View Full Version : S+ struktures all gone

14th December 2017, 18:36

I just logged in and all my s+ struktures are gone like fridge vaults fundatiouns everything :(

14th December 2017, 19:19
Thank you very much for reporting this.

It's fixed. This sort of bug crops up every once in a while due to poor installation procedures that WC has. What makes this worse is when people don't report it in a timely manner. I saw 3 specific people in the log who logged into the server and logged out who didn't report it. This causes a big guessing game as to which save is valid and how far back I have to roll back and can have broader ramifications. The folks that didn't report it, you know who you are, you're jeopardizing your bases.

15th December 2017, 07:17
Hmm, which map was it? I was on SE and Ragna yesterday, all S+ stuff was in place...

15th December 2017, 12:36
Hmm, which map was it? I was on SE and Ragna yesterday, all S+ stuff was in place...

Only ragnarok

15th December 2017, 13:08
Hmm, must have happened before I transferred from SE to Ragnarok. Whew! Saved me an heart attack! ;)

15th December 2017, 13:13
but dont worry it's everything back :D