a block generator service; Most common building blocks that are required for recipes can be processed from cobblestone which can be generated without mining. I will have barrels of blocks available for use for the build as soon as possible. Maybe I can even set up a crazy, rambling shopkeeper to run the warehouse for aesthetic purposes.

3rd December 2016, 16:01
Sounds good, so a tinkers building for the early smelteries, and a mechanism plant for the 5x processing, btw I used pipes mainly the last time for items, which mod is good for wireless item transfer? (Have been using the refined storage to pull and push items for automation of the smelteries with "wires" .

4th December 2016, 20:54
I have been playing around in the pack for a few hours and I cant help but hate the default config for Spice of Life. I love the mod and have used it for a long time now in a private pack that I have played for well over 100 hours. In that pack I required the player to have a different type of meal every 5 meals with diminishing returns on the 6th. After 255 meals, the meal is reset and the player can enjoy that tasty food again. I feel that made the player have a large variety of food, but allowed them to bring a bunch of meals along for trips. The way that the default config is set, the player can only have 1 or 2 meals before 50% return, and a reset after 12 meals.

These are the nodes in the config that I changed:


S:food.modifier.formula=MAX(0, (1 - MAX(0, count-4)/5))

Any thoughts?

4th December 2016, 23:06
having never used the mod. i'm good with the fresh meal every 12. eat something once and put it the fridge. put 3 different meals in my lunch bag and head out.

6th December 2016, 11:29
I'll add the config to the pack for the next update. I had planned on releasing the pack yesterday, but unfortunately the PSU in my PC died. A new one should arrive tomorrow and I'll update the pack one last time, post it on the forum and we can get started on the new server :)

6th December 2016, 23:30
New server has come at a time when I won't have a chance to play. Forced overtime daily and weekends until the holiday. Hoping that the week after Christmas I will be on in full force. Until then, keep up the good work J.

7th December 2016, 16:28
Well, that kinda sucks. That means you won't have time for at least another 3 weeks? Who else is going to make all the fancy building blocks we require to build a nice looking community center? :B

7th December 2016, 18:24
I will play for about an hour or so per day, trying to get the infrastructure set up to produce blocks. Just cobblestone generation and all of the sub steps to get gravel, sand, glass, dirt, clay, etc. Most building blocks are comprised of the basic blocks. It should take too long if I get a watermill for power set up. I've already scoped out a location. Also, Sunday I will have off (hopefully).

10th December 2016, 09:07
Mupje, little J and I have been pretty ill the past week. I haven't done a final update of the pack yet. Hopefully, my head will clear enough somewhere this weekend to do so.

10th December 2016, 15:45

18th December 2016, 13:20
Thanks :)

The server is now open for business. DOM has started a settlement just south of spawn next to a river. Let's all get started on gathering early game resources and doing our projects. VIP members can download the latest version of AMP from the AMP thread in the VIP sections.

And keep in mind:
When we start building, make it look nice!

19th December 2016, 05:18
Tinkers area is close to being completed, its semi automatic, looks like uranium, pour iron, and pour gold do not work in the sag mill, so these can be done at the tink area. If there are more pour ore types let me know, ill check next time im on. Cobalt and ardite also are done here.

What type of paths will there be?

19th December 2016, 12:04
There should be a few blocks that allow the player to walk faster on them (IE: brownstone). If we could make the main paths out of those blocks and run a curb, I think that would look nice.

19th December 2016, 18:58
Think brownstone needs 1 ingot of tin for 9 blocks of brownstone, and gravel, think there quit a bit of it in the system.

19th December 2016, 20:19
I've created a building for the Refined Storage system. It was in the way of Dom's build and we were getting hammered by mobs so it needed a more secure location.

There are a couple of Wireless Grids people can use to connect to the system wirelessly. They need to be linked to the controller block by shift right clicking it. They can be charged in either the bat box or the capacitor that are both next to one of the doors.

Linking other buildings/locations to the Refined Storage network should be done wirelessly. This costs more power but reduces the amount of cables required which should help us out in the long run. See DOM's build as an example of this.

I've also set up a flux network. This will remove the need for power cables/conduits for the most part. They are expensive, but they offer quite a few features we can use. For now, there's only 1 network "HappyDiggers" which is set to public. Every power producing machine can be hooked up to this by means of a Flux Plug which sends energy to the wireless network. On the receiving sides, we use a Flux Point which receives energy. Most RF powered machines should accept Flux Points as a valid power source. I've noticed that IC2 machines do not since they don't use RF but EU. However, the power storage devices of IC2 do accept the Flux Points. This means that I can put a Flux Point on a bat box, cesu, mfe, mfsu, etc. which can in turn power a bunch of IC2 machines.

The flux network has another advantage over the various power systems we have. It can store power directly in the network. this means we can store power in a central location and distribute it to where ever we may need it. Of course, we'll still have local buffers of various types of energy storage. But a large part can be done in "the cloud".

DOM already noticed this, but it seems more prevalent with the use of wireless energy: the EnderIO power conduits are unreliable. They work for a while and then seem to freeze. You then need to destroy/place the conduits to make them work again. For this reason, I suggest we stop using any EnderIO power system. Just like we did on the AMP for Minecraft 1.5.2 server.

19th December 2016, 20:30
Would it be ok to pair this with the laser power ones? Ie use the flux to get it to a building then use the lasers to disiminate it to machines in that building?

19th December 2016, 21:25
If that's how you want to do it, sure. Just keep in mind that you're adding an extra layer of energy transport to the system. Sometimes this is optional, sometimes it's required. Right now I'm not sure which is more expensive to make: energy laser relay or flux point.

20th December 2016, 03:12
FYI, if you use the process grid to make a pattern that uses a crafting table layout, it will not work (maybe is it was hooked to a crafting table?) and will display "machine in use" on the crafting monitor. Network cards where this way, fixed it. Also can reuse patterns to make new ones if they don't work :)

20th December 2016, 07:21
Had an inspiring talk with J about the new AMP, so after encouraging "no, you don't" and "no, they won't" I feel more comfortable joining :D

It seems all my FTB knowledge from AMP 1.9.6 is void, don't see much similar mods :D

For now I see 2 projects I could do.

First is a tavern-kitchen, teaming with Mupje. A wooden building on short posts, of dark brownish color with some brighter ceiling maybe. With a nice room for preparing food and a room for consuming food, so folks could drop in passing by and grab a bite. Food can be partly on the tables (if we have Bibliocraft-like things), partly in fridges, etc. Food like vanilla MC cakes for quick grabbing could be nice.
Yes, later food will be available via ender chests, but it still could be a useful building.
Raw food income could be through enderchest from farms. Some small farms can be around the tavern.

So Mupje, what plans do you have about kitchen and food producing and distribution? Does my project fit any?

Second is some kind of armory, i.e a room with a spare armor and shared tools. So newcomers can visit and gear up, and when the tinker-smith (e.g. RX afaik) makes new tier of tools and weapons for everyone, he places them there for everyone to grab.
Or when someone dies and respawns, he/she can grab the spare set and safely go get his grave stuff.
Something simple, like an open gazebo, but with half of the walls solid, for hanging tools.
Some power stand for charging armors I guess (no idea about modern armors).

Sounds good? Or this functionality is planned via some other means with all that automated storage?

[+] Can we enable support of dynmap signs? So players can mark places of interest themselves? Like here (https://github.com/webbukkit/dynmap/wiki/Using-markers#marker)(permissions for enablesigns (https://github.com/webbukkit/dynmap/wiki/Component-Configuration)).

20th December 2016, 07:35
There should be a few blocks that allow the player to walk faster on them (IE: brownstone). If we could make the main paths out of those blocks and run a curb, I think that would look nice.

Sample paths are laid out. let me know which wins the vote and i'll gather materials. If we can sag mill a ton of cobble it should limit the desert destruction i have already started...oops.

I've relegated myself to miner and now have fortune 3 on my drill. next will be bigger batteries which i can do tomorrow np. it will chew up 8ml RF however and i'd could use my makeshift power station but that may take a bit.

oh yeah added 128 blocks of redstone for you guys to go nuts on. i have reserve of basic anything. if you need something let me know.

20th December 2016, 13:02
The main goal of the block shop (watermill) was to get all of the basic building blocks processed from cobblestone. I will get gravel and sand set up tonight or tomorrow. The cobble generator outside of the building (with the minecart under it) is fully automatic, no power required. So until I get the shop set up, take what you need.

20th December 2016, 15:13
Hep, making armor and tools is on the list and no one has taken it yet, looks like its yours :)
Would look good I think to have a building with armor, could make a display of the armors and have storage set next to them for people to grab from maybe?

For the autocrafting, the ender io machines do they stay at the mill or could they be put in the storage area?

I could work on that, I know a way to automate the atomic rec for the aa stuff, would like to have automation going good before doing the tier 5 mek ore set up.

20th December 2016, 16:54
Glad to see you participating Heptagon, I've added a tavern project to the list and put your name by the tools/armor as well :)

I'll try to further expand the Refined Storage network tonight. Everybody who is ready to have a connection to the main system please let me know. Right now I'm thinking about having one connection per site/building project that can benefit from such a connection. Farms and mines should use ender chests for basic importation of goods.

Have people started exploring the Nether yet? Has anyone found any blaze spawners there? We're in need of blaze rods.

Mupje has been busy planting ender seed things so we should be getting a steady stream of ender pearls from that.

