View Full Version : Vintage Story: TFC, but not in Minecraft

4th February 2018, 11:58
Came across a TerraFirmaCraft inspired game: Vintage Story (https://www.vintagestory.at)


It's being actively developed by a the author of Butterfly Mania (https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/butterfly-mania). Which, if you'll remember, we included in our previous HappyDiggers AMP mod packs. He's also known for VintageCraft (https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/vintagecraft).

Vintage Story seems to be in active development and it's available as an "early access" title at https://www.vintagestory.at

It currently has a dedicated server option. But as far as I can tell there aren't any plugins that we normally use for protection. Although perhaps we could make some rudimentary mods ourselves or input some feature requests. The staff seems willing to incorporate community feedback at this stage.

So what do you guys think? Is this something we'd want to pick up?
Personally I like the idea of having a "TFC" that's in active development again instead of the stale bug riddled mod we've been running for the past couple of years.

4th February 2018, 16:02
I'd play it. i'm addicted to L2R atm, thats why i havent been on ark or mc lately. even slowed my Vikings browser game down to a crawl.

i'll download it and play solo for now.

4th February 2018, 16:08
Looks very interesting, I will try to pick it up in a couple of weeks and test viability (which is just an excuse to play). I quite enjoyed TFC, but I didn't benefit from the server environment since I couldn't dump the time into it. Many other players do and the community we host is excellent. If we can build up a community around another indie game, that would be awesome!

5th February 2018, 12:05
Looks really cool :cool: I'd like to play it :)


5th February 2018, 16:27
I've seen it too and I'm eager to check it out :)

5th February 2018, 17:26
I picked it up. Movement is slower in it then minecraft. There may be a way to make mouse movement more responsive, its like the movie mode in minecraft. I may make a video on it. Haven't gotten to far, need to read up on the wiki for crafting. So far I like it besides the speed issue.

5th February 2018, 17:48
I removed mouse smoothing and increased mouse sensitivity a bit in the options. Seems fine now.
Also there is the Sepia effect by default, making colors pale - devs adviced it is also in the settings. Also some bloom effect which afaik just blurs the vision. Removed it too.

6th February 2018, 00:04
Thanks, missed that lol, cranked it up to 200 from 50, now its good for me :).

6th February 2018, 16:27
Just FYI, a small VS thread on Bay12 Games forum (Dwarf Fortress developers). Nothing new, just in case.

27th February 2018, 10:22
People started discussing chunk protection system in VS, i.e. like Towny. Lot of examples of how HD did it, i.e. Towny.
So probably people who know server needs much better than me should join that discussion from HD side :)

26th July 2018, 15:25
The chunk protection system is again being discussed at VS Discord. Now it seems more real.
Tyron (the main dev) needs this protection for in-game feature, merchant NPCs, they randomly spawn, and their huts need to be protected.
So discussing to implement the protection in general for players too.
People are telling about all the usual variants: Towny, Lockette, Civcraft.

Tyron has just gave the following initial info about his plans:

so my goal was: milestone 1 through commands, milestone 2 through gui
the current command setup that i made so far now is as follows
/land info - Show land info at given position
/land claim new - Create a new claim
/land claim start - Mark start position (where player is standing)
/land claim end - Mark end position (where player is standing)
/land claim add - Add cuboidal area deliminted by start/end position to the claim. After the first add players can add more areas to the same claim as long as the areas are adjacent
/land claim save [name] - Save the claim you're currently settin gup
/land claim load [id] - Begin to modify an existing claim
/land claim grant [playername] - Grant full rights to your claim
/land claim revoke [playername] - Revoke all rights to your claim
/land list - Show list of your claims
The default limits are: up to 3 non-adjacent claims, minimum area size 8x8x8 blocks, maximum total claim 32x32x32x4 cubic meters
hm or maybe better 6x6x6 minimum

26th July 2018, 15:56
The mentioned command list is the low-level commands, they will not be accessible for ordinary player, who will have a separate GUI on the map with drag&drop interface to claim and protect their base.

In the game not only trader huts will be protected, but also some gundeons and ruins probably.

[Update] Or not. At least atm the commands are for players, just for starters.

So it seems the next release will have the basic protection system which will allow players to claim stuff.
We could first polish it on the VS public test server and if it works, try to make a publick HD VS server.
No Prism-like stuff yet, but we can say that we are not responsible for non-protected stuff etc.

SeptangulaRusToday at 17:02
So @Tyron, the main question from me: do you plan to release some protection system in the nearest release or in the next one? So it could be used on a public server?
Or no such plans atm, only "campaign" protection for trader huts in next release?
Red RamToday at 17:02
It would be really good to have . Not necessary immediately though
TyronToday at 17:02
@SeptangulaRus i already coded the commands i listed above, so yea, they would be in 1.6
but in, like, pretty alpha state
Red RamToday at 17:03
But like Sept said, some sort of prism-like logging system would be extremely helpful when things get big enough to attract griefers. HD uses it extensively to police things.
SeptangulaRusToday at 17:03
Sorry, I meant the protection which can be used by ordinary players
TyronToday at 17:03
in the way i coded them now they are for ordinary players
the commands are not for worldgen related area protections
Red RamToday at 17:04
The way towny works on HD, every initial claim by a player is effectively 'a town'. There's a lot of 1-person towns though.
TyronToday at 17:04
it uses the same land claiming system but chat commands are obviously just for the players

2nd August 2018, 12:19
Devs have added basic protection to 1.6 rc1 (https://www.vintagestory.at/blog.html/news/the-weather-and-worldmap-update-v160-rc1-r141/). Currently sharing permissions to others is bugged, but will be fixed asap till weekend approx, in rc2.

I made an initial basic outpost near my base to allow other non-admin players test protection.
My base is also protected, including crop fields.
Unfortunately nobody can play, admins are not helpful because have too much rights :D

So if anyone fancies trying to check how protection works, fell free to login on VS public test server. ;)