View Full Version : DOM's computer is dead...

9th August 2012, 21:50
Yup! It finally happened... My computer is dead. Integrated video card on my laptop is dead. No video, no video games. I will be monitoring the server thru this phone for a while...

9th August 2012, 22:22
Well now that's bad, I think I will join you soon cuz my PC is working even worse (Even looking on YouTube is lagging now and yesterday It worked OK :( ). Hope you solve it soon but hoping you phone won't die too tho :exclamation:

9th August 2012, 22:48
Sorry to hear that DOM. Hope you'll be able to replace your computer soon.

Marius, how can your PC be working even worse? Yours still works! :P

10th August 2012, 10:19
i think we should all send a donation to dom so he can get back online asap ..no matter how small it will all help get him back to his dome project quicker so we can keep the doms dome is so big jokes going ..:p :)

10th August 2012, 19:48
Poor James he's gonna have to deal with the "but I saved your life" guilt trip forever xD
Oh and tell me if this is really mean, I can totally picture him in the Hunger games.....

10th August 2012, 20:01
Who needs peeta and katniss when you have james and mocking?

10th August 2012, 21:06
Pfft please Mocking would walk off the plate at the beginning and be dead.... Like a great man once said "You can either be in one place or hundreds..."

10th August 2012, 21:07
And I think it would actually be Mocking and Angela xD Mocking would hide behind her and cower xD

11th August 2012, 17:12
Just ordered a new computer. All parts from Newegg. Gonna be epic :diamond::diamond::diamond:

11th August 2012, 17:35
Cool :D

So what are you getting?

11th August 2012, 17:43
Specs? I'm guessing it's better than your old one for some reason...

11th August 2012, 18:05
Intel I5 3570k (will be overclocked)
Nvidia gtx 670
8gb of ram

11th August 2012, 18:20
Nice! You'll be lag free for building your dome...

12th August 2012, 12:59
nice set up ...will be sweet and hopefully lag free

16th August 2012, 04:09
Computer case came in today. Have parts being delivered tomorrow. I should be back up and running by this weekend.

16th August 2012, 05:14

17th August 2012, 08:56
I'm looking forward to seeing Dom play in glorious Full HD :D

17th August 2012, 11:20
Full HD with no lag! Built the tower last night. Didnt have enough time to load Windows or Linux on it. Today is the last day of Summer Camp, so I will have LOTS of time these upcoming weeks to play, start recording, and maybe even livestream.

Oh yeah... I have a water cooled quad core cpu, so... I'M RUNNING AT 4.6GHZ!!!!

17th August 2012, 22:20
4.6? Holy fawk...

17th August 2012, 22:44
4.6? Holy fawk...

It is overclocked... I cant wait to get the OS put in. This process might be a little while...

18th August 2012, 04:50
I might have to overclock mine... Never knew there was a difference between the turbo and overclocking...