View Full Version : Issue with shop

1st March 2020, 13:40
Hey :)

Today I tried the shop for the first time. With some help of another player, I managed to buy something (paint), I got the "you successfully bought" confirmation message but I did not receive the paint.

This happened on the Genesis server (Ark) a few minutes ago

Maybe a bug?
Tnx in advance!

1st March 2020, 18:42
"Another player" here. Can confirm, after testing it myself i did not get any paint aswell.

1st March 2020, 19:50
It seems the general paint command won't work for non admin users through the shop, and the individual give commands cause a crash when run in 24 line successions. I've removed the code for now for Painter.

1st March 2020, 20:14
It seems the general paint command won't work for non admin users through the shop, and the individual give commands cause a crash when run in 24 line successions. I've removed the code for now for Painter.

Ah, tnx for the clarification :)