View Full Version : Dynmap for TFC servers is back

18th December 2016, 13:15
I've finally gotten around to setting up Dynmap for our TFC servers again. Currently, the TFC Freebie and Donor TnFC servers are working on a full render. The Freebie TFC server should be done in a day or so, the Donor TFC servers will be busy rendering tiles for a week at least.

The Dynmap tiles are stored on a separate 4TB WD Purple drive on which we've placed a BTRFS partition. BTRFS allows for file packing which means no space is wasted when storing many small files like we're doing with Dynmap. Think of it like this: when you store a file that is 1KB in size, it will normally take up 4KB of disk space since that is the smallest amount of space that can be allocated for a file. If the file is 5KB it will take up 8KB of disk space (2x 4KB) etc. BTRFS however, can stack files which means it doesn't allocate space in fixed sizes of 4KB. A file of 1KB takes up 1KB of space and a file of 5KB takes up 5KB of space. Without BTRFS we would not be able to store all the Dynmap tiles for all our TFC servers on a single 4TB drive.

You can find the Dynmap URLs on our Servers page (https://happydiggers.net/content.php?117&tabid=107). So yeah, we hope you guys will enjoy Dynmap again :)

18th December 2016, 20:09
Yay! Finally!

*happy dance*

Thank you :D

26th April 2017, 17:08
It seems that dynmap didn't update for few days...
My town is like about 1 week ago at dynmap right now.

26th April 2017, 20:22
It seems that dynmap didn't update for few days...
My town is like about 1 week ago at dynmap right now.

Yeah, the freebie dynmap loads "an older version" (some new towns not showing, land/new structures not being rendered etc.) the first time I load it. After some time passes (checked first after ~45mins), it loads the "current" version with all the towns and stuff. However, it never manages to load players' skins (only of those certain ones who registered recently).

//EDIT: The TFC Donor dynmap seems to have problems, too. In 3D mode, different renders are shown for different zoom values (the closer I zoom, the newer renders it shows, it seems)

27th April 2017, 07:34
Yup, we're having some problems with Dynmap. Apparently a BTRFS partition can run out of space even when you have 2TB of free space left. I started a disk check last night, it's still running. This will probably take a while.

27th April 2017, 10:47
Yup, we're having some problems with Dynmap. Apparently a BTRFS partition can run out of space even when you have 2TB of free space left. I started a disk check last night, it's still running. This will probably take a while. That's why I can't log in to the server? I get an error Timed out when I try to connect.

27th April 2017, 15:47
After having run for about 12 hours, the disk check was using 21GB of RAM. That is probably why you were unable to connect. I just killed the check and Sverf is looking at the problem now.

27th April 2017, 18:04
I see :eek: that's a lot.