View Full Version : New HappyDiggers Survival MC 1.20 server

28th November 2021, 10:28
For the past couple of years now, I think, we've been working on a new Bukkit/Spigot server. And although a lot of progress has been made, it has never been finished enough to open to the public.

So I've decided to start over again. But this time we're going to come out with a simple spawn area on a magnificent world seed and skip all the other things we had planned. Well maybe except for the Island World (skyblock) because that's simple enough to setup.

The world and spawn area have been setup in a 1.17 world which you can view on Dynmap and the screenshot below:


We start you of on an island in a small warm sea biome. Boats will be provided. From there on out it's regular survival Minecraft using Towny to claim and protect plots of land.

Right now the world is generated in Minecraft 1.17. I'm waiting for the 1.18 release so I can regenerate the world using the same seed. I think we should be able to upgrade the world as well, but I'd rather just start fresh to avoid terrain generation issues altogether. For this I'l just save the region file that contains spawn and delete the rest. Then upgrade the spawn area and generate everything else. That shouldn't take too much time to complete.

So for now we need the following:

Minecraft 1.18
Spigot updated to Minecraft 1.18
Plugins updated for the new Spigot version.
Regenerate the world for 1.18.
Open the server and never take this long to get a server done ever again :p

oh, and we should probably update those server intro and server commands videos from the server info thread (https://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?1584-Server-info) at some point because those are out of date.

28th November 2021, 18:22
looks good.

30th November 2021, 17:53
Hello :)

I was thinking of playing MC again, with today's 1.18 release (but tbh not sure if all the new MC complexity gonna be enjoyable. sounds as if too many things has been added) :)

So I was thinking about which HD server to try - the public MC one or the VIP Vanilla one.

The public MC one seem to be a nice choice (had read the recent news post about its plans): 1.18 soon, reliable Towny protection and probably tp for convenience, ...

VIP Vanilla is also a decent choice as usual. But - will Vanilla be updated to 1.18? especially considering all the magnificent uber-projects going on there ... :D

I quite liked how the official Vintage Story server deals with updates - they just shift Spawn around 50 000 blocks East and place teleporterts to connect the old and the new Spawns. Good both for old players and the new ones. Idk if it is applicable to MC, especially with its multiple dimensions.

30th November 2021, 22:52
Looking forward to playing Minecraft with you again :)

Vanilla Minecraft is still pretty simple compared to modded Minecraft. Sure there are a few more "machines" now, but I'd hardly call a smoker complex as it's just a furnace that will only accept food stuffs. It's pretty much like that for the other machines as well as far as complexity goes. Also they're mostly optional.

The VIP Vanilla server will also be updated to 1.18. And yes, it will get a new 1.18 world while keeping all the older worlds available for those who wish to play there or just drop by and visit :) Which reminds me, I should update the Vanilla server thread on the VIP section with some pics. I finished the Quad Witch Hut farm. It's pretty sweet.

1st December 2021, 10:46
While I definitely would enjoy visiting your base etc, I am not sure if we will be able to play together :) I have always had and still have this complex when I am not able to keep up with more experienced people and somehow play together. It is always "wow, he is doing a cool stuff, it would take me 100 times longer to make it", so I avoid such interactions to prevent any burden on people. :)

I have explored this complex from slightly different side in another MP game I play - Planetside 2, which is very social, and you get the most from it when play in a squad or in small team e.g. driver+gunner. I am a fine gunner or squadmate (a passive role), but as soon as I have to take initiative (be a driver or a pilot with another person gunning for me, or try leading squads ) - I get my brain fried, I just panic and instantly say that I am not experienced enough and can't provide a good gaming experience for the teammate(s).

But with time passing, with some more (painful) experience and just age I might have changed so yeah it would be interesting to interact again and to see how it goes.

As for "Minecraft complexity" i did not mean the mechanisms. I know that mods are much more complex than Vanilla, I have played the HD modpack, and it was crazy and cool yeah, so much options. But for now I don't want it too much, I have Factorio if I want to break my brain a bit :)

I meant the world generation - they added a lot of new stuff, so for hoarders like me it might be too much, to visit all the new places, to gather all the new blocks for potential building, to try to build, using this stuff etc. Highly probable outcome is that my brain is overwhelmed with all this shiny junk and I burn out and give up :D

I guess I'll wait for the VIP Vanilla update then, sounds nice. I have played on it before, so don't see much reasons to switch to the public one, even if it has Towny for easy tp.

