View Full Version : Streaming discussions

24th June 2017, 12:54
Maybe a dedicated thread could be useful for discussing problems or just general stuff and exchangind experience.

So I have two questions:

1. Does HTML5 player for VOD works bad for everyone? Hanging for too long when starting video or switching to another time.
I googled - they seem to introduce it about 2014 and there were some problems, but I hope they resolved them.
Currently it is hard to watch VOD, e.g. Jiro's, because with HTML5 you have to wait like a minute before it starts. And if switch HTML5 player off - the quality is worse.

2. How can I add a voice of another player I play with (just a brief answer)? Just add the TeamSpeak / Skype as another audio capture output source in OBS, right?

24th June 2017, 12:59
And how do you add those sections on your channel front page below the video player. E.g. HappyDiggers big picture and description, announcements, etc. How are they called to find them in the settings? I tried but could not.

24th June 2017, 17:31
And how do you add those sections on your channel front page below the video player. E.g. HappyDiggers big picture and description, announcements, etc. How are they called to find them in the settings? I tried but could not.

I use this link. Try it out if there is something enjoyable for your changes. Go to: 2. Cover Image, e.g :confused:

https://help.twitch.tv/customer/en/portal/articles/2580258-guide-till-kanalsidan (https://help.twitch.tv/customer/en/portal/articles/2580258-guide-till-kanalsidan)

I've also added this HappyDiggers picture as my Cover Image. It's not the best, but look pretty good :cool:


24th June 2017, 18:14
If you go to your channel you can see little sliders within the panel area. You flip the slider to enable editing of the panel. I didn't go all out, I had DOM help me get all the streaming settings setup last year when I did a little MC TNFC. LegendofAir recommended I change my output to 30 fps to help with viewer loading, so I'm going to try that on my next stream and see if that helps. My OBS automatically picks up other people's voices from TS without any changes. I have OBS set to have all audio go through the default audio device and then I can change the playback devices default as needed for whatever reason (like switching from headset to speakers).

24th June 2017, 18:52
Nice, thanks guys!

24th June 2017, 19:38
Lolz, when Jiro and I collided with streaming, the HD site applet behaved a bit weird, showing me but translating Jiro audi for few secs, and vice versa. I stopped and still some hiccups, and still no Jiro on HD front page. Oh, nice, jiro is live on front page!

24th June 2017, 23:18
The script has a list of streamers defined:

After the page has loaded it waits 10 seconds then it goes through the list to see if anyone is streaming. As soon as it finds a streamer, it puts that streamer up and stops looking at the others. So if both B and C are streaming, only B will be shown. Then the script will check every 10 seconds to see if the streamer is still active. If B stops streaming the script can not detect that right away. There seems to be a considerable time out on this so it takes a minute or so. After the script detects the streamer has gone offline, it will reset the widget and go through the list van A to ... to check for online streamers again.

I haven't seem it happen yet with two streamers. But the above story is how I tried to make the script. If you encountered a different version of events then there might be something broken somewhere. I'll have to see for myself before I can start figuring out if it's something I can fix.

26th June 2017, 11:10
Ok, maybe one weekend when you are free we could test the script for concurrent streaming. But ofc it is not that important, I think people will solve potential collision issues peer-to-peer.

Jiro, thanks for streaming the SW: Republic Commando. I wanted some FPS ( thats why I am also trying PlanetSide2 (also cought my eye by your stream)) and I wanted to try some SW-universe game - so got it on the sale. Very nice game.
Has some annoying things, like screen shaking for lot of gameplay time, or the shooting implementation.
But I really enjoyed the whole team command implementation in the game. And the game as whole. Finished it after playing the whole weekend.

So guys, I have a big question for you.
What are our approximate goals with the whole streaming thing? What the ideal outcome would be?
Can this hosting thing be dangerous for the HD community when people who subscribed e.g. to DOM for his fluent and solid narrative, meet me via the autohosting feature, with my not perfect mic and unattractive voice and stumbling English and the choice of games different from DOM's etc etc. Won't they unsub?

The streaming is very good for me because it helps me to improve my speaking English and to learn to present material and narrate and plan and avoid derping and useless actions in games etc etc. But you know, HD should not be "paying" for this :D

26th June 2017, 13:01
I think it's good to have a different variety of streamers, it shows a lot the variety of people that play or are in the HappyDiggers Community. Even if your technology isn't super fancy or anything, streaming should rely on your personality and game play; the technology and quality of the stream comes with time and experience, you don't necessarily even need the tech, it's just a plus. If someones doesn't like you or your stream because of something, they can move on. It's not like you (or we) need to go out of our way for that one specific person because it is still mostly for enjoyment.

