View Full Version : [FreebieTFC] Commands not working

8th October 2017, 09:48
Hello , Some commands like /home , /list , /help , /spawn , and even /ticket-open is not working for me. I am getting messeges like : "You do not have acces do this command" or "Im sorry but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please....." . Why ??

8th October 2017, 10:58
Seconding this report here. I cannot access Essentials commands (apparently; Towny is working). It seems that player groups have not loaded correctly, my blue nickname is white now ;) FYI, the lobby server seems to be just fine, as far as I can tell, this only happens on Freebie TFC.

8th October 2017, 11:42
It looks like the PermissionsBukkit configuration file got corrupted. I've restored it from backup and things seem to be back to normal now.