View Full Version : Ark ban appeal

3rd January 2018, 18:05
Hi i would like to appeal for ban i got on ark server as jiro have wrong info about me.
As Daoshy and me are tow people. We are sharing the house so we will have same ip address.

3rd January 2018, 18:08
Here's the ban info for your case:

Can you explain what is wrong with this information exactly?

3rd January 2018, 18:15
As i just told im not same person as daoshy and i had nothing to do about jiros base and for jiro saying i was outright lying to him is wrong.

3rd January 2018, 19:36
You have no idea how often we've heard the excuse: "It wasn't me, it was my brother/friend/whatever". Do you have any way of proving this is the case here?

What did you, allegedly, lie about? And why was that not a lie?

I'm asking you to provide explanations for this situation. Just saying things aren't true or wrong does not make for a strong case. Right now you can tell us your part of the story. I'm sure Jiro will pitch in soon enough.

3rd January 2018, 19:48
i have no idea what jiro is talking about me lie to him as he is posting in forum i did but i never lied to him most likely hes talking about the base got blown up on island map and i had nothing to do whit it as i was aways for few days on holiday. and jiro going to spectator mode and start hunting players is very bad thing. as after he releast me from jail and i left the tribe daoshy was giving me some dinos to keep what jiro didn't kill so i could make my owne new base. what benefit i have of duel boxing ark? its not lineage or something to multi box a game. Do you have any way of proving what you saying apart my ip address?

3rd January 2018, 20:33
You didn't answer my first question.

Saying that it's a bad thing for our staff members to use spectator mode isn't winning you any points. That's a tool we use to catch griefers and it's very effective.

I'm not accusing you of anything. I don't even play ARK. So I have no need to provide proof of any kind. All I did was ask you to tell your side of the story. A ban appeal is an opportunity to explain to us why we should take another chance on you OR to explain why the ban was unjust. We're only human, mostly. And as such we do make mistakes from time to time. So far it looks as though you're going with: the ban was unjust. But you're not providing us with very compelling arguments or evidence thus far. At least, that's what it looks like to me.

Another staff member who actually understands how ARK works will be along shortly to comment on the whole thing.

3rd January 2018, 20:45
my side of story is after daoshy raided some bases i was put to jail as i bin in same tribe as him. he started griefing me and doshy because of it. after all its pvp server after i told jiro i had nothing to do about raiding his base on island map. he let me go from jail and i played for one week and i stopped playing as i some irl issues to deal. and now i was asking vikittania about new dlc and at what date i can join the server she told me i got banned from happydiggers.

3rd January 2018, 21:32
i have no idea what jiro is talking about me lie to him as he is posting in forum i did but i never lied to him most likely hes talking about the base got blown up on island map and i had nothing to do whit it as i was aways for few days on holiday. and jiro going to spectator mode and start hunting players is very bad thing. as after he releast me from jail and i left the tribe daoshy was giving me some dinos to keep what jiro didn't kill so i could make my owne new base. what benefit i have of duel boxing ark? its not lineage or something to multi box a game. Do you have any way of proving what you saying apart my ip address?

There is the lying again ;)

I have VIDEO proof of you multi accounting. Yes I know you and Doashy are two different people with your own accounts, but YOU used both accounts on the day I video recorded you which shows that YOU are in control of both accounts. You're also lying when you say Doashy was giving you dinos. YOU were controlling both accounts and transferring the dinos between bases. That's why I started attacking you AS A PLAYER. Please don't bother denying it anymore, it's silly.

Slight rant incoming:

Playing on the Ark servers and being an admin requires self control with some finesse and no matter what I do I'm always accused of cheating, most notably by people that get banned. I'm sick of people accusing me of cheating just because I'm an administrator. Do you even realize we wouldn't have the servers if I didn't manage them? The Ark servers are graciously run on InsaneJ's server and I manage almost everything about them. So now I'm not supposed to play on the servers I manage of the game I love?

Let's see you host and run 4+ servers in a cluster that can hold 70 players each and not play on them. Let's watch you spend... oh what is the going rate for clusters... (looks up the first Ark server hosting result) $40 for a 70 slot server with a $40 startup fee. So you're looking at $160 to start and $160 per month to host what we have for inferior quality with absolute garbage customer support and lacking configuration changes, backup problems, and auto update issues. You would not believe the crap I see admins aren't able to do for servers they pay hosts for. So go ahead and spend that money and come back in 2 years, which is how long our longest standing Ark server has been running, and tell me you haven't played it! Not one bit! I hope you have deep pockets.