Now if they give a suggestion how to improve the stream or recommend doing something in the game that's easily doable for you, then go for it, but if it's something that's not in your control, I would just keep doing what you're doing. You'll find people that will enjoy your stream not because of the quality or the game play, but because of your personality (sometimes just the game play :P), and those are the people that will come back to watch you again.

And I think your English is pretty good! ;)

26th June 2017, 13:45
And I think your English is pretty good! ;)

:o Yauuuuuu!!! My first stream reaction!!! Thanks! :D

26th June 2017, 19:43
Like I said before. Don't worry about things not being perfect. I never asked for any particular level of quality. All I'm asking for is for people to play games they like and to have fun while streaming.

I'm assuming people have enough common sense to not stream things that are generally considered unsuitable for our community, say: 18+ adult stuff. Other than that, go for it! If people can't handle a tiny car inside of a small post stamp on the front page running over pedestrians or shooting at other really really tiny people, then so be it. They can complain if they like. We'll cross that bridge if we get to it but I don't expect that would happen any time soon.

To answer your other question. Best case scenario: people are having fun streaming.
This is not about ad revenue involved or extra page views or advertising the HappyDiggers community. Just have fun at what we do is all I'm aiming for :)

Oh, and in case I wasn't clear yet. Don't worry so much. Let me do the worrying, I excel at handling the worries. Most often I have zero worries about anything at all. It's great!

26th June 2017, 22:50
I tried streaming some Black Mesa (Half-Life 1 in HL2 engine) tonight. Downloaded OBS, used the startup wizard to do the basic setup. It recommended 1920x1080, 60fps and 6000kbps. Streaming went fine I think with 0 dropped frames. Too bad I hadn't set the auto archive option so I can't watch my own stream afterwards to see what it looked like.

Since I was playing in windowed mode everything was incredibly dark. Even with zombies on fire it was hard to see what was going on. What do you guys use to increase gamma?

26th June 2017, 23:18
What do you guys use to increase gamma?

I do not have any problems with gamma on my streams. The only real stuff I changed was the encoder options. If I run into the issue, I will let you know what I do to remedy it.

- OBS: v0.659b
- Encoder: Nvidia NVENC
- Use CBR: yes

27th June 2017, 05:10
Just tested a stream, looks like I can stream, but so far only at 480p. Gonna see if there's anything I can do to boost my bandwidth to be able to stream higher quality like 720p, if not then I'll be stuck at that, but it's better than nothing.

27th June 2017, 12:00
Just tested a stream,
Nice stream, good audio quality, the volume is kinda low. A cruel game btw, sawing all those qute batteries.

27th June 2017, 12:55
I agree with Hept. Your stream looks fine. Volume should be a bit louder. So yeah, you're practically ready to stream :)

27th June 2017, 13:01
Alright, thanks for the feedback!

27th June 2017, 22:01
I solved my gamma issue by adding a second virtual monitor using my laptop and Spacedesk (http://spacedesk.ph/). That allows me to stream a second monitor to my laptop and extend my desktop there. So now I have OBS and the Twitch dashboard displayed on my laptop while I play full screen on my monitor. I could of course add a second monitor to my PC. But since I already have a 30" monitor I prefer using my laptop as a second monitor for occasional streaming.

I've been playing a bit of Black Mesa. There are things I really like about it. It's essentially Half Life 1 with fancy graphics. There's more detail in a lot of things like the offices, hud and effects like when you get zapped by those insect-eyed-hopping-space-bunnies. What I don't like are the wonky physics though. Sure, HL has always had wonky physics. But with Black Mesa a lot of things are off. Hitting head crabs with a crowbar seems to be more difficult. Often times I can hit through them repeatedly. I'm taking fall damage at places where I shouldn't. And sometimes shots don't seem to connect. This is especially obvious when I take out my magnum and shoot at stationary targets.

All in all it's been fun playing Half Life again. But I think the original is better than the remake :)

28th June 2017, 07:53
Saw my messages in chat? Just dropped in for few minutes.

It was late so I did not remember it was not original HL, and the scene I saw was quite familiar - riding rails and shooting sonic pigs.

But how did J got that fancy camo pattern on his gun? This was my last thought before going to sleep :D

28th June 2017, 20:58
I saw. That "camo" was alien guts. Same as in the original Half-Life, just looking a bit more fancy ;)

29th June 2017, 01:36
RainnMannxx is mine, don't do it to often.

29th June 2017, 08:54
Added. Who knows, maybe this'll encourage you to stream more often :)