View Full Version : jiro_89 has banned me for "griefing"

17th June 2017, 20:51
So after around a year, I decided to get back into HappyDiggers. When I joing the TFC server, I found I was banned by a "jiro_89" for "griefing". I do not recall ever encountering this person (who has banned 189 other people) and when I looked at the page, no evidence was given, and I do not recall ever recieving a warning.

I just want for my case to be looked into, and for Jiro to be looked into as well, I don't want to lose access to my favorite server because some punk went on a banning spree.

17th June 2017, 21:18
So after around a year, I decided to get back into HappyDiggers. When I joing the TFC server, I found I was banned by a "jiro_89" for "griefing". I do not recall ever encountering this person (who has banned 189 other people) and when I looked at the page, no evidence was given, and I do not recall ever recieving a warning.

I just want for my case to be looked into, and for Jiro to be looked into as well, I don't want to lose access to my favorite server because some punk went on a banning spree.

That 'punk' is a respected admin. Accidental bans do happen from time to time. But there has yet to be a case where he banned someone for the wrong reasons other than it being an honest mistake.

Good luck on your ban appeal. I'm sure that attitude will work wonders for you. I for one am not willing to look into it. Maybe another staff member is.

17th June 2017, 21:24
That 'punk' is a respected admin. Accidental bans do happen from time to time. But there has yet to be a case where he banned someone for the wrong reasons other than it being an honest mistake.

Good luck on your ban appeal. I'm sure that attitude will work wonders for you. I for one am not willing to look into it. Maybe another staff member is.

Thanks for responding at least, it does tell me that you do care about your community, and I can respect that, though it is a bit disheartening.

17th June 2017, 21:49
I'm assuming you looked at an MCBans page to get that number of 189? You could start by linking to the MCBans page of your ban. That saves us having to look things up.

17th June 2017, 21:52
I'm assuming you looked at an MCBans page to get that number of 189? You could start by linking to the MCBans page of your ban. That saves us having to look things up.


It hadn't really occurred to me, there,


17th June 2017, 22:02
Ok, so your IGN is The_Mikko. Here's your ban:

What you did was grief public works that people literally spend months on building. Please, feel free to explain why you griefed our hard work and why we should let you back in.


17th June 2017, 23:38
I'm so sorry I had to dig myself out of a broken road that I had fell in, maybe next time I'll just allow myself to starve to death, losing all my gear.

At least tell Jiro to put some evidence in the respective box.

18th June 2017, 00:00
Sarcasm, really?

If you got stuck in a public road, the least you could have done was report the incident. You had been clearly taught the rules of our server when you first joined it. Had you reported the incident we could have reimbursed you in case you had lost anything and fixed any damage you might have cause and was unable to repair for whatever reason.

Jiro posted the evidence on our forum for everyone to see. Since you did not receive a global ban, and since you did not dispute that ban on MCBans, there was no reason to post anything on MCBans.

18th June 2017, 00:33
Sarcasm, really?

If you got stuck in a public road, the least you could have done was report the incident. You had been clearly taught the rules of our server when you first joined it. Had you reported the incident we could have reimbursed you in case you had lost anything and fixed any damage you might have cause and was unable to repair for whatever reason.

Jiro posted the evidence on our forum for everyone to see. Since you did not receive a global ban, and since you did not dispute that ban on MCBans, there was no reason to post anything on MCBans.

Ya know what? Even if I did receive an appeal, I'm not coming back. I'm ending this discussion (argument) right now, you're berating me for using a form of speech that reduces boredom in the reader, and that just goes to show that you DON'T actually care, none whatsoever.

And I hope that the people who DO read this will see that too.

18th June 2017, 02:34
People who read the thread will see a person continuously insulting stuff even after been shown publicly published evidence, and unwilling to admit his mistakes and follow server rules. It is a good thing everyone can google this conversation now.

18th June 2017, 06:57
I'm so sorry I had to dig myself out of a broken road that I had fell in, maybe next time I'll just allow myself to starve to death, losing all my gear.

At least tell Jiro to put some evidence in the respective box.