20th December 2016, 17:15
There are spawners in the main world, there are clouds that have chest with goodies, and one of the cloud blocks spawns blazes, I made a platform around the cloud and killed the blazes for rods, may be able to set up a farm there? There is a cloud north of the awater mill, may want to,find a spot farther away for it ? May be able to silk touch the cloud block although I have not tried it.

I set up a grid at the tink place for the storage and its connected. Also have it pulling ores that only work in the smelteries into a chest there.

20th December 2016, 18:02
Glad to see you participating Heptagon, I've added a tavern project to the list and put your name by the tools/armor as well :)

Ah, thanks, I am starting to get it now. I thought that RX is a smith since he does the TC smeltery. But he does ore refinery, not all TC stuff :) Making building does not mean the builder makes all related to buiding production. Nice. Finally I will make myself (and for others, yes) a crossbow, I have been dreaming about it since AMP 1.9.6.

20th December 2016, 19:58
DOM or RX, did one of you guys report the client crashes you experienced before with TrueType Font Replacement (https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/truetype-font-replacement) and Actually Additions (https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/actually-additions)?

20th December 2016, 21:38
Ill report them tonight, so I can grab the correct info, slipped my mind.

Reported the issue on both mods.

21st December 2016, 04:45
Have a blaze "farm" thats close to jarasic park, use elevator block to get to it, dont hit the clouds, there is a spawner or two there. go up the steps, and one should spawn by the chest, and if you keep going another one should spawn, hop down and let them fire then wack them or use a bow, put some blaze rods in storage.

Ok to use all white for dump chest to storage?

21st December 2016, 09:31
Good job :)

I don't think we should use white for import since that's the default color. Sinde Jiro and I are "in charge" of the Refined Storage stuff, let's use the color scheme I always used for general import: Lime - Gray - Lime


I've put a bunch of these chests in the system for people to use.

21st December 2016, 17:38
put some blaze rods in storage.
Done! 2 rods, 2 deaths - draw for now. They will pay later!

21st December 2016, 18:45
How to get rid of constant annoying moskito and dragonflies sounds? Is is some mod I can configure on client side?

21st December 2016, 19:09
I managed to get a quarry up and running yesterday. It runs on combustible fuel at the moment, slowly working on getting it upgraded to the powered version. Now that we have a standardized ender import chest I'll be hooking it into the system.

I'm also carving out some land north of the water wheel for a nuclear power plant where I'll be making the extreme reactors.

21st December 2016, 19:13
Well I logged on to find this:


Three guesses as to who did that lol

21st December 2016, 19:40
OMG!!! Check it out guys!!!! Jiro is making tits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:elmo:


Or not!

21st December 2016, 23:09
Can try disabling Dynamic Surroundings, or check the config file, those could be in there.

22nd December 2016, 07:40
@Heptagon - Upon request, here are a couple of things you can do.

- The first is to keep the alloy smelters in the water wheel area stocked with cobble so we're constantly getting stone cooked up.

- Another is to keep the #2 tinker smelter stocked with lava so it can continue to cook up clear glass. I dumped about 1.5k sand in there.

Both of those tasks will be helpful for the construction of the nuclear power plant.

22nd December 2016, 08:06
Awesome, thanks, plan to do it in the evening. And thanks RX for the sounds hint.

To everyone: guys, could you please mark your builds with a sign, telling what it is / will be? And who the builder is? And some awesome name :)
Because there are some cool started builds already, which are kinda not clear whos and what it will be. And like what's happening.
E.g. this cool arch (http://ftb.happydiggers.net/?worldname=world&mapname=surface&zoom=7&x=1980&y=64&z=-3812) or this thingie with cool slimey columns (http://ftb.happydiggers.net/?worldname=world&mapname=surface&zoom=8&x=2162&y=64&z=-3886).
In future maybe they can be marked using dynmap signs.

What are the options for hidden lighting in this AMP? Previously there were carpenter blocks which could take jackolantern as the main light source and any decorative panel on the side. And light-infused stones from magic crops (with very low light tho).

And are there any projectors (spotlights)? For effects like beacons do, maybe directed at custom angle.

22nd December 2016, 13:20
The arch is for jurassic park, not sure about the other.
The architect mod has panels, not sure if they let light through or not though.

22nd December 2016, 17:31
Hept, if you need brown, cattails, pinecones, and flat mushrooms can also be used to make it, cattails are found along the waters edge.

22nd December 2016, 18:09
The server seems to be struggling, lots of freezes, zombies from new J's building used that to kill me like ninjas.

Thanks for brown! I already run to jungle and got some, also jungle saplings.

22nd December 2016, 21:31
I think we should stop auto-processing ores for now. The reason for this is that the Refined Storage system doesn't have a central place where it keeps all the recipes. Instead, you make "crafters" in which you can store 8 recipes. Want more recipes? Build more crafters.

The problem is that when you program a recipe with IC2 copper dust but all we have is EnderIO dust, it won't work. Normally you'd change the recipe to use EnderIO copper dust and you'd be done. However, since it's a complete pain to find a single recipe among hundreds I think we should opt for on-demand processing of ores. That way we can program a recipe with the ingredients that go with the mod that we're programming the item for. So if we program a Mekanism recipe, we only use Mekanism ingredients. That way the person building the Mekanism stuff will know that he needs to build the machines to grind the ores that he needs.

This also has the added benefit that when someone has already finished their 5x ore refinement plant and you're just getting started, you can choose to still build a complete factory for another mod without feeling pressured to use the stuff others that have already build. Just keep in mind that if you want to use materials from the 5x ore refinement plant then that is perfectly fine.

Keeping raw ores in stock ensures that everybody can get the materials they need through the machines they choose.


22nd December 2016, 22:20
That's fine with me, then you can set up process autos to make the type of dust or ingot you need.

On automation, is the aa automation being handled by anyone? I know a way to automate the atomic rec, and would take a stab at automating the empowerer. Some aa stuff is at the waterwheel, should it have its own place?

Same note with the automation using ender io machines, in a separate place also?

Tink place is semi auto, would you all like it to be more automated? Could set it up that way or make another level for automation.

Can clear the exporters at the mill to stop auto grinding ores.

23rd December 2016, 03:51
That's fine with me, then you can set up process autos to make the type of dust or ingot you need.

On automation, is the aa automation being handled by anyone? I know a way to automate the atomic rec, and would take a stab at automating the empowerer. Some aa stuff is at the waterwheel, should it have its own place?

Same note with the automation using ender io machines, in a separate place also?

Tink place is semi auto, would you all like it to be more automated? Could set it up that way or make another level for automation.

Can clear the exporters at the mill to stop auto grinding ores.

I did most everything with AA, but as far as automation goes....teach me when your done. i have a simple setup for automating which used enderIO and have had no issues with either. not sure whose empowerer came first but there is one by the farm which runs off coal coke (or charcoal if you wanted) and does not necessarily need to be hooked up to the system. i've empowered and few things and havent needed to refuel anything recently. for a small cost of a stack of coal coke we can reduce wireless rf loss when connected to a bigger system.

23rd December 2016, 08:27
Keeping raw ores in stock ensures that everybody can get the materials they need through the machines they choose.

Tink place is semi auto, would you all like it to be more automated?

It would be cool if the tinker's place had an additional one bigger smeltery with multiple basins and automated basins emptying. I.e. when you need to quickly get lot of metal, i.e. process lot of ore. Will be useful for me, since I know only TC. But it requires infinite supply of lava, idk how to make it atm. Manually pouring buckets in Nether to an endertank will not suffice for big processing.

23rd December 2016, 10:56
J, could you please add an apartment building to the list of projects?
It could be a good idea for people to have their own rooms with private stuff, safe beds.
E.g. to store books, tools not currently used (I have this problem :D ).
Ordinary stuff can go to the grid, but frequently used or favorite custom-made - to the room.
Unfortunately I can't take the project, still have a very low progress.
Actually the kitchen/tavern can be the first floor of the apartment building.

23rd December 2016, 14:25
There's already a project for this, see second item for the specific projects :)

23rd December 2016, 14:41
Ahhh, :elmo: I thought it has been completed already:

24th December 2016, 15:22
I'm starting two farm buildings in the tulip field behind the cooling towers. These buildings are meant for Forestry (Bee) stuff and miscellaneous farming stuff. The idea is to have one farm building to keep the machines in, and another for farm animals. Outside will be the place to plant crops, trees and have the alvearies.

In the mining dimension I've cleared a 32x32 block area with the IC2 Advanced Miner. This miner was set to only dig up ores, much like the Digital Miner from Mekanism does. Since you can't see the cleared area from the surface I've marked it with dirt and a sign like this:


If you use a quarry that doesn't produce an open pit, please mark the working area so others don't waste time and energy on the same area :)

24th December 2016, 17:12
Hi guys,

I've just created the food network using an ender chest with the color code cyan-gray-cyan, like attached. There are a couple of ender chests with this color code already in storage.

Have at it!


25th December 2016, 22:00
Placed the painting machine at DOM's place, can make one blocks like other blocks, i.e. for hidden lighting. Doesnt take jackolanterns tho :(

26th December 2016, 12:48
Just to confirm - ordinary players can't create their own NPCs? Admins only, in creative, right?

26th December 2016, 19:09
Hehe, who is eating lapis lazuli? Storage has zero and when I crafted 4 stacks from essence and put back to storage, it started to decrease. I will keep it for now, I hunted for it quite long time, for tinker tools.

