View Full Version : Idea for some fun and action?

7th January 2020, 23:34
Hello guys,

I got a idea how maybe we could put some action into HappyDiggers, the idea is simple.

We add a Server with a sertain map where rates are 4x insteed of 3 times and that map would be PvP so players that want to farm and raise dinos faster but with that sertain risk. The biggest fear is ofcourse getting wiped but since people could transfer from PvE to PvP no one gets wiped and people only lose the stuff that i want to lose and that would add a bit of fun.

And because it would be a PvP server everything should be allowed, foundation wipe, meat run , sniping etc.. (exept meshing ofc) so Jiro would not need stuff or time to take care of it.

What do you guys think?

16th January 2020, 03:38
Thoughts from other Ark players? Is PvP something that is missed?

16th January 2020, 08:32
I've got this idea because me and my wife are at end game, all we really do is farm meat raise dinos for mutations, i dont know what other people think but i'm in need for that kind of risk and feeling that my stuff is not safe and that motivates us to play the game.

17th January 2020, 16:48
Depends, i certainly dont want it to be possible to transfer stuff to the pvp map, as every body would just breed and farm in safety on the pve maps and then transfer on the pve maps, that neither gives risk for the endgame players nor fun for the underdeveloped tribes.

17th January 2020, 17:51
Depends, i certainly dont want it to be possible to transfer stuff to the pvp map, as every body would just breed and farm in safety on the pve maps and then transfer on the pve maps, that neither gives risk for the endgame players nor fun for the underdeveloped tribes.

That's why it would be a idea to put breeding like 2x higher than on pve map, also gathering so people would invest time on both servers & nice fights could happen too.

18th January 2020, 21:37
Breeding, harvesting etc. could go up to 4-5, but dont see the sense in wiping bases for no reason except you fear retaliation, since you want pvp you may not want to discourage people too hard, a meat run is already enough (even that might be too much).

19th January 2020, 21:13
I'm in the process of migrating Ark from Linux back to Windows. This means we get all of our fancy plugins back and some other features. The change will be seemless for the current servers and will seem like an upgrade to those that haven't been with us back before the server move to the USA.

I'll need to do some new RAM performance testing on the servers to see what kind of resources I have to work with, but I'm fairly confident I can add 2 more servers. One of them is already reserved for the new Genesis DLC. A second could be a PvP server.

PvP thoughts:
Transfers between PvE to PvP and back can be tricky if not handled well, and Epi brings up some good points on being able to dominate a PvP server with relative safety to fallback to PvE. I like the idea, but it wouldn't be long before an advanced/mega tribe would dominate the PvP forever. Not a "No", just throwing my 2 cents in.

Here's a new idea to throw into the mix. A few years back Ark released special official servers that were player only PvP. Wild dinos were around, but nobody could tame anything. I actually had a good time in that style of Ark play. Is that something that would be of interest?

19th January 2020, 22:25
While i think that could be fun, it will has it own problems. Basically any pillar base will be very very hard to raid, and if activly defended it might even be impossible if the defender has the resources. Another point is that underwater bases are impossible to raid, simply not being able to dmg the turrets/plant x before they shoot you (grenades cant be thrown out of water and fire arrows dont work underwater, duh). Autoturret would need to be disabled because it would be impossible to raid certain spots even with a cannon. I know getting a good and balanced pvp server is hard but if we all think about it together we can make it possible :cool:.

What might be a good solution would be to decrease the amount of dinos one tribe can have, to a number like 50 (can of course get changed to be higher or lower, but rather lower). If you decrease the amount of dinos a tribe can have, you decrease its power pretty hard. Suddenly they cant breed and tame anything they want, they need to think on what they should focus, what they dont need and how many of the dinos should be just breeders. This would make it possible to give smaller tribes a fighting chance.
Cryo fridges would have to be disabled and if possible cryopods should have their expire date changed to 12h or less, so nobody can just collect an incredible amount of dinos exceeding the limit by far.
Bosses should be a lot easier on the PvP server so smaller tribes get faster/can get tek, even beta dragon on the pve server is with my current line up almost impossible, beat it 10 sec with my shotgun after my last theri died and it chasing me.
Cannon should be disabled because i feel thats a very boring and cheesy way to raid people offline, its more popular the higher the gathering is.
Maybe throw a offline raid protection system in, it certainly is popular on the MTS-servers (most popular server cluser since a round a year i think?), doesnt seem to make the server lag or anything anymore.

