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8th November 2018, 10:51
This ban kinda came out of nowhere, both spoilers botje provided weren't to harm any staff or similar. I played alot on happydiggers this week. The HappyDiggers servers crashed also alot this week. I tried to fix as many as I could myself, but sometimes I couldn't. Vik helped me most of the time, but he couldn't always do it. So I asked Jiro onces if he could help me (Transmitters were empty; Meta/Mokke had the same problem):


I'm not talking negative about the server, I'm just looking for a way to improve/fix things. Same did everyone in this post: https://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?2740-To-wipe-or-not-to-wipe

I understand that people can have busy lifes, but then say that and don't get angry at me please.

I'm not complaining, I'm just asking for help.

And the first spoiler, provided by Botje, was a discussion with all of us. I didn't even start it. Blaming me for it is unfair in my opinion. And I had a small thing under the mesh, but this was BEFORE we all talked about it. I wanted to remove it, but I couldn't at the time because I was banned.

Besides all this, I don't think I did anything else wrong.

I really don't know why almost everyone dislikes me. Yesterday I tried donating 15 usd to happyDiggers, but InsaneJ rejected it. Could someone explain to me what I'm really doing wrong here?

8th November 2018, 11:11
The fact that the ban seemed to "come out of nowhere" is part of the reason you are banned. You keep arguing and disagreeing with the rules, you keep complaining, you keep annoying staff. You are done. No more appeals. No more discussion. Just done.