26th December 2016, 23:12
Would anyone like to have this mod added to the pack?

Super Circuit Maker (https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/super-circuit-maker)

I have been trying to automate a few things and there is very little ways to interact with redstone in a small environment in this pack so far. Also, many of the other redstone mods are not updated to 1.10 (redpower, minefatory, etc.)

26th December 2016, 23:34
Placed the painting machine at DOM's place, can make one blocks like other blocks, i.e. for hidden lighting. Doesnt take jackolanterns tho :(

There is a block mixer from Malisis that will halve 2 different blocks and splice them together. I used laboratory chisel blocks with glowstone so my Power plant has lab style blocks that glow. Works quite well and should work with jack 'o lanterns.

Would anyone like to have this mod added to the pack?

Super Circuit Maker (https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/super-circuit-maker)

I have been trying to automate a few things and there is very little ways to interact with redstone in a small environment in this pack so far. Also, many of the other redstone mods are not updated to 1.10 (redpower, minefatory, etc.)

If it'll help you with your projects, DOM, I say yes :)

27th December 2016, 04:34
That mod looks cool DOM.

Note on the block combiner, if the block makes a pattern, or if its not symmetrical, it may not work quit right.
Use it with the marble chisel blocks in the tink shop and it looks like its 4 blocks one 1, so test it before making a ton of them :)

27th December 2016, 12:26
Hehe, who is eating lapis lazuli? Storage has zero and when I crafted 4 stacks from essence and put back to storage, it started to decrease. I will keep it for now, I hunted for it quite long time, for tinker tools.

That's me. Sorry :B
I'm making IC2 coolant which is used in overclockers and nuclear reactors. It's trying to keep a certain amount of it in stock for faster crafting. I'll move the advanced miner around a bit in the mining dimension so we should have an ample supply of lapis again soon.

27th December 2016, 12:42
Thanks for the block mixer advice and precaution, will try asap.

Hehe, that's fun.
Lapis is quite rare as ore, and since your machines will constantly use it, I better:

Make few more Mystical Agriculture Lapis seeds to speedup essence income.
We have quite enough inferium essence for this already.
Add lapis crafting recipe to the grid
Replace few ender crops with lapis crops, since the amount of ender essence is near 1k already and I don't know how big area the Farmer services
Similarly craft few glowstone crops, since the glowstone is not renewable afaik, and pretty rare in Nether even for quarries

Unless Mupje has other plans for the essence and vetoes this (M.A. is her project).

[+] Programmed Mystical Agriculture seeds and essence all tiers, planted 4 lapis and 4 glwstone crops, 4 endercrops left. Added lapis and glowdust crafting receipes from essences into the storagr.

[++] Thanks, the block mixer is quite awesome, blocks can be placed any side in any direction. Does not on grass tho. But painter does.
Painter also works on brownstone slabs, but does not allow to place them with slab half up. But the slabs on borders can be used for lighting the roads.

27th December 2016, 23:34
Is there any way we can automate the shearing and collection of colored sheep wool in the "Rainbow farm"? Perhaps something similar to the farmer?

28th December 2016, 00:26
The first reactor is finished and integrated into our power network.


The reactor is run by a computer program that monitors power usage and increases power production to match the required amount being needed. When no power is needed by our network the reactor goes into standby and uses no fuel. The reactor's maximum power output is 17,928.49 RF/t. Currently, there is no liquid ender, gelid cryotheum, or destabilized redstone. Our only somewhat decent options for the reactor are diamond blocks and carbon blocks. Since we don't have a couple of thousand diamonds lying around, we're using carbon blocks. I'm sure we can make do with 18 KRF/t in the mean time.

28th December 2016, 00:56
Tier 4 mek plant is working, next step tier 5 =P
add ore to the chemical injector and take the 4 dust from the enrichment chamber.

Tier 5 mek plant is working, next step upgrading the system :)

28th December 2016, 13:06
I've finished the farm buildings to the north of the cooling towers. Mupje is going to move the farm stuff there and expand.

I've added a recipe to make industrial IC2 diamonds which can be turned into a diamond block. It costs 1 coal and 9.000.000EU.

The first reactor is finished and integrated into our power network.
Since we don't have a couple of thousand diamonds lying around...
Awesome :)

I think we can make diamonds in the IC2 factory, I'll take a look at it.

Tier 4 mek plant is working, next step tier 5 =P
add ore to the chemical injector and take the 4 dust from the enrichment chamber.

Tier 5 mek plant is working, next step upgrading the system :)
Also very awesome!

Now if only the Mekanism factory had a roof. Oh, and walls. And a roof. You know, if it actually looked like a building of sorts ;)

If you look at the IC2 basement you can see the setup I've made to keep IC2 metals in stock. You can probably make something similar for Mekanism metals. That way you can have the benefits of insta-crafting because everything you need is in stock while keeping enough ores in reserve for the other tech mods to use.

28th December 2016, 13:20
The plant will have walls, and a roof :), next on the list, wanted to get in worked out first :), like the tink shop, wanted to get it functional then try to make it look good =P

28th December 2016, 13:29
Mystical Agriculture can also provide tons of diamonds.

28th December 2016, 22:35
I managed to obtain another 24 bat wings from my custom mob spawner and with those I made another 4 "Wings of the Bats" rings for everyone. Simply having the ring in your inventory will enable you to fly like creative mode.

They can be found at the front of the power plant in the crystal chest.


29th December 2016, 03:26
Thanks for the wings, work great in tandem with the hook :)

Is there a way to speed up the steel process in ic2?
Mek steel is pretty fast with the upgraded machine, and there is a machine that turns mek steel to ic2 steel, and can be set to auto craft it, would that possible help, for any recipes that need ic2 steel?

If its to much of a hassle and will mess up stuff i will change out the patterns manually when doing mek upgrades and with no one else on using ic2 steel.

29th December 2016, 07:54
The IC2 steel recipe may not be altered since that could cause a nuclear meltdown later down the road. Melt down meaning a nuke going off :)

I've set up 2 dedicated IC2 blast furnaces which have been producing steel for the past couple of days. There's a crystal chest in the floor of the IC2 factory which holds the current output. Right now I'm not using the steel to make turbines so you can grab from the chest. How much do you need?

There is no objection to making a system that checks how much IC2 steel there is and, if it's getting low, fires up a Mekanism machine to produce more. As long as it's not an auto-crafting recipe in the Refined Storage system. I did this for various ingots and plates in the IC2 factory. Look in the basement to see how I did it. It involves using a RS detector which outputs a redstone signal when item X is below value Y. Connected to the detector is an exporter bus which is set to ONLY work if it receives a redstone signal. The export bus exports the item you want to process. If there's a recipe involved that has more than one ingredient, use more detectors and export buses.You can even set it to craft recipes using an Engineers Workbench (also in the IC2 factory basement).

I would love to see a fully features Mekanism factory that has all of the Mekanism machines and recipes available for auto-crafting. I'm working on getting everybody a full set of Gravisuite armor which basically enables creative flight and godlike status. Once done we'll all go for a swim in the nether :) Anyway, Gravisuite or not, I'd still like to get my hands on one of those fancy Mekanism jet packs. And we could really use a bunch of Digital Miners since they are easier to deploy than the IC2 Advanced Miners and we still need a ton of lapis and glowstone.

Oh, I didn't mention we managed to get on top of the Nether yet. So that happened yesterday. I used a ladder and enderpearl to glitch myself through the roof. Unfortunately I wasn't able to breach the ceiling with a dark oak tree by forcing it to grow with bonemeal and having it's roots replace the bedrock. But fortunately Jiro was around to place an elevator block below where I place one on top. Next time I'm placing one below first before glitching through the roof :B So now there is an elevator in the little house next to the Nether portal that leads up on top of the roof. We could really use some digital miners there to get glowstone and quartz without having to deal with tons of lava. The IC2 advanced miner needs a pump to remove lava or else it'll stall.

29th December 2016, 17:33
I'm talking resource wise of course since obviously some things are way bigger size wise :) The amount of resources required for 7 sets of Gravisuite armor and Vajra is staggering. I don't have the exact numbers since there's no easy way to get a complete list. But if you should order (and then cancel) the items below you'll see what I mean.

Right now I think we have 7 active players on the server. I really hope I didn't forget about anyone. If so, please let me know and I'll fashion another set. I've made sets for: Mupje, DOM, Heptagon, Jiro, RX and Dourne. Should more players wish to join us then I'll make more of course.

Below you can find the accumulation of our server's wealth:

You guys can pick up a set in the IC2 factory at your leisure.

The suites and vajras are charged and ready to go. Just be careful with the vajra since they will eat through any blocks like butter. You may also want to change/disable the off-hand key. By default that's F and it conflicts with the flight key. Also keep in mind that you can toggle flight mode while flying with M. The hover mode gives you creative flight. The suit makes you invulnerable to pretty much anything. So we should definitely go swimming in the nether soon :)

I forgot to mention about the power requirements for the suits. The helmets have a built in ultimate hybrid solar panel which will keep your suit charged during the day and outside. If you need more power then you can use the MFSU chargepads in the floor. There are currently two sets, one in the IC2 factory and one in the Refined Storage building. When you stand on the pads you can activate 4 at the same time. Just move over them a little and stand in the center of 4.

