View Full Version : TerraFirmaCraft 1.12+

22nd November 2019, 09:07
Beta versions of TerraFirmaCraft for Minecraft 1.12 (and beyond!) have been published:

Who would be interested in playing on a new TFC server? I'm asking both regular players and staff members here. Please voice your opinions.

22nd November 2019, 14:04
I can certainly try this new TFC. By the looks of it they changed quite few things. Sounds promising, I think I will download it and test in singleplayer this weekend :)

23rd November 2019, 07:17
Maybe, not problably , i stay living in a remote rural area near equador line (no acácias).:p

Sucesso a todos!

23rd November 2019, 16:34
Ill check it out, see what changes have happened.

26th November 2019, 08:30
Very little time now, but come Christmas I will definitely check it out, either on single or on HD if you make a server.

27th November 2019, 03:25
sign me up

29th December 2019, 08:17
I know I'd be interested in playing an updated tfc. The only problem for me would be time, as always :/

The other thing is, I know I haven't been the most active on the existing 1.7.10 server but I would still like to finish my town on it, and knowing how limited server slots can be I wouldn't want a new 1.12 server if it meant killing the 1.7.10 one.


31st December 2019, 16:44
Yea need to try it out first but I would suspect I would like to! :cool:

16th February 2020, 19:15
Late reply here, I'm all for playing on a TFC 1.12 server, if its stable enough!

17th February 2020, 20:53
i'd play

18th February 2020, 04:27
Its a shame we probably can't just upgrade the 1.7.10 map to 1.12

18th February 2020, 08:56
We probably could, but then the game would be broken since none of the new stuff will have spawned in the world.

When we make the switch to the new TFC version I'm thinking about keeping the older server running. At least for a while. I'll just dial down the RAM allocated to those instances so the occasional player can still drop by and visit.