View Full Version : PvP

25th June 2017, 12:16
Hello everyone, i'm bringing back a thread of 2 years ago: pvp, in TFCfreebie. I don't mean a open pvp (problem with griefing etc..) but only a VERY restricted one, only in arena plot with pvp enabled. I've build a big arena and i'd love to organize small tournament. I would reccomend also a regulation, like "every pvp plot/arena must be closed and very well advertized with signs and warnings" (in addition to plot label). What do you think?

6th August 2017, 23:02
I agree, I too have long been toying with the idea of a pvp arena, and, if this becomes a thing, i would love to be able to host one on my second island. I understand that lemon probably wants to use his as well of course. I think it would be a great thing to have big parties with gladiatorial combat and animal fights (bears!!). Of course all fighters would be there of their own volition.

7th August 2017, 09:46
I think it would be a great thing to have big parties with gladiatorial combat and animal fights (bears!!).

Gladiator animals sound like an idea which can be done without PvP on, also I am afraid that without animal training, levels, skill, equip etc. on the side of the mod it is impossible to make balanced fights but yeah, might be worth a try or two :)

*calls PETA immediately*

8th August 2017, 00:41
As far as i remember, it was tried to make a pvp area, and could not get something to work without disabling something that is needed.
Also, with tfc and the plugins being old, and not being updated, I don't see this as a possibility now as it was not before.
I'm not a pvp person in minecraft, and I would not mind if others wanted to do so, there are just limitations on what can be done.

8th August 2017, 01:29
I suppose its possible to do that, easier to drag a tamed bear to my island on a rope though xD

Rainn- When you say it was impossible without disabling something necessary, do you mean that to turn on pvp in certain areas we would have to enable it across the whole server?

8th August 2017, 01:44
I'm going by memory, you can search the forums for past threads on it. I don't recall the specifics of it.
I remember Jiro trying to do it for a while without success, he was trying to make an island for pvp.
Basically it would need to be done by J or Jiro, Jiro was into tfc, and now is more into ark, and J was never really into tfc.
So basically it's a good thing to post such an idea, but don't expect this one to get much traction.
I may be incorrect, will see if Jiro or J chimes in.

8th August 2017, 21:02
Perhaps the PvP island was that PvP minigame island I was working on? It was similar in theme to capture the flag. I spent a lot of time working on that and then J turned around and said, "Uh we already have those games" and installed our lobby server :rolleyes:. So in short I would suggest that people play those PvP games with each other on the lobby server as it's just a simple command away. Just off the top of my head, it has paintball (my favorite), a cooperative horde like game, last man standing, a jumping game iirc, and a few more I can't recall.

PvP is turned off globally in each TFC world. I've personally toyed with the idea of having default PvP off while Towny PvP could be turned on, but it has the potential to create a lot of problems. There aren't big warnings that an area is PvP accessible before you enter the area, and with TFC weapons/armors scaling up high as the tiers go up someone could just be instantly killed the second they enter a PvP set town or set plots. It doesn't matter how many times or how big the signs are that say PvP could be enabled in people's plots, people still won't read them and then they'll get killed and inevitably come to the forums demanding their items back followed by demands for the offending parties to be banned and for our rules to change.

The way I see it, TFC just isn't PvP friendly. Minigames and such were something I was interested in with TFC because they could be controlled in their gameplay with what players could and couldn't have, but even then it would require extensive admin/moderator intervention even with a finished product which was something I was willing to do several years ago but not anymore. Now I'm sure a simple counter argument could be that the PvP arena would only be one area on the entire map and that it would be well advertised, etc. Which can work, except that people can still be lured in. Staff aren't on the servers 24/7 and even people that want to run these things wouldn't be on all of the time. All it takes is a shady player (which we get often on the servers) coming on to cause a fiasco that nobody will enjoy.

8th August 2017, 21:51
PvP is turned off globally in each TFC world. I've personally toyed with the idea of having default PvP off while Towny PvP could be turned on, but it has the potential to create a lot of problems. There aren't big warnings that an area is PvP accessible before you enter the area, and with TFC weapons/armors scaling up high as the tiers go up someone could just be instantly killed the second they enter a PvP set town or set plots. It doesn't matter how many times or how big the signs are that say PvP could be enabled in people's plots, people still won't read them and then they'll get killed and inevitably come to the forums demanding their items back followed by demands for the offending parties to be banned and for our rules to change.

I would personally vote for allowing towny pvp toggle-able, if people arent going to pay attention to whether or not a town is pvp, a fact I feel should be labeled (if the whole town is pvp then the town name would be [town name_PvP], or they could name individual plots with a similar pattern), they shouldnt be allowed to whine. I understand it becomes another job for forum moderators to take down whining posts, so if they feel like its too much hassle to change the rules its ultimately up to them.


8th August 2017, 22:12
So in short I would suggest that people play those PvP games with each other on the lobby server as it's just a simple command away. Just off the top of my head, it has paintball (my favorite), a cooperative horde like game, last man standing, a jumping game iirc, and a few more I can't recall.

AFAIK, those games are mostly unplayable atm. There are problems with spawn locations and players get killed instantly by fall damage each time they attempt to start. At least that's how it was the last time when RX was testing it with me, only one paintball arena was fixed back then. Not sure if it's worth the staff's attention, majority of players who come to play TFC are not interested in minigames on the lobby server anyways.

8th August 2017, 22:37
Sorry about that. The lobby server got corrupted a while ago and all I had was an old backup where the level wasn't raised yet to compensate for TFC's higher sea level. I still need to raise everything but as you might have guessed, that's a bit of a pain to do. I'll get around to it someday. Because as you've said, there weren't a lot of people playing the mini games to begin with. Including our various PvP arena's, paintball arena and PvE.

9th August 2017, 17:43
PvP is turned off globally in each TFC world. I've personally toyed with the idea of having default PvP off while Towny PvP could be turned on, but it has the potential to create a lot of problems. There aren't big warnings that an area is PvP accessible before you enter the area, and with TFC weapons/armors scaling up high as the tiers go up someone could just be instantly killed the second they enter a PvP set town or set plots. (...)
Now I'm sure a simple counter argument could be that the PvP arena would only be one area on the entire map and that it would be well advertised, etc. Which can work, except that people can still be lured in. Staff aren't on the servers 24/7 and even people that want to run these things wouldn't be on all of the time. All it takes is a shady player (which we get often on the servers) coming on to cause a fiasco that nobody will enjoy.

I just wanted to ask:
If there would be a person who makes proper precautions to prevent unauthorized and unwanted usage of such arena (can elaborate on this if needed *elaborated in spoiler below this), is there a chance to make it work without extra plugins or PvP being globally enabled on the server?

My ideas on maintaining such arena:

completely isolated - small island, high walls, 100% claimed by dedicated town
proper advertising - PvP warning signs, "pre-enter zone" warning about being close to PvP (via signs and plot names)
completely divided non-PvP and PvP zones
scheduled events (always in great advance), otherwise the arena is closed (enter on own risk?)
restricted entrance - only those players who apply during certain period of time before an event takes place; others - to divided spectator part
private lockers made by requesting the arena owner(s) for storing valuables etc.
pens for "gladiator animals" (as mentioned before in this thread)
return of items guaranteed by owner (enter on own risk?)

Also, what about allowing certain players (V.I.P. group, mods, etc.) to /t toggle pvp commands, exclusively. Would it still be too risky or acceptable for the well-being of our community?

I would personally vote for allowing towny pvp toggle-able, if people arent going to pay attention to whether or not a town is pvp, a fact I feel should be labeled (if the whole town is pvp then the town name would be [town name_PvP], or they could name individual plots with a similar pattern), they shouldnt be allowed to whine. I understand it becomes another job for forum moderators to take down whining posts, so if they feel like its too much hassle to change the rules its ultimately up to them.


There is not an automatic way how to insert PvP notice to townname or something to let people know IN ADVANCE. As Jiro said, one only gets notified when entering or looking at town stats via /town [name]. Yeah, TFC might not be suitable for PvP if we look at the progress from newbie up to end-game stuff. That's actually what makes it appealing for some people (me included) - variability, ability to progress. I understand that is kind of hassle to deal with complaints as well as establishing smooth function of such thing.

Sorry about that. The lobby server got corrupted a while ago and all I had was an old backup where the level wasn't raised yet to compensate for TFC's higher sea level. I still need to raise everything but as you might have guessed, that's a bit of a pain to do. I'll get around to it someday. Because as you've said, there weren't a lot of people playing the mini games to begin with. Including our various PvP arena's, paintball arena and PvE.

Don't worry about it, J. :) There is still the parkour tower in the corner of the lobby map we can enjoy endlessly (granted that some people including me suck at parkour) :P

Hope I am not bothering anyone too much with a post this long :o
Have a nice day anyway,


9th August 2017, 19:38
I just wanted to ask:
If there would be a person who makes proper precautions to prevent unauthorized and unwanted usage of such arena (can elaborate on this if needed *elaborated in spoiler below this), is there a chance to make it work without extra plugins or PvP being globally enabled on the server?

My ideas on maintaining such arena:

completely isolated - small island, high walls, 100% claimed by dedicated town
proper advertising - PvP warning signs, "pre-enter zone" warning about being close to PvP (via signs and plot names)
completely divided non-PvP and PvP zones
scheduled events (always in great advance), otherwise the arena is closed (enter on own risk?)
restricted entrance - only those players who apply during certain period of time before an event takes place; others - to divided spectator part
private lockers made by requesting the arena owner(s) for storing valuables etc.
pens for "gladiator animals" (as mentioned before in this thread)
return of items guaranteed by owner (enter on own risk?)

Also, what about allowing certain players (V.I.P. group, mods, etc.) to /t toggle pvp commands, exclusively. Would it still be too risky or acceptable for the well-being of our community?


There is not an automatic way how to insert PvP notice to townname or something to let people know IN ADVANCE. As Jiro said, one only gets notified when entering or looking at town stats via /town [name]. Yeah, TFC might not be suitable for PvP if we look at the progress from newbie up to end-game stuff. That's actually what makes it appealing for some people (me included) - variability, ability to progress. I understand that is kind of hassle to deal with complaints as well as establishing smooth function of such thing.

Firstly, I personally would be open to the idea of a PvP island with the specifications Elbe laid out above, and if it comes to it I would welcome to opportunity to help design and/or build part of it. As for the not being able to insert a PvP notice into a town name, you can add "_(PvP)" to the end of your town name. The only problem with that is if they teleported deep into the town instead of just walking in a little and turning around.

On another thought, could the command to set individual plots to pvp be enabled? That way the whole town wouldnt be pvp, we could set individual areas to pvp, and we could add a rule to the rule book along the lines of
"Only designated and clearly marked PvP arenas may be set to PvP"

16th August 2017, 07:47
I'm not going into too much detail right now. But ask yourself. What does J, who doesn't play TFC, need with an island to the south west?

Also, give it time. I'm not well and things move slowly.