It looks like the way the suit drains has changed. In the past it would drain quite quickly if you had the suit turned on (F on/off). Now it doesn't seem to drain (as much?) unless you actually fly around. It's good practise to stop/start flying by hitting the F key. This will also preserve the flight mode (M on/off) of the suit. If you are in hover mode and you land, it will turn off hover mode. Meaning the next time you want to fly you'll have to enable hover mode again if you want that.

30th December 2016, 06:26
Mek update

Elite Infusing Factory with full upgrades, Elite Smelting Factory with full upgrades, Elite Crushing Factory with full upgrades.
Precision Sawmill with full upgrades (This can make rubber plus wood with rubber wood).
Osmium Compressor with full upgrades.

Digital miner is now craftable, it can have 8 speed and 8 energy upgrade (also craftable) and anchor upgrade.
There is one set up on the top of the nether, pulling everything but cobblestone and netherrack.
* forgot to add cobblestone at first, so it killed a bridge.
The one in the nether is fully upgraded.

Wasn't there a rubber tree set up at the farm??
Would a rubber tree set up and the saw mill be good to make rubber on request?

The oredictionary machine can make ic2 steel on demand from mek steel, though the mek steel would need to be in the refined system to be produced. If a set up was made to keep x amount of ic2 steel in stock, could the mek steel recipie stay in the system?

Will need a lot of steel to upgrade the rest of the mek factory, and with the slow process of ic2, mek steel is a lot faster.

Though its not a big deal to put the steel recipe into the system temporarily and make a few stacks then take it out, and work off the stacks. Also the plate machine (to keep x amount of plates in stock) would snag the steel sometimes before the system could grab it for crafting =P. which wasn't a big deal after making a bunch of ic2 steel from mek steel :).

There is also a digital miner in the mining world fully upgraded.

30th December 2016, 09:17
Are all the Mekanism ores, metals, items that can be made with those machines added as auto craftable?

Mekanism steel and IC2 steel are two different things. If you add a recipe for Mekanism steel that can be auto crafted then there shouldn't be any conflicts. I'm assuming the RS system will look for the specified item (Mek steel ingot) before doing ore dictionary lookup (any steel ingot). Just try it and find out.

Also try setting up a system to keep things in stock like I did in the IC2 factory basement. Check if plates are in stock, if not put Mekanism ingredients in a dedicated ender chest and have it output into a dedicated Mekanism machine. I'd suggest going with ores, output dust into the next machine, ingots into the next, plates into the next. This will create the need for more machines. But that's what factories are for.

There's already a crystal chest full of IC2 steel in the IC2 factory floor in the back. So if you want to upgrade now, you can. Otherwise, add the recipe and make Mek steel :)

Glad to see we have digital miners now. The IC2 advanced miners got a ton of resources for us, but they weren't very user-friendly.

30th December 2016, 17:55
Everything is not in auto crafting yet, as I do upgrades I add what ever is needed to auto crafting. Ill add them as I upgrade the factory.

The mek steel is in the auto craft system now.

Ill add the stocking items to the factory as I go.

Do you notice the insulated copper wire (think that's the name) the one that uses wire and rubber, being buggy? Is there something pulling those to make something? Even with the recipes for mek stuff without ore dictionary and correct mek parts it still makes them with ic2 chips, and those insulated wires always seem to bug out, once hand made and put into the system it finishes. It does pull the correct chips if they are already made, may add those to the stock item set up.

Digital miners are sweet, that, flux node, and ender chest, and your all set.
Setting up the filters is pretty straight forward too.

30th December 2016, 19:05
As far as I know nothing is keeping the copper cable in stock. You can see all the stuff I keep in stock in the IC2 basement. It's mainly ingots and plates of various metals.

If by buggy you mean that the crafting seems to hang at points for no apparent reason, that's a known issue with Refined Storage. Has nothing to do with IC2. I've already had to cancel and restart a ton of crafting operations, especially the ones that have a ton of steps to take to completion. So if you ordered something from RS and it hangs, just cancel and order again. It'll continue where it left off.

31st December 2016, 00:02
Logged on today to find my mystical agriculture diamond seeds and sheep seeds are no longer in the crop plots. I had a few setup in an automated Actually Additions farm setup to auto-propagate over time so I could get more. Thing is, the essence was collected and is in the computer, the seeds are not. Does anybody have something siphoning seeds somewhere or know where my seeds might be? They're rather expensive to half to keep crafting all of the time.

On another note, the brown sheep in the Rainbow Farm are missing. All the other sheep are fine. Does anybody know what happened? It's a bit of a pain to get the sheep in their slots.

31st December 2016, 02:43
Not sure what happen with the seeds or sheep.

Is anyone setting up an opencomputers robot shop? If not can that be added to my list :)

31st December 2016, 12:03
know where my seeds might be?

Don't know about seeds or sheep. I visited your farmhouse approx. yesterday and there was one single crop on each of two plots.
I.e. one crop on the left plot, one on the right. And the center plot had no farmland.

31st December 2016, 14:51
Are you sure Mystical Agriculture works with the AA farm? In the past it has always been a problem to automate those kinds of plants. The only reliable ways to do it so far have been a Computercraft Turtle and an Extra NCPs npc which we are currently using.

DOM can set up more NPCs if you need them. However I suggest we move the farming stuff to the farm. There are two large plots around the barn. One is for bees/trees, the other can be used for plant farming. Just ask Mupje about it or just set up a bunch of plots in a way that makes sense, I'm sure she won't mind :)

RX, I'll add the project to the list. I think DOM wanted to do something similar. If that's true, he can add himself to the project ;)

The opening post has been updated. Quite a few projects have been finished. Great job everybody!

31st December 2016, 18:01
All the machines that are at the mek plant are upgraded and max tiered, found out that you can upgrade the machines in place.

Now to configure the plant for the bottle necks in the processing.

Jiro, i watched the plants and a few times it picked the plant but did not pick the seeds up. a vacuum chest or 2 and some hoppers back to the planter may fix this? it may be from when there are 2 seeds instead of 1.

Added vacuum chest to the area, it doesn't mess up the farmer, watched it work, so if there are any seeds in the vacuum chest, its the ones that didn't get picked up by the farmer.

31st December 2016, 19:08
Oh, if you don't mind, could you add me to the whitelist on AMP server, please :)

31st December 2016, 23:16
Are you sure Mystical Agriculture works with the AA farm? In the past it has always been a problem to automate those kinds of plants. The only reliable ways to do it so far have been a Computercraft Turtle and an Extra NCPs npc which we are currently using.

DOM can set up more NPCs if you need them. However I suggest we move the farming stuff to the farm. There are two large plots around the barn. One is for bees/trees, the other can be used for plant farming. Just ask Mupje about it or just set up a bunch of plots in a way that makes sense, I'm sure she won't mind :)

I've watched the AA farmer operate with MA seeds just fine over the course of a day so that works. I wouldn't mind moving it but bear in mind I do need a lot more than one or two diamond crop seeds being grown. I need 59k diamond essence to get enough diamonds for a single reactor.

Jiro, i watched the plants and a few times it picked the plant but did not pick the seeds up. a vacuum chest or 2 and some hoppers back to the planter may fix this? it may be from when there are 2 seeds instead of 1.

Added vacuum chest to the area, it doesn't mess up the farmer, watched it work, so if there are any seeds in the vacuum chest, its the ones that didn't get picked up by the farmer.

I'm not sure what could be happening, but I know for a fact the machine processes the double seed yield crops. Must be some random moment not related to any particular event, but that's good that the vacuum chest combo works.

1st January 2017, 04:04
I've watched the AA farmer operate with MA seeds just fine over the course of a day so that works. I wouldn't mind moving it but bear in mind I do need a lot more than one or two diamond crop seeds being grown. I need 59k diamond essence to get enough diamonds for a single reactor.
Can you use industrial diamonds? Possibly in combination with that fancy Mekanism device that apparently can do ore dict translation? Industrial diamonds are easy enough to mass produce.

1st January 2017, 04:30
The dictionary machine is very handy, set up a filter and it can change ore dictionary items to a certain kind, so if you need diamond and industrial diamonds have the same ore dictionary you make the filter output diamonds and when industrial diamonds are inserted they are changed to diamonds, it can handle 20 items per tick. So far it works with ingot and dusts, ie need io dust, set filter and any dust matching it changes, mek, ic2, forestry, etc.

Btw, jiro, checked out the farm, no plants, and 11 seeds in the chest, put them back into the farmer, maybe hook it up to the farmer with hopper pipe or hop/ender set up?

1st January 2017, 10:39
Checked Jiro's farm. 0 crops, 20 seeds in vacuum chest, 3x64+14 diam essence in farmer, + 4 fretilizer ess. Replanted, put essence to grid.

1st January 2017, 15:16
Anyone seen Bamboo Forest on te server? Spent few hours, no luck.

1st January 2017, 16:35
I don't know if there's a bamboo forest anywhere. Please check Dynmap and stay inside the pre-generated area. Generating new chunks kills server performance.

1st January 2017, 17:25
I don't know if there's a bamboo forest anywhere. Please check Dynmap and stay inside the pre-generated area. Generating new chunks kills server performance.

DynMap doesnt help much, I don't know how it looks from top. Checked several places which looked like - miss.
Inside pre-generated - of course. I have finished about 80% of pregen map. If there will be no bamboo on 20% left - it doesnt even worth it to generate new chunks, chances of bamboo are so slim the world can increase several times - still no bamboo :)))

1st January 2017, 17:30
Play it in single player and you can fly around and search without affecting the server :)

1st January 2017, 17:56
Checked the farm, 2 plants in the field, and 39 seeds in the chest.

