View Full Version : [Starbound] Several Issues with Server, Posting all here as I test

21st November 2019, 22:28
So I understand the Starbound Server is pretty new and so there's going to be issues. I'm testing the server myself and trying different things, and as I encounter issues I'll continue to update this thread. Here's the issues I've found so far:

Having the Broken Protectorate Pistol you start the game on in your inventory will cause the server to boot you due to an invalid packet.
Having the Broken Protectorate Pistol you start the game with in your hand while on the server will cause the game to crash
(In singleplayer having the pistol is fine, It seems to only cause problems on the server.

Pet capture pods will not work on the server. Any creature you try to catch with a pod after weakening will instantly kill it.
In singleplayer the pet capture pods work as normal, and after weakening a creature you can successfully capture it.

Bounty Hunter Board is broken in server. After the initial bounty hunter quest (The first one you get) the board does not populate with any other quests, and essentially infinetly loops the first quest you've gotten over and over again.
In singleplayer the board works just fine, this is confirmed to be a server issue.

I will continue to playtest on the server and post any issues I find here.

22nd November 2019, 00:44
So I understand the Starbound Server is pretty new and so there's going to be issues. I'm testing the server myself and trying different things, and as I encounter issues I'll continue to update this thread. Here's the issues I've found so far:

Having the Broken Protectorate Pistol you start the game on in your inventory will cause the server to boot you due to an invalid packet.
Having the Broken Protectorate Pistol you start the game with in your hand while on the server will cause the game to crash
(In singleplayer having the pistol is fine, It seems to only cause problems on the server.

Pet capture pods will not work on the server. Any creature you try to catch with a pod after weakening will instantly kill it.
In singleplayer the pet capture pods work as normal, and after weakening a creature you can successfully capture it.

I will continue to playtest on the server and post any issues I find here.

Thank you for the report! I'm glad to see some interest in the Starbound server. In my experience thus far, item issues like that tend to be a version mismatch between an up to date client mod and an out of date server mod. I'll look into getting the server updated today, so hopefully that will resolve the pistol issue.

I noticed the pet capture pod issue during my play-through of the game this summer as well. All of the mods included are not supposed to have any compatibility issues, but I may have to pluck something out if I find a correlation elsewhere.

22nd November 2019, 06:03

Been playing for a few hours now, I was able to keep my old charecter because the I was already subscribed to the majority of the server mods. I haven't noticed anything other than what was posted, but I'll update the op if I find anything.