Glowstone is not used underneath the roadways, it's used on the bridge pillars several blocks up which means you deliberately broke them. There couldn't be a situation where you got "stuck" in the road and had to break 6 jack'o'lanterns to get out since the road isn't even that wide with those blocks underneath, and you got yourself out of a single chiseled part of the road. Meaning you broke the single chiseled stone, mined all the jack'o'lanterns in a circle around the one block, and built back up out of it. Let's not forget that these events happened in two completely different areas over 500 blocks away from each other.

InsaneJ cares more for this community than anybody else, period. Nobody was "berating" you. You came back to our community after a year and a half with an attitude and entitlement. Rather than simply solving a minor issue together you came out guns blazing and attacking. Heck, InsaneJ even went and looked into your ban appeal after specifically saying he wouldn't and you still shot back with attitude.

I've banned a lot more than 189 people (lots before MCBans) and every single person was deserving for breaking rules specifically laid out for the HappyDiggers servers. Many have successfully appealed their bans and we haven't had a problem with them since. There are rules posted on our website, rules on our server advertisements, rules in the server announcements, rules in commands, rules in the bloody tutorial. Anybody breaking a rule has no excuse, you had every opportunity to talk to the staff about your mistake. According to the evidence posted I didn't discover and ban you for 42 days after you broke the road. 42 days.

We take our servers and community seriously. Next time you find a server you want to play on take the 2 minutes to read and respect the server's designated rules. You don't pay for the servers, the server owner does. If you don't like it, pay for your own server and you can do whatever you like.

The ban stays. This ban appeal is concluded.

20th June 2017, 00:20
There are many options for getting out of a hole.
TP to spawn.
TP to a open town.
TP to a home if you have one.
TP to your town if you have one.
You could of broken just 2 of the jacks and gotten yourself out, but you broke more than that.
And what about the glowstone, which is up in the air on a post?
Also, one of the pics is from me I believe, so it was a team effort.

(Posted this before reading Jiro's post on page 2, if it looks like its repeated =P)

20th June 2017, 08:15
I think it's pretty clear that he griefed. The reason his ban appeal failed so miserably is his crappy attitude. When ban appeals come around I usually keep a short list of things that have happened. If the end result is negative, the appeal fails:

Negative: griefed the server. That's always a terrible first impression to make.
Negative: lied about "going away / coming back to the server". He was banned. He did not really have a choice in the matter.
Negative: lied about no evidence being given. It was given on our forum. He just didn't bother to look.
Negative: complained about not being given a warning. He was given the rules, had to finish the "rule maze" when he first joined. The server broadcasts stuff periodically.
Negative: makes demands. He wants his case to be looked into. He wants Jiro to be looked into.
Negative: he called Jiro a punk.
Negative: bad attitude.
Negative: does not mention his IGN, when he was banned, MCBans page, or any other useful information we need to look into this case.

That's just from his opening post. He's off to a terrible start. And then it gets worse:

Negative: he uses sarcasm to lie about why he griefed.
Negative: complains that Jiro didn't post evidence on MCBans for a non-global ban. There is no reason to post evidence on MCBans unless someone disputes a ban there. We post evidence on our own forum for everybody to see and only if needed do we post it on MCBans.
Negative: when confronted about his breaking of the rules he throws in more bad attitude saying he won't come back saying I'm berating him. He's to stuck in his self entitled attitude to see that what I'm actually doing is giving him several opportunities to... Can you guess what it is? I'll share the answer further down below. First there are more negative point to write down.
Negative: he lies about why he used a sarcastic tone before. I mean, come on. Nobody is going to believe he did that just to relieve boredom in whomever read his post, right? Does anyone really believe he cares about the reader that much that he would sabotage his own ban appeal with sarcasm?
Negative: he accuses me of not caring about this community.

So there you have it. Not a single redeeming point for The_Mikko. Just more negative crap spewed by a self entitled griefer.

Now as for the secret to successful ban appeals:

Acknowledge that you did something wrong.
Acknowledge what you did wrong. If you don't know what that is, ask.
Make a sincere apology.
Promise to never do it again.
Be friendly, patient and polite. Even if there are more than a few uncomfortable questions. You're basically applying for admittance after making a terrible first impression. You have to make up for that.

If you do these things you stand a chance of successfully appealing your ban. There are no guarantees and every ban is treated on a per-case basis. If you score too many negative points, you're simply going to fail and we will make fun of you for being a dumb idiot who was too stupid to apologize for something simple. Blame the parents I guess?