Haha, yeah, post pics please, it is amusing to watch such huge crazy projects.

2nd December 2021, 12:03
Like we've told you many times before and like I'm going to repeat as many times as you may need to hear it:
You are not a burden. Don't worry about just haning out on the server and not building an empire or flatting a mountain. It's all good. Really :)

As for the hoarding part. That's what trade is for. Need some of the new cave plants? Trade beef or cake or rockets or whatever you have on hand. Even if I don't really need anything, I'll trade because it's fun to do so. There are several worlds on the server you can visit so if you have stuff in your old base, feel free to pick it up and use it in a new world. That's part of the current server I really enjoy. With the 1.17 world I didn't have to start all over. I could bring in tools and materials and get started on building stuff right away rather than having to grind for resources first.

Last night I did some experimenting with upgrading the regular MC server. This has resulted in the following:
- Not all plugins are up-to-date. Or rather, they don't use a proper implementation of the Spigot API. So we need to wait on a few plugins, shouldn't be more than a few days.
- The seed mechanism in Minecraft has changed. I knew about this, but somehow forgot. What this means is if you generate a world pre-1.18 with a given seed, a world generated in 1.18 with the same seed will look completely different. So it's either upgrade the world from the screenshot above (Mojang has made sure this works reasonably well), or look for another seed with the same charicaristics. I'm inclined to do the latter since I really want a pure 1.18 world for the new public Minecraft survival server.

I use the Seed Searcher Standalone Tool (https://github.com/Zodsmar/SeedSearcherStandaloneTool) to locate seeds and went through several million before I found the one above. It really helps to have a 12-core CPU going full speed on such tasks. Anyway, the dev of that tool is actively working on upgrading it for 1.18. That will hopefully only take a few days as well.

This Sunday, December 5th, is Sinterklaas (think OG Santa). So we'll have to see how and when I get the new update running on our servers. I'll try to do it promptly because I really do not want to keep the MC serveer whitelisted much longer.

2nd December 2021, 18:04
Thank you :)

The old words are accessible for public MC, not for VIP Vanilla, right? Neat feature of course.

I guess I will actually try to hop in to the server before 1.18 update, to refresh my MC experience a bit and see what the existing server looks like. Also need to dust off all MC tools like MultiMC, and maybe something about MC account, I vaguely remember Microsoft doing something with it ...

I did not expect that all the third-party developers would update their plugins/tools so fast. But I guess it is expected for such a popular game. Thank god you don't have such pressure on yourself :)

2nd December 2021, 22:42
The old words are accessible for public MC, not for VIP Vanilla, right? Neat feature of course.
The other way around. The VIP vanilla server has previous worlds. The public survival Minecraft server will only have the 1.18 world.

You can see the VIP vanilla worlds on Dynmap:

3rd December 2021, 11:16
Awww so awesome. Wow, I played last time so long ago, in 1.14. My beautiful unfinished tower ... :D

3rd December 2021, 22:28
Tried to visit Vanilla and MC servers, using MultiMC and MC 1.17.1 - Minecraft can't see any of the servers. Are they down? OR maybe I need to convert my Mojang login into Microsoft one?

4th December 2021, 15:03
I've decided to go with the Terralith (https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/terralith-overworld-evolved-100-biomes-caves-and-more/) world generator and I'm pre-generating a world that's hopefully suitable. The spawn area looks promising at least. It's going to take a couple of hours to generate a 10K-radius world. And them some more time for Dynmap to show us a picture. Then we can decide if the world is any good or not.

Having a seed finder tool like mentioned above really makes this process a whole lot easier :)

4th December 2021, 16:23
Seeing how long it took to pre-generate 5%, it's going to take about 27 hours in total to pre-generate the world.

5th December 2021, 12:02
Terralith looks interesting, haven't heard of it before. Hopefully it is polished enough to not to cause biomes rupture (lol, I used "rapture" initially, did not know there are 2 words :D ) and to leave all the original goodies available.

I have a question, well actually multiple connected questions :) :

So the player inventory and ender chests are shared between the worlds, right?

Although when I joined they both were empty, so I guess it happened when this new world system was implemented.

Is there a chance that at some next world addition the inventory and ender chests will be cleared again?

I guess I should unload all the goodies I have on myself into ordinary chests when decide to stop playing for a while next time, right?