That was just a suggestion for the start, reply what you think about.

29th January 2020, 21:42
Personally not interested in PVP. That's just my 2 cents :)

30th January 2020, 02:41
While i think that could be fun, it will has it own problems. Basically any pillar base will be very very hard to raid, and if activly defended it might even be impossible if the defender has the resources. Another point is that underwater bases are impossible to raid, simply not being able to dmg the turrets/plant x before they shoot you (grenades cant be thrown out of water and fire arrows dont work underwater, duh). Autoturret would need to be disabled because it would be impossible to raid certain spots even with a cannon. I know getting a good and balanced pvp server is hard but if we all think about it together we can make it possible :cool:.

What might be a good solution would be to decrease the amount of dinos one tribe can have, to a number like 50 (can of course get changed to be higher or lower, but rather lower). If you decrease the amount of dinos a tribe can have, you decrease its power pretty hard. Suddenly they cant breed and tame anything they want, they need to think on what they should focus, what they dont need and how many of the dinos should be just breeders. This would make it possible to give smaller tribes a fighting chance.
Cryo fridges would have to be disabled and if possible cryopods should have their expire date changed to 12h or less, so nobody can just collect an incredible amount of dinos exceeding the limit by far.
Bosses should be a lot easier on the PvP server so smaller tribes get faster/can get tek, even beta dragon on the pve server is with my current line up almost impossible, beat it 10 sec with my shotgun after my last theri died and it chasing me.
Cannon should be disabled because i feel thats a very boring and cheesy way to raid people offline, its more popular the higher the gathering is.
Maybe throw a offline raid protection system in, it certainly is popular on the MTS-servers (most popular server cluser since a round a year i think?), doesnt seem to make the server lag or anything anymore.

That was just a suggestion for the start, reply what you think about.

For the no dino map suggestions:

Turrets can be disabled for placement underwater, so that helps with invincible water bases.
S+ introduces a ton of different kinds of turrets, so with some balancing we could disable OP turrets or nerf them quite a bit to make it feasible and still have a lot of variety.

For PvP in general:

Tribe dino limits are smart, but determined people could just outsource with multiple tribes even with ally limits.
Limiting items/structures pretty much requires no server transfers at that point. Having a separate PvP cluster makes sense anyway, it just requires more RAM since you need roughly double the servers so both PvP and PvE have access to certain map advantages.
If you limit mutation devices, then yeah bosses on PvP could be tweaked/limited. Probably something similiar to what we did a few years back when you and I did the boss testing (which if I recall I also received a fair amount of complaints about).
Canon would be easy to disable. That's probably a given on PvP no matter which route. Or a plugin/mod that nerf's canons to be a manageable PvP device.
Offline raid protection would basically fill up a server with dead bases. Bringing in building decay also has problems of its own. HappyDiggers actually had ORP back when it was new, it caused massive lag. Perhaps that's fixed now.

30th January 2020, 19:58
i think the easiest would be maybe disable item transfering only let dinos transfer.

30th January 2020, 20:57
i think the easiest would be maybe disable item transfering only let dinos transfer.


30th January 2020, 21:54
I strongly disagree aswell, you said yourself you only breed anymore. Tell me anyone who can win against your dinos that you probably mutated very hard? There would be no competition.

30th January 2020, 22:27
I strongly disagree aswell, you said yourself you only breed anymore. Tell me anyone who can win against your dinos that you probably mutated very hard? There would be no competition.

Not really much, only gigas are at 315 right now. I just dont wanted to start all over again lol