View Full Version : beta-1.7.3 server

5th July 2012, 20:53
By popular demand (http://blacksteel.beastnode.org/forum/showthread.php?tid=281) a new server has been made. It's running Minecraft Beta 1.7.3.

This server will run without any mods. Access to the server will become a donor perk for new members to our community. Everybody who donates (http://blacksteel.beastnode.org/forum/donate.php) $15.00 or more gets access, provided he or she has never been banned from our servers or spend time in jail for grief.

From the get go the server will have a whitelist with the following people on it:

You can download and use the Minecraft 1.7.3 client by downloading it through the Digiex Minecraft Launcher. You can more information about that here (http://blacksteel.beastnode.org/forum/showthread.php?tid=250). When you get to this screen:

Click options, then click jar downloader. A new window will appear that for some reason always seems to hide behind the Minecraft window. Download beta_1.7.3 and you're good to go.

The address for the beta-1.7.3 server is: beta.happydiggers.net:25570

5th July 2012, 22:01
Is there any way to get an opening message when you log on saying who's online? Tab key don't work :/

6th July 2012, 01:11
Just got on. I died before I even broke dirt xD

6th July 2012, 03:10
J and I had a splendid time. Found the first diamond. Sadly only 1. I also got a wolf. We have a huge mine in the making. Right now I'm working on a chest room

7th July 2012, 22:05
I've just upgraded the beta server, it's now running logblock and statistician!

With this we can keep of everybody's stats. Also, should the need arise, we can see if there's been any griefing or stealing. Chest access is logged, which is kinda nice imo. No need for Lockette on a pure Minecraft server :)

7th July 2012, 22:08
Nice J.....guess i should download the thing now.
Sorry for hijaking your post 3 minutes after u posted it.

8th July 2012, 22:52
its says i can download Microsoft.net which i dont think i have, Java executable or Java Archive.....so whats the difference.

8th July 2012, 23:06
Follow my tutorial, get the java version. The .net version is buggy.

9th July 2012, 08:41

Very easy way to get older versions of minecraft

9th July 2012, 09:18
The forum thread you posted is useful, but I think you linked to the wrong post. It's just a rant: "This other program is better because I say so AND YOU ARE STUPID!!".

Maybe change the link so it shows the thread about Minecraft Version Changer instead of that post? Just remove the '#entry11603367' part :)

9th July 2012, 10:32
Epic fail lol, i just googled it and took 1st link but heres the fixed link; http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/877629-minecraft-version-changer-windows%E2%94%82mac%E2%94%82linux-ad-free/

Nuff said (:< Im stupid)

10th July 2012, 18:42
The server is now running a couple of mods. First up is Dynmap. It was a pain to get working, but now you can view the world in glorious HD :B

You can view Dynmap for the beta-1.7.3 server here: http://beta.happydiggers.net

To protect against grief and theft from chests I've installed logblock and statistician. I've made a page that processes the server stats to give us insight in how much ore is being mined. This should help us locate X-rayers. You can view the stats here: http://happydiggers.net/OreStats_beta-1.7.3.php
It's still very much work in progress so bear with me ;) The percentages of each player are in relation to how many stone blocks that player has mined. The player's percentages are then compared to server wide percentages for all mined blocks compared to stone. I still need to figure out above what percentage the numbers become suspicious. Ideas are welcome.

I'll be adding a few more mods to the beta-1.7.3 server to help mods with their mod things. When that's done I'm thinking about removing the whitelist so more people can join and enjoy this server.

10th July 2012, 19:49
J As i asked earlier can i join the server? Will i have to pay the 15.00?

10th July 2012, 20:56
Please read the post above yours again. If you wish to join now, then yes. If you want to wait and see, then no ;)

Look, running servers costs a lot of money. We've got quite a few people who log in a lot of hours on our servers, and that is fine. But we'd also like to get some donations to help keep things running. DOM showed me who has donated and their amounts and I can safely tell you, only a handful of people have donated.

We're trying to give people an incentive to donate by providing extra servers, nice commands, quests, and other extra goodies. So feel free to donate if you enjoy playing on our servers. However, it's not a requirement. You are welcome to play on the Towny server any time :)

10th July 2012, 23:36
Ryan is in a jackpot area O.o 16 diamond!

11th July 2012, 01:41
Please read the post above yours again. If you wish to join now, then yes. If you want to wait and see, then no ;)

Look, running servers costs a lot of money. We've got quite a few people who log in a lot of hours on our servers, and that is fine. But we'd also like to get some donations to help keep things running. DOM showed me who has donated and their amounts and I can safely tell you, only a handful of people have donated.

We're trying to give people an incentive to donate by providing extra servers, nice commands, quests, and other extra goodies. So feel free to donate if you enjoy playing on our servers. However, it's not a requirement. You are welcome to play on the Towny server any time :)

So you are saying i do have to pay? and or wait? I'm still confused. :-/

11th July 2012, 09:18
Hehe, I'm not trying to confuse you :)

Right now, you do not have to donate to play on our public servers. Our current public servers are the Towny server and the Snapshot server.

I'm still thinking about removing the whitelist on the Vanilla server and the new beta-1.7.3 server. If it's removed, then you can play on that as well without being a donor. If the whitelist isn't removed, then the only way to play on those servers is by donating.

The Skyblock servers will remain a donor perk no matter what.

So in short. Feel free to donate. It is not a requirement, but it helps us out a lot and we do our best to reward our donors :)

11th July 2012, 13:23
I would donate, but im low on money atm, but well see at the end of summer ;)

11th July 2012, 17:38
Oh i see now. I will most likely donate in the near future but for now im out of cash. Thanks for your help. :)

11th July 2012, 21:02
Ryan is in a jackpot area O.o 16 diamond!

haha yea lige and i made a giant hole at diamond level (insaneJ as a witness)
and i mined the diamond :)

12th July 2012, 03:24
Um what happend to my base, all Ryan said is that we have a new base which I love, but just wondering what happend, and I'm not mad because I found out that some how the chests that got blown up are now back :)

12th July 2012, 08:57
A creeper blew up in my face just after I took that screenshot in the first post. So I thought to myself: this is a nice opportunity to test logblock's rollback feature... So I did!

Unfortunately, this being a really old beta version with really old versions of all the mods, logblock behaves differently from what I've come to know on the more current releases. With the old version it is really important to wait a few minutes before restoring, and also to specify the radius for an area restore. Since I didn't do any of those things, I kind of made the damage worse... or better depending on if you're rooting for the creeper ;)

So to repent for destroying your base, I helped out with building the new one by creating the spawning pads for the new mob spawner :B