5th December 2021, 18:19
On the VIP vanilla server players only have 1 inventory. The new 1.18 world should not wipe player inventories. Your wiped player inventory happened due to server corruption a long time ago. It shouldn't happen again.

On the public survival server players have an inventory for overworld/nether/end and then another one for the Islandworld/Skyblock world.

The world on the public survival map is done pre-generating. Dynmap is now rendering the surface map tiles. You can take a look at the progress here:

The new world looks amazing :)

5th December 2021, 20:43
Yeah, the public MC looks interesting. It is Terralith too, right? I am not sure how happy would I be about lack of flat places, but landscape looks more natural, and I always wanted to try to build stuff more embedded into landscape. So yeah, can't wait to check it out.

Is the Elytra/shulker trader in 1.17 world - a vanilla native trader, or artificially spawned and setup one? Trades are nice, not too cheap, and definitely handy. I seem to lose all my diamonds and I don't know how easy they are to get in 1.18. Even iron in 1.18 is kinda more scarse, will see ...

Btw, J, are all Vanilla words converted to 1.17 (and will be upgraded to 1.18 soon)? Or they somehow are of those old versions (I don't understand how is it possible then :D )

5th December 2021, 21:06
The public survival server now used Terralith, the VIP vanilla server does not.

The traders on the vanilla server are Shopkeepers NPCs meaning they are added through a plugin. They are not meant to be cheap but to instead offer you an alternative to going to The End looking for End Cities that have not yet been raided, which can be a real pain on a server.

Getting diamonds and iron isn't very hard on 1.18, you just need to know where to look. Check out xisumavoid's video :)


Also check out the ore distribution in this handy chart:
4276 (https://happydiggers.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=4276&d=1638734676)

As for the worlds on the VIP Vanilla server, they have all been converted to the current Minecraft version running on the server. They will have to be updated again to 1.18 when I update the server. Upgrading the worlds to a new Minecraft version takes quite a bit of time.

6th December 2021, 17:49
Started playing 1.18 in single just to try out things. So frustrating to grind all from the start. And the new caves - I actually don't like them,. they make shafting/mining harder. Good the torches are now much more powerful, mobs spawning only at light level 0.

So it is so cool to have the ability to start 1.18 on Vanilla server with some background.

J, how do you and team plan to play in 1.18 world? Will you make a new base, move most valuables there, keeping past worlds just for backup and various farms? Or you will stay in 1.17 base, using 1.18 as an exploration world kinda? Just curious.

Also - is it possible to set spawn point in every world permanently?
For now I seem to spawn at each world's original spawn after relogging. I am not sure yet when the spawn point reset happens - at every travel between worlds, or every login ...

7th December 2021, 10:33
When mining for resources the goal is to expose as many blocks with as little effort as possible. I.e. to find as many ores as possible as quickly as possible. The new large caves really help with this since they expose a ton of blocks and you can walk through them relatively easily although night vision potions are needed for maximum effect. So my advice would be to treat caves as large mines :)

On the 1.18 world for the VIP Vanilla server I'm just going to settle somewhere like I did on the 1.16 and 1.17 worlds and go from there. My kids will probably drop by and settle there as well. There's no real plan involved, I just start building whatever I feel like. I'll bring the resources from the 1.16 and 1.17 worlds that I don't feel like getting in the 1.18 and I'll have access to my ender chest which contains a bunch of shulker boxes with stuff in them. This means I'll be using my trusted Elytra and armor from day 1. This time around I'd like to get a proper villager trading hall going and automate some farms using villagers as well. Also, if anyone would like some resources from my mining operation in the 1.17 world just ask. I have tons of stone of various types. And if people would like to continue playing in the 1.17 world, that's perfectly fine. There's no obligation to move to the new 1.18 world. Just play as you like.

I'll create a new trader at the spawn of the new world so you can just buy an Elytra if you loose one along the way and haven't been able or aren't in the mood to go to The End yet. While we try to stay close to vanilla, the server is supposed to be fun for all the players first.

As for the public survival server, I'll add a trader there as well. I'm not sure I want to get an economy going. But offering things like Elytra and ancient debris is fine by me. They'll be the same prices as on the VIP Vanilla server so bring diamonds.

Looking at Dynmap, the 1.18 world with the Terralith generator is looking quite spectacular. I'm thinking of dropping the spawn island in the ocean a bit south/west of the natural spawn point.

