View Full Version : Suggestion: Mod for the pve server

17th August 2019, 12:01

The Mod replaces the vanilla ankylosaurus with a new version that can autoharvest resources if it is close enough, just like the doedicorus.
I tested it in Singleplayer and it can harvest fast and quite reliable till it hits 50% weight. This Mod is not overpowered IMO but makes it for
soloplayer on the server less of a chore to farm metal, while the doufarm-method is still much better.

Might be worth thinking about it.

17th August 2019, 20:30

The Mod replaces the vanilla ankylosaurus with a new version that can autoharvest resources if it is close enough, just like the doedicorus.
I tested it in Singleplayer and it can harvest fast and quite reliable till it hits 50% weight. This Mod is not overpowered IMO but makes it for
soloplayer on the server less of a chore to farm metal, while the doufarm-method is still much better.

Might be worth thinking about it.

This would be cool :)

18th August 2019, 23:08
Red Flags:

The mod replaces the ankylosaurus as a dino class. This means if the mod has problems, or becomes unsupported, then all 'mod' ankylosaurus disappear for good and everyone has to start over with their ankylosauruses. It could potentially corrupt a map depending on how it fails too.
Modded ankylosauruses are getting stuck/deleted in server transfers according to bug reports. See #1.
Recent comments suggest the mod is broken (ID not updated), and the author hasn't responded since May 21st.

That being said... I'll keep this in mind. If the author makes an appearance to answer questions, update, bug fix, or anything showing the mod won't simply die on a whim then I'll consider it as an addition. I like the idea.

22nd September 2019, 14:22
Another mod suggestion but only for extinction:

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1864747516 (https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/ark/4422818)

Neither does it break the game or changes any structure/dino, it just adds a QoL change for extinction players.

Edit: Link changed to Mod description. Sorry, im ill and didnt check if the link was right ^^

23rd September 2019, 01:13
Bad link

25th September 2019, 09:17

26th September 2019, 04:52
The mod is only a week old which means it may be plagued with bugs and many updates which will close the server until it gets updated. The author seems fairly new to Ark modding as well.

I like the concept and the UI is well done, but the option to spawn events seems a bit much. If it were added, the spawn events option would likely be disabled in the config. Viewing active (natural) events would be the primary function.

If enough people wanted it I wouldn't be opposed to adding it, but everyone should understand the risks of adding a mod this new. Backups should prevent any sort of catastrophe, but that won't help with the possible increased rate of downtime and lost time to rollbacks if such an event occurred.