View Full Version : Banned by admin Jiro on Ark servers

9th September 2017, 01:11

With this post i want to clear some points, first i got raided by jiro then i got banned for killing a Dino on NEUTRAL not PASSIVE and on the rules say's clearly passive not " Dinos on neutral if they dont attack u also cant kill them" i accept the rule but it isnt wrote so i cant know it.

Ban: After i got raided i was only a bit bored so i started to raid also because the last 3 mounts i only did building etc, then i get banned for killing a dino on neutral --> rules killing passive tames = ban: Neutral without provocation BUT i hited a wall and they started attack me and then they stopped again so i came back to kill because it was a defence for the base. I got all on video if needed.

Admin Abuse: It can be or not BUT me and my tribe member checked for the strongest dinosaur for some DAYS ( 3-6h) daily, the admin jiro comes online and he finds 3 times ( max. 3 per map) the first 10-20 min that he's online?"I would thank the owner to check what he did for the last year.

Cheers. ;)

9th September 2017, 01:46
Jiro has been open about Titan taming. it took him one titan a day. Taming 3 Titans in 20 minutes is impossible. Where did you get such information? Also with transmitter you can locate any dinos on map if present, I'm sure you are aware of it too? You can check this with the owner.

9th September 2017, 01:51
Jiro has been open about Titan taming. it took him one titan a day. Taming 3 Titans in 20 minutes is impossible. Where did you get such information? Also with transmitter you can locate any dinos on map if present, I'm sure you are aware of it too? You can check this with the owner.

I'm only asked for a control.

Main reason - Ban for killing neutral dinos.

9th September 2017, 02:25
You could have put them to sleep. You simply walked in when they were not attacking you and able to place c4 at their feet. This means the wolves could not protect themselves same as passive.

If they attacked you while you killed them, no question would have been asked.

9th September 2017, 02:56

With this post i want to clear some points, first i got raided by jiro then i got banned for killing a Dino on NEUTRAL not PASSIVE and on the rules say's clearly passive not " Dinos on neutral if they dont attack u also cant kill them" i accept the rule but it isnt wrote so i cant know it.

Ban: After i got raided i was only a bit bored so i started to raid also because the last 3 mounts i only did building etc, then i get banned for killing a dino on neutral --> rules killing passive tames = ban: Neutral without provocation BUT i hited a wall and they started attack me and then they stopped again so i came back to kill because it was a defence for the base. I got all on video if needed.

Admin Abuse: It can be or not BUT me and my tribe member checked for the strongest dinosaur for some DAYS ( 3-6h) daily, the admin jiro comes online and he finds 3 times ( max. 3 per map) the first 10-20 min that he's online?"I would thank the owner to check what he did for the last year.

Cheers. ;)

The raid I was involved in with you was on Scorched Earth, not Ragnarok, and has nothing to do with this ban. There is no link. Along those lines, allegations of admin abuse also has nothing to do with this ban. Bringing something like that to the table in your ban appeal is a mistake.

To clarify your claim of me taming 3 titans in the "10-20 minutes I'm online" is a complete fabrication and you know it. I was very vocal in my search for the titans. After the expansion update when DC tribe claimed to have found and killed a titan I started my hunt. It took 4 days total to get all 3 titans. First I had to find them, then I had to teleport them home, then I had to tame them. Finding them was the slowest part. The first day I found one right off the bat and started culling dinos on the map hoping a new one would spawn. The next 3 days I found the other 2 after searching the redwood portions of the map a good 12 times + a day along with culling many dinos. This was also before I knew about the scan dinos option on transmitters which I had access to obviously, I just didn't know about it since I had started playing on Ragnarok on August 14 after a break from Ark for a bit. You can clearly see in my battlemetrics report (https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/302077770?servers%5B1118359%5D=3M) that after version 265 (the expansion update) released on the 16th of August (https://ark.gamepedia.com/265.0) I started hunting the titans on Aug 20th with 12 hours in Ragnarok, then the 21st for 12 hours, then the 22nd for 5 hours, and finally the 23rd for 12 hours again. It's all public record how much time I spent. Insinuating I cheated in such a preposterous manner is low and takes away from your credibility in this appeal.

Now that I'm done addressing the ridiculous claim, that has absolutely nothing to do with the ban, on to the ban.

With this post i want to clear some points, first i got raided by jiro then i got banned for killing a Dino on NEUTRAL not PASSIVE and on the rules say's clearly passive not " Dinos on neutral if they dont attack u also cant kill them" i accept the rule but it isnt wrote so i cant know it.

Ban: After i got raided i was only a bit bored so i started to raid also because the last 3 mounts i only did building etc, then i get banned for killing a dino on neutral --> rules killing passive tames = ban: Neutral without provocation BUT i hited a wall and they started attack me and then they stopped again so i came back to kill because it was a defence for the base. I got all on video if needed.

The rules clearly say "No base wiping, bust in get what you want and leave. (https://happydiggers.net/content.php?117&tabid=107)" Killing dinos for no reason is the same as base wiping. I posted evidence of what I saw you do (https://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?1384-Warned-players-and-banlist&p=18925#post18925). The 3 wolves and a dilo were sitting still and not attacking you. This means that if they were on neutral you couldn't know because you hadn't triggered a retaliatory strike as you claimed you did by striking a wall. I never witnessed you strike a wall. You walked right up to the dinos and placed C4 at their feet. They did not move. You then proceeded to blow them up. One surviving wolf lunged at you and you killed it with a pistol. You then continued your destruction into the base.

If you knew they were neutral why didn't you agro them away to another part of the base? Why didn't you blow your way through the roof of the base? Why didn't you blow your way through the side of the base with the wooden spikes that had no dinos? Why did you specifically go to that group of dinos and plant C4 to kill them? Heck, you didn't even go for the wall to blow a way into the building. You deliberately targeted those dinos for no other reason than to kill them with absolutely no effort in keeping them alive.

That is why you were banned.

12th September 2017, 08:11
It has been 4 days since you were banned. I was told by your tribe mate that you claimed to have some sort of evidence you wanted to post of your innocence but you would only post it the day after you made your appeal thread. Well it has been several days and you have not responded. The title of this thread will be changed to a more appropriate status. The appeal will remain open for a little while longer.

18th September 2017, 07:26
It has been about a week since my last post and none of the "evidence" that was claimed by Arkerino and his tribe has been presented and no new replies to his own appeal thread have been given. I've been tracking Arkerino's Battlemetrics (https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/279623722) profile this whole time and it has shown he has been playing Ark on other servers just fine meaning he does not seem to care about his own ban appeal and has had ample opportunity to respond. As such this ban appeal is rejected and closed.

Arkerino's ban is permanent.