From there players can travel by boat and I'll put up 4 portals so players can quickly travel to one of the cardinal directions. I'm thinking about the following destinations:

The frozen lands to the north
The desert to the east
The lush forests to the south
The plains to the west

This gives players a choice on what they want to do. Go exploring by boat first, or fast travel and go from there. Of course the Towny teleport commands will be available so players can move between spawn with it's portals and the towns as long as mayors keep that option open.

I think the public survival world is going to be a fun map to play on :)

7th December 2021, 12:30
Haha, both worlds look very attractive :D I am divided :D I don't have enough time to play both :D

9th December 2021, 05:03
Is the world tied to the dynmap white list only or is it not open yet?

9th December 2021, 08:37
Is the world tied to the dynmap white list only or is it not open yet?
It's not open for the public yet. Once it opens the whitelist will be disabled.

There are still a few kinks to iron out before we open the new server. Most notably we need a few plugins to update to 1.18 because right now they're not functioning properly.

26th January 2023, 18:10
Due to reasons we didn't reboot the public Minecraft server with 1.18. I've done some more thinking about what I'd like to do with this server and I think I've figured it out.

I'm going to generate a new map with the 1.20 version. Then I'm going to create a spawn area that only has 1 exit, a portal. This portal will lead to the starting point of the current version. Then when a new Minecraft version comes around, I'll move the exit point to a new unexplored area on the map. This way players can choose if they want to keep their current towns or move.

The reason for having a spawn area is that I'd like to add a server marketplace there. But I don't want to redo spawn every time a major new Minecraft version comes along, hence the exit portal at spawn. With the upcoming 1.20 update it seems there are a lot of interesting armor customization options that require exploration to gain certain items. Being a public server some rare items will become increasingly difficult to find. Also some people just don't have the time or energy to go out and explore a lot and would rather just pay diamonds. The video below shows the new options I'm talking about:


As for the new map, I'm thinking about recycling our (very) old Minecraft 1.3 map. That is not a typo, our oldest surviving map is from Minecraft 1.3. I'll build the spawn area (or copy/paste the stuff DOM made) there with the exit a couple of few thousand blocks outside of the old map and then have a world guard region message letting players know they are in the old area. Players can go and explore the old Minecraft world if they like, or move on to the new world. I will not protect the old world and the builds in the old world. Stuff in chests will be up for grabs. We may ask players to be respectful of the old stuff but not enforce grief/theft for the old builds. Just think of them as ruins of an ancient civilization that have loot :)

27th January 2023, 17:35
Sounds like a great plan J. I don't mind leaving behind old builds, but I do love the time capsule approach to be able to "visit".

Also, I really dont remember the 1.3 spawn area... Are you sure I had built that?

28th January 2023, 10:33
I was talking about the new spawn area for the currently-not-released 1.18 world. The one with the town, the market and the big ship.

The 1.3 world doesn't have a spawn area build as far as I could tell. It was from when we had the here-is-a-wold-have-fun approach :)

This is what spawn on the 1.3 world looks like:




Keep in mind that there was no grief protection yet. We had Lockette for chest and other container protection and that's about it. So players would move away from spawn. I just found my old base at 25k blocks south of spawn. The older Minecraft versions really were a trip. Very few blocks to build with, few biomes, can't run, can't fly. It was quite the adventure :)










28th January 2023, 14:28
Oh wow that 1.3 map is a throwback for sure. Also, I am happy that we might get some use out of the town/market that I worked on, especially if you wanted to set up traders.

19th June 2023, 22:48
I'm working on updating the old world to 1.20.1. But before I do that I need to fill the space below Y:0 with air. Or rather, update to 1.20.1, add air and mark the chunks as fully generated so the deepslate layer will not be added to the old Minecraft 1.3 chunks. If that makes sense.

It's a bit of a process to do and I could use a faster PC for sure since this is taking hours. Oh well.
Yeah, my brand new Ryzen 7800X3D is a slow poke when it comes to processing millions and millions of chunks. PC Master Race problems and all that.

New 1.20.1 public Minecraft server is coming. Soon-ish :)

20th June 2023, 00:50
Keep up the good work (both AMD and J) . This might be my new play place when it's running. Excited for a vanilla-like experience again.

