View Full Version : Traveller looking for land

27th February 2019, 23:34
Good evening people!

I'm currently looking for a TFC server, however I'm rather peculiar in what I'm looking for.
I'm a hardcore builder, loving to create the biggest and most complicated buildings in the harshest environments, thus my love for TFC.
I noticed you had several TFC servers, and was wandering if they were still all online? (especially the hardcore whitelisted one)
If so, what are the TFC addons you have? (some of them are quite fun)
Buildings (towns) are obviously protected, but as I need a very large space, what is the maximum amount of chunks a lonely player can own?
What are the settings for the server? (Food decay, days per year, teleport/home, etc)
How active is the TFC community? (Haven't seen many people on TS3?
Anything special I should know about HappyDiggers and/or the TFC server(s)?

Thanks for taking a moment and reading this!

28th February 2019, 08:23
You can find server information on the Servers page (https://happydiggers.net/content.php?117&tabid=107).

We currently only run a TFC server and a TnFC server(working on public release, currently whitelisted for testing).

TFC settings are pretty much default.

We don't run any add-ons because all servers that run add-ons tend to die soon. And that's not fun at all! We are by far the longest running TFC server and we're not going anywhere any time soon.

Our servers are still active, but we're not getting 20+ people on as we did years ago. I think there's maybe a dozen or so players who still play actively but you won't see them on all at once. It's usually one or two players when people are on. Player base tends to shift as players become inactive and new ones start playing.

Check Dynmap for Tenterro's town:
If you're really good and we like you, I may consider giving your town more plots. Default is about 16 plots per town inhabitant I think. Creating a nation gives you bonus plots.

When people say they are peculiar about a server that's usually a red flag for me. So I'd like to point out that we have rules on our server which we enforce. I suggest you read and follow them. If you don't then you'll get jailed or banned. If you don't like our rules then you should look elsewhere.

28th February 2019, 14:37
Thanks for the quick reply!

TFC is a mod in which we need to be careful about ressources, not mowing down forests etc and don't always last very long. Happy to see that yours is still running well!

I'll keep in mind for town plots and nation bonus.

No worries about the rules, I'm not the kind of person who will break them or try bypassing them. I'm peculiar about my environment, this may be the available addons, how much the map has been exploited, if griefing is allowed (as a builder, I definitely don't like that) and so on.
Server rules are usually rather identical from one place to another and follow common sense.

The main reason to all this is, as I put a lot of time in my constructions, I don't want to see them wasted nor finding out that the environment isn't favorable. Simply a question of evaluating if this is a good place to start building, nothing to do with me wanting to create mayhem. :)

28th February 2019, 16:18
Thanks for the quick reply!

TFC is a mod in which we need to be careful about ressources, not mowing down forests etc and don't always last very long. Happy to see that yours is still running well!

I'll keep in mind for town plots and nation bonus.

No worries about the rules, I'm not the kind of person who will break them or try bypassing them. I'm peculiar about my environment, this may be the available addons, how much the map has been exploited, if griefing is allowed (as a builder, I definitely don't like that) and so on.
Server rules are usually rather identical from one place to another and follow common sense.

The main reason to all this is, as I put a lot of time in my constructions, I don't want to see them wasted nor finding out that the environment isn't favorable. Simply a question of evaluating if this is a good place to start building, nothing to do with me wanting to create mayhem. :)

Hello, I've come here pretty random, but I'll stop to answer you. I've been pretty active in the freebie server in past years, unfortunately now I don't have the required time to play anymore. After "completed" the terrafirmacraft stuff, I started to build massive projects, and with community help I manage to get thing started! No grief, no steal, at most some kid swearing, quicky jailed/banned by awesome staff. If you wanna check out my buildings, I've done a Roman Town (Lighthouse) and a Roman Fort (Like Velosthera, near Elborado. A friend of mine, Flokj, made a Viking town in the north and started a medieval castle.

Good game!

28th February 2019, 16:57
We have some traffic on Freebie TFC server. A few veteran players who play more or less regularly and some newbies who pop in and play for couple of weeks, a few return or stay. Usually the main factor is different time zones so we don't have many players at once.