View Full Version : Vanilla Minecaft Scavenger Hunt

19th May 2018, 19:00
Hi all. I have an event idea for Minecraft we could potentially run for our community. Parameters can be adjusted based on participation.

Scavenger hunt on snapshot 18w16a.
Collect as many items as possible within a given time frame. Gain 1 point per item and test your minecraft resourcefulness.

I would like to know:

if you want to participate
if you prefer 2 man teams or individual participation (or more if enough people)
length of time you can possibly commit to (3hrs - 8/9hrs)

From here we will see what can be done to set a date and time and logistics for the event.

21st May 2018, 08:17
I would say 1 man team and shorter time (max 5 hours). With timezone differences anything longer might be difficult and how many of us can really spend 9 straight hours before a computer screen anymore anyway? ;)

I would be interested, provided the date fit my lately busy schedule. I haven't played in straight Vanilla MC in ages, I think it could be fun :D

24th May 2018, 06:54
I would say 1 man team and shorter time (max 5 hours). With timezone differences anything longer might be difficult and how many of us can really spend 9 straight hours before a computer screen anymore anyway? ;)

I would be interested, provided the date fit my lately busy schedule. I haven't played in straight Vanilla MC in ages, I think it could be fun :D

you don't game 16 hours a day on the weekends?????? hahahaha

i like the smaller competition time would say 3-5 hours but would like to see more than you and I.

9th June 2018, 17:51
I think this is a great idea, Dourne. I'd love to spend a weekend doing something like this. Maybe not every weekend, but occasionally for sure.