20th June 2023, 22:17
We've tried the Minecraft 1.3 world and it wasn't great. I already knew a lot of chunks were badly corrupted when I started the salvage process a while ago. But it seems a lot of bases just got cut in half and it was more depressing than fun to see those builds like that.

So we've decided to skip the MC 1.3 world and start with a brand new world. Hopefully the last one we'll ever generate. The plan is still to move spawn every time a new Minecraft version with significant worldgen changes come out.

DOM and I have pasted in a spawn building, did some cleaning up, configure plugins, added a trader for the new finite smithing items and some general testing.

The server now has a ticket system and Grim Anticheat. Also we encountered a lot of server crashes. Switching Java from OpenJDK to Adptium seems to have improved the situation.

Right now I'm generating a circle with a radius of 5000 around spawn. Other than that I won't pre-generate chunks. So players can go out and discover the world for themselves :)

Progress has been made and things are looking up.

22nd June 2023, 21:28
The server is up and running.

I have removed the white-list so anyone can join the server. There are still a few things to tweak and tinker with but overall the base server functionality is solid. I'll keep the server running like this for a few days and then I'll make a news post and see if we can get some more attention for it.

To help draw some more attention and to award players on the server I'm thinking about adding votifier rewards. This means if you vote on one of the server listing websites you get an in-game award. Right now I'm thinking about doing it the same way as we did on the TerriaFirmaCraft server. Players get in-game currency which can only be used to buy additional Towny plots.

Right now the server's economy is 100% barter. Which means you trade items to get other items. I think I'd like to keep it that way. But I'm open to ideas. What else could we use in-game currency for? (Other than the obvious server shops. Also we will never have a server shop where you can spend real-world money to get in-game money.)

22nd June 2023, 22:36
That's awesome J, love it. Thanks for working hard at this stuff for everyone to enjoy.

Just spit balling ideas for the in-game currency, but here are some:

- Titles/ranks, bought and applied to user to show off their game progression to other players in chat. Or just to have a fancy naming convention for enjoyment.
- If there is a limit to resources like on TFC with animals, being able to upgrade your personal limit. Allows more dedicated players some freedom compared to those that join and never play again.
- Any type of cosmetics would be neat, not sure how hard it would be to implement, but could be command block based. Allowing the player to buy permanent particle effects or some sort of visible change.
- Maybe having some generic auto farms made on the server, then allowing access to those who purchase it by either use or permanent access.
- Tradeable currency to be able to trade with other players for items or just to give it to others.

24th June 2023, 10:09
I haven't used the towny commands all that much. Just want to make sure I'm not breaking any rules, how is the auto /fly system suppose to function in your town?

24th June 2023, 15:49
When you are part of a town, you can enable Towny Flight with /tfly.

Then you can fly inside of towns by jumping twice, similar to creative mode flight. However you can only fly inside of Town borders. As soon as you enter "wilderness" a 3 second count down starts after which you will no longer fly. If you're high up in the air, the sudden stop at ground level may hurt. So be mindful when flying around inside of a town.

This feature is meant to help people build their stuff more easily. For example if you're building some kind of mob farm that requires tinkering with redstone then it can be really useful to be able to just hover instead of having to build scaffolding. Same goes for building any kind of tall structure.

As for your suggestions about what to do with in-game currency. I think it might be nice to allow some more trading. Perhaps we could allow player shops to sell items with player set prices. We can have a bunch more server shops that maintain high buy and low sell prices so it gives people an option. But players can do a bit of free market stuff and set better prices for themselves easily outcompeting the server shops.

For example you could have a server shop that sells prismarine blocks for 2 diamonds/stack and buys at 1 diamond for 2 stacks. A player shop could then undercut the server shop by selling for 1 diamond/stack which is a more reasonable price.

Then to convert from the in-game currency to material goods we could have some kind of exchange trader buying and selling diamonds at an even rate. So lets say 1 vote gets you 10 in-game currency and 100 in-game currency gets you 1 town plot (which are the rates on the TFC server). How many in-game currency should 1 diamond be? If we set 10 currency to 1 diamond, it would cost 100 diamonds to be able to buy 1 bonus town plot. That kind of seams reasonable I think.

If we allow player shops to also trade with in-game currency that would enable for more fine grained pricing of stuff. I'm not sure if that's something people would be interested in? At that point you'd be dealing in 1/10th of a diamond. Then again, you could more easily buy 1 item instead of 1 stack. Thinking out loud you could sell 5 items for 1 in-game currency, or 1 stack for 10 in-game currency which is equal to 1 diamond. Buying more would be the cheaper option with 64 items vs 50 for the same price.