People that can't handle admins playing on their own servers shouldn't even be playing on the servers in question. Go play official and get choked out by WildCard's awful customer service. Experience all the joyous bugs Ark has to offer with absolutely no support. Go lose 5 max level characters in a few months time. Get wiped daily. Enjoy the official life, because if you have problems with admins playing on their own servers you shouldn't play on any unofficial server. Maybe some admins cheat on their servers, I've experience that first hand before we started HappyDiggers Ark servers. Yet I'm an admin that has several years experience with HappyDiggers well before Ark was even a game, and as an admin I'm a trusted staff member. If you still can't wrap your head around that then perhaps unofficial servers just aren't for you.

I might get that framed. That pretty much sums up every ban appeal on Ark I've had to deal with when you guys inevitably accuse me of cheating.

Okay, so here's what really happened to you on my end:

Doashy raids my allies (other VIPs) and breaks one of my vaults on The Island server. I find out, declare war AS A PLAYER. I pummel your base (DOA) to the ground AS A PLAYER. You return and convince me it was all Doashy's doing and that you had nothing to do with it which lined up with my tribe log evidence so I let you go and do your own thing. A day or so later I was observing you in spectator mode AS A STAFF MEMBER to make sure you weren't lying since both the Doashy and Mayur accounts were logged on and not saying a word. I discovered you were switching between your computers/windows of Ark as one account would freeze all movement while the other was being used. This went on for hours and I recorded it. I shot out of spectator mode AS A STAFF MEMBER so that I could attack you AS A PLAYER for lying to me. And for the record, I only attacked dinos you were transporting to your "new" base through the Doashy account that you lied about being two separate people at the time. I did not use spectator to track you down. I'm a veteran player with 5,000 hours on Ark and 3,000 of those hours are on the HappyDiggers servers over 2 years of server up time. I'm light years ahead of anyone on the servers in terms of technology and fancy stuff and I can teleport around maps in seconds. Just because you're barely in the metal tier with something like 10 turrets doesn't put you on my level so don't think I'm using admin cheats of some sort to take you down. Your tribe (DOA) brought it upon yourselves by attacking my allies and me directly.

Before you play the "But we're two different people" card (again), yes you are two different people but YOU used both accounts at once after you were insistent you were starting fresh away from Doashy and the DOA tribe. Don't forget, steam account sharing is against their rules of use. So I could go ahead and report that to steam as well if you would like since you're claiming it's not your account but the evidence I have clearly shows you were using the account.

The main reason for the ban is because the Doashy account broke the wipe rules on The Island when he wiped out the Casual tribe's base. YOU were caught red handed sharing both accounts at once which ties you straight to the Doashy account's actions. I have no idea if you were the one who wiped Casual tribe or not, and it doesn't matter because I have evidence that the Doashy account did and I have evidence that you're in control of both accounts regardless of who was in control of the Doashy account at the time of the rule breaking.

You lying to me as a player isn't against the rules. People lie to each other all the time on Ark, it's PvP. If it was a staff matter at the time it would have been a problem, but it wasn't and isn't a problem. The only reason I included the lying in the report is because it shows a character trait commonly shared with other rule breakers and I always include possible motives and traits of the people banned in their ban reports. Now here's where the lying becomes an issue, when I have proof that you were in control of both accounts regardless of who used the account previously and you make claims that you didn't in regards to a ban appeal where it is a staff matter. That completely burns your credibility.

If you continue to claim you weren't using both accounts then I'll put together the videos I captured but that will take time. It's around 75 Gigs worth of video. It would be far easier if you just stopped this silly claim of you not using both accounts.

3rd January 2018, 21:40
oh just go to hell jiro you have to much of god complex going on shame you are such an asshole

3rd January 2018, 21:49
oh just go to hell jiro you have to much of god complex going on shame you are such an asshole

And you're done.

3rd January 2018, 21:56
oh just go to hell jiro you have to much of god complex going on shame you are such an asshole

I'll take that as an admission of guilt. Regardless, your ban appeal is rejected. Here is some advice as your official God of Assholes [BOFH] on HappyDiggers: Don't play on unofficial servers anymore.
