View Full Version : Looking for HappyDiggers Twitch streamers

11th June 2017, 20:47
We've had a Twitch widget on the home page for years now. Today DOM told me about Twitch's host feature which lets an offline channel show other channels if they are streaming at that time.

So what we're going to do now is show the HappyDiggers channel on the home page. But since I rarely stream, if ever. I'd like to ask you guys if you would like to be hosted on the HappyDiggers channel?

If so, let me know what your channel is and I'll add it to the list :)

12th June 2017, 01:45
I got something worked out with DOM a long time ago and did some streaming with Ark Survival of The Fittest (I think that was it) Technodefirmacraft. I'll have to work on remembering to turn it on when I play Ark :)

12th June 2017, 07:31
What's the exact name of your Twitch channel?

12th June 2017, 09:24

12th June 2017, 23:58
Added to the list :)

I fiddled around with some JavaScript and got a bit of a fancy custom Twitch widget going now. It will check from the list of available streams to see if one is online. Once an online streamer is found it will activate the Twitch stream on the home page. Then it keeps checking to see if the stream is still online. Twitch has quite a long time-out period for this so after a stream has ended it may take a few minutes before it's shut down on the home page. Then it resets the widget and starts from the top checking to see if anyone is streaming. This has the added benefit that the Twitch stream is only loaded when it's actually used thus making making for a faster loading home page.

Before anyone asks: "But J, Twitch has a fancy host option now. Why not use that?!?".

We tried. It works well on the Twitch site. But it doesn't apply to embedded streams. So while you could see DOM streaming on the HappyDiggers channel on Twitch, it would not be visible on the embedded stream on the home page. But now with our fancy JavaScript we found a way around that. Enjoy!

Oh, and if anyone else would like to be added please don't hesitate. There' always room for more.

15th June 2017, 03:27
If you anyone doesn't mind I wouldn't mind doing some streaming every now and then, I did a little bit a couple years ago and enjoyed it. As of currently I'm not sure about my wifi stability for it, but I'll check it out. So don't quite add me to anything yet, want to make sure I have the ability to again, but for sure interested!

18th June 2017, 14:17
It's not like we've got a ton of people you can disappoint if you happen to encounter technical difficulties :)

Just give me your Twitch account name and I'll add you. Who knows, it might encourage you to actually start ;)

18th June 2017, 16:18
Btw, I hope some European streamers would join HD channel, because each time DOM goes online I have to go to sleep because of very late time. DOM actually noticed this my behavior - to come, say hi and go away :D

Or I just get notifications about streaming in the morning :D

18th June 2017, 16:37
Twitch: LegendOfAir

Also question, does it matter what we stream?

18th June 2017, 17:58
Twitch: LegendOfAir

Also question, does it matter what we stream?

Added to the streamer list. I also added you to my hosted channels on my twitch.

I recommend you stream any game you enjoy. If someone doesn't like it, they can watch another HappyDigger's stream. The goal is to host our community the best we can and to promote the fun in games. I play anything on my stream, not just HappyDiggers server games.

18th June 2017, 18:33
Alright, thanks!

18th June 2017, 19:02
Added you to the HappyDiggers Twitch channel host group as well.

18th June 2017, 22:45
Twitch: LegendOfAir

Also question, does it matter what we stream?

Yep, what DOM said.

I've already streamed a gambit of different games that we don't have servers for. Such as Portal 2, 7 Days to Die, PlanetSide 2, etc.

19th June 2017, 10:27
Yeah J put me on aswell if you don't mind! I'll just use the ps4 streaming mechanic, hey it's not the best and you can't exactly use overlays but it gets the job done and I don't exactly wanna fork out 200 quid for an elgato haha. I'll try my best to get on, I'm decently busy right now but I reckon in a few days I'll play some games, do you mind that they're ubisoft? *Kappa*

19th June 2017, 10:31
What's your exact Twitch name?

23rd June 2017, 09:13
Lolz, it seems I am able to stream from my laptop :D
Please check my saved videos (https://www.twitch.tv/heptagon_ru/videos/all) to see if it will not be a disgrace to add me to HD streamers :D
And add me if ok. I might fill the european time slots with some derpy stuff.
Being derpy is good because other guys who hesitate to join will think "what a piece of crap, I can do better!" and will start streaming themselves :D
Twitch name: heptagon_ru (https://www.twitch.tv/heptagon_ru)

23rd June 2017, 21:16
Added. Looking forward to your new streams :)

23rd June 2017, 21:42
I don't have enough upload bandwidth to stream (nor the attention span to host a live thing properly) but I do have a bunch of reasonably-presented youtube videos for emergency offline backup content?

24th June 2017, 09:31
There's no need to be worried about quality of our HappyDiggers live streams. We're just having some fun while playing games. I'm not looking into building a streaming emporium of high quality streams. Just play, have fun. And if you can talk about stuff. Or not :)

Because of this there's not really a need for "backup content". Just stream if you can. As for upload bandwidth being a concern. How much bandwidth do you have available? You can upload a 720p stream @ 2 mbit/s which will look sort of ok-ish depending on the game. Slower games will do better than fast paced ones at lower bit rates. But it should be doable in most cases. Again, not looking for quality here. Just play and have fun.

24th June 2017, 11:58
I have a mighty 0.6mb upload speed, which is less than the minimum required for lowest quality Steam stream. Those 1GB uploads take a while...

9th November 2017, 18:18
I've just added Isabellasuo (https://go.twitch.tv/isabellasuo) who was playing on our server and streaming.