Hmmm. More work I guess :)

24th June 2023, 20:33
Ok cool, thanks for the clarification. The 3s timeout on the /tfly in town was not working and let my fly outside of that, but wasn't sure if that was because I was a mod. Had to manually disable it on my character each time I left town.

The item trading/currency prices will most likely be a trial and error. Partially on server activity and idealistic price setting for worth, but yes will take much time to figure out exactly. If you need more ideas on that particularly, I can try to come up with something if you'd like.

Another note, is it possible to bring back the icon creation to the dynmap? I loved that feature, helped for exploring a lot easier, and letting other players know what's been explored.

25th June 2023, 16:42
Icon creation is a thing on the Vanilla server. We've never had it on a public server before I think. I should be able to enable it for staff and VIP members.

On a different note. Legen, could you check to see if the IslandWorld commands work for you? DenBarbaar in the default player group and in the VIP group can't seem to use the commands (permission denied). But I'm pretty sure I've set the permissions correctly.

The default and mod groups both have:

islandworld.island.*: true


25th June 2023, 20:47
I do not have permission either.

I did try the /island spawn when I first joined thinking it was because I didn't create an island that it didn't work. But just tried to create one as well, and to no avail.

The /island command doesn't show any commands either, it only shows the island version.

26th June 2023, 20:09
I was able to generate an island this afternoon without issue.

27th June 2023, 09:00
Thanks for testing. However as OP you have access to all permissions :)

Guess I'll have to lookup the PermissionsBukkit commands to check if a group and/or player has a given permission node assigned to them. And if that turns up empty then perhaps we have to change to a different permission system. Given that PermissionsBukkit hasn't been updated in forever so maybe it finally broke?

In the past I've experminted with Permissionsex which worked, but I wasn't really a fan. We've also tried LuckPerms (https://luckperms.net/) but I thought that was needlessly complicated for a permission plugin. Moar work yah!

29th June 2023, 10:34
I've migrated to LuckPerms. Can any non-OP player please check to see if they can create an IslandWorld island?

29th June 2023, 21:05
I've migrated to LuckPerms. Can any non-OP player please check to see if they can create an IslandWorld island?

/island works and shows all commands. They all seem to function as well, including /island spawn to return to overworld.

/island create does not still, it says "I do not have permission for any available schematics."

29th June 2023, 22:06
Thanks for testing.

I've added special permission for the "normal" schematic. Hopefully that'll allow you to create a new island now.

30th June 2023, 01:40
Worked like a charm :)

30th June 2023, 04:16
Not sure how, but the phantoms have been able to invade my town and attack me briefly before disappearing. I'm thinking since there's a slight delay on them vanishing on entering the town border, they move quick enough to reach me or something. But it makes afking... difficult lol.

30th June 2023, 09:45
I have reduced the time hostile mobs can be inside town borders from 5s to 3s. That should help with the phantoms swooping in.

Also I've renamed the topic of this thread.

And I've disabled Phantoms. I'll setup a trader for Phantom Membrames later.

14th July 2023, 12:35
An Ice Labyrinth has made its appearance in my town. A fun challenge with a nice reward for anyone who's up for it. I'm not even sure I can solve it consistently. Beware.


15th July 2023, 01:27
Really threw me off with the texture pack. But I guess my biome is a windswept savannah, and my villagers are not from here, so they have a chance to spawn savannah variants.



16th July 2023, 13:06
It took me way more time than I'd like to admit, but I finally beat the maze. Protip: if /tfly allows you to fly in Legend's town (staff members?) then disable that when you enter the maze otherwise you can't beat it.


On the flip side I have decided that the reward for beating the maze shall be equal to the price of a Towny bonus plot. I just have to figure out how we're going to do the logistics.

We could do the traditional Towny + economy route where you trade items to get virtual currency and then use that virtual currency to buy Towny stuff. Or we could try purchasing Towny plots directly with diamonds. I'd like to see if we can get option 2 working. There's a plugin called Gringotts (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/gringotts.42071/) that can integrate with Towny that allows players to create "vaults" by placing a sign on top of it. Then they can put diamonds in there and use that to purchase Towny stuff.

