View Full Version : TNFC [Bug] - Skeleton arrows planted in blocks never despawn server-side

10th September 2019, 19:47
I made a simple mob grinder to see if I could get one working. It does work, however when skeletons start shooting each other, they dont stop until they die and it makes it so 1000s of arrow entities get stuck in blocks.

What I have noticed is that, on the client-side they visually dissapear after about a minute.

However if we leave the area and come back, the arrow entities are still present.

Right now I'm in a situation where I have about 6000 entities loading and my fps drops a lot.

Is there a config setting that can be tweaked so that arrows dont stay in blocks at all, or a set amount of time ?

If you want to see it happening with your own eyes, teleport to the town of Prosperity and head west in the ocean. You will see the grinder in the sky.

Edit: Alternatively, it may be possible to have a command block with a kill command targeted at only arrows. This command block could be triggered by a clock every X minutes.

11th September 2019, 03:40
Edit: Alternatively, it may be possible to have a command block with a kill command targeted at only arrows. This command block could be triggered by a clock every X minutes.

We already have this running at 1 minute intervals. Perhaps the arrows your skellies are shooting are of a different type than what is being targeted by our block.

11th September 2019, 05:30
Its fixed, thanks :)

11th September 2019, 08:37
Looks like RX changed the command block that deletes arrows every minute. Thanks RX :)

11th September 2019, 18:24
:oMany experienced admins in this amazing server!;)
congrats to Sariak to report this bug!

20th September 2019, 20:11
This bug is happening again. I guess the *fix* was what caused the hostile mobs to stop spawning at night. Maybe when the hostile mobs spawn bug was fixed, the "arrow stuck in blocks" bug got un-fixed.

The bug was impacting my mob farm because it was possible for skeletons to see me through some of the walls. So they would attack each other. I have now made it so it is impossible for mobs to see the player. So they shouldn't attack each other anymore.