View Full Version : Diapers are cheaper in bulk

11th February 2017, 14:34
If all goes to plan Mupje and I will be having our second baby in early march :)

I'm sure you've noticed that I've been less active over the past several weeks. This will probably continue for a while to come. I'll try to get some admin stuff in here and there, but mostly you guys will have to take care of things yourselves. Fortunately you all know how to handle things and we're not doing any new projects at the moment so I'm not worried about that at all.

11th February 2017, 16:33
Wow. Gratz!

11th February 2017, 21:28

11th February 2017, 23:05
Congratulations! I am extremely happy for you guys!

J, just remember that the servers are for your free time ONLY (which you will have little of now). Family first. We got everything if needed, so don't worry.

P.S.-- I first read this post and audibly spoke "Holy crap! That's awesome!" without noticing. I turned around and my wife and guest were looking at me like I had three heads...

12th February 2017, 02:33
That's great news! Wishing you lots of rest, I hear the second one is a breeze compared to the first :p

26th March 2017, 14:54
Whoops. Seems I forgot to update :B

Mupje gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Mupje and the baby are both well.



26th March 2017, 18:11
Congratulations!! :D Please give a Bear hug to Mupje from us :o
Welcome to the world "Sweet Nose" (sötnos) :D

27th March 2017, 07:05
:diamond: Awesome, grats to whole four of ya! :diamond:

Are those pics of different babies? :D Judging by the clothes and environment :D

If we gather pics of M+J's babies and run some analyser on the pics, we might calculate how M and J look like !!!

27th March 2017, 10:43
Those pictures were taken one day apart, hence the different clothes and scenery. As for trying to figure out what I look like. Why would anyone want to do that?!? :sheep:

27th March 2017, 10:47
For science!