I'm just not sure if I like the idea of a chest with a sign on top of it. It seems a bit janky. Preferably I'd like the mayor of a town to be able to go to some kind of server town overseeer NPC and trade diamonds for bonus plots directly. Guess I'll have keep looking for a plugin that does that. Unless someone has a better idea of course :)

16th July 2023, 13:44
I just came across the Diamond Bank plugin. Essentially it uses diamonds for currency and you can convert between virtual and physical items.

When you hold diamonds or diamond blocks in your hand you can do /bank deposit and they are converted to virtual currency in your personal bank account. You can also use /bank withdraw to do the opposite.

Now comes the cool part. You can also have diamonds in your inventory and deposit them directly into your Town's bank with /town deposit amount. Keep in mind that the plugin will convert diamond blocks to 9 diamonds automatically. So when you have for example 2 diamond blocks in your inventory then you can do /town deposit 18 and it'll take all your diamond blocks. With diamonds in your Town's bank you can buy bonus plots with /town buy bonus number

Each town should be able to buy 1000 bonus plots for 10 diamonds each. That should keep people busy for a while I think.

I'll setup the voting part later. But for now at least people can already get started with expanding their town sizes if they want to.

18th July 2023, 02:43
I'm glad you enjoyed the maze ;p It is intended to make you get lost and go in circles.

I do like the idea of a the diamond plot system. I think 10 is worth it personally for a while. Maybe add a way to increase the amount they cost based off how many plots you've purchased? So as you go further in the game it gets more costly? Not sure how doable that is.

18th July 2023, 13:27
Another layer complete and setting up for the next one.



The new build height should allow me to build 5 or 6 layers. That should yield around 20k iron ingots per hour.

I should probably build a shulker farm next so I can put the iron into shulkerbox loaders. Which means getting ender pearls, getting blaze powder, finding the end portal, unlocking the portal, killing the dragon, finding an end city, getting shulkers through one of those waypoint portals to the main end island and then into the overworld, then into the nether and to my base and finally get it into a working shulker farm.

Seems reasonable enough :)

19th July 2023, 23:26
I build a Wither Skeleton farm. But it doesn't work. The problem it seems is that Multiverse still, after 10 years, still hasn't allowed for entities to pass through its portals.

The MyWorlds plugin seems to allow entities to pass through its portals.

So I guess we're finally moving away from Multiverse. It's going to take some doing moving all the configuration over but at least then we can do multi dimensional mob farms if we want to.

20th July 2023, 16:24
MyWorlds is out. Basic portal functionality is b0rked. We ended up with one-way nether portals.

Back to Multiverse. I've removed Multiverse-Portals and replaced that with Simple Portals.

Things now work as expected and we can create custom portals like the one at spawn that goes to the IslandWorld.

The custom portals also allow entities to travel through them. Haven't tested with regular Nether portals yet. But either way we can create multi-dimensional farms now or gather mobs from one dimension and move them to another.

21st July 2023, 06:53
/challenges doesn't seem to work for regular players on skyblock.

Challenge completion works for Jiro and I, but we tested it with a regular account and it does not have permission.

21st July 2023, 12:31
I have added islandworld.challenges permission nodes for the default group. The mod group got islandworld.challenges.*. Can you try again?

I've also sorted the Vanish No Packet permissions so admin players no longer join hidden by default and are no longer permanently hidden on Dynmap.

And lastly I've added the No Chat Report plugin to the server. This should prevent players from being able to report chat to Microsoft and then Microsoft banning people. We will moderate our own servers thank you very much.
The way the plugin works is that it adds a single space to the end of each chat message. This makes the message "modified" and thus inadmissible for reporting to Microsoft.

Some reading materials for those out of the loop on the whole chat moderation thing by Microsoft. It sounds pretty reasonable in theory. Until you take into account that it's basically Microsoft moderating our servers and players and we get no say in the matter. That's a no-go as far as I'm concerned. Remember when we had MCBans running? There the evidence for each banned player was listed publicly and people could appeal by following certain rules. We also had the option to allow banned players if we would want to. There is no transparancy with Microsoft's implementation for us on our own server. They decide and then that's it.


Player chat reporting

It is now possible to report a player for sending abusive messages in the game chat.
A reporter is required to select the individual chat messages that contain the objectionable content, as well as the category of the report, this is to provide the best context for our moderation team to take action.
Accessed via the social interactions screen (default keybind is P).

