View Full Version : TFC and beds.

2nd August 2019, 16:34
Saw someone mention a bed below 123 (not sure that's exact) will not be hard to get into, at 99 I was able to get in without the usual damage and multiple tries. In TNFC the berth work better for skipping the night.

2nd August 2019, 22:43
Saw someone mention a bed below 123 (not sure that's exact) will not be hard to get into, at 99 I was able to get in without the usual damage and multiple tries. In TNFC the berth work better for skipping the night.

I'm not following.

4th August 2019, 00:38
In tfc and tnfc getting in to the bed to sleep is hard, you take a little damage and instantly get kicked out, after several tries you can eventually get in.
In tnfc i put the bed at 99 and could get right into it.

4th August 2019, 02:15
In tfc and tnfc getting in to the bed to sleep is hard, you take a little damage and instantly get kicked out, after several tries you can eventually get in.
In tnfc i put the bed at 99 and could get right into it.

As in y = 99?

5th August 2019, 20:57
If Y is the vertical then yes, didn't want to get them mixed up lol.

6th August 2019, 01:48
If Y is the vertical then yes, didn't want to get them mixed up lol.

Ah. Right. Z coords. Anyways, IIRC the bed problem was fixed at one point several builds ago from some nifty config changing. I recall it had something to do with how essentials interacted with TFC. Between essentials and worldguard, there may be a way to prevent the bed kickout issue.