1st January 2017, 18:51
Checked the farm, 2 plants in the field, and 39 seeds in the chest.

Thanks for checking up on it. Seems like it's happening when folks leave the area, even though it has a chunk loader right there. We can move those seeds to one of the new farm setups J was talking about to give it a head start in collecting and in the mean time I'll look into the industrial diamond alternative.

1st January 2017, 19:02
Play it in single player and you can fly around and search without affecting the server :)

I would need the seed for it. Server seeds are usually secret. Also I find tons of goodies while travel. Check this Cloud Pet, found two, one is in grid. It does lightning strike!

1st January 2017, 19:41
The level seed is no secret :)

level-seed=walk da plank

As for industrial diamonds, I'll add a couple of dedicated molecular transformer machines. How many diamonds do you need again?

1st January 2017, 19:57
... Someone else can discover how to breed real dinos and add them to the exhibit...
I'm also new to AMP and I'm not whitelisted on AMP serrver at the moment.
I would like to work with Dino breeding and would like some help with this if someone is interested :)
Sign me up for "Breeding dinosaurs for the park", ish.


1st January 2017, 20:19
Added galros to the whitelist and added tot the dino breeding project. Someone should really update the whitelist on the VIP servers :B

Industrial diamonds are being mass produced now and I've also set the IC2 steel to be imported directly into the RS system.

It looks like someone forgot to take their Vajra when they picked up the most right Gravisuite armor from the IC2 factory. Don't loose the Vajra, this weapon is your life >_<

1st January 2017, 21:14
As for industrial diamonds, I'll add a couple of dedicated molecular transformer machines. How many diamonds do you need again?

Around 6.5k diamonds per reactor, so 13k total.

1st January 2017, 22:06
Then we're going to need more coal. We currently have about 9.5K of coal and we need one coal per industrial diamond.

Do we have digital miners set up yet?

1st January 2017, 22:27
Added galros to the whitelist and added tot the dino breeding project. Someone should really update the whitelist on the VIP servers :B

Industrial diamonds are being mass produced now and I've also set the IC2 steel to be imported directly into the RS system.

It looks like someone forgot to take their Vajra when they picked up the most right Gravisuite armor from the IC2 factory. Don't loose the Vajra, this weapon is your life >_<

Left it there i purpose so i know where it is lol

Coal - np boss.

1st January 2017, 23:08
I think we need some garden project, maybe merged with Mupje's farms.
At least flowergarden.
Because there are too many flowers for decoration and it is impossible to find them in grid/JEI, since their names differ drastically.
Same with trees maybe.

Jiro, I tried some trees around your nuclear plant, do you like them, may I continue? Or you want something different?
The jackolanter column is temporary with the same message.

1st January 2017, 23:15
Jiro, I tried some trees around your nuclear plant, do you like them, may I continue? Or you want something different?
The jackolanter column is temporary with the same message.

Not really, blocks the whole view of the front. Perhaps shrubs/bushes instead?

1st January 2017, 23:19
Have 1 digital miner in the nether and one in the mining world, the nether grabs about 8000 per pull, and the mining world does 12000 to 15000 per pull, will post coordinates by the portals for others if they find it idle and want to move it.

btw, did you notice the coal ore? we have above 10k worth, so i have it auto processing to make the coal until we have the 16k worth.

1st January 2017, 23:51
Not really, blocks the whole view of the front. Perhaps shrubs/bushes instead?

Replaced with samples of berry bushes and tall flowers just to see how it goes. Bushes should grow soon. Maybe will think of something better later.

The trees looked the best for me, it is like Soviet science centers - industrial buildings swimming in trees and vegetation, alleys/parkways, like MSU (https://regnum.ru/pictures/2130089/1.html).

2nd January 2017, 00:04
Have 17k worth of coal now, Dourne dug up a bunch of it :)

The tier 5 plant is hooked into the auto craft system, if you want x amount of ingots look up the mek dust recipe, make the dust, then make the ingots, if the machine your using does not convert it (ie cooking mek dust in a ender machines makes ic2 stuff), use the dictionary device to change the dust to the type you need :).

refined can be used to change one to another on request, a crafter hooked up to the dictionary device can make the items if another dust is in the system. though not sure how it would work if there are more than 1 recipe for something in the system.

Also, nether quarts and diamonds are on demand craftable from the ores thru the mek plant, the quarts is the most returned of 6 per ore, and the diamond ore makes 2.

Glass is also thru the mek plant.

Redstone ore thru mek plant, each ore makes 12.

2nd January 2017, 22:54
I am quite close to finishing the Armory+small tea garden (I don't quite like how it went, but will do for now).

So need to select the next project.

I had no feedback from Mupje about my recent tavern proposal. I really would like to have some team work, at least her being a customer, influencing my choices.

Same on the collaborative building idea (Bouts-Rimes thingie). Only J showed interest. Doesn't make much sense then.

So unless any more input on those two things, I gonna start an appartament building next. Maybe something to Fallout Vault direction, ringed around huge underground tree in a huge cave ... with elevators to booths near each of surface buildings ...

3rd January 2017, 01:37
Going to be building a "mob tower" on the southern outskirts of town. Plan is to have multiple levels with multiple mob types that can be spawned by the flick of a switch so we can auto-farm/harvest mobs as we need/want them.

3rd January 2017, 10:10
I'll ask Mupje to scan this thread and reply so she'll get back to you Hept. If you want to go ahead and get started, please do. Someone build a nice rustique building next to the river. It's currently the only building that looks decent on Dynmap. Is this the intended tavern? If not then go ahead and start building a tavern. If it is then I suggest you get started with the interior. You should ask Dom to supply a bunch of NPCs. Maybe he can even point you in the direction of relevant documentation so you can program them yourself.

As for the armoury building. It really is something special. It's not my taste, but I really like that you've gone and did something out of the ordinary. You took a bunch of fancy coloured blocks, made everything yourself and put together something that really stands out. Good job :)

Building the initial base (2nd project on the list) was something Jiro and I should have finished earlier. I guess the lure of tech mods was just too strong ;) I've already laid out most of a community centre building with rooms for everybody to store their Gravisuite armour in and have a bit of private storage. I'm still thinking about where to put it though. I'm considering placing it to the left or right of the IC2 building. Right now there's a bit of AA stuff going on to the right but this should be moved to it's own dedicated building anyway I think.

3rd January 2017, 12:16
My tavern proposal "for Mupje" is here (https://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?2399-AMP-4-x-server-thread-and-stuff&p=17385&viewfull=1#post17385).

Afaik the awesome rustique building is the Jiro's Mystical Agriculture farm. Despite it looks very "tavernish" and I sniff a very small chance Jiro will abandon it because of the missing seeds problem and industrial diamonds powah, I would still prefer to make a new building for the tavern. Just because using full other's builds is lazy and will teach me nothing :)

I have some time till Armory completion, so can wait for Mupje's and choose a place for tavern without haste.

NPCs - yeah! DOM was very kind (and prone to my passive-agressiveness :) ) to share the NPC wand with me (us), it is in the Armory, with all the precaution signs and warnings around it :) Will start learning NPCs, already watched few videos.

Thanks for kind words about the Armory :) It's hard :) to do anything when people around your just instantly make awesome buildings/roads :) But I try :)))

About the intial base - ah, ok, I forgot that it is "your" proj, sorry :) I was thinking more about my Vault idea and it seems to be too complicated and big a project for me :) A relief that I don't have to do it.

I don't understand how can you "have already laid out" its rooms, but still haven't chosen the location of the building :) Maybe I will see what you mean when login today.

Yes, this AA place looks kinda forgotten :( I use it for making AA blocks from time to time, but I don't know what to do when Atomiser will loose it's charge :) Also there is a second Empowerer at DOM's base, so maybe move Atomizer there temporarily?

Btw, I found bamboo! Thanks for your sigle-player advice, guys! Had to generate world in 4.0.0, because in 4.1 generation was different.
The biome is that brown podzol area in the top right part of the pregen map, can't wait to visit it (carefully :) ).

Btw, whos is a small blue netherrack patch south of Armory with 2 devices and grid? No sign there. Will it blow up one day I worry? :D

3rd January 2017, 14:46
Sorry I missed your suggestion on the tavern, Hept. I think it's a great idea! If you want to go ahead and get the building started, we could move the kitchen into a back room or something. At this point most raw food is put in the storage system by the farmer, so we'd have to figure out a way to get these automatically exported to the kitchen.

Anyone any ideas on that?

3rd January 2017, 16:09
Refined Storage has export busses which I think do round robin. This means if you configure 8 items in one bus it will put 1 of item A, then 1 of item B, etc. into a chest for example.

How far is the range of kitchen blocks? Can you fill an entire basement with refrigerators filled with food stuffs and still pull from those together? Perhaps you could test that in creative mode on a single player world?

3rd January 2017, 18:44
That little blue patch is the start of the open computer robot factory, it will only have a few machines, possible combine this with an AA building??

3rd January 2017, 23:33
AA building - yes please i suck at buildings. Empowerer can be on/off grid as it only takes coal coke or coal to run depending on the power input. all of it can be moved. just let me know where.

3rd January 2017, 23:40
On invalid pets, they are probably the holiday pets, and are only available a certain time of year.

4th January 2017, 00:56
As some of you may have seen, I have a little problem right now with running AMP :confused:
I know it's a heavy modpack but I still hope to get it going. It seems that I have 4GB to run MC.
My computer has the following performance. Do you think it would be able to run the AMP? What can I do? Thanks!

