View Full Version : My sincere сonfession, Appeal for redemption / ban lifting

25th September 2020, 13:49
About two years ago, I was playing HappyDiggers TFC server under kikiwora (https://happydiggers.net/member.php?2366-kikiwora) nickname, with quite significant immersion into the development of my city.

Long story in short - I was banned for at least three reasons, as I recall:

Implied swearing (First warning)
Racism (In the form of a joke, without malicious intent)
Arguing with staff to lift the ban, since, at the time, I believed I was not that wrong, at least not enough to get banned (which lead to a permanent ban, conversely). And some questions concerning the rules.

Here's that arguing thread (https://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?2723-I-hate-it-when-people-send-me-private-messages-about-this-stuff) from two years ago.
And here's the only ban list message (https://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?1384-Warned-players-and-banlist&p=14534&highlight=kikiwora#post14534) I've found related to implied swearing.
No ban listed at MCBans

So, in these two years, I have had enough time to rethink my behavior. This issue came to my mind at least trice.

I've read that thread a few times to process what actually happened.

Undoubtedly, I was very aggressive, very toxic, rude, and unjust, and my mind was clouded.
I have had some family and personality problems at that time, leading to emotional instability, which got me troubled even further.
And since I was deeply immersed in my city creation, I perceived this event (as everything else) in a very distorted way and reacted unreasonably.

There were no logical reasons for me to behave in a way I did, bending the rules to justify my incorrect behavior.

Despite me having no malicious intent upon implied swearing and racism cases,
the first one of which was used as a speech figure (I did not realize the problem at first),
and the second one was directed to myself in the form of a joke, without the intention of insulting anyone),
I caused some issues for the server and this forum, literally creating a problem with my own hands and mouth.

Clearly, I should have been punished, and I was punished according to the rules, which I managed to violate a few times.

I'm quite ashamed of a previous version of me.
My behavior was immature, just as my personality at that time.

In these past years, I've made a significant effort to change myself and change my reasoning and perception.
This is not only due to the situation described here, but more for myself and the people who surround me,
so I could move forward to live proudly, and avoid hurting anyone.
I'm still in the process of shaping myself into a form I would find more worthy.

But nonetheless, I'm sure that this kind of situation is not possible for me anymore.

I would like to return to this fantastic community once more If you would be so kind as to allow me back,
thus I humbly ask you to review my story and give me a second chance.

I will accept any decision you'll make as a just one.
However, it would be quite sad for me to be unable to return to this dedicated TFC community I once admired and put a lot of inspiration into, but managed to let it down with such a shame.

I'm not quite a native speaker, so please, forgive me mistakes I might have made in this message.
Also, I have had to create this new account solely to write this сonfession message since I'm unable to use my primary account.

26th September 2020, 03:57
Do you have a positive reason to return to this server other than it is one of the few still running? Please state why you want to return.

26th September 2020, 12:29
Do you have a positive reason to return to this server other than it is one of the few still running? Please state why you want to return.

Sure, I want to return!

Well, I have a few positive reasons I can specify.

Firstly, it is how the interaction between players arranged.

I like that unlike at other servers, you're not just thrown on your own into the newly generated world where players are allowed to do everything they want.

Here, you can build your city how you want it to be, a beautiful grand structure, at the top of a mountain, without bothering with hiding it from other players, who otherwise could steal your resources and destroy your creations.
For me, as for a person who likes to create some medieval stuff, it is crucial.

But it's not just a privatization-plugin, it's a city-built related plugin. This means you can officially add players into your city community, forge alliances with others, to fortify your relations with others.

Besides, the PVP itself is not forbidden. It should be negotiated. And that means that you can make some sort of arena, not just a decorative structure, but as a real one, with purpose, and use it from time to time.

I like that this TFC server has no trading plugin, which means - you trade with others more realistically - not using virtual money, but exchanging the real stuff.
For example, at that time, I was buying mortar to build the walls around my castle-in-mountains, in exchange for golden lamps, filled with oil.
Since forging was in par with building for me, I've made tons of those things, and thus lots of walls and structures could be built.

Ofc, this kind of trading also means that you might be tricked if you're not attentive enough, but that actually adds to the realism.

Also, I like the entities' limitations (trees, animals, anvils, soil, etc.) - it seems reasonable for me and leads to significant server stability.
And the fact that the server has no unnecessary mods. I like playing with the least necessary amount of mods possible. It makes gameplay much more enjoyable.

Furthermore, as I said, I enjoyed the community of players themselves - despite them being a few, there always was someone online willing to trade or give me some help with crafting, for example. This made a world much more fresh and alive then it would have been otherwise.

And I like that some players just want to visit you to see your creations. It made me proud of the things I've built.
Even moderators did that. Not only would players communicate with you, that always pleases.

Besides, as I can recall, I have experienced a few bugs with regular cobble-stone and a craft table, which were system-locked, so an everyday player like myself could place the block but could not remove it. And the thing I remember clearly - it is how the moderator, Elborax, if I'm not mistaken, leaped to me literally in seconds after I've asked for help in global chat and removed these obstacles for me. And he helped me a lot, answering my questions.
I've never seen such dedication from staff members before, and I suppose, never since.

And I actually have no idea how often the server is wiped out, but as far as I knew, not so often, so I can enjoy the stuff I've built - the basements, dungeons, onsens (hot springs), towers, gates, stables, forges, outposts, etc.

Well, I suppose there is more to it, but I don't know how to describe it yet - maybe, it is the combination of all other small factors, which creates a unique atmosphere here.

29th January 2021, 14:59
Do you have a positive reason to return to this server other than it is one of the few still running? Please state why you want to return.

It's been a long time. May I ask you again to review my appeal?
It would've been wonderful to be able to play on your servers again, especially now, when I finally managed to get some free time.

1st March 2021, 07:22
Maybe, I could make a small donation to support this community and thus, prove my intentions?

1st March 2021, 08:37
I will not accept your donation. Your ban will not be lifted.

26th March 2021, 11:17
I will not accept your donation. Your ban will not be lifted.

Sure, it's a shame that you'll not give me a second chance.
I really would have been really happy to become a part o this community again.

I'm ashamed of my toxic behavior in prior years.
If only anyone in this world could be a bit nicer to each other, it would've been so much nicer place to live.

But at least you gave me a straight answer and reviewed my appeal, for that, I thank you sincerely.
Have a stroke of good luck advancing this remarkable project.