View Full Version : PixARK

31st March 2018, 20:46
A new ARK game is out and it looks good :)
Will there be a server of it?

31st March 2018, 21:22
Will there be a link to it?

31st March 2018, 21:37
Will there be a link to it?
If this is what you ment: http://store.steampowered.com/app/593600/PixARK/

1st April 2018, 04:06
While that game looks rather comical and it would be combining the two games we (mostly) run on HappyDiggers, there is no current plan to add any new servers for PixARK. A new server requires allocation of current server resources, interested staff who can moderate it regularly, a thumbs up from InsaneJ, and typically at least one admin that can tend to it frequently.

1st April 2018, 14:05
What server resources are concerned. Our current server has 96GB of RAM and a 14C/28T CPU. Adding servers is currently limited by the amount of RAM that we have. If we want to add more servers, we need more RAM. So if anyone is willing to donate 128GB of DDR4 memory to replace the 96GB that we have, then we can add more servers.

As for my thumbs up. Jiro is the person behind the ARK servers. He configures them and keeps them running. So you guys really don't need my thumbs up, only Jiro's. All I do in this is keep the physical (and virtual) server(s) running, with the limitations stated above. So far I think Jiro has done a great job so he has my full endorsement. If he thinks it's a good idea to add more servers then I'm all for it :)

4th April 2018, 17:36
If we want to add more servers, we need more RAM. So if anyone is willing to donate 128GB of DDR4 memory to replace the 96GB that we have, then we can add more servers.

So step 1 folks, if you want more servers then donate please :)