4th January 2017, 02:35
I'll ask Mupje to scan this thread and reply so she'll get back to you Hept. If you want to go ahead and get started, please do. Someone build a nice rustique building next to the river. It's currently the only building that looks decent on Dynmap. Is this the intended tavern? If not then go ahead and start building a tavern. If it is then I suggest you get started with the interior. You should ask Dom to supply a bunch of NPCs. Maybe he can even point you in the direction of relevant documentation so you can program them yourself.

*raises hand*

I built it initially to house small automatic farms for running mystical agriculture but we know how that ended.

My tavern proposal "for Mupje" is here (https://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?2399-AMP-4-x-server-thread-and-stuff&p=17385&viewfull=1#post17385).

Afaik the awesome rustique building is the Jiro's Mystical Agriculture farm. Despite it looks very "tavernish" and I sniff a very small chance Jiro will abandon it because of the missing seeds problem and industrial diamonds powah, I would still prefer to make a new building for the tavern. Just because using full other's builds is lazy and will teach me nothing :)

That would be an accurate assumption. While I don't fancy the idea of abandoning a building, I'm having trouble figuring out what to use it for now that the Mystical Agriculture auto farms aren't panning out the way I had hoped. If anybody has ideas, feel free to shoot them out my way or even take over the building outright for a project.

4th January 2017, 06:21
As some of you may have seen, I have a little problem right now with running AMP :confused:
I know it's a heavy modpack but I still hope to get it going. It seems that I have 4GB to run MC.
My computer has the following performance. Do you think it would be able to run the AMP? What can I do? Thanks!

The biggest difference between my system and yours is the video, my ram is pretty much the same and my processor scores a tad better then yours, the video is the biggest difference, is this a laptop? I believe upgrading the video card would help if it's possible Take it with a grain of salt, I'm not as well versed as I use to be in all the new stuff =P, so another opinion would be good.

Worked on the open computer / aa shop, all the basic crystals are on demand craftable thru the system now.
Working and set up for empowerment.

Also, set up a farmer on the farm field, it should solve the seed fail, a vacuum chest pulls any missed seeds and sticks them in the system, and the farmer pulls seeds from the system.

4th January 2017, 15:22
The Armory + Zen Garden with bed&cake is finished. Finally you have a place to rest and afk nicely :D
Additional thanks to unexpected participant(s?) :)

Can't fill Armory fully, but probably things will come with time. Will add few TiCo tools and weapons later. Feel free to fill remining spaces if have nice ideas.

4th January 2017, 22:50
The biggest difference between my system and yours is the video, my ram is pretty much the same and my processor scores a tad better then yours, the video is the biggest difference, is this a laptop?
Yes, it's a laptop and I have only this one, right now. It can successfully run MC and TFC. I will improve the settings and try playing again on the AMP server.
I can build something if someone wants to light up the area for me or I can do some "safe" job, where you don't need to be quick. (I don't want to fight with :creeper:, :skeleton:, :zombie:, :spider: - don't want to destroy something)
Or I'll just login to admire what you guys have built and have done on the server :)
I really like the Armory building (purple and green = rock!) I don't understand those technical buildings. They are very valuable and sooo complicated so ... my hat's off to you. I'm impressed :)

4th January 2017, 23:20
you can set view distance to tiny, kinda sucks, but it should help in the video performance area, and go through the video setting and turn stuff down to make it better.

4th January 2017, 23:42
Yes, it's a laptop and I have only this one, right now. It can successfully run MC and TFC. I will improve the settings and try playing again on the AMP server.
I can build something if someone wants to light up the area for me or I can do some "safe" job, where you don't need to be quick. (I don't want to fight with :creeper:, :skeleton:, :zombie:, :spider: - don't want to destroy something)
Or I'll just login to admire what you guys have built and have done on the server :)
I really like the Armory building (purple and green = rock!) I don't understand those technical buildings. They are very valuable and sooo complicated so ... my hat's off to you. I'm impressed :)

I played AMP and MC with a laptop for quite a while until I upgraded for Ark. My suggestion is to bring down all your graphics settings to their lowest/fastest points they can go.

5th January 2017, 00:19
The campus is protected by mega torches so mobs don't spawn there without the help of artificial mob spawners. It's safe to walk around there even at night. So if you want to build somewhere new just place a mega torch first. You can get them from the Refined Storage system :)

5th January 2017, 14:53
I quite like banners, so made mine to proudly mark buildings made by me (in addition to usual signs).
I also made HappyDiggers banner, initially created for Vanilla server, hope you like it. There are few in grid.
Feel free to make a better one and replace. I didn't have good access to creeper faces on Vanilla, to reproduce the digger face :D

I guess there is no need to invent some rules what banners on a building mean, e.g. is building public or not etc. All buildings are public.

I probably would hang HD banner on officially public buildings that everyone should use if they can. But I have no idea what it means :D

And if no HD banner - then the building/farm owner would prefer to use it mostly for his/her own purposes. I.e. "don't mess wuch with it please, ask first". Idk.

5th January 2017, 14:59
Can my computer run AMP?

Thanks for your time guys and for all GOOD and useful advice! I will do everything :)

5th January 2017, 15:06
More actually additions craftable available now, the empowerment should handle large request now, I think I have the atomizer good now, see if any hiccups come.

Is the set up at the farm field ok? Since diamonds are easier by other means is there another essence needed?

The green house glass should be made to look better if the set up is ok.

Added cactus recipe with essence to system.

Hep, for the AA stuff, what items are you looking for in the atomic ref? Added ethetic quartz.

6th January 2017, 14:25
I need experience for making mending weapons/tools for Armory, and I saw Jiro made a awesome London Cucumber ;) mob farm having lot of green juice in tanks, even 2 types of juice. Is it possible to get experience from it to me? Like an XP shower or compactor or whatever? I could try to research and add it to the tower, but don't want to mess with it. Also the Killer Joes are nasty, start swinging their swords at me :( And their faces in jars are very scary!

So I guess Experience seeds would be nice for Mystical Agriculture farm too. I saw it is already have few in the farm.

RX, thanks for etheic quartz, it is fun to watch it work :) I also need Etheic Green Block :) Thanks!

6th January 2017, 16:45
Will do hep :)

Jiro, block breaker works, and the auto craft is set for adamantium, (vibrimum ore sP*) it has aN adamantium block, maybe its tougher then obsidian, I tried to find info on blast resistance and didn't find any.

6th January 2017, 18:22
There's fancy glass from, I think, EnderIO that can withstand a Nuke. It's clear and only has borders on the outside of a group of those glass blocks. It comes in different colors too, although the class is very clear making it hard to see what the color of the glass really is. It's nice glass :)

6th January 2017, 19:01
I need experience for making mending weapons/tools for Armory, and I saw Jiro made a awesome London Cucumber ;) mob farm having lot of green juice in tanks, even 2 types of juice. Is it possible to get experience from it to me? Like an XP shower or compactor or whatever? I could try to research and add it to the tower, but don't want to mess with it. Also the Killer Joes are nasty, start swinging their swords at me :( And their faces in jars are very scary!

So I guess Experience seeds would be nice for Mystical Agriculture farm too. I saw it is already have few in the farm.

There's an AA block that can repair tools using RF. Might want to look into it :)

As for the experience in the tower we can use the Ender IO rod to transfer xp out of the tanks to the player themselves, and then use the solidifier to transmute the experience into solid experience blocks for storage. There's probably a better way to do this, I'll be looking into possibilities.

Will do hep :)

Jiro, block breaker works, and the auto craft is set for adamantium, (vibrimum ore sP*) it has aN adamantium block, maybe its tougher then obsidian, I tried to find info on blast resistance and didn't find any.


6th January 2017, 19:36
Will do hep :)

Jiro, block breaker works, and the auto craft is set for adamantium, (vibrimum ore sP*) it has aN adamantium block, maybe its tougher then obsidian, I tried to find info on blast resistance and didn't find any.

Scratch that. Looks like adamantium hoes can't be used in the farmer. Obsidian hoes can though. Looks like we'll be wanting obsidian hoes on order.

6th January 2017, 20:08
EnderIO Reinforced Obsidian

Looks like this is wither proof, its one I have found so far, looked for the one J mentioned and found this one.

Does anyone object to the farm machines? They can be made self sufficient if that's ok

6th January 2017, 22:20
White and Black Mob Tower

This tower has customized mob spawning. You can access the tower by flying to the top and using the elevator, or entering through a white door at ground level and taking an elevator up. The control room allows you to activate specific mob spawners. The mobs will spawn, be killed, have loot collected into the Refined Storage network, and have their experience be siphoned into fluid tanks.


To be able to use the experience collected in the tanks you must use the Ender IO Experience Rod which is located in the crystal chest in the sub level. Right click an experience tank with the rod in your hand to gain levels from the liquid XP. You can then solidify your experience in the Actually Additons solidifier in front of the crystal chest. Simply open the GUI and press "ALL" to transfer your personal xp into solid xp that can be stored in the chest or Refined Storage network.


You can access each mob layer to manually kill mobs as well. Just be sure to turn off the Killer Joes in the sub level. The button is above the crystal chest along the wall. Remember not to use a Vajra if you're manually killing mobs as you could miss and break the building or machinery. Activating the ghast spawner will automatically close floor access to prevent accidental explosions or damages.