The social interactions screen is now available via the Pause screen when in a multiplayer game
Multiple chat messages can be selected for reporting
The category of the chat report can be selected from a list of Chat Report Categories
Additional comments can be entered to provide more details and information regarding the report


Along with the support for reporting chat, reported players can now be banned from online play and Realms after moderator review
The game will show a notice screen on startup if you have been banned from online play

The reason for the ban is shown as well as how long the ban is valid for


Updated the categories for chat reporting

The “Profanity”, “Nudity or pornography” and “Extreme violence or gore” categories have been removed
The description for the “Drugs and alcohol” category has been updated to “Someone is encouraging others to partake in illegal drug related activities or encouraging underage drinking”
The description of the “Harassment and bullying” category has been extended with the following: or posting private personal information about you or someone else without consent (“doxing”).

Increased the amount of chat context sent with each chat report

21st July 2023, 18:42
And lastly I've added the No Chat Report plugin to the server. This should prevent players from being able to report chat to Microsoft and then Microsoft banning people. We will moderate our own servers thank you very much.
The way the plugin works is that it adds a single space to the end of each chat message. This makes the message "modified" and thus inadmissible for reporting to Microsoft.

That is wild.

21st July 2023, 22:05
The IslandWorld plugin seems to run into a bit of a dead end. The plugin author hasn't really made any changes for years now, he just keeps updating it to the next Minecraft version.

Looking around I found two Skyblock plugins that may offer better content and progression.

SuperiorSkyblock2 (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/87411/)
BSkyblock (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/73261/)

I think BSkyblock is the more popular one. But SuperiorSkyblock2 seems more polished. Both mention Nether and End islands, though I'm not entirely sure how those work. Can you start on an overworld island and then progress/travel to an island in another dimension? Or do you have the option to start out in a different dimension?

Jiro, Legend, maybe you guys can do a bit of research and let me know of one of these looks like something you'd want to play?

As for your current island progression. Like I mentioned on the server, we can just copy/paste things with WorldEdit. Or reimburse items and you build from scratch but with a ton of materials. Either way is fine by me. The point is to have fun on the server :)

22nd July 2023, 22:10
How's this plugin look?


Wiki - https://iridium-development.gitbook.io/iridiumskyblock/general/features

Very modular, can change all configs. Edit Gui items and admin command/plugin friendly. Multi dimensional, and can make it so you need to create the portal first to access. Can edit biomes and create a schematic upon island creation in dimensions. Can also delete them and create as you go. Can preset island distances and has the ability to expand the islands as you go. And much more cool stuff.

Jiro and I are for it. What do you think? May need some testing before implementation though.

22nd July 2023, 22:21
That's all I needed to hear. You and Jiro right now are the main Skyblock players so if you think this is the plugin for you, then that settles it :)

I'll take a look at how to install and do the basic configuration. You guys can tweak it from there.

23rd July 2023, 12:39
I've installed Iridium Skyblock and did some basic configuration stuff. The plugin doesn't seem to like MySQL storage so it's using it's own SQLite database for now.

I've also integrated the worlds into Dynmap and created a Multiverse inventory group so iventories between the regular and Skyblock portion of the server are strictly separated.

Because IslandWorld and Iridium Skyblock use the same commands I've disabled IslandWorld. The world is still present and you can still travel there using MultiVerse commands or the portal at spawn.

Now you guys need to figure out how you are going to migrate your plots. Or if you are just going to start over with the new plugin. Seeing how this one works that might not be a bad idea. But that's up to you guys.

Also do me a favor and check to see how the worlds are generated and if you can move the big spawn island over from the IslandWorld map to the Skyblock - Overworld map. (They are called differently ingame, these are the Dynmap titles I gave them.) Then setup the spawn area with signs and whatnot to help newby players get started. To this end I have installed Decent Holograms so we could replace the signs with fancy looking holograms if we wanted to. It's up to you guys how to convey the starter information. Though the gui you get with /is create should help most people get started. That being said, we spend a lot of time on the island and it makes me happy to see it on Dynmap so just move it over :p

27th September 2023, 12:17
I tried updating the server to 1.20.2 but ran into some problems. Bkcommonlib and Dynmap-Towny integration broke. Not sure what caused the problems exactly. Guess we'll have to wait for a few more updates.

27th September 2023, 23:00
Seems both have been getting very recent patches. Hopefully they'll have them and their dependencies up to 1.20.2 fully.