View Full Version : S+ Nanny

24th September 2019, 02:06
Is anyone against the S+ nanny imprinting dinos? I enjoy the grind but I lost out on full imprint of my last tame again because the last imprint is at 99.9% and I didnt even get a chance to imprint which can be very frustrating. Is it OK if we all the S+ nanny to do its full job? If not and this cannot be changed this late into the server I totally understand. I am just curious as I am relatively new and have not had the S+ mods not work fully before on a server like this. Thanks!

24th September 2019, 03:34
I'm against it :)

The mods make a lot of things easier. Setting imprints to automatically mature makes the game that much easier and leads to spamming high powered, imprinted dinos. Imprinting is (mostly) only important for Bossing in PvE and I don't think the prep should be entirely easy street on that. The Nanny gives a base 10% to help with longer imprint sessions like gigas.

24th September 2019, 08:29
I would love to have it higher, myself, even if not at 100% (I would like that too, but I would be glad with just 50%).

I am a casual game player. Yes, I sometimes spend a full weekend just playing, but not every weekend, not even every second weekend. Sometimes I have a month when I only can play 2-3 hours per day. Making any serious breeding program in those conditions without the nanny imprint is hard and I don't enjoy it. So when I only have those 2-3 hours, I end up playing somewhere/something else, because... well, I'm a perfectionist and dinos imprinted to 55% just make me grind my teeth in frustration. And games are supposed to be fun :p And for bosses, which is the main reason, to be honest, to have a breeding program, this imprint should be 100%.

Plus, I like to sleep more than 8 hours on the weekend ;)

I love HD, I love the people here, the servers have really "mature" atmosphere. Going down from 20% to 10% (instead of up) with the Nanny is seriously the biggest drawback so far. Even the drops are now decent, at least on CI ;) ;) ;)

24th September 2019, 11:02
If you want perfect imprint use cryopods, they keep the imprint timer they had when they were cryod, perfect for anybody who doesnt have the time to wait.

27th September 2019, 21:26
I do use the cryopod technique, but since the the anky was maturing at 99.9% and then wanted the final imprint I did not even have time to imprint before it was fully matured and lost the chance. I get the reasoning for not using the nanny but its frustrating and allows for silly things like this to ruin progress. I wish I would have know about this custom change before committing to the server because when you see S+ you dont think that the mod has been customly altered is all

28th September 2019, 03:36
I do use the cryopod technique, but since the the anky was maturing at 99.9% and then wanted the final imprint I did not even have time to imprint before it was fully matured and lost the chance. I get the reasoning for not using the nanny but its frustrating and allows for silly things like this to ruin progress. I wish I would have know about this custom change before committing to the server because when you see S+ you dont think that the mod has been customly altered is all

Good way of going about this: Posting on the forum a configuration change request with positive discussion.

Bad way of going about this: Insinuating that you were somehow slighted because of server configurations you don't agree with. If they were that important to you, perhaps you should have spent the time to confirm they were set to your preferences .

The non default S+ configurations are listed on the Ark servers page (https://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?2111-HappyDiggers-Ark-Survival-Evolved-Servers&p=14736#post14736), always have been. There's even a big Message Of The Day that pops up when you enter any of the HappyDiggers servers and it lingers for 60 full seconds. That's a long time.

Welcome to HappyDiggers Crystal Islands! No player harassment. No resource blocking. No undermeshing, no exploits, no duplicating, etc. 2 bases per tribe. No foundation/pillar spam. Find full list of rules/rates/configuration on HappyDiggers.net! What staff say in game is absolute. Take your grievances to the forums.

Many, many unofficial servers don't use default S+. Default S+ is game breaking on many different levels and server owners know that. Aside from S+... Mods with many configurations are ALWAYS altered to fit the server they're run on. That's the whole point of configuration options :)

All that said, I'll bump the nanny back to 20%.

28th September 2019, 04:45
All that said, I'll bump the nanny back to 20%.

You're too kind. i was hoping to leave it at 10% but my head hurts and drugs are good. :D