View Full Version : TNFC - Are Passive Anchors allowed ?

4th September 2019, 01:27
Edit : The answer is NO.

The Passive Anchor is a machine from the Railcraft (https://ftb.gamepedia.com/Railcraft) mod. This machine acts as a chunk loader, and will load a 3x3 of chunks around. The Passive Anchor runs on a fuel source of Ender Pearls (https://ftb.gamepedia.com/Ender_Pearl). By default, one pearl will allow the Passive Anchor to keep chunks loaded for 12 real-time hours. The Passive Anchor will remember how many hours it has left to load chunks, even if it is broken and replaced. This chunk loader can be turned off at any time via redstone signal.
Unlike the World Anchor (https://ftb.gamepedia.com/World_Anchor), this machine will only begin loading chunks once a player has initially loaded them. Chunks will not begin loading on game or server load, unless a player is in those chunk boundaries.

Quote from : https://ftb.gamepedia.com/Passive_Anchor

Reason why it could be allowed :

The chunk loading does not persist when the player logs off
For the chunk to be kept loaded by the passive anchor, the player must have physically been in those chunks during that gaming session.
The recipe is currently in the pack and the item is craftable.
It would allow for Core Samples to do their thing while the player do something else (IE excavators).
It gives a reason to breed bees (enderpearls).

If necessary, the rules could specify how many passive anchors a player is allowed to have.

4th September 2019, 02:30
Reason why it could be allowed :

The chunk loading does not persist when the player logs off

Am I reading this right? Gamepedia doesn't say anything about the passive anchor deactivating if a player leaves the world. Are you assuming use of a player detector in conjunction with the passive anchor?

4th September 2019, 03:21
I assumed the documentation was for a multiplayer server. It probably is for single player. I don't know if the player who placed the chunk loader would be kept in memory for those chunks to unload on log off.

I suggest that an experiment be made on a multiplayer server to figure out exactly what happens when it is used.

Additionally I found the railcraft changelog line that talks a little about the passive anchor :

NEW: Add PassiveAnchor, does not force load chunks on game load, only when visited.
link : https://railcraft.info/wiki/scinfo:version_history (https://railcraft.info/wiki/scinfo:version_history?s)

4th September 2019, 09:00
Sorry, no.

With chunk loaders players can multiply their presence on the server significantly for something that is essentially just for convenience. Right now things are very playable on the server. There's not much in the way of lag. If we were to allow chunk loaders, even ones that only load when a player is online, that will change.

We'd have to establish some kind of limits and enforce those. Which means staff would have to check where chunk loaders are and remove them if needed. It's a pain.

Right now the server has a view-distance of 10. This means that you have quite a large area around each player loaded. If you want you can AFK in your base to keep things processing. Though you'd really have to suffer for your game as your in-game health declines. Which does have a certain appeal. And if you really need things 'now' you could ask someone to join you to keep other areas loaded. Although my advice would be to just take it easy and enjoy the grind.

4th September 2019, 14:17
I do enjoy the server as it is now. I just wanted a clear statement on the question. I know this server took over a year to set-up right and months of beta testing. It is probably the best (if not the only) TNFC server out there.

Therefore, I don't know if its just a config file to tweak but, if its easy to do, maybe we could have the passive anchor removed/disabled from the pack.

If its too complicated lets just leave things as they are and maybe add to the rules a mention "... chunk loaders (including passive anchor)".

Thank you for the answer and for making this server available.

4th September 2019, 17:01
Getting the server ready to go really did take a lot longer than we expected.

The anchors are already disabled server-side. Since we have no control over the clients and their configs you may still see the item on your TnFC instance. Building it and placing them in the world shouldn't work however.

Glad to hear you enjoy the server :)

If you have any more ideas, please feel free to share them as you did here. Just because we didn't agree to enabling chunk loaders doesn't mean we'll say no to everything. As long as changes don't negatively impact the server and doesn't require any client-side modifications, it stands a chance of happening.