View Full Version : Ark: New Server Plans

6th September 2017, 11:26
As I've mentioned recently in several threads, I'm closing down HappyDiggers Ark The Center Primitive Plus due to very little activity on the server. Going forward I plan on re-purposing the server resources used for The Center on a new Ark map.

The Aberration DLC map is the next HappyDiggers Ark server installment. It will be the vanilla Ark game mode with no total conversions. The server will be lightly modded to match our other HappyDiggers Ark servers. This will include the mods Structures Plus, Resource Stacks, and Protected Passives. The server will be included in the HappyDiggers Ark server cluster which brings me to some important information about the direction I'm taking the new Ark server.

The HappyDiggers Aberration will be a donor access only server for 1 month before being released to the public. This means that only donors will be whitelisted and only donors will have full transfer rights between the new server and the rest of the Ark cluster. Donor servers are nothing new for HappyDiggers. We feel it's important that we offer acknowledgement of your direct support for our HappyDiggers community and to show that we appreciate that support. Due to the nature of Aberration having unique creatures, items, etc the server will only be locked to donors for the first month. Though the focus right now is just on Aberration, having a full fledged donor only server may happen in the future.

Information about donators can be found at http://donate.happydiggers.net/. Minimum donor ranks is 15 Euros. Besides gaining access to Aberration before anyone else, you'll also gain access to any future HappyDigger donor Ark servers along with access to our donor Minecraft servers. Anybody with a donor status will have access to Aberration which includes all previous donors. These are not the only plans for donors regarding Ark. As development continues I want to add more perks for you guys because you're awesome! :cool:

Release of the Aberration DLC by Ark developers is slated for October of 2017 with no specific release date set yet. Whenever that date may be, it may take a few more days for me to get the server ready. I'll have to draft up a new server, configure it, and play test it for stability over the course of 2 days or so.

I look forward to the next installment of Ark!