View Full Version : Songs of the Great Patriotic War

30th June 2017, 15:58
Unexpectedly found today in the internet. This guy, Thomas Beavitt, is a Scottish bard who moved to Russia and enjoys to translate and sing songs from Russian and Soviet traditions (ok, the capitals in nation names are killing me, no idea how to do them correctly, need to refresh the knowledge).
In this video he sings several famous Soviet songs from the war times, translated. I think most of them are from the movies which were released soon after the war. These songs lay deep in Russian culture, at least of the elder people.

He gives quite a good impression of the style of those songs. But the last one, about the Victory - I don't like in his interpretation, too calm and plain.
Here is the proper performance, the original one:


30th June 2017, 16:45
After some digging - few more:

The Bard Is Dead - a free translation of the same poem by Lermontov - a Russian poet of the similar caliber as Pushkin (personally I dislike them both, maybe because we were forced to learn them in school).


Who'll Come a Hunting for the Wolf - a translation of a vary famous late-Soviet song by Vladimir Vysotcky.


And some long video withother songs, where the first one at least is the most interesting - again Vysotcky, Ballad of the Free Archers.
A song from a movie about Robin Hood, which had two versions of songs in it - one with some crappy ones, and another - with Vysotsky songs, which are incredibly beautiful and popular.


A russian version of Archers, for comparison:
