View Full Version : Goldminer923 is back

10th August 2019, 20:18
I have gotten back into minecraft and was looking to join back into terrafirma craft and start working on my dwarven city i was building it was called keldagrim. sadly the only problem is my old account was lost and I can not get into my old account again so i bought a new minecraft account and now I go by G0ldsWorth. I was wondering if there was a way to get my old claim back and start work on my old dwarven city.

10th August 2019, 21:34
I have gotten back into minecraft and was looking to join back into terrafirma craft and start working on my dwarven city i was building it was called keldagrim. sadly the only problem is my old account was lost and I can not get into my old account again so i bought a new minecraft account and now I go by G0ldsWorth. I was wondering if there was a way to get my old claim back and start work on my old dwarven city.

How long has it been since you last played? If we're talking years, then there won't be anything to retrieve. The TFC servers have gone through several build updates over long periods of time which required fresh server starts.

10th August 2019, 22:01
I logged in not to long ago and was walking around in my place it is sill there. and i am not to sure how long it has been I know back when I played i talked to _dragontamer and flokj alot.

10th August 2019, 23:59
What is this place named?

11th August 2019, 03:04

14th August 2019, 22:34
Hey Miner, great to have you back!

20th August 2019, 01:45
Is there any way you can prove who you are? Would you remember what's in a chest or something only you would know thats verifiable in game? And thanks for telling me the name even though i missed it in the original post :)

21st August 2019, 04:46
Sent a PM to see if its a way to verify, let me know, thanks.

31st August 2019, 20:21
Verified its your town once again.