View Full Version : Black screen at log in

28th February 2020, 04:44
Currently Khajera and I cannot get into CI. our location is near Chogata's base which may be an issue. I originally got a crash report and now i get a black screen with a timeout message. I had logged in fine just minutes earlier and was flying when it happened.



any suggestions would be great.

28th February 2020, 23:39
Ehhhh... That's odd.

Is this still happening? The server had a hard restart today, so it'd be worth it to try again.

Based on the crash report, it looks like it might have something to do with the HUD or chat overlay. I've heard of issues with the Advanced chat plugin causing crashes when used in the early days a couple of years ago, but nobody is reporting problems on the Advanced chat discord.

29th February 2020, 03:22
Ehhhh... That's odd.

Is this still happening? The server had a hard restart today, so it'd be worth it to try again.

Based on the crash report, it looks like it might have something to do with the HUD or chat overlay. I've heard of issues with the Advanced chat plugin causing crashes when used in the early days a couple of years ago, but nobody is reporting problems on the Advanced chat discord.

Yes i tried just now. Also i logged into single player just to see if my files were bad somehow but i was able to run around. even tried low settings.

if ya follow the river up to cho's place you should see our crystal wyverns. at least hers should still be alive.

We got Genesis and will start playing there. be nice to have our corpses to move.

29th February 2020, 06:15
Verified game files. reacquired some files. patched. still get black screened. running out of choices. Genesis works fine.

29th February 2020, 17:16
I tried to log in to check if it's something in my base causing the problem, that I could maybe get rid of... And I got timeout on the first try, on the second try black screen exactly like Dourne's and then timeout.

29th February 2020, 17:17
And if does turn out to be something in our base, you can delete it all, don't go into details ;)

1st March 2020, 19:42
And if does turn out to be something in our base, you can delete it all, don't go into details ;)

Clearing out your tribe's dinos fixed it. After the removal of the Dinos Dourne and I also found 250+ fertilized crystal wyvern eggs that weren't de-spawning. Must have been an over load on auto-breeding.