View Full Version : Technodefirma v 3.6 and up

13th September 2017, 17:13

Before i would consider donating for the technodefirma server

Is it going to update from v 2.... to v3.6....?

13th September 2017, 17:33
No. Before we ran into issues updating to a newer version because we run KCauldron which we need for things like Towny and all the other plugins that we need to effectively run a large server. And we will be replacing the TnFC server with another server in a few weeks.

The new Donor server which will be running a new mod pack and will have a 3 month rotation between packs. And we'll be expanding the TFC Freebie world to a much larger size. You can read more about that here: Freebie TFC and Donor TFC server changes (https://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?2573-Freebie-TFC-and-Donor-TFC-server-changes)

13th September 2017, 18:43
Things have changed a bit. It seems the official TnFC server was shut down due to personal reasons of the owner. You can read more about that here:

Instead of closing our donor server. Perhaps we should consider making it a small public server instead. In my opinion TnFC is one of the very few special mod packs that deserves to live on. Just a thought though. We would need to find one or two moderators that are willing to monitor the server which is probably harder than updating TnFC to 3.6 and making changes to go from a donor to a public server.

It seems updating to 3.x requires a new world to be generated. Changelog here:

That would mean quite a bit more work than just updating the mod pack. I'll have to think about this. In the mean time, everybody, please provide your thoughts if you have any.

18th September 2017, 07:39
I would love to see TnFC alive somewhere. It's a great modpack and the authors put a lot of thought and work behind it - everything is very well balanced. I would risk saying it's the best TFC technical modpack out there.

Yes, new map is required, that means generation time.

I'll make you a deal ;) ;) ;) I'll stop hopping from one TFC server to another and will put roots on TnFC if you update. That doesn't mean I will be there every day, as sometimes work makes me drop off the face of the earth for a week or two. But I will be there and help new players whenever I can.

If you make it public instead of donor only, new map is a good idea anyway. But please, pretty please, with cherry on top - more than 1 home point, please? :)

(Over and out for a week, this work issue as mentioned above.)

18th September 2017, 08:11
I'd like to. But I don't think it's going to happen. We simply do not have enough active staff members willing to monitor another public server. And finding new reliable moderators is harder than you might think.

20th September 2017, 10:29
do a donor exclusive and no moderators, paying players are mostly more mature and dont need to be moderated, just make 1 'op' for bugfixes,
in the meantime i play on my home server witb a 1m chunk pregen world, am not that far in the game, but don't wait to long to make the tnfc server befor playerg got to far in singel world and dont want to restart

20th September 2017, 16:31
That's what we have right now. When the server started a bunch of donors played there. But the server has been mostly empty the past couple of months. That's why I'd like to try again but this time with a public server in the hopes that it will remain active.

20th September 2017, 17:43
if its a public server then you need moderators and seeing you cant find some then the chance of a tnfc server becoms small

maybe make a donation goal toward a tnfc server to be online for at least 6 monts and then you can see what to do in the future, maby tfc2 release is out then

25th September 2017, 11:31
(Surfacing again ;) )

So, basically, this plan (having a public TnFC) could work only if you find 2 reliable people who can monitor the server on a daily basis, is that what you are saying? No other (major) roadblocks?

25th September 2017, 13:29
It starts with people. Once those are found, I would start setting up the server. Then we need to do some play testing to see if everything works, determine if the issues we can find can be resolved. If we find issues that can't be resolved we need to figure out if we can work around them or if we can live with them.

Since it's a public server we need protection, block logging and a bunch of other plugins so staff can do their job. There are a lot of things that need testing.

So yeah, if we can find people willing to moderate the server on a regular basis (it doesn't have to be daily, that's what tickets and the forum are for) then yes, we can go ahead.

25th September 2017, 16:11
I'd like to. But I don't think it's going to happen. We simply do not have enough active staff members willing to monitor another public server. And finding new reliable moderators is harder than you might think.

While I am neither a moderator, nor someone with experience moderating, I could try and fulfill this post. Is there an application process you want me to fill out? I have never played TnFC before, but from what I've seen it seems like a cool modpack. If you made a public server I think I would split my time between it and Freebie TFC.

Hope this helps,

26th September 2017, 13:34
So yeah, if we can find people willing to moderate the server on a regular basis (it doesn't have to be daily, that's what tickets and the forum are for) then yes, we can go ahead.

Well, since I finally have a laptop that doesn't die when I run TnFC, that only leaves the issue of those work related two week disappearances that happen roughly twice a year. Other than that I am able to be on the server and/or forums (almost) daily.

I love the modpack, I kinda hafta volunteer :D

2nd October 2017, 07:41
Hey, I thought Jiro posted here? Oh well..

Thanks for the offer guys, I'll take it under consideration. There's still quite a bit of work to do before we can even begin testing. First I'll do a small server on my PC to see if we can get TnFC to work at all with KCauldron. If not then I'll try the Forge only route. But that bring a whole slew of other problems related to running a public server with it. In that case we need to replace the dozens of Bukkit plugins we have running on the current servers. With the current version of Minecraft 1.12 you can at least get a few decent server mods. But for Minecraft 1.7.10 those do not exist the last time we attempted this. Hopefully things have changed since then.

So for now. Wait. Be patient. It's going to take some time.

2nd October 2017, 07:55
Hey, I thought Jiro posted here? Oh well..

Ah, nope. That was in the staff section regarding TnFC :)

4th November 2017, 18:25
I have begun generating a new world for TechNodeFirmaCraft 3.5. It's very slow going, even slower than TFC. Which makes sense since it's TFC + a ton of other mods :)

Right now I've set up 4 server instances which are all generating one quarter of the intended world. The world will have the same size as the current Freebie TFC server. That means it'll be 100.000 by 30.000 blocks in size. Currently my CPU is at around 50% load and disk is at 2%. So other than cutting the world up in even more pieces, I can't really make this go any faster.

Once the world is done generating I'll start setting up the server instance that is going to run on our server hardware. When that is done we'll need a bunch of people to start play testing to see how much stuff is broken.

5th November 2017, 15:11
Yay! Can't wait!