View Full Version : Our Island home got wiped :(

18th November 2017, 14:10
It looks like someone wiped our home on the Island. We made a small home there so we had a place to go when we raid bosses. Today we went there and the home is completely empty: no beds, no machines, no chests, no water tap even...

I understand raiding our chests, but I'm quite angry about the beds, it took us an hour to reach anywhere decent while spawning on the beach :mad:

And whoever did it didn't get any interesting items.



18th November 2017, 18:30
I've found the culprit after searching through old logs. He was a person of interest on the Ragnarok server for quite some time for outright lying to me and trying to cover it up. Both of his accounts will be banned. I can reimburse you what you lost.