View Full Version : TnFC server down for maintenance

27th February 2020, 16:05
As some of you may have noticed, the past several weeks the TnFC server has been unstable. The server would crash when certain chunks are loaded. We've manually deleted a bunch of the problem areas but the crashes persist.

Last night I've started an analyses of all the chunks. It seems there's quite a bit of chunk corruption going on. I'm going to remove those chunks. Reason for this is that I have no way of knowing which chunks are still good in the backups and manually checking every single one of them is going to take more time than I'm willing to put into this right now.

The following problems were found:

Chunk problems:
| Problem | Corrupted Wrong located Too many entities Total |
| Count | 1413 799 1 11930507 |

Again, I'm just going to delete those chunks and hope for the best. If anyone loses a bunch of stuff because of this please open a ticket and we'll see about reimbursing the loss.

The server will be down for the better part of a day.

29th February 2020, 15:23
The scanning and repairing took longer than expected. Mainly due to it hanging on the first run at 12703/12735 chunks. So close...

Final result:

Unreadable player files:
No problems found.

Unreadable data files:
No problems found.

Chunk problems:
| Problem | Corrupted Wrong located Total |
| Count | 1395 799 11930507 |

Region problems:
No problems found.

########## Deleting chunks with status: Corrupted ##########
Deleting chunks in region set "region":
Removed 1395 chunks in this regionset.

Deleted 1395 chunks with status: Corrupted

That's 0,0117% of all chunks. Though with almost 1400 chunks removed odds are people may have lost some stuff. Please let us know if this is the case for you.

I've also restarted the Dynmap render. Previously it was rendering .png files and at about 75% it already took up more than 500GB just for the 'surface' map. I've set Dynmap to render jpg-q80 files now which should be a lot smaller.

7th March 2020, 14:31
It took about a week and now the full render of the surface map of the TnFC server is done. As you can see there are a few missing areas on the map. Those are where chunks were deleted. As far as I can tell no towns were affected so that's good :)

Next up is the TFC server's surface map. That will probably also take about a week since that map has the same size as the TnFC one.