The Killer Joes run on Nutrient Distillation liquid which is produced in the sub level. Many artificial mob spawners can run at the same time if needed. The Killer Joes use multiple kinds of swords. Good swords to use are Diamond swords (made with industrial diamonds), adamantium swords, and obsidian swords. Simply crafting them and placing them in the Refined Storage system will automatically distribute the swords to the Killer Joes. We already have a surplus of swords for the system. If nutrient distillation ever runs low (which would take a while) just activate the Zombie spawner and let it run for a while to build up rotten meat for the Ender IO vats.

7th January 2017, 07:34
There's fancy glass from, I think, EnderIO that can withstand a Nuke. It's clear and only has borders on the outside of a group of those glass blocks. It comes in different colors too, although the class is very clear making it hard to see what the color of the glass really is. It's nice glass :)

Looks like the wither can blow up the blast resistant glass so I'll have to go with the reinforced obsidian Rx found.

9th January 2017, 00:13
The AA empowerment should be good now (besides the canola one, still wip), the first set up worked good with all but canola, then set it up for canola and still worked good on small orders, large orders not so much =P, so now its divided, so works, (i saw someone made an order, i didn't have the pull system in place at that time).

9th January 2017, 09:15
Hehe, irl we have -30 C frost atm and a hot water pipe somewhere in city blew up and took down internet for the whole street :D
I hope it will be restored soon, so I can continue the tavern.
I think the found place is suitable: close to farms so we may deliver food via railway, and close to the center so people could drop by to grab a bite in comfort.
Our long New Year national holiday is over so I will be a bit less active.

Do you think guys we should make a separate, non-grid storage for food? (or a separate grid, which must be more complicated). With a separate ender chest input? And like agree to not put most raw food into the grid?
Grid is not used for food distribution to customers. And it seems uncomfortable to dump raw food into grid because it often has unique names and it is hard to find it in grid.
I.e. there are tons of different sea/fish food and it seems to be better to deliver it manually from a fishery to the "fish" fridge in the multiblock kitchen. Some double-purpose items like pumpkins or taking too much space like eggs, can be exported to kitchen from grid.

From the other side, the Farmer NPC now is dumping all stuff to the grid, so only Mupje's memory helps her to grab required food from grid to mutiblock kitchen's storage. So if continuing this approach we will have to set up a bunch of exporters from grid, as J had said, listing all the required food ... maybe kinda "boring" ...

9th January 2017, 13:39
RX, if you are planning to place few AA Fishing Nets (according to this (https://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?2424-theift-pvp-greifing-swearing&p=17572&viewfull=1#post17572) screenshot :D), I have already placed 9 under the bridge to the Jurassic Park :-P

9th January 2017, 14:30
Cool, was looking for a way to get some fish, some AA recipes need them, and didn't see the one I wanted in the system, didn't think to check the food spot until later, found them there :)

It wouldn't be that bad to set up a pantry area for the tavern, could build several "closets" and have certain items go there, need to check if the importers do round robin.

I believe there can be multiple storage systems, just the controllers should never be connected. Could use chest to transfer items between system, exporter of one system on one side and importer of the other system on another, (there may be some type of network block in refined I vaguely recall?).

Should be able to use fridges and cabinets, fridges are max 2 blocks, and counters don't connect from what I have tested. Maybe those fancy bins could be used?

9th January 2017, 20:02
J, how far up can the crafters go in the Storage building? I have been adding recipes as I go at mek and open computer / AA buildings, want to keep all the non machine recipes at the main storage building? Or is it ok to keep some at the other buildings as well?

AA /OC building can now do most atomizer and empowered items thru Refined.

I see that mek has a line if items that need a plastic base, will add this set up to mek in the near future.

Jiro, looks like the sheers are not charging, are those wireless chargers in range (not sure if they will do the trick or not) also fixed the program to dump all the slots, may need to add a set up for the robot to charge the sheets, it should be able to insert them and then pull them out of a charger.

9th January 2017, 23:49
Jiro, looks like the sheers are not charging, are those wireless chargers in range (not sure if they will do the trick or not) also fixed the program to dump all the slots, may need to add a set up for the robot to charge the sheets, it should be able to insert them and then pull them out of a charger.

I think the issue is they're being used so much that the charge isn't compensating enough even if it's "shearing" wool-less sheep. It appeared they were charging inside the robot at one point. The wireless has a long range and easily covers the whole sheep farm area. Perhaps an idle time in between shearing could be enough time to allow for charging? If that doesn't work then moving them out and then back in as you suggested would be just as good.

10th January 2017, 20:04
J, how far up can the crafters go in the Storage building? I have been adding recipes as I go at mek and open computer / AA buildings, want to keep all the non machine recipes at the main storage building? Or is it ok to keep some at the other buildings as well?

AA /OC building can now do most atomizer and empowered items thru Refined.

I see that mek has a line if items that need a plastic base, will add this set up to mek in the near future.

I've placed a new molecular assembler chamger in the RS building. All recipes go there now. It has a ton of space and is super fast when crafting things if the materials are already in stock.

11th January 2017, 02:13
While doing some AA stuff, the recipe for paper cone actually makes a paper bag for pam's harvest, and they are not interchangeable from what i have test, i think a simple fix would be to add cone recipe by adding 1 more paper in the center, it could be placed in the same spot the diamond chips are. Does this sound ok?

12th January 2017, 17:50
While doing some AA stuff, the recipe for paper cone actually makes a paper bag for pam's harvest, and they are not interchangeable from what i have test, i think a simple fix would be to add cone recipe by adding 1 more paper in the center, it could be placed in the same spot the diamond chips are. Does this sound ok?

Sounds fine. I'll try to remember it for the next update :B
If you really need the items now, I'm sure myself, Jiro or DOM can spawn then in for you when you see any of us on the server.

I haven't had any crashes with AMP 4.2.0 so far. Joining the server took a little longer but that might also be explained by the server having too much to do. TPS is slowly dropping. Right now mean tick time is above 45ms with peaks above 50. This means we'll have to start thinking about shutting stuff down that we aren't actually using or unloading chunks with stuff in them. To this end I've already stopped the production of industrial diamonds since we've got >15K of them in storage. I'll dismantle the machines that produced them later. If we need more we can always put them back. I'll do the same for IC2 steel. I'll leave the machines that can do on-demand production in tact for now and get rid of the mass production lines that have served their purpose.

I think we should do the same for other setups that produce things that we already have a ton of. Just take a look what's in storage and what's being produced. If we have more than we'll ever need, please consider ways to reduce server load.

I don't mind if the server is a little laggy, but if TPS consistently drops below, say: 15, then it won't be fun playing on the server anymore.

12th January 2017, 19:29
Mek and AA are only set for on demand stuff.
The digital miners have chunk loaders built in, does having chunks in the nether and mining world loaded make a big enough difference to where they need removed if not active?

Would turning off the refined system in the mek, tink, and AA areas help a lot?

12th January 2017, 19:34
Just a bit. Things that "tick" add to the server load. Keeping machines in loaded chunks for example, even if they don't do anything, add to the server load. Some machines more than others, of course. We'll just have to figure out a way to keep things balanced.

Other things that really add to server load are growing crops, things that cause a lot of block updates and mobs.

13th January 2017, 07:17
The reactors are completed so no need to keep crafting diamonds. I'm sure we'll have more than enough built up to last us a long while.

19th January 2017, 17:06
1. Who took the Cloud Pet from the Armory? That set is intended to be for people who need to quickly get their things after death. Yes, the pet is quite redundant having the bat wings there, but it is the only public one for now, afaik, so it would be nice if other people could try the pet too, etc.

2. So this Library building - who is the author (Jiro I presume) and do you have plans for developing the building interior further?
Because now it is very beautiful but not comfortable to use: it has only enchantment tables, but don't have anvil, lapis source, XP source, Ender IO enchanter etc at hand. I placed all that behind the shelves, out of view, but it is not comfortable to run to and fro. The previous place was "minimalistic" :D but had everything near, at hand, and was easily upgradable.

3. Who is breeding chickens near the kitchen? Do we really need them? Storage has tons of eggs and probably raw meat too. Fried meat is available in the auto-cooker booth.
Because it is annoying to get these eggs into inventory each time you run near the pen. :D

19th January 2017, 23:28
1. Who took the Cloud Pet from the Armory? That set is intended to be for people who need to quickly get their things after death. Yes, the pet is quite redundant having the bat wings there, but it is the only public one for now, afaik, so it would be nice if other people could try the pet too, etc.

2. So this Library building - who is the author (Jiro I presume) and do you have plans for developing the building interior further?
Because now it is very beautiful but not comfortable to use: it has only enchantment tables, but don't have anvil, lapis source, XP source, Ender IO enchanter etc at hand. I placed all that behind the shelves, out of view, but it is not comfortable to run to and fro. The previous place was "minimalistic" :D but had everything near, at hand, and was easily upgradable.

Found the cloud pet in the refined storage network.

I was going for aesthetic appeal when I made the library. Feel free to upgrade it.

13th February 2017, 23:02
Hehe, the Main Input is full :D

Update: I drained 100k stone from it and at the Farmer's farm removed all plants we have plenty of.

29th March 2017, 13:12
AMP has been updated to 4.3.0 which solves quite a number of issues.

Right now, with a single person on the server, mean tick time is around 35ms which is pretty good. I noticed that the farms have been very productive over the past period. Perhaps we could shut those down for now?

