View Full Version : Having issues...Cant log in

15th December 2017, 14:46
I have been gone for quite some time. I tried loggin in and cant. What do I need to update to log in?

15th December 2017, 15:10
I have been gone for quite some time. I tried loggin in and cant. What do I need to update to log in?

Log in where? Ark, Mnecraft? Which server?

15th December 2017, 15:11
Log in where? Ark, Mnecraft? Which server?

I have the donor server and freebie server on my list. It sticks at the Loading page and doesnt go any further. Terrafirmacraft is what I was playing.

15th December 2017, 16:13
The server is using the 1.7.10 version of MC. You can get the most recent version of Terrafirmacraft here:

terrafirmacraft.com/f/download.html/ (http://terrafirmacraft.com/f/download.html/)

It also has a link for the forge as well.

And all the server IP's are here:


Hope this fixes the problem.

15th December 2017, 16:19
We do have the .922 terrafirmacraft and the 2566 for Forge and it still dosnt work. The server IPs are also correct. Should we uninstall minecraft and reinstall from scratch?

15th December 2017, 16:26
Minecraft login server is down.


15th December 2017, 16:31
I have forge - the one that is recommended on TFC forum. I suggest you try this one.