Auto-crafting complex stuff with tons and tons of sub-craft-tasks takes a lot of server resources. Ordering a Quantum Solar panel for example will cause mean tick time to rise to about 85ms. Please keep this in mind when ordering really complex stuff. It's the price we pay for having a single multi-block structure in which we can store crafting recipes.

On the subject of power, the server ran out. Which is why I ordered the Quantum Solar panels and put them on the roof of the Refined Storage building. I also added a 1 billion RF network buffer so we should be good for now. Although when the IC2 factory is running full blast that buffer will slowly drain.

I've also created a small build behind the IC2 factory that can create flux for us. It keeps at least 100 in stock and it can also be produced on demand through the Refined Storage system.

As for things to do. I'd really like to remove the manual farm stuff next to the Refined Storage building and move the kitchen to somewhere nicer. Someone started building something nice next to the farm that looks like an open kitchen. Is that build intended for the kitchen stuff?

When the stuff is cleared from the buildings, perhaps we could get started on making things look more like a plaza? Nice road works, path ways, some benches and other street 'furniture' perhaps. Also we should get rid of the torches on the campus and get some nice street lights :)

29th March 2017, 14:02
Awesome, thanks!

I have already removed most of crops which Farmer was gathering, because plenty of them in storage.

How it is possible to run out of energy with Jiro's nuclear reactor? Maybe all uranium was used or something (no idea how that works)?

Yes, the unfinished build near the red barn is the future kitchen which I promised Mupje long ago. I stopped because of those freeze issues and running out of ideas temporarily. Hope to resume it asap (weekend).
When it is finished, I will move the old kitchen and make small farms around it, also completely removing the one near the storage. Big farms will be somewhere near the Barn.

I guess if you need to clear the place near the storage asap, I could just move it all to a temporary location near the new kitchen. Just say if you want it now or want to wait until the new kitchen is finished.

You might consider adding your plaza idea (with all hints for furniture, lights etc) to the list of projects/jobs. Just to not forget. I might take it after finishing the kitchen, unless already taken by the server road builder, Dourne.

29th March 2017, 20:37
There is no rush :)

I've added a few things to the project list. We also need a locker room. Currently there are still a few Gravi Suite suits in the IC2 factory. I would like to have those stored somewhere else. I'm thinking a building where people can store and/or show off their armor.

Another thing we can do is have a teleporter setup. Each building can get a teleporter that links to a central building with teleporters back to all the locations. It eats a ton of power, relative to teleport distance. So definitely late game stuff :) I'l get started on building the teleporters and energy storage.

29th March 2017, 20:57
About the locker room - the Armory was planned exactly for this afair. It still has lot of space, e.g. armor stands and armors along one wall (with the NPC wand on it) are just for filling space. Also lot of stuff can be put onto item racks/shelves and free even more space.
Some charging panels and wireless chargers can be placed hidden or embedded into the design, if needed.

As for just showing off various cool armors - yeah, this could take lot of space. The Armory is more for shared awesome things and free things for newcomers, not for display. Well, for display too, since we could store everything in the storage, but it is not the main idea. I guess for unique or valuable things or significant things, which can be shared or taken by newcomers. I probably should add some clarification signs which things are free to take if you like them and even for ordering more (e.g. Tinker's weapons), and which are unique and shared (cloud pet, one bat wings, super fishing rod).
So maybe we shoud see if the need of a building for displaying things will arise in future.

I wonder if we might make a Doctor's Who phone booth with teleporters. Bigger inside than outside (so the inside is a secret room buried somewhere). And with selectable destination exits from inside. And the exit phone booths should be not seen from another booths, like it is one booth in different places. I am updating the project list! :D Oops, the project list has untrivial formatting. J, could you please add "TARDIS (using teleporters)"?

29th March 2017, 22:37
How it is possible to run out of energy with Jiro's nuclear reactor? Maybe all uranium was used or something (no idea how that works)?

Both reactors run on yellorium and if the system runs out the reactors power down. Adding yellorium bars to the storage system will automatically siphon yellorium bars back into the reactors and reactivate them.

29th March 2017, 23:03
Added TARDIS project.

Jiro, do your reactors have power taps? I can't seem to find any. Without them, how are you getting the power out of the reactor and into the Flux network?

Also if you want to use the capacitor banks as a buffer then please use a separate network to charge them, and then the public "HappyDiggers" network to discharge. Otherwise the Flux network will try to load/unload the capacitor bank. It's kind of like plugging an extension cord into itself and expecting power :)


Is there a setup that processes Yellorium ore into ingots? I couldn't find one so I put something up in your tower room. It looks like the last update broke Ender IO's SAG mill so I may have to change it around a bit. The SAG mill is the most efficient way to process Yellorium ore.

30th March 2017, 00:02
Added TARDIS project.

Jiro, do your reactors have power taps? I can't seem to find any. Without them, how are you getting the power out of the reactor and into the Flux network?

Also if you want to use the capacitor banks as a buffer then please use a separate network to charge them, and then the public "HappyDiggers" network to discharge. Otherwise the Flux network will try to load/unload the capacitor bank. It's kind of like plugging an extension cord into itself and expecting power :)


Is there a setup that processes Yellorium ore into ingots? I couldn't find one so I put something up in your tower room. It looks like the last update broke Ender IO's SAG mill so I may have to change it around a bit. The SAG mill is the most efficient way to process Yellorium ore.

The taps are hidden underneath the floor. They go out the side of the reactors and a wire leads to the computer system to connect it. There's no setup for yellorium as far as I know, I just manually shoved stacks full to be ground down and then heated up. The reactors don't use a ton of yellorium so a couple of thousand go a long way for a long time.

30th March 2017, 16:17
I found one tap on the left reactor. I took the liberty of making a small room around the reactor so I could look around a bit :B

This is what I saw:

What I think is happening here is:

RF power from the reactor goes into the Open Computers power convertor and into that sub system via the cable.
RF power from the reactor goes into the Flux Plug, thus entering the Flux network.
RF power from the Flux network enters through the Flux Point, which can then go into the OC power convertor... and back into the Flux Plug.
As far as I can tell all the Ender IO connectors are on the same color group. To me this looks like the power cord I posted above.

Perhaps I'm missing something?

If you want to power the Open Computer stuff with power from the Flux network I think it would be better to add a Flux Point directly to the power convertor so you avoid having input/output on the same connection.

9th April 2017, 12:15
I noticed some new (?) music when the modpack loaded the first time. Did you put it there? I usually disable the music right away.
So how much music is there approximately and is it worth listening (e.g. do you listen it while playing)?

9th April 2017, 15:16
The music has been there for a while now. I think I mentioned it in the VIP AMP thread somewhere. It's there because I like it better than the Minecraft menu music. I think it's one of the best menu songs in gaming :)

13th April 2017, 18:41
I wanted to craft one more Wings of The Bat, since we have lot of bat's wings thanks to Jiro. But it lacks Dragon's breath.
Afaik the dragon was not killed or hunted. How can I visit The End without killing the dragon or ruining future fun for everybody?

13th April 2017, 19:20
Wear the gravisuite armor set I gave you, bring portal blocks (mining dim/obsidian), and hope for the best. The armor should keep you alive long enough to do whatever.

13th April 2017, 21:18
I wanted to craft one more Wings of The Bat, since we have lot of bat's wings thanks to Jiro. But it lacks Dragon's breath.
Afaik the dragon was not killed or hunted. How can I visit The End without killing the dragon or ruining future fun for everybody?

I have a mining portal hidden in the end under the ground. When you spawn on the floating obsidian blocks fly toward the main End island and you should see a hole in the wall where I dug into the side. Make note on where it is, then you can gather dragon breath and leave through the portal. The portal sends you many thousands of blocks away from our city portals though so you'll have to make a trip. It might be helpful to mark on your map where our main city portals are in the mining world before attempting this.

14th April 2017, 05:41
Ah, nice, thank you guys!

14th April 2017, 18:57
Well, got meself a fancy wings. They are better for building than cloud pet - the wings don't slow down mining.

As for the End and the mining portal - no luck. When I appeared, the portal was broken, only top 5 blocks left.
Maybe the obsidian platform got respawned?
I got out using Nether Portal pet, appearing very close to the city portal in Nether.
I decided not move and fix the End mining portal because it is quicker to return via Nether Pet, right?

Heh, nearly died there - that dragon breath eats health ignoring gravi armor. Also I was waiting till the dragon start breathing so didnt pay attention to some purple particles on the ground :D

14th April 2017, 19:23
Moved the gravisuits to the Armory. I hope new location is ok.
I hope I didn't make some stupid mistake because instead of 3 partial gravi suits I got one full suit (afaik it is "mine" since I usually use some highly enchanted legacy armor) and lot of steel armor. And one gravi boots. I hope people just left steel armor on stands and it looked just like the gravi one.

14th April 2017, 21:44
Managed to load the modpack for about 20 mins this morning and had a look around, got some serious FPS drops but that's my 6 year old Mac :)) Loving the base so far!

16th April 2017, 01:43
Well, I am unable to login to the server because I placed Red Flower Vine from Flowercraft, crashed and now crash every time I login :)
Crash log: https://paste.ee/p/WjApo
Strange - first time I placed it in the kitchen, crashed, but was able to login ok. Next I went to a forest nearby to see if the vine was really the reason of the crash. Placed, crashed, and now can't login.

3rd June 2017, 15:46
Server has been